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i'm trying to get into tower c, but my lottery number is in the 6300s. am i cooked?
I’m seeing different dates everywhere 😭 I also want a single dorm so I think i need to apply fast
Hi! I was accepted into Pitt a couple of months ago and I am definitely considering committing soon. If you have an answer to just one of the questions please let me know.
Is it easy to transfer majors since I applied as a TV and film major just to get accepted into the school?
How is it finding queer people at Pitt? I am closeted rn and I would like to have some queer friends/a relationship at some point.
Is greek life a big part of social life? I am very introverted and I'm not sure I would get picked up by a sorority but I am also a very big partier and want to be able to party w/o being in a sorority.
My lottery is 410, as a rising junior - chance me for bouquet quad
Hi, I'm currently a biology major in the school of arts and sciences with a double major in computer science here at Pitt. Recently I've been reconsidering my major as a freshman and have wondered if I'd be better off being a Bioengineering major with a minor in Computer Science. Is this plan feasible and beneficial? While I have not fulfilled some of the introductory engineering requirements, I have fulfilled other requirements that come later on such as statistics, general education requirements, etc. Is this change worthwhile and not too disruptive to a four year graduation plan? Thanks for any advice, anything would be helpful :)
Question about Oakwood, does it have heat and/or AC inside? It says it does in the website, but elsewhere it says no.
if you lost your ID at the pitt chipotle, they're holding on to it for you
Can anyone tell me the height measurement between the desk's bottom section and the top shelf? I want to see if my PC case could fit in there
I'm a current freshman thinking about transferring out of Pitt next year. Is it hard to get on campus housing through the non guaranteed students. If you don't put down the $325 deposit you lose your housing guarantee.
Hey guys, so recently I applied to pitt on January 16 which is a bit late so I was wondering, should I be scared of not getting accepted? My stats are pretty good 6/330 and I’m applying for premed.
This might sound like a dumb question, but if I attend a trade school called PIA and earn the associates degree there, is it possible to transfer that to PITT, or other full universities?
So I go to a pitt branch campus and am doing poorly in math 0002 is it worth withdrawing from it?
I am a pre-education student and it is my last math besides probably stats.
Im looking to transfer to main campus and was wondering if it would affect that or if it affects my scholarships or anything else?
Hey everryone,
is housing for freshman done on a "first come first serve" basis? Just wondering if I should have everything planned for what dorm and roommates as soon as they come out or if it is sort of like a lottery system
Thanks everryone
I’m thinking about double majoring in philosophy with a classics major and was curious what the program is like. I don’t know too much about the subject in general but I have been reading books and watching lots of youtube videos about alexander the great, the punic wars, etc i studied latin in middle school pretty rigorously and really liked it a lot. (i am admitted already) basically just really interested in the subject and I was curious about students’ opinions on it at Pitt
Hi I was wondering if anybody who took Nadya Povysheva for NRO0080 knows if you have to be in person to take her exams. Does she check that you are in person or is it like the quizzes that are due at a certain date but you can take on your own time? Thanks.
Admitted to Pitt-Bradford. How doable is it to transfer to the Main campus?
I'm a recently committed student to Pitt, and I've been trying to fill out my Housing Application.
However, I'm unable to find it, and I've tried literally every link possible. I've also tried making a deposit first, but it states that the application can't be found.
I've been committed since January 20th, and I've only received emails about cyber security things. Am I missing something?
Has anyone else in north Oakland been hearing car alarms for the last few hours? Makes me wonder if someone is going around trying to to car jack people on the street
Lost ipad left with panther central
Floor three in the boys showers if you wanna check for yourself
Hi I live in an apartment where I share a room and the walls are incredibly thin and someone is always home/in the living room connected to my room. For this reason, I can't take therapy at home. I was wondering if there is anywhere on campus where I could take therapy.
It feel like its nearly impossible to find private study rooms. The one time I tried booking a room in the library it was a couch with no doors/no privacy. Really need advice. Tried a white noise machine and it didn't work.
Hi guys, who are the best DRS advisors in your opinion? I have had mine for a while now and she lowk sucks. Well honestly all of DRS sucks they never support me and they always resort to “just withdraw from the semester.” Pitt staff in general is not accommodating and I have had issues with professors not giving me the accommodations I need, but DRS not caring to support me. It’s been so hard always having to figure more for stuff when I could be putting all this effort into actually doing well on my exams/work rather than not doing well just because I have to waste time convincing DRS and pitt staff to support me when that’s literally their job. Appreciate any help and advice on the best advisors! Oh also what accommodations does everyone have because I always feel like there’s more accommodations I don’t know about that could help me but my specialist never tells me?
It says you can on the list of places you can retain but the retention form makes it seem like it isn't an option.
hi everyone! i was recently accepted and will be transferring to pitt in the fall 🥳 i just have a couple of questions. how helpful would you say the advisors at pitt are?
also, since i’m an external transfer, i’m a little concerned about making friends. would everyone be set in their own friend groups at this point?
i’m super excited to be there in the fall!! (if any other transfers are reading this and would like to be starter friends, please reach out 🫶)
Hi! I’m a new student at Pitt, and I’m international. I love swimming in my home country, but I’ve never swam at Pitt before. I am a little nervous lol. I don’t wanna go at a busy time, so what times tend to be the least busy for Belfield? Also, this is a weird one, but do people tend to wear shoe on deck, or do they just go barefoot? I don’t wanna be the weird person with my toes out. If you have any experiences to share, I will greatly appreciate it. Much love! I love your college.
Premed/neuroscience. Tell me the good/bad/ugly/amazing about Pitt in general. I’ve never been to Pittsburgh (from NJ/NYC). Also curious what the financial aid looks like given out of state and when did you find out your award after your acceptance?
Does anyone have a copy/pdf of the ACSM intro to exercise science (4th edition) that they’re willing to loan out for the semester? If it’s a physical book I’ll even cover half the price to use it for the semester.
I just hate buying e-book access for 6 months for a one credit class when I know I’m not going to open the book unless I have to cite something
Is anyone going to see the new aot movie on Feb 10. I have no friends and I was wondering if anyone else was going 😶