
Photograph via snooOG

For all your stories of small victories over those who've wronged you.


  1. Do not ask for help to enact some sort of petty revenge! This includes telling a story and ending with "What would you have done?", "What are your thoughts?", "Any other ideas?" All direct and indirect requests for ideas will result in a ban. This is literally your warning.

  2. Stories should be revenge-based. Karma =/= Revenge Someone has wronged you, but you got your revenge, oh yes, you got your revenge. (If you have planned a revenge and need feedback, might I direct you to /r/myevilplan?) Reporting someone to the an authority like the police is not revenge, it is simply just reporting someone to an authority.

  3. "You" does not have to be you personally; posts relating to your friends, or good stories elsewhere on the internet, are fair game, as long as you're clear whose story it is.

  4. Stories should be petty. I messed with their toothpaste. I turned their disk upside-down in their XBox. I gasp put shaving cream in their shoes. The more creative the better, (If you have a not so-petty revenge, post it in /r/prorevenge!)

  5. Stories should not be serious. No: murder, rape, assault, grand theft (petty theft acceptable), or any other felonies. NO VANDALISM.

  6. Stories should be true. If a claim seems impossible or probably false, you will be asked for proof.

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  9. NSFW posts should be labeled as such. NSFL posts probably aren't petty, but if you have a weird exception, label it appropriately.

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  11. No comments with the purpose of telling OP to x-post the post to another subreddit, the comment will be removed, send him/her a PM instead. (This includes comments and/or statements similar to "This is borderline <blank>", "/r/<blank>", or "If you would've <blank> it would've been <blank>", or "/r/<blank> would love this")

Have a story of a revenge gone wrong? post it in /r/backfiredrevenge!

Or have a malicious story with or without revenge? post it in /r/badpeoplestories!

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Want to spread rumours about me? Fine, I will make your wishes true.

This happened a couple years ago when I was in my last year of highschool and the person who had initially approached me as a friend started to slowly become my bully. For some context, I have always been socially ackward and didn't have many friends, I remember this girl Maria reaching out to me since the very first day in highschool we became inseparable for a while then distanced ourselves and started hanging out again (it was like a toxic relationship). One of the first things she told me about was her boyfriend who was at so and so city in his first year of college and since we had become "sisters" I started hanging out with them both when he was in town, he was a very kind man which is why I was surprised they lasted about 4 years together despite Maria cheating all around while he was away at college. We lived in an area of small towns that were about 40 minutes away from eachother and everyone knew everything, rumours would spread so fast so ofc that Noah (Maria's bf) would hear about it. She was able to gaslight him about them being fake at first but then he stayed despite beleiving them and started to think she cheated because he was not enough and he would do his best to be better for her.

Noah and I had conversations every now and then where he would mostly just ask if Maria was mad at him and if she had talked to me about it and what should he do to keep her happy. So in summary, we talked but never crossing the you're my friend's bf line.

After some time Maria and I had distanced since she had previously started other rumours about me some even based on some of my trauma experiences I shared when I thought she was trustworthy. The thing is, I don't like conflict but I can sense when it's coming my way so I silently start to prepare. Maria had used her Messenger account on my phone once and didn't log out of it so I had it for about 4 months in which I took screenshots of every conversation she had with men that she cheated on Noah with and god they were many.

Before we graduated our school was doing an event where each class would have one queen and we would be having competitions where points would be given for a class prize, as the pick me girl that Maria is she nominated herself and we just went with it. The last day had come where the queen would be announced after a mini parade. Since our class wanted to win and it was our last year everyone was going all out. We were at Maria's house decorating her parade car while she got ready, even Noah was helping. Fast forward a week after it happened I start hearing rumors that Maria spread telling people I had slept with Noah that night while she was busy and how I'm such a hoe.

I honestly thought at first that I had to talk with her and assure her I wouldn't do that, I was so naive. She obviously ignored me when I tried to talk to her. I still had her Messenger account and that's how I knew she had started the rumour despite knowing it was fake. I let them be and continued minding my business which seemed to enrage them more and they started spreading even more rumours then I saw a conversation where they were planning on beating me up on my birthday that was coming in a couple weeks. This is when I thought it was too much, they had me blocked but other people started sharing the stories they uploaded which were screenshots of their conversations making fun of my appearance and literally everything.

I was able to reach one of her minions that hadn't blocked me and asked them to stop or I would start messing with them as well and also asked to tell Maria to unblock me so we could talk. Her friend then proceeded to insult and make fun of me saying they would do whatever they wanted. I then shared a couple of the screenshots I had with conversations that reflected her cheating journey and said there was plenty more where that came from and if Maria didn't want me to share to her parents how much of a slut she was she should chill the fuck down, her parents were super Christian and this would not haven been good for her but this was just to make her stop and it worked. She immediately changed her Messenger password and kicked me out of the account but I didn't need it anymore.

My revenge was when I started for real messing around with Noah who was still in a relationship with Maria therefore I became the hoe she always saw in me lol, we didn't keep it a secret and would go on "dates" all over the town so people would see us and end up telling her. He knew I wanted to piss her off and tbh so did he, we thought it was win-win. I even started putting pictures of Noah as wallpaper on my phone and my notebooks.

Seeing Maria in school was now my favorite thing, she would not talk to me but would have a very pissed looking face. Our school now started to make fun of her because I had stolen her boyfriend and started cheering me when we crossed paths. It honestly felt great, she had tried to make my life hell and now I flipped our luck. Although it only lasted for a couple months before we graduated it is still the best revenge story I have so far.

As for Noah and I, we eventually started a real relationship that lasted for about two years, we decided to end in good terms and go our different ways since our paths did not align.

21:22 UTC


Overcoming old trauma by revenge?

