
Photograph via snooOG

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Can't duplicate

Testing low light ability of new phone, cpl of night lights in room. Can't get another pic even close to this. Maybe just me, but....

1 Comment
19:01 UTC


Spirit asked me if I could see it.

So basically this is going to sound really crazy and it happened to me when I was 12. No I’m not delusional, most people kinda give me the side eye when I tell them this story.

So when I was around 10 I started having really weird occurrences, I would feel something standing behind me, often out of no where I would get a random scratch on my arm (as in I would just be sitting there and feel pain like something scratched me and look down and there was a scratch). A lot of times before I feel asleep I would hear a voice call my name (this I’m not sure if it has to do with the spirit because I know this happens to a lot of people, however once I stopped having these encounters I never had this happen to me again), one time, while I was playing a game I saw a shadow run across my stairs.

So when I was 12 years old I was recording a video and playing. Suddenly, I fell into a trance like I wasn’t aware of anything, I was just out of it. So I didn’t know what happened until I fell out of it, but from what I saw from the video here’s what happened:

My mom asked me a question and I answer as if I couldn’t catch my breath, I could hardly breathe (I knew this but still it was like I had no control of my body, but I wasn’t scared) I got up and on the tape you can hear a deep mans voice say “can you see me?”. Then I began to walk down the hallway, that’s when I loudly heard it say, “let me out!” And I fell out of the trance. I asked my mom if she heard it say that, and she said no, so I checked the video I was recording and heard it loud and clear. I showed my mom and she heard it as well and got scared.

Before you ask, no I don’t have the video, as it was very traumatizing for me at the time since I was a child, and I was afraid if I didn’t delete it it would come back. I stayed up the night sleeping next to my Bible and crying and praying because I was so scared, I still have panic attacks about it til this day and still sleep with my Bible. Anyways, the device I recorded it on stopped working a few months later and eventually broke. I’m 21 now and I personal,y never had another encounter ever again, or anything super weird happen. Though when I was on the phone with a guy once he said he heard something say I’m back , and I never told him this story though I think he was just messing with me.

However my grandmother had had and still had weird experiences . She lives in the house it happened in alone and often calls me scared because she hears footsteps in the hall and no one is there, or she will feel so,thing lay down next to her and the bed will lower.

I’m wondering what do you guys think this spirit was. A demon? A new spirit? I thought maybe it’s my great grandfather who was said to be a bad man, because my (other grandmother, not the one who lives in the house) grandmother said at his burial, she fell into a trance and jumped into his grave.

What do you think?

18:04 UTC


Did you ever witness a demon possission?

There are many Christians who told me that they have seen ghosts and other stuff. One story I remember is a daughter was acting possessed and she had more strength then 6 grown men combined. So did you witness or atleast heard about something like this?

17:49 UTC



So right now I'm sitting in my chair, and I have a window right next to my desk, so I can always see out the window. And for some reason the sky went completely pitch black as if it was 2 AM for like half a second or less, (as of right now It's 1:40 PM) I just went outside and stared up at the sky to see if something may have done it, but there's just nothing. Anyone know what happened? Or am I just seeing things. (I live on the east coast, USA)

17:40 UTC


Sparkling lights in the corner of left eye but only when I'm in my bedroom and by my door

There are a couple of legit reasons this can happen. Stress, migraine aura, and eye pressure change to name a few.

But here's the deal. I inherited the house from my dad, who died in 2016.

I use his old bedroom.

He will pop into my thoughts and then within half an hour there is that odd sparkle by the door.

I could have my back to the door and feel someone looking at me, turn, and just for a moment there is that same exact white sparkle. Always by the floor.

Honesty thinking It might be Dad but if so, is he trying to reach me? How do I find out? I have no idea. At the time I simply said "Dad?". Nothing happened (big shock) and I would have probably would have freaked out if something did.

But is there a subtle way to communicate?

1 Comment
17:34 UTC


Ever played the ouija board?x

Hello I stumbled upon this page, and well I decided I’d like to share an experience that I had. Growing up, I remember my mother telling us a story about where she used to live w her ex boyfriend. He had his friends over and they were all into communicating with the dead. In Hispanic culture you’re told at a young age never to fck w ghosts and all that but I was always intrigued. When I was eighteen I would always be with my friends and at the time my best friend was still alive. He invited me to his home for a week & his new step mom who was like maybe 25 was very spiritual and had a thing w paranormal activity since she was a kid. This lady had no idea of who I was or my life yknow? So we start playing the oujia board in the upstairs apartment (what we called the upstairs bc it legit was like two bigass rooms lol) and we started to play the oujia board asking questions and oh my god the fcking triangle would start moving on its own, with our two fingers on it gently. We didn’t move it ourselves so it was a crazy thing to witness. It got eerie once we asked if it was a good spirit or a bad one & yeah it was a bad one . After a bit I had told my best friend to not touch it, so me and his aunt/whatever you wanna call her, so of course I was a little skeptic or curious , so I asked the spirit to spell out the name of the person I lost my virginity to and it legit spelled out the name. Mind you, it’s only me and her fingers on the triangle, she’s never met me or knew of me til that point, my best friend wasn’t touching the triangle, I def wasn’t moving it I was just allowing it to move while my fingers were on it. We stopped playing after some time and let me tell yall for six months my family says I wasn’t myself & it seemed like I had a big mood change. I never told them til months later but yeah just wanted to share this to let the younger generation know not to mess with the oujia board. After that my friend’s life went downhill and eventually od’d a year later

