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29,670 Subscribers


CS Buddy

I’m kinda stupid at Java and DSA is gonna kick me in the ass next week because of midterm. I am looking for a friends that I could study together with as well as help me with some cs stuff if they can. I know learning can be way better if you’re doing it with friends. I just transfered so I don’t have a lot of friends so this could also be a good way to make new friends. Please dm me if you’re interested

07:10 UTC



Hi,I’m a new student starting in the spring and was wondering if I see a CMU student do I attack them (physically) or just keep walking ? thank you for your help!

21:39 UTC


IR struggles

I regret not having decided this as soon as I took this class this semester, but I felt like I was on a rush to graduate sooner, but at the same time, still dealing with the concussion that I had endured in late July, the headaches comes and goes and can only do easy classes at a time. Trying to think about this class has made my headaches worse over the weeks, and I truly hate myself for it cause I just wasted a bunch of loans with it. I don't know who to contact when it comes to this cause I have a bunch on my plate right now and would like to ask help from other fellow students

19:35 UTC


PSA: You can REGISTER AND VOTE on 10/15-17 at Soldiers and Sailors. Mark your calendar!


For the first time ever, Allegheny County is hosting Satellite Voting Offices. You can register and vote the same day. You can also return your mail-in ballots in person.

Out of state students are likely eligible to vote in PA if you'd like. Learn more here or ask me questions.

18:18 UTC


Which physic

So I can either take physics 0110, or 0174 (basic physics for science and engineering). I was originally going to just take intro to physics because I have no interest in engineering however the class times for those classes are really bad (either too early or too late) so I looked into 0174. Is it harder than 0110? Anyone taken that class

15:47 UTC


Magical Nature Before the Modern World (ENGLIT 1010)

Was wondering if anyone has taken this before, I'm thinking of doing it as my lit gen ed but there's absolutely no information in its description on peoplesoft.

14:16 UTC


Is aid really that rare?

Pitt is currently number one on my list right now (out of state HS Junior) and I want to eventually major in Rehab Science to get a DPT. However, I’ve heard merit scholarships are little to no aid, and seen that a year could be ~70k. I have amazing grades and 34 ACT. If this is the wrong sub or it’s a commonly asked question I apologize. Thank you

12:35 UTC


Visiting+ Housing

Are academic buildings open on weekends? I plan on visiting soon, but only on the weekend. 😭😭💔💔💔💔 Also, does anyone have pictures of SkyVue apartments? The website ones are professionally shot, and I need to see how they actually look from the medium of an iPhone 12.

1 Comment
03:48 UTC


Genetics study group

Hey guys! I’m currently taking genetics with Chapman and lowkey struggling with her quizzes. I usually feel pretty prepared going in given the limited resources provided, but still end up not quite getting the grades I want😭 I was wondering if anyone has helpful resources, or advice, and if anyone would like to start a study group to practice problems & go over material together sometime. Please feel free to reach out :)

23:21 UTC


I want to read Deleuze (with someone else)

Im a freshman so I havent really been on campus long enough to meet many other people who share my interests. In particular, I would really like to meet a couple of people, or even just one, who would like to read "Nietzsche And Philosophy" or "Bergsonism" with me. They have been sitting on my shelf for over a year and it would be cool to finally work through them with someone else.

If there are people already reading some other contemporary continental philosophy together, im fine with reading whatever else too. Honestly, im cool with reading anything.

20:09 UTC


Schenley plaza event?

Does anyone know what that are setting up for in Schenley plaza? I can’t find any info on Pittsburgh parks’ site or City Paper.

18:54 UTC


Honors College + GAP

Does anyone know if I have to apply to the Honors College if i’m also applying for the guaranteed medical school program?

1 Comment
17:01 UTC


I accidently sent a mail to pitt that I meant to send to another college, i feel like i ruined all my chances of admission

Just as the title says, I accidently sent an admision question to pitt that I meant to send to another college. I feel terrible. Will they discard my application because of this? Anyone have any experience? :'(((((