6 years ago I was going to a martial arts class of karate Kyokushin. I was going there for some time and i got really used to the place, i liked the people and the training and almost considered them friends. That is until tension started building up between me and a black belt guy there. I couldn't explain it, it was coming mostly from him since I felt quite friendly towards everyone. With time he started talking less with me and on the sparring sessions went harder and harder on me each time. Of course I fought back and I felt that irritated him more. I didn't know where that tension was coming from and he didn't really talk about it. One thing I can think of is I'm a tall guy and he was relatively shorter than me. Then on one sparring session I was matched with him again and of course he went harder than usual on me, we exchanged kicks and punches, he came in close quarters to me and I kneed him in the stomach, then I guess he got enraged and started going full out on me, keep in mind i was an orange belt which is one grade after white belt and I was tired still from the training last week. At one point I stopped fighting and I expected him to do the same but he didn't stop. He kept going and I was just backing down until I reached the corner of the dojo. I noticed this was not usual since the whole training class stopped fighting just to stare at us. The other instructors also didn't interfere. I was kind of shook by what happened. After that he got out from the sparring session without saying a word. After the session was over I went to him and asked if I can have a word. I just wanted to know the reason for this. And he just said ''no'' and walked away. I suddenly felt humiliated and angry by a black belt that trained far longer than me, without proper explanation. Suddenly my mood towards this karate class changed, I no longer felt this friendly and fun environment I was looking forward to go to every day. I was angry too, during my school years I was bullied a lot. And I guess this unlocked some old trauma in me and made me feel helpless , humiliated, weak again. And I wanted revenge. The next sparring day I went again, thinking I should defend my honor but he wasn't there that day. I went for a week and then I stopped going altogether. I didn't enjoy it anymore. I tried other martial arts but I gave up on those too. I spent a long time after that, healing from this event, mentally I wanted to get back and kick his ass and try to humiliate him like he did with me, in order to feel strong with myself again. Sort of like I needed to prove myself to him that I'm not a pushover. I felt like he was the reason I stopped going to a sport I enjoy. But another part of me was telling me that I should let go, revenge is not worth it and I should just go training somewhere else and making another spectacle there wouldn't make a good impression on others too and I dont know if I would actually feel better afterwards even if I beat him. So after a time I buried this emotion for some years to come. Then recently I decided to give karate another chance. I went to the same class, its almost nothing has changed, the people, the training drills etc. Even this guy was still going. We didn't talk much but he acted as if nothing happened, of course this was 6 years ago so he probably doesn't even remember the case so i decided to bury the hatchet. A bit later I found a different karate dojo that I found more practical and that I enjoyed more and decided to replace it instead of the old Kyokushin. But as I was participating combat sports again, I noticed this old feeling for revenge stirred up again and I was thinking of going to the next sparring session to teach this guy a lesson again. It seems that I have not let this go entirely. Like a sore wound that never really heals. The reasonable part of me again tells me I should let this go and enjoy my life and the new training dojo. What do you think I should do?

16:04 UTC


Prepaid Postage

Do you ever get those solicitations in the mail with prepaid postage for a return envelope?

About 40 years ago I received a solicitation from an organization which was formed to attempt to overturn a certain Supreme Court decision which I supported. The letter asked for a contribution, and said the contributor could save the organization money by putting a stamp on the envelope so they wouldn’t have to pay postage.

Instead, I bent up a metal coat hanger and placed it in the envelope. If you’ve guessed which US Supreme Court decision they opposed you can figure why I used a coat hanger.

This way the organization has to pay for extra postage for the coat hanger.

My hope was the coat hanger would have some effect on the conscious of whoever opened the letter. Jokes on me, because the Supreme Court recently reversed the decision this organization opposed!

Luckily all my daughters live in states where women are not denied essential health care.

14:22 UTC


Won't control your dogs? Lets help you then ...

We take our little dog to the local park every day and he loves socialising with the other dogs. Most people are lovely and they generally control any bad doggie antics. This one dude however used to turn up to do his yoga poses in the middle of the park. He brought two dogs every time, and they were mongrels. While Dude was posing on one foot and getting all zen, the dogs would terrorise us, racing at us, barking and growing, bowling over our little dog and making him yelp in pain (they were sheepdog size so pretty big compared to him). The first time it happened Dude called them off. The second time he didn't bother even when I yelled at him to control his dogs. The third time I called the local council to report him. They did try to help but by then the situation had ahem resolved itself lol

I saw him driving down the street one day in his van. It was hard to miss him with the dogs leaning out the window barking their heads off at my dog. The van was a bit unusual and therefore easy to recognise. After that we banned the kids from the park if that van was there, for fear they would be attacked. Hubby & I avoided it too.

Hubby turned up at the park one day, saw no van so let out dog off leash to play. Dude turns up and the usual chaos unfolds while he gets all yoga-zen. The dogs did hurt our dog that day, he was limping for the rest of the day. Hubby got out of there pretty fast and as he left he passed the van (which was out of sight of Zen Dude). The van had 4 lovely plump air-filled tyres on it so hubby in his genius liberated the air from 3 tyres and then walked home. The van was gone by that evening, we're not sure how. We didn't see Zen Dude back at the park again 😅😅😅

He has since sold his house and moved away so w are free to enjoy our park permanently 😊😊😊

02:27 UTC


How I made scam callers suffer.

Used to work at a local shop. I would often be the only employee in there. We constantly got calls from companies trying to sell us business loans. We would get at least 8 calls a day and I would have to put my tools down and walk away to answer the phone. I was sick of it and I'm a petty bastard so I cooked up the perfect way to bother them:

I would answer the phone and act very interested in what they were selling, talk to the for about a minute then lie and say some customers just came in, can you hold please? Then I would put them on hold for 5 or 10 minutes and go back to working on my project. Then I would hop back on the line and pretend to be interested and claim I was would be right back. Then another 5 or 10 minutes of work while theyre on hold, then I would come back and give them the final blow, something like:

While laughing "I've been wasting your time intentionally because you people waste my time all day, we're never going to get a loan from you, and this is an absolute blast for me and I'm going to do it everytime you call us now and waste your time because it's so fun, want to take me off your call list now?"

After about 2 weeks of this the amount of sales calls we got decreased dramatically. I regret nothing

EDIT: FYI this was about 10yrs ago, I think the best way to respond to scam calls on your cell phone is block and report and move on, I think the robots nowadays just judge if you pick up

00:54 UTC


Plane deboarding courtesy

As many of you may be aware, there is an unwritten rule/common courtesy when getting off your flight. You simply WAIT until passengers in the rows in front of you have made their way into the aisle/exit and then you get out when it's your turn.

I already get annoyed at the people who stand up and grab their carry-ons immediately after the plane parks, but this flight was different. The front of the plane started deboarding and as soon as one of the 'early standers' would see an opening, they would cut off the rows in front of them enjoy their small victory of getting off the plane a few minutes sooner. After witnessing this happen a few times, I was ready to do something about it. There were only a few rows left until it was my turn and I can already see a few more of the 'early standers' eagerly awaiting their opportunity to cut in front of people. To make matters worse, there were passengers in my row who were clearly in no rush to get off the plane, so these cutters could sneak their way past after me. As soon as I got up, I blocked the aisle with my body and asked the other passengers in my row if they needed help with their bags. One by one, I SLOWLY got their carry-ons out of the overhead bins and waited for each one to go on their way. Then I turned to the row opposite of mine and did the same for them. Probably only took ~45 seconds total, but felt great/petty knowing that the cutters were unable to cut off at least my entire row.