03:13 UTC


Confused at what’s going on in my house

The past two Sunday nights I have experienced the same thing. Sitting in my room enjoying the night off before work, and I hear and experience the same thing. I hear “Chase, listen”. Followed by a shadow by my bedroom door and what sounds like someone lightly hitting the door. My girlfriend experienced the exact same thing when she was alone in my room a few weeks ago as well. What could this be?

14:52 UTC


Do people with third eyes see the same thing?

I hear people with third eyes always talking about what they see but it'd be nice if multiple people with third eyes met to see if they see the same thing.

14:21 UTC


Unknown Figure Caught on Camera

Let me give some background before explaining the picture. My younger brother and I had lived at home in my parent’s basement. We were younger then, around 17 and 14 when we began experiencing what seemed to be paranormal activity. We had separate rooms in the basement but both experienced closet doors opening and closing. We put it off as the cat wanting to get in the closet and opening them herself. I’d occasionally hear what sounded like someone or something walking around the room at night time in the pitch black. Yet, again I would just think it’s the cat’s feet walking on the carpet, where you hear that slight crunch sound. My brother would wake up in the middle of the night to what felt like someone or something sitting on the edge of his bed. He chose to just ignore it. Keep in mind that we told our parents all these things and they just put it off and didn’t really believe us.

Fast forward to present day, my brother and I no longer live at home. Now of course my parents begin to hear activity downstairs. First it was items being moved from one place to another. Then it was the occasional knock. It advanced to doors being slammed. (They told us all this after the picture was taken). Lastly, my step dad has these little cameras in the family room downstairs and in the garage which is off to the right in the picture.

My step dad was alerted to movement on the camera one day. I guess the type of camera he has allows him to view the video and take screen shots, but in order to save the video he had to have the better subscription. So he opens the video and this figure is in the video and moves from left to right across the family room towards the garage. It’s almost 9 pm at the time of the video so it wasn’t very late. My step dad was currently working in the garage, my mom was upstairs, and my younger brothers who are not that tall were in their rooms. My mom called me freaking out an hour after they screenshotted the picture and began to tell me all the other stuff they were experiencing. All I could say was I told you so.

Can anyone explain what this could be in my parent’s house? I’ve shown many people the photo and everyone asks could it be one of my brothers. I tell them to look closely, I don’t think that looks like a 10 year old. And my other brother who is 15 isn’t that tall and would have no reason to lie about walking across the camera and then disappearing. So if you have insight or any explanation to what it could be please let me know thank you in advance.

(The door to the garage is off to the right of the picture, to the left of the picture are two bedrooms and the stairs that lead upstairs. The lights were on because when my step dad works in the garage he usually comes in and out. So they are usually kept on.)

13:50 UTC


Scared as hell, don’t want to fall back asleep

Hi everyone, I was having a dream as normal. Then like in the end it kinda turned scary and then it felt like somebody was getting in my bed next to me to sleep. I woke up so quick because I thought it was real but nobody was next to me sleeping… I can’t go back to sleep because I’m scared as hell… can anyone describe what this was?

12:29 UTC


Is it just me or does this also happen to you?

Sorry if this is going to be long, i still want to know if this happens to anything one else normally (if it was normal at all)

Ever since i was 11-12, (I'm 16 now) i sometimes had difficulties sleeping. I used to have really weird dreams sometimes and i used to fear those creepy stuff (dw now i enjoy them hehe). However, this was not my problem, my problem was when I'm awake in bed and shit starts happening.

My first encounter with the "thing" (ok let's call it thing) was when i was laying down in bed, i was asleep, but the i woke up strangely (i really don't remember how i went from sleeping to waking up but this is what i remember) i remember feeling my body really heavy, and my "soul" "concentrated in my nose" while feeling something heavily pulling me down the bed. The really annoying part was what was happening to my eyes. I felt my eyes being rolled back in my head, and i was helplessly trying to fight to keep my eyes under my eyelids. I felt my breaths getting Sharper and shorter the more that force pulls me down and my eyes roll back. I felt that if i gave up fighting i will eventually die, it was basically fighting for my life. After a lot of fighting i finally was able to leap back to reality, so exhausted and overwhelmed.