15:51 UTC



So I live in the residential hall. I have had a heart condition - (stable Angina/ pectoris) born with it. My parents literally had to be constantly in hospital when I was young because of such. One of my roommate rolls her joints/ weed in the room. In the beginning first week, she used to throw her used joints in the trash bin right next to me in the room. I wondered what that smell was and where it came from then found out it hers and confronted her about it. She agreed to stop. The smell was so unbearable my heart races so much and i feel so nauseous afterwards and chest pain . This is not the first time she had done so. I have talked to her previously about this but she is not cooperating. The other day she brought her friends over that dealt her some of that stuff that stunk up the entire common room all night cause I think they stayed over cause they were drunk and high. I couldn’t sleep all night because of the smell and was nauseous the whole time. I talked to her about how uncomfortable i felt about it and she agreed to never do that again. She did it again in the same week and I informed her that I will call the RA and the Campus police on her. Yesterday just a week later, she did the same thing again because her bed faces my back when am seated studying and I caught her in the act. Asked her what she is doing cause we agreed on this then she said that she is transporting it to another location. It was on a tray and she was rolling it. I asked her the bathroom and common area is right there. I could have even left the room and stayed out while you do so but you decided to do it behind my back discreetly mind you the room was stinking and my heart was beating. I wear an Apple Watch I got a notification asking if I was working out😭.I have already given her many chances. Before even moving in I informed everyone of my condition and she told me she only vapes I was like okay so long as am not in the room do whatever you want and we all agreed to do so. But one time during the first week of move in she literally pops out her vape in my face and puffs out should have seen it as a red flag. Then after rolling her joints she sprays the entire room with Febreeze that makes everything worse cause now it smells like febreeze X weed. I reported her to the RA today still waiting to hear the decision. Even after this I feel terrible because it is going to land her in trouble. She is a few years older than me past 21 I just turned 19 so I assumed she was going to be matured and talk on this once and be done but I guess not. Never wanted this to escalate in the first place. Mind she also had alcohol on full display in the common room and we had a talk about how she should hide that cause it going to land everyone in trouble. I also read a little about if the cops were to show up in my dorm room and found drugs everyone will get in trouble even if not involved. I got even more scared cause Pitt is literally funding my entire education and I worked so hard to get this and mind you am not even American just moved here a few 5ish years ago. I didn’t want to jeopardize my future for someone else. I have not even informed my parents about this cause they going to be furious, my condition put them through a lot. I know she is not smoking this in the room but the fact that we agreed that you will not roll it in the room when am there and be mindful about the shared space is what is making me upset. I know I might get in trouble because I didn’t report anything in the first place if police were to be involved but we have to wait and see. I will keep you updated. Also don’t comment about how my username is WeedBroth and it’s ironic how am reporting her 😭😭

15:40 UTC


r/Pitt. Why did you decide to attend Pitt?

I recently got accepted into Dietrich and I was wondering what students think about it. I did attend a campus tour recently but I only heard from a few students about what they liked. Btw, I am majoring in International and Area Studies.

15:15 UTC


Gold Lots for Cal game

Setting up a tailgate for my daughter and her friends for the Cal game and staying at the Hyatt. Figured the Gold lots are the way to go...do I need passes in advance or can I just drive in the day of?

13:22 UTC


Best LOR Writers


I will be applying for medical school soon and was wondering which profs that you all have taken write the best LORs.

10:36 UTC


sabrina streipert calc 2?

she only has a few reviews on rate my professor, but they all seem positive. has anyone taken her?

03:41 UTC


Easiest/ most fun classes taken

What are the best/ least amount of work classes you have taken, have some schedule space to fill up.

02:06 UTC



Hey, my daughter just found out she was excepted to Dietrich for fall. She’s not on Reddit but has questions. She visited a few years ago when her sister was considering Pitt and she remembers a decent amount of green space. What is the vibe? More city or mixed with good amount of nature? She is an ecology major. Anyone here with experience in that major? Does the area feel pretty safe? Thanks for any insight!

00:47 UTC


If you’re riding a bike on the road, you have to follow the same rules as cars

I’m sick of almost getting hit by bikes running red lights when I’m crossing the street with the walk sign. Bikes are supposed to stop at red lights too. (And yes I do look before crossing even when I have the walk sign, but bikes are often hidden behind cars and seem to pop out of nowhere) Today I saw someone almost run into me, then almost get hit by a car because they ran a red light on their bike.

23:23 UTC


graduating in 3yrs neuroscience

hey! i was wondering if someone could help me plan out the next few years as a neuroscience major if I want to graduate in 2027. My original counselor said she would help me plan out what classes but she ended up leaving Pitt or whatever and now my new counselor does not approve of 3 yrs. I really need some help! i have almost all of it mapped out but I need someone to check thats its do able / that I'm doing this correct.

22:45 UTC


road safety

not a student, just someone who works in oakland. the amount of students i see crossing the street on their phones, crossing on the red hand, not looking both ways, crossing between cars/etc. especially this year is insane. please please please i am not posting this to be a dick, use your brain when crossing the street. use provided crossings. don't stop in the middle of the crosswalk to check your phone (yes i have seen this). please stay safe

21:33 UTC


Pitt business acceptance?

Anyone know the estimated time for a pitt business decision? seen a lot about dietrich but nothing for business, thanks!

21:28 UTC



I GOT ACCEPTED!! I was accepted yesterday to Dietrich and I'm so excited!!

21:08 UTC


Anth 0680

Has anybody taken intro to bio anthropology? I am thinking about taking it as a bio gen ed (i suck at bio) but there is no rate my professor page for either listed professor (Jesse Scheider, Luis Miguel Soto Rodriguez). Is it manageable?

20:10 UTC


water bottle

hi ! i lost a black water bottle with stickers on it in chevron yesterday if anyone has seen it pls lmk !!!!!

18:51 UTC

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