22:18 UTC


Boyfriend has been gaslighting me for years about his bad cough and playing mind games, I'm done.

My boyfriend loves to maliciously comply, lie by twisting my words in his head to mean something different, and play head games with me by using seemingly innocent things to manipulate a situation.

For the last 3 years he's had a brain piercing cough that he refuses to see a doctor about. He also gets offended if I nicely ask him to muffle them because they're really loud. And I noticed he kept coughing at the end of my sentences as a way to deflect any answers.

It was happening multiple times a day where he would have a coughing fit and not reply to whatever I was saying, when it was a situation where I was expecting a reply. I would even repeat myself and he would still ignore me.

His mom thinks he uses sneezing to ignore her in conversation too, when I found that out I knew I wasn't crazy like he was trying to make me feel. He told me I was being crazy for getting upset at his coughing, something he can't help.

Until I realized he literally coughs on a schedule, almost like it's an OCD compulsion.

I noticed that my body tenses up when I'm expecting him to cough. Then I noticed he literally coughs on a schedule. He does it when he walks to the side door, when he opens the fridge, and in many other situations.

I started coughing in synch with him, then when I noticed he coughs on a scheduled, I started doing it before he would. Which eliminated the cough entirely.

For example, I know he coughs anytime he walks out the back door, right when he walks past our pantry. So I started coughing right before he did, and then he won't cough himself.

Anytime I beat him to his cough compulsion, 9/10 times he won't do it.

I know this petty revenge sounds batshit crazy, but he also plays so many other mind games with me.

This isn't the only one, just the most obnoxious one because it sounds so innocent and I really thought I was an asshole for getting upset at his coughing habits until I realized how scheduled they were.

Nobody naturally coughs on such a tight schedule where it can be predicted. I feel so stupid for gaslighting myself for years and I'm silently plotting my escape.

His other favorite thing to do is throw in a girls last name into our casual conversations. We broke up briefly a few years ago because I caught him looking at a local 18 year old only fans nudes.

Now he will randomly insert her name into our conversations (her last name is Gorr, so he says "oh Gorr" instead of "oh nooo".) which is really creepy and if i were to bring it up, he'd definitely say I just misheard him and I'm crazy but it's pretty hard to continuously accidentally pronounce "no" with a hard "G" sound. He's even said it while we were being intimate which makes no sense, because why would he be saying "oh no" during sex anyways??

21:20 UTC


Coworker is territorial about her shared desk, I'll just make it worse

Our office is hybrid post-pandemic, and to cut down on costs we now have a shared desk situation. The only people with permanent desks are the higher ups or people who come in full-time.

My coworker who shows up about 2 times a week still treats her desk like her own personal desk even though our whole team is supposed to use it. She's a bit of a grump and never removed her personal items and pictures (even though we were asked to do so). 90% of the time we just leave her desk alone because it's too annoying to deal with her complaints, and our manager basically avoids dealing with her because she's such a headache.

But there are times when there just isn't many open desks so I have to sit at her desk and things get moved, of course. Nothing major, just the usual stuff with a shared desk. But of course she always complains and whines and tries to make us feel bad for "using her desk." A few weeks ago it got to be too much, someone else sat at her desk and adjusted a lot of things and so she blew up at me. I told her I hadn't sat at he desk, but she just whined about all the times before.

I was done. So for the last few weeks whenever I go past her desk I make sure to move something or unplug something. It's been pissing her off so much.

The best moment came yesterday when she was freaking out because he laptop died mid-meeting. She's not great with technology and was freaking out. Of course she called IT and when they came they simply pointed out that her power cord was loose (I wonder how that happened). Our IT guy has a way of talking which was perfect for the moment because he basically walked her through a step-by-step process of plugging in the cord while everyone else could hear. She basically looked like a moron for not knowing how to check if it was plugged in. I couldn't stop smiling.

14:32 UTC


Another "Evil Daughter" story (She HATES bullies)

A girl on her bus was bullying and making life terrible for another little girl. It didn't matter where this kid sat, because it always happened to be that bully's seat. Anyway, my little girl got mad (aka ROYALLY PISSED) at seeing a nice kid being bullied by a "bigger girl" (She was 13 in fifth grade terrorizing a 5 year old kindergartner).

Long story short, my crazy kid took our bottle of Hershey's Chocolate Syrup onto the bus that day, and she squirted it all over that bully's seat.The bully sat in it, and was immediately ridiculed for crapping her pants once she got to school.

That is not a label you lose lol. I knew that "kid" by the way, and she was just bad, and she's currently in prison. Probably will be for life.

My daughter was 6 in first grade.

14:09 UTC


My small acts of vengeance

I (15FTM but not out irl) have a super fundamentalist Hindu family, and when I’m on my period, I’m not allowed to go into the kitchen, touch clothes that I’m not wearing, and am generally treated like I contaminate everything I touch. My dad’s also a massive bully in many other ways, and has tried to break my spirit from the moment I gained sentience. Every month, when they aren’t looking, I use all the hand towels. They’re “contaminated” but don’t realize it. My one small victory while being otherwise powerless.

EDIT: I feel the need to specify that I’m American and am trying to move out when I turn 18.

00:25 UTC


VW great on gas!

This tale comes from my grandfather. He was a notorious prankster back in his day. Somehow, I never heard this story. Which is a bit annoying since I've heard the other tales 100x times, but it's nice to hear something new. I corroborated this story with another family member, who recalled details that I didn't mention so I'm certain is true.

Grandpa was always a GM man. Worked for them right out of highschool until he retired. Well way back in the day when he was a lad in, a neighbor got a new VW. Wouldn't let up about how great it was, especially on gas. So grandpa hatched a plan. Every night he would sneak over and put a little bit of fuel into the tank of the VW. Did this for a few months. He stopped for a while. After a bit more time he started to syphon a bit of gas out of the tank.

Neighbor took the car back to the dealership to try to figure out why the MPG dropped off a cliff. Nobody could figure it out. I guess the neighbor was a loudmouth (part of the reason plan was hatched in the first place). Raised a big stink around town about how the car was a scam, he got ripped off, dealership wouldn't fix ect.

So VW flew in engineers from Germany to try and figure it out. Everyone was stumped. Grandpa stopped messing about, eventually everyone kind of got over it and life went back to normal. He never did fess up about what he did however and I don't think the guy every found out.

23:33 UTC


Controlling Librarian

Took my students to the library and 1 of my students who has anxiety lost a small piece of paper. He asked for a new one and the librarian refused. Student came to me anxious asking for help.