This started happening occasionally more. I tried to know why or if this was happening to other people around me, i got no answers. People tell me "it's sleep paralysis" but no, it's not, because I've been there once and it was not like that.

The most recent time it happened, i was having a sleepless night, and i was extremely sleepy but my body was refusing to sleep. I tried to lay down and sleep, i was just sneaking into moments of dreams, then immediately this "thing" happens to me. At that night i was just getting into a dream for minutes, then my body was refusing that. I then started getting auditory hallucinations (i was hearing barking, singing and really weird shit) and the strongest one was a loud cough in my left ear that i felt my ear a bit numb after i heard that.

I then came to a conclusion that this thing happens when i am in a state between dreams and reality, when my mind wants to be dreaming but my body is physically awake. It's like when my body is not prepared to leave the dreaming state, i close my eyelids and i see the color of my flesh as my eyes roll back. It's a really terrible experiences and i hate to have it. And the most annoying part is that i don't know how to describe it and whether or not it happens to anyone else.

11:53 UTC


London Underground Train

Who remembers this well known photo? (A guy in a electric chair in a train window) & what do you think about it? People have said this is definitely not photoshopped, I don’t think it is either.

11:30 UTC


A photo possibly of my grandmother.

Background of the photo- about 8-9 years ago my mom had taken our dog out to use the restroom. When he got out there he started FREAKING out and barking. He’s kinda a weird dog and my mom thought it would be funny to film him. When she opened the camera on her phone she accidentally took a picture before filming. It wasn’t until later in the evening did she discover the picture. The crazy thing is for us is the place we lived in at the time had no activity before or after this. The only thing we could think of is that the day this happened was the day before the anniversary of my grandmothers passing. We like to think this was her way letting us know she is still with us.

10:54 UTC


New house may be haunted. Need serious advice.

My wife and I bought a house in rural Missouri area. The home was built in 1997. The original owner died in 2022 of cancer and lived in a room apart from the master bedroom while Ill. His wife remained in the house for years after and was very reluctant and didn’t want to sell but had no choice as she was upside down with the mortgage payments. During our preliminary move in we stayed at a hotel 20 miles away. This place is a former horse ranch and way out in the country. Anyway, to start, I turned on a hall light and left it on all day and night. but found it turned off 3 times that a day. This house is dark in this part of the hall which is next to the man’s bedroom/bathroom where he stayed while ill. My wife and I were moving in so we were constantly going back and forth to Walmart/ hotel and eating out during the day. I finally got back and turned the light on again. I casually asked my wife if she turned it off but she said, “no, why”? I accused her frustratingly of having turned it off. She said,”I never touched it!”. I believe her. After looking at that switch it’s easy to see that it clicks on and off. That same day, earlier, I was first in the house while my wife was in the barn 200 feet away. We had left our dogs in the laundry room overnight and this was our first visit of the day. I went outside onto the back patio thru a sliding door and opened the outside back door to the laundry room to let the dogs outside. I stepped into the laundry room and shut the door behind me. I immediately went to turn the laundry door handle ( non locking), and I could not turn it whatsoever. I proceeded back out to the patio and went back into the house thru the sliding door. I went to open the laundry door from inside and it opened just like normal with zero resistance. The hardware is like new in this house. You could say this means nothing. I deliberately left the light in the hall on once again. We went to dinner and came back in the evening; light still on. We put the pugs in the laundry room for the night and left for the hotel. The next day we came back and found the pugs had gotten out of the laundry room and chewed up a number of things. This happened three times..We have an ADT alarm system with inside motion detectors but it was not triggered (alarm was on) and the girls were all over the house. We drive truck for a living so we are gone for a week or two at a time but normally at our old house a lady takes care of our animals. The thing is how could a small dog reach up to pull down on the door handle (handle,not a knob) and have the door open if it has to be pulled down and then opens towards you? They are not tall enough even by jumping to move the handle nor can they even grasp it. How could the dog get out three times this way in the night after night? It would be easy to see if the dog jumped up, pulled the handle down and then the door pushed out but it has to be pulled inward after pulling the handle down to get out. What’s weird is the door was closed every single time the dogs got out when we got there.I gave a quick pull down of the handle and the door swung open inward on its own but to close by itself appears not possible because it only swung inward, away from closure. Someone would have to definitely have pulled it closed. My dogs are not that smart and could not have closed it or they would be stuck inside just as they were when I put them in there. If this does nothing for you then what happened next might. On the fourth night I was going to open the door to the bedroom where the ill owner was until he went into hospice care. I pulled down on the door handle and it would not budge! Not only would it not move but the door had ZERO play in it. The door had noticeable play in it the few times I went in before. It was as though something on the other side was absolutely putting a pile of strength into keeping deadweight against the door. The handle would not budge ( lockable handle) as I exerted pressure and then finally just gave way as though someone had just let go of it quickly. This scared this *$&#@ out of me and I practically ran outside to my wife in the pickup.I mean it scared me. The door handle made no noise as it released, none. Spine tingling? Yes, beyond that. I was embarrassingly scared shitless. Sorry for cussing. Right now we aren’t even living in the home as it got flooded weeks before so we are e back here in California awaiting possible repairs. Since we have been back here in Californiacation the alarm has gone off more than few times.we have a few friendly deputies visiting the house when the alarm goes off. The last alarm went off a few days ago. ADT said the front door was opened and there was motion in the front room but the officer said all was secure. This has happened twice. It’s been quiet but we’re not sure that even when the house is repaired if we want to live in it. As believers we are not certain what to do. We tried blessing the place but some of this has happened since leaving there. I have seen a bible thrown off of a table as a teenager. Evil definitely exists but I don’t want it inside my house. This is not a joke. God forbid that damn alarm go off in the middle of the night again! Most people watch these ghost hunter shows and do not take them seriously. I don’t think I can be in the house alone. Thus far my wife has not been “harassed “ . I told her if we do move in I’m putting tons of crosses everywhere in the house. Supposedly there’s no such thing as ghost, just familiar spirits or demons. I know the latter do exist and I’m not hyping this up. The owners wife lied about the property to make a sale and I was so upset that I destroyed a religious artifact they left on the property dedicated to a dead relative. The house was left with all kinds of trash as well. I have tried to repair what I destroyed but cannot find the missing pieces all these months later so…. I did this months ago and we just came back to move in but the room where cancer guy was is covered in mold and the house is currently unlivable but even so it is no longer our Dream home to retire in. Yes, I was wrong to do what I did. I have torn out all the drywall in that room. Stephen king could not write a better plot but this is real.