We looked in the areas he had been and couldn’t find it. At this point my student is close to tears. I wait my turn and ask the librarian if I can use one of the papers no one wanted for anxious student. He said no.

After thinking about it, I announced to my class that anyone who could find it would get a reward. Complete chaos. Librarian tried to quiet them down, didn’t work, I didn’t help.

Librarian announced that he would look later, my students kept running around looking. Chaos continued. 😆

After about 10 minutes it was found and we all cheered. I could have easily quieted them down at any time, but fuck that over-controlling noob. Your little rules should not be more important than an excellent student with anxiety being stressed.😫

19:32 UTC


My cousin's revenge on people who wanted to beat him up

This happened in india nearly 45 years ago. My family belongs to a backward or lower caste. India's caste system is horrible and hasn't changed in years despite so many attempts at it. People are still casteist and are terrible to those they perceive of lower caste.

This story takes place in a Southern state of India, Kerala. Today kerala is known for its excellence in education and healthcare. But there was a time this state was drenched in caste system and caste related atrocities. It was total madness. Post independence from brits and good governance by state government, especially the left leaning parties, great strides were made to fix caste issues. But not everyone was happy with this. By that I mean the upper caste.

People in my state, especially those of old money have huge traditional homes with land and traditional ponds, which are used to swim and bathe. When he was a teenager, my cousin accidentally ventured into the property of an upper caste family and fell into their pond.

My cousin managed to get out and once they figured out who it was they were enraged, not just because he trespassed but also because according to them he polluted the water with his presence in it. Any lower caste person touching an Upper caste person's belongings pollutes it. So they got mad at him and wanted to beat him up.

My cousin was backed by his family and members of his caste. This resulted in a mini caste war. Before things could get to a riot level, members of the local community were able to simmer things down. But my cousin never forgot what happened.

45 years years later, the upper caste family is no longer as powerful or influencial. 20 years ago their arrogance caught up with them. Most members of that family lost their money to alcohol and extravagant lifestyle. A few years ago a member of that same family that wanted to beat by cousin begged him to buy a piece of their land as they badly needed the money.

My cousin brought the land he accidentally trespassed on years ago along with the pond he fell in. They were reluctant to sell it but my cousin settled for nothing else and made them sell it for the lowest value. He even got his friends to block other buyers. They finally sold it to him and now he is their neighbour.

The people who wanted to beat him ended up begging him for deliverance. I love this revenge story.

13:18 UTC


Push me okay i'll steal all your food

So this is quite recent and on going. As you are all aware things are tight at the moment. So saving any kind of money is welcome. So I recently (about a month ago) found out that my local store did discounts on out of date food, and if you buy anything at 9pm or after it's discountd further to 10p. So 3 times a week I would pop down and see what bargains I could get, I was always respectful of other shoppers (if there was multiple items I'd only take one or two, so other people could have some as well). I came to find out by talking to the store staff there was mr 10p man, he would come in at 9pm and take the lot, the staff didn't like him. This didn't really effect me as I always got there a few minutes before nine. So I never meet him, until one day I did, I was going though the food to see what goodies I could get, when he appeared by me, he slapped my hand away as I was about to pick up a pizza. And took the pizza for himself I was in complete shock for a moment, glared at him but didn't say anything as I didn't want to cause a seen, next thing I know he's pushing me out of the way, wipes out the shelf and scurries off to pay. I didn't confront him, didn't say anything, I had already formed a plan. Now I go every night, I get down there for 10 minutes to 9pm and I take everything, dosent matter what it is. If it 10p it's mine. I pay dead on 9pm and have the lovely warm feeling of watching him look at the empty shelf every night before I leave. I can't help but smile as I take my goodies home.

10:08 UTC


Thou shalt not cut in line!!

My tale of petty revenge (technically petty justice) happened back a couple of years ago.

I was sitting in line at the local pharmacy drive-thru outside the grocery store. The way they have this line set up is kind of a mess. Three cars can fit into the pharmacy line but then it's intersected by the main drive, so the fourth person has to wait a short distance back to allow traffic to pass through. Most people are "Midwest nice" and follow the rules. But some people ... don't.

This line has not moved for about 10 minutes. The little old lady at the window is taking her sweet time. I'm 3rd in line. Waiting patiently across the main drive behind me is a lady in a minivan, 4th in line. We have both been waiting for a while.

But then this jackass came up and horned his big SUV into the line, cutting in front of her and blocking one side of the main drive. Now he's 4th in line and she's 5th. She gets out and talks to him, but he's a total jerk to her, and he doesn't move. He's pretty smug about his jackassery.

From hell's heart I stab at thee!

I hop out of my car and hurry over to her minivan. "Park your van and get into my car," I tell her. "We'll both go in my car and you can get your stuff when I do."

She is totally down with that! So she parked the van and we both walk past Mr. Jackass SUV Linecutter and get into my little car.

Oh, that dude was pissed! I could hear him complaining. Me and the other gal were just talking and laughing but I locked the doors just in case he tried something lol.

But then the jackass got so mad that he drove off!

"Quick quick, get your car," I told her once we saw him leave the parking lot, and she hopped out and got her minivan. While she was doing that, the line moved forward FINALLY. I just waited where I was until she drove up, because I wanted to make sure she got her spot back. Then we all moved forward.

It's just this little thing that happened but oh man, justice is sweet.

04:37 UTC


Bully my brother? You'll never get to see the partypics

My little brother was picked on and bullied relentlessly by a classmate called Tommy (fakename) all through primary and highschool. I am a few years older and couldn't do anything to help.

But a few years later (around 2010)I sorta rolled into the role of partypicture guy. I found a small semidecent digital camera somewhere and brougt it everywhere to take pics. And then put them on my socials for everyone to see (everyone that is added asmy friend that is)

Tommy obviously was not a friend. So he kept bugging me to add him.. so he can also see the pics.

I just kept telling him no, you are not my friend. And he never got to see and talk about all the pics everyone was talking about the days after.

It gave me a lot of satisfaction to see his face everytime!

03:37 UTC


You wanna cut people in lines? Ill close the lines.

This didnt happen to me directly or personally but I was the one able to dish out the revenge.

I work for a company that builds and loans out atm machines to banks. I go around doing general maintenance and service to atm within my entire state. I wont lie, it kinda gives me a rush knowing i have the power to open and close atm lines but i make sure to only use it when i need it. This was a moment i used my powers for a little revenge.

What had happened was i was at a atm building where it was just two atm lines in this location and the actual bank a few blocks down. I had already showed up for the atm on the outer line. Think some one got money jammed and i had to reset it a few times cause its was being dumb. As i was waiting for a reset to finish i notice a line was forming in the atm next to mine and looked back to the farthest person. A lady was hanging back in her minivan because she wasnt sure which atm would open first mine, the one still in service, or the other one, where a guy was taking a bit too long and another xar was still behind him. She kept a single cars length between her and the other atm just for this reason.

Que rushing lady.

This lady swerved in and got between this lady. And I mean in tokyo drift fashion it was damn near impressive how she didnt hit any cars in her small dark gray honda. She was also much older than the lady in the minivan. She was also wearing sunglasses on a very cloudy day, like a day you knew it was gunna rain that night. Anyway the Minivan lady started honking at her being so impolite cause this lady took a spot in line.

Something about this lady didnt sit right with me. It mainly her face which reminded me of an entitled karen that i got into an accident with a few years ago when i lived in a different state. So since im working on the atm next to her i decided to get a little justice for this. Normally my truck is enough to deter people from using my lane for the atm but i can traffic cones to help deter if people werent getting the idea. I walked to the back of my truck enough to where the Old lady couldn't see my face. I gave the minivan lady a finger to the lips gesture as I pulled out both traffic cones and set them right infront of the Old Ladys care before she even got close enough to the atm to use it. She got all fussy and tried to bargin with me. I didnt have any of it and told her i need to fix this one cause i was finished with the atm next door. She gave up and backed out to leave. Once the coast was clear i put the cones back into my van and nodded at the minivan lady.The Minivan lady thanked me and told me to say hi if i ever stopped by her target (i cant cause i was in a different county to her and it was about an hour away from home normally)

Sorry if this was too long but i hope i made it a bit interesting to read

23:41 UTC


I became super fit and lost quite some weight out of sheer pettiness.

Roughly one and a half year ago I had a fall out with a friend. I spare you the details, but we gradually did not get along anymore. I was sad, but I also felt relief that the constant arguments and stress I had dealing with her ended. Up until she started badmouthing my other friends because they did not take her side, which started to make me resentful. It came with quite a surprise I only realised much later.

I always struggled with my weight to the point that I started getting sore joints and back especially while going to concerts or anything else that required me to stand around for a while. It troubled me that not even physical pain was enough of a motivator. The thing just is, the friend I had to cut ties with always had a very mean girl attitude with other woman who were slimmer than her, commented about peoples food choices behind their backs if they tried to make better choices. She always projected her insecurities so hard onto them, going as far as calling them traumatised just because they managed to keep thin??

And you know, it is so weird when I reaslised it, but do you know this "the best revenge is to thrive"? Pretty much this and a tickling sense of super giga pettiness finally gave me the motivation to tackle my goal. I am 40 ibs down, no sore back, knees or ankles in months. I finally found the kinds of sport I feel I can do and have fun doing so as I get older, trying my best to keep healthy for as long as possible.

I feel bomb, dwelling in the petty thought that it would make her super pissed to see how I am doing.

21:07 UTC


Taking the car? Not so fast...

Not sure if this is petty or not, but the previously posted trailer story reminded me of this event.

This happened about 10 years ago or so to my uncle. He had a car that was in okay shape, but what made it stand out was the sound system. Yeah... your typical "bass" setup. Well, he had moved in with us because his wife kicked him out. He wasn't a slacker though, within a couple of days of moving in, he had a good paying job and was helping contribute to household bills... and things were fine for a few months...

Until the wife (now filing for divorce and out for revenge) suddenly remembered that my uncle's car was in BOTH of their names. So, she had a friend drive her to the other side of the state and they decided to take the car in the middle of the night. My uncle, who slept on the couch, heard the car start and take off down the road. Thinking it was being stolen, he called the cops, and the car was quickly located. After the chaos died down, the cops said there was nothing they could do because the car was in the wife's name as well and she was legally allowed to take it.

I was awoken from all the noise and caught the tail end of the phone call. "Who's name is the tag in?"

Uncle: "What?"
Me: 'Who's name is the tag in? If it's just your name, she can take the car but not the plate."

So my uncle mentioned this to the cops. "Did you want to report the plate as stolen?"

Uncle: "YES!"

So the cops seized the plate, and then told the wife that she would have to have the car towed from this point. She tried to make a deal with my uncle to let her use the plate to get the car back to her house, but you can imagine how that went. In the end, she decided that the car wasn't worth it and was going to just abandon it on the side of the road and let the cops impound it. Once the wife and friend drove off, the cops called my uncle back and asked if he wanted to come get the car, they'd wait for him.. We picked it up, and it went to a friend's property until we were able to get the title transferred to just my uncle. The wife even had to pay for a duplicate title because she lost the original.

20:01 UTC


Unprotected bluetooth

Ok so, many years ago I had a job where I would take a bus for over an hour, this bus also carried school kid. I would sit on the top deck listening to my music or podcasts on Spotify. During the school months there were a group of Asian lads who would be loud and play loud music (mostly drill) but at first it was through one of thier phones but one of them eventually git a blue tooth speaker stero thing and it made the ride a misery. I put up with this because the job was only temporary. So when it got to the last few month before I moved to a better paying and closer to home job I hatched some revenge after talking to other passengers who were fed up especially as the driver never did anything. First I used my laptop to scan for the stero Bluetooth and once I knew which it was I added it to my favourites. Then one trip I moved down stairs in pretend frustration and then always sat downstairs. So on my last day I opened my laptop and accessed the connection to the stero they were using on the top deck of the bus, I created a password (by just running my palm over the keyboard) so they couldn't undo what I was about to do. Now originally I was going to start playing some thrash metal but felt that was unfair to the other passengers so I down loaded a five hour repeating song, that song being "I know a song that'll get on your nerves" I hit play and the language that cam from upstairs was very unrepeatable but passengers were laughing. The cherry on top that in the anger of them shouting and coming down to accuse passengers the bus driver stopped the bus and kicked them off. I finished a few days after feeling extremely satisfied

19:33 UTC


Cut my time, take it up the gas

Not my story, but hubby's and he said I could. So for the past few years, he's been driving cars for dealerships in the area for a little extra cash. Takes them to other dealerships or delivers to a new owner.

This concerns one particular Big Dealership group (to be known going forward as BDG) that is very stingy and getting worse.

There is paperwork required to be ready in order to deliver the cars. Sometimes it's ready to go when hubby gets there, often it is not, so you sit and wait. BDG decides to save money by changing from hourly pay to mileage only. No more drivers being on the clock waiting for BDG to get their shit together . And this payment method really sucks if you get caught in rush hour or construction.

Now it gets worse. Drivers are only being paid 25 cents per mile. The federal reimbursement rate in around 65 cents right now. So BDG is screwing everyone big time.

So my hubby and other drivers for them have taken to using Gas Buddy app to find the most expensive stations around to fuel up and make sure if they are crossing state lines to gas up where the gas tax is higher. Small and petty to be sure and the dealership drivers around the area know most of the other drivers so BDG is the last one they will drive for on any given day.

18:05 UTC


Turned the tables on my ex-wife’s attempt to make me back out last minute from coaching children’s T-ball.

About a year out from divorce. Ex-wife has been acting petty and childish to say the least. Tries to make me look bad any attempt she gets.

My young son played T-ball last year and I volunteered to be the coach. Really enjoyed it, but my work responsibilities/schedule changed before this season and I simply could not commit to do it again. I became good friends with the guy running the league and let him know before the sign ups even started as a heads up. Was disappointed, but not much to do. What I was able to do, was volunteer to get to the fields super early Saturday before the games started to set them up (chalk line the batters boxes, foul lines, put out bases,etc. Three fields total) which he was extremely grateful for.

A few weeks before the season was supposed to start they were unfortunately short a couple coaches and were sending out some desperation emails to all of the parents. My ex knew my situation, and apparently thought going onto the website and basically ‘fraudulently’ volunteering me to coach would be a great way to inconvenience me, make me look bad by having to back out, etc. so she did just that.

Buddy running the league called me, very confused. In order to register, you have to make a username/password. Username is just your email, so after a few minutes of looking through the registration we worked what happened as her email was in the account name. Ultimately, he decided to put his kid on my sons team and be the coach on top of everything else he was doing. He was pissed at my ex himself though, because this stunt could have set them back finding a legit coach if they needed to, possibly delaying the league.

Here is where I come up with the petty revenge. He sends out the official email out to all of the parents of the league with the rosters and coaches for all 10 teams. Except for our kids’ team instead of listing himself, I tell him to list my ex. Puts her name/contact info, etc and says to expect further info from each coach individually.

She emails him back once she notices to point out the ‘mistake’ saying it should have been me instead but he ignores it. He sends her all of the clearances coaches need to pass, asks for times she can come pick up equipment, the whole 9 yards. After a couple of days parents of the team apparently start emailing her asking for info on when the seasons starts and when practice will be and all that.

Eventually he does reply back, playing dumb, telling her she is the one who volunteered, as it was her username that registered, and knew it wasnt supposed to be me as he had spoken to me months earlier and knew I wasn’t able to do it this year. Put her in an awkward spot, because she either had to admit what she did, or feign some BS ignorance and claim a ‘miscommunication’ which everyone knew was nonsense as we were divorced.

After she flat out says she can’t coach and ‘she isn’t sure what to tell him’, he sends out another email to the entire league, which says ‘due to the coach of (our kids team name) backing out at the very last minute, I have no choice but to take on coaching the team myself, on top of the rest of the responsibilities. Moving forward we ask that coaches do not volunteer unless they plan on fulfilling that commitment’. He didn’t mention her by name, but everyone saw the rosters and knew he was talking about her.

She texted me a few weeks later once the season started about how ‘my buddy is an a-hole for doing that to her due to a glitch in the registration software as multiple people have approached and asked her not so nicely what happened and she knows she is getting looks from people during the games’. What a satisfying text it was to receive.

16:17 UTC


Go back on your word for a £100 promise? Lose a £40k sale.

Several years back I was looking to buy a new car, something a bit faster and more fitting for my love of driving. While looking around I was genuinely pricing up a new Civic Type R instead of saving for a deposit on a house. This is when I came across a local dealership who had a heavily modified Fiesta ST2. It's a small local dealership run by 1 guy who mostly acts as a sort of sales broker for people struggling to sell privately.

I contacted the dealer and arranged a test drive during my lunch break that week. I got in and as a started it up, a warning popped up on the dash saying "Type pressure sensors not installed". I queried this with the dealer and he said not to worry and it would be sorted by the time I bought the car as it had just come in and they hadn't been able to do their usual touch ups. Fair enough, on with the test drive. I pretty much fell in love within 5 minutes and long story short, traded my old car in to buy it a few weeks later.

When I came to collect the keys, I got in the car and what do you know, the same warning message has come up. I turn the car off and head back inside to talk to the dealer and he claims he never agreed to that and it's only £100 to get them installed and gave me the contact details for a local garage. He only said he'd get them installed verbally so I didn't have any proof. Needless to say I was pissed.

Over the next 4 years I loved the car, got the sensors installed and told everybody that story and to stay clear of him as he's a liar and generally doesn't treat you well after he's got your money. At the 4 year mark, I was once again looking for a new car as I'd definitely outgrown the Fiesta. This time I was in the market for an Audi RS3, 2018 or newer with a budget of around £40k. I checked all the local dealerships but none of them had anything like that EXCEPT for the same dealership I bought the Fiesta from.

I contacted them about it and once again arranged a test drive. Went on the test drive, had a good time but honestly wasn't 100% sold. He asked me what I thought and I lied and said that I loved it, apart from the silver trim on the front. To nobody's surprise, he said he could get that changed if I'd agree to the sale today. I couldn't hide the massive grin on my face when I said "No thank you, I've heard that one before from you and that turned out to be a lie". There was a moment of confusion, followed by an obvious realisation with a hint of regret.

I left without buying the car - despite his best efforts trying to cut me a deal as an apology. The fact was, I simply didn't want to give this guy my money. I went to another dealership and Ended up buying a brand new A35 which I've still got to this day and absolutely love.

TL;DR - salesman went back on his word about installing a £100 part, lost a £40k sale 4 years later.

15:50 UTC


Steal a trailer? Don’t be stupid and sell it online.

This story happened over 20 years ago when the Internet was a new(ish) thing and people weren’t quite so savvy. It’s kinda/sorta revenge, probably more a tale of a stupid, naive thief and a Police force who were not hugely tech savvy (at the time)

My (then) boss was heavily involved in motorsports and, when you have competition vehicles, you need a large car trailer to take them to events. He had a home built trailer that was reasonably unique and identifiable, which he stored it outside his house. Then one day he found that it had been stolen during the night.

So he did the normal thing of filing a police report and (after being angry) moving on and accepting it was probably gone for good. Except that he also kept an eye on TradeMe (our local eBay equivalent) on the off chance the thief was stupid enough to list it there for sale. A couple of week’s later what should pop up in the “trailers for sale” listings? His car trailer - repainted but still identifiable as his, right down to still having the original colour paint visible around the coupling.

The question was, how to get it back? Off my boss went back to the police, who said “leave it with us, TradeMe will have to hand over his details”. Except that TradeMe said no, that they only had his username and email address. So the police decided that the next best way to get the sellers details was to win the auction. An account was set up with TradeMe, bids were placed and they led the bidding up until an hour before the auction closed.

Remember I said this guy was stupid for selling stolen goods online? Perhaps he wasn’t quite as dumb as I thought, as he smelt a rat and blocked the Police account from the auction. And my boss couldn’t bid on it as his location would be a dead giveaway. But my TradeMe account had a history on it of buying motorsport- related items and so it would be natural for me to also buy a car trailer. So I placed a bid and won the auction.

I’m told that when my boss contacted the Police after the auction they were pretty glum and didn’t know how they were going to identify the seller or auction winner, until my boss told them it was me who won the auction. I then made contact with the seller, managed to get him to agree to payment in cash and to give me a pickup address and time for the next day.

Of course it was the Police who went to collect the trailer at the agreed time on my behalf, and a few hours later the trailer was returned to my boss in a better condition than it was when it was taken. And the Police were able to arrest not just the seller but also an accomplice, and recovered a number of other stolen items from the property into the bargain.

10:33 UTC


I nuked a guys entire Xbox account because he threatened to shoot me

(I was advised to post this here instead of pro. Hope you all enjoy)

As a young man I had a very troubled relationship with my dad which caused me to be kicked out of the house on numerous occasions for various reasons, most of which were me not putting up with being abused.

One of the last times I was kicked out, my friend had offered for me to move with her and her boyfriend to a small mountain town in Colorado where she would be attending college. The catch was class didn't start for a few months and I wouldn't have a place to stay in the meantime.

Her then boyfriend spoke with his parents and they kindly agreed to let me stay there until moving day. I humbley accepted their offer and they made me a makeshift bedroom out of their storeroom in the basement. It wasn't much, but it was free and honestly a place I could truly relax without fear of being chastised for the unspeakable act of existing.

My friend's BF had a little brother around my age (20ish) who at first was really fun to hang out with. We had a shared love of JDM cars, and video games, specifically racing games which made for great gaming sessions.

Little brother (LB) didn't have a game console at the time because his Xbox got the red ring, so we would share mine. I even let him download his profile from the cloud onto my 360 so he could play from his account when I wasn't home.

After a few weeks though, things with LB took a massive turn. It started with sly comments about me helping around the house, and him thinking I was better than him because I would help his mother cook, do yard work, and other small chores that he simply wouldn't do. It very quickly turned into outright hostility towards me that ended in a night of him threatening to shoot me with his dad's gun, and convincing his mother to kick me out.

I should point out that I did absolutely nothing to this guy. Even with him threatening to shoot me, I just sat there and played games on my iPod touch. When he had friends over, I was kind to them, I even helped one of his friends get a job.

The night I was kicked out, I didn't really have time to get all of my things because of how chaotic everything was. I called my friend and her BF said I could stay in his basement, but it wouldn't be as comfortable. I didn't mind and was just grateful for a warm place to stay.

A few days went by and I was able to collect my things, including my Xbox. This is where the revenge happens.

I turned on my Xbox and his entire profile was available to me. All his achievements, his game history, his saves, his cloud saves, everything! He had more stuff saved on my Xbox than I did. That's when I got the idea.

At first, I was just going to remove his account from my Xbox and call it good, but then I remembered he threatened to shoot me, so I decided to go nuclear.

I went through every single file of his I could find and one by one deleted them. All of it. Every friend he had, every achievement, every saved game, every pixel that had his name attached, gone!

I then deleted his profile permanently. Like Xbox made me confirm that's what I was doing kind of delete.

And then I waited.

A few months go by and I get a message from LB asking if his account was still on my Xbox because he was having trouble logging into his account.

That's when I told him what I did. I told him how I made sure he would never because able to access his account be it's like it never existed. As far as Microsoft knew, he was a new customer just starting his gaming journey.

He types some long threatening nonsense that I didn't bother to read and then blocked me on everything.

A short while later I was talking with his older brother (my friend's BF) and he was telling how LB went to his mom to get her to do something to me, and how he was going to fight me and all manner of nonsense.

His older brother very much aware of LB's bullshit thought it was amazing what I did. His only remarks to his brother was "fuck'em, he deserves it."

TLDR, I went scorched Earth on a dudes Xbox profile because he threatened to shoot me.

07:00 UTC



I'm a computer programmer. My coworker was divorced and his ex's husband was the classic abusive step-father.

I spent $400 on scientology books and lessons. I added a note that in the first person that I was looking to make some life changes and looking for a new religion.

Then I wrote a script that subscribed him to thousands of emails. Then I subscribed his SMS(texts) to thousands of mailing lists.

The guy had scientologist trying to convert him for years and eventually changed his phone number.

05:18 UTC


My Little Slice of Petty Revenge.

I was at a pub last night and went off to the loo. Two ladies followed me in so I held both doors open for them as they were following me and neither one even bothered to do anything to acknowledge my existence, let alone thank me for holding the doors open. There were only two stalls in this bathroom so I obviously took one and the first lady to follow me in let her friend have the other one. The loo roll in my stall had basically finished so I took great pleasure in finishing it and not replacing the roll, thus letting her have that heart sinking moment of having peed but having nothing to wipe with followed by realising there was some new rolls behind her but reaching them was gonna be bloody awkward. Ha!

22:12 UTC


Placed my roommates cell phone number in every account while I worked as a debt collector

So in my early 20’s I rented a 2 bedroom apartment and had one of my “friends” move in with me. Everything was great at first but soon realized I had made a mistake, any and all things that make a bad roommate this one man consisted of… I to this day have never had another roommate.

One day while I was at work I had a time sensitive issue that I needed to discuss with him and when I tried to reach him on the phone he didn’t pick up. He was notorious for not answering his phone, he would get a call and 9/10 times he would just set it back down. So I called again and once again he didn’t answer. I then called him on the auto dialer so my works number would show up and he picked up on the first ring. I hung up and for the rest of the day I inputted his number into every account I worked that day as a way of reaching the clients ( must have been at least 75 ).

The beauty of this is for the next few months I got to hear about and/or see him receive dozens of calls looking for all different people. At first he tried to explain that he was not this person and to remove his number but they never did. Lol, he would scream at them and ask them why they were doing this to him, that there’s no reason all these people would have his number. He would make false threats saying that he had obtained a lawyer and that he was going to sue them for harassment but nothing stopped the calls.

He eventually bit the bullet and got a new phone provider and not long after I broke my lease and got the fuck out of there. It’s been 15 years and I still laugh from time to time, just thought it was time to share it with all of you.

15:05 UTC


How I learnt the phrase burning bridges

I was a bright child for my age IMHO, although an outcast with only a couple of friends. A teacher in my 5th grade (early 1990s) didn't like the fact I was different and more work than her other students, turns out later I had something there wasn't a name for yet aspergers.

I learned another phrase back then whe I was explaining to my mum that I was sent to time out as soon as I walked in the door most days and could count past 1000 before she let me out. My mother explained to me that it sounded like the teacher was "scape goating" me from what I described happening at school. She had a few talks with the teacher and the principal and notheig came of it, it was a year of absolute misery in the end well almost entirely.

At the end of the year I got my revenge on let's call her, miss Geoffories.

So I was an army brat and my fam was moving at the end of that year so I thought it was my last day at that school and I wouldn't be coming back.

Time for some cold vengeance.

I had been wanting revenge for a long time so I had put in quite a lot of planning.

About halfway through that year I had earned many bookclub rewards that were in fashion at the time. One such reward was a small yellow book. I forget what it was called I exchanged some kind of points for it and I felt it well earned at the time anyway. In this book was a recipe for slime, If I remember correctly it was how I learnt of cornstarch and borax. It sparked an interest in chemistry for me anyway.

We had all the ingredients at home (never happend again) and the night before I mixed up a batch of this slime about 3kg or so if I recall.

I layed out a layer of gladwrap into a lunchbox and pored in the slime that I had deliberately made mucus runny and green.

I put the lunchbox with the slime block into the freezer and left it overnight. The next morning I triple gladwrapped the green ice cube and stuck it into my bag with some ice bricks. I don't think my mother knew what I was upto.

After lunch that day the class was combined with the neighbouring classroom and we all sat together and sung or some nonsense. I was always forced to sit up the front so that the teacher could keep an eye on me. It wasn't abnormal therefor for me to be sitting at the teachers feat where I strategically placed my bag leaning up aginst her desk between the class of onlookers and the teachers brown leather handbag....

I was as usual fidgety so me squirming and looking around the room wasn't abnormal and I watched, none of the kids were paying attention or looking as I unzipped her bag and the side of mine, reached inside and pulled out the big green slightly defrosting silicone sausage size slime ball. The gladwrap was just left behind in the wrapper and I placed the log into the bag with my heart in my mouth and adrenalin pumping. I could hear my blood pumping in my ears as I zipped it back up. I glanced up and the teacher was desperately trying to keep the kids focused on her she hadnt looked down.

I then over the rest of that lesson slowley but shuffled further towards the door.

The bell went at the end of the day and I went home with a grin.

The trouble started as soon as I got home, my parents expected there had been a mixup and it was infact TOMORROW that was now my last day at that school. I wanted the day off did what I could but there was no way out of it I had to go back the next day.

Well I was a bit afraid because my parents watched true crime but I needn't have been. First thing in the morning after line-up for roll call was a small assembly between the two classrooms again.

Another teacher came into the meeting that day and explained that our teachers mobile phone that was in those days deliberately built to be susceptible to water and were ridiculously expensive and bulky had been ruined by someone putting 'Something' in her bag. I didn't smile I remained deadpan because in the past I had leaned what gave things away to adults. I just looked away out the window and tried not to laugh or smile when they told the class that she had been up at night crying and that it was one of her special things etc.

The teacher then had to step in and give a small appeal to the class for the kid to own up (yeah right). She said she had reached into the bag and pulled out her phone coverd in the slime and cried when it wouldn't work. She explained it was a expensive bag and that people work hard for there things, I stared deadpan at her and pretend I was falling asleep.

At lunch another teacher approached me, I liked this teacher a lot we got along well she got me into computers.

She came to me.and flat out asked as I knew she would (I knew whe had been put up to it but wouldn't have been able to articulate that fact back then). If I was the kid who had put something into miss Geoffories handbag.

I lied through my teeth to her and said no, knowing she wouldn't press me on it past the question itself. She then explained to me that it was allays a bad idea to burn bridges because you never know when you might want that bridge again, I didn't understand the metaphor untill she explained for a little while longer then I thought to myself, yeah I am leaving this whole river behind I still face no consequences for it so I think this teacher isn't telling me the truth.

Monday after the holiday break I started at a school hundreds of KM away (canbera vs syd) and never saw that teacher again however I still kept my few loyal friends who went to my old school (To this day).

The same teacher apparently at the beginning of the next year had chose one of my friends D to pick on after I was gone. She sent him to time out when he walked in the first morning the same thing she had done to me, only his mother who was recounting this to mine said "Sorry I am not like you, I cornerd the bitch against a wall that afternoon and threatened her" they laughed and funnily enough she stopped her shit after that not only with my friend but seemed to pull her head in and didn't do it to anyone else.

TL:DR my year 5 teacher picked on me, I destroyed a few thousand dollars worth of her things when I left.

05:36 UTC


Oh, I'm that, but I'm also petty.

So there we were, hubby and I, walking (in my case hobbling, cause my brain hates me) from the parking lot to the theater (monkey man - see it). There was a white jeep stopped in the street and some kind of commotion. We ignored and continued on.

Around the front of the theater (parked in back), there was the jeep again, screaming and shouting, and mostly we ignored, cause moron teens.

But then!! I noticed they were talking about us, about our bald spots and such. Like... yeah, did you really think I wasn't aware? Or cared? I mean, it's not like we were trying to cover them up, so...

And then they said the word.

Yes, that word, that means a bundle of wood.

Now, me being an older gay man, I've faced this before, and I have some responses in my back pocket (see below), so I immediately turned around to spout that response, but they zoomed off like bats outta hell.

So what did I do?

Memorized their license plate and reported them to the drunk driving hotline. :)


The pocket response:

A couple years ago, I was at the mart of walls, well known for their kind considerate reasonable clientele. /s.

I was trying to get to the handicapped parking spot, but some ignorant asshole family was walking very slowly in the middle of the lane. I didn't honk or do anything, but eventually, the teen daughter saw me and moved out of the way.

So, I swerved around the family, the daughter was safe, i tipped my "hat" in thanks to her, and parked. As soon as I got out of the car, though, I heard Dad bitching and screaming about how I almost hit his daughter, etc. I called him an inconsiderate tw*t nugget and then ignored him and headed off to get my meds.

And then, yes, my friends, he called me that word.

So I spun around, walked right up to him and said:

Why yes, I am a fa**ot, why do bring it up? Are you looking? You want a bj? Your dad said I'm really good.

Then I flipped up his tshirt, got a look at his tight belly (whooo!), and smiled insanely right in his face.

He turned around silently and I never heard another word.

04:19 UTC

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