10:40 UTC


My grandma has the third eye...

So we where in my home country for a visit after a long time. My grandma stayid at our house because it tranditional to have an elder visit you after seeing each other for the first time in years. I sleept in the same room as her for two weeks. One thing a noticed while sleeping in the same room as her is that she always had bad dreams. She probably didn't notice that herself, but she always talked in her sleep and it was not normal. One day she just woke up and called out my name and asked me for what i wish for. At first I thought it was a weird question to ask someone but then I told her all my wishes.

I think she can see things that are not meant to be seen. But she can not tell who is bad and good. that the bad thing about her third eye.

sorry for my english/grammar. English is my third language...

08:32 UTC


Idk what the thing is

Ok so I was on the phone with my friend at about 12:50 at night when all of a sudden my dog is barking and running out into my yard (I live next to an old tree farm)

I grab my bowie knife (cause it's the only defence I've got) and I run out there behind him he's in the middle of my yard barking at the woods I get closer to my dog and then I hear whatever it is in the woods it was silent the only thing I could hear was the rustling of the leaves beneath the feet of whatever was out there it sounded like it had 2 feet and whatever it was was staying out of sight but kept walking around by the woods line and it kept pacing I got my dog to go inside and when I went back out there it followed me still hidden in the trees but if I went one way it followed if I went another way it followed but keeping its distance the entire time it was weird so I waited until my dad got home (he works night shift at the state prison so he gets home kinda late) and once he got home I went out there and told him what had happened he got his gun and shot a few times into the woods but it was still there but now it was slowly moving farther and farther away until we couldn't hear the foot steps of it anymore idk what it is and I didn't see it but I think any anamal would have ran as soon as it heard the gun shots idk tho what do yall think

06:29 UTC


I’m terrified and things a escalating

Please help me to know what ppl think about my situation or any similar experiences. Im trying not to panic

I need it to capture audio with no movement in sight. To me I need the audio moreover.

Also there is something in my house that wants my attention. I don’t believe in paranormal and just kept telling myself that it was just a weird event. Or a one off. Sometimes didn’t even think about it.

It was a non issue. Now I live alone and the episodes can’t be explained away.

Quick 3 hard knocks in the upstairs hallway. And when it decides to knock it’ll do it twice throughout the night.

The first knocks are quieter. Wakes me up but I just roll over. Then the big aggressive knocks come later that night.

It started with -things going missing. Toothbrush, spatulas, coasters etc.

-add on this horrific sound of a thin piece of sheet metal being crushed up. And it’s loud. Like almost cover your ears.

-add on to all that with my shower curtain being opened and closed. And now the aggressive loud three knocks.

I’m crazy, I’m sure of it. I’m a scientist in food R/D. I’m in a low emotional place over the past year. Is that how these things start?

I’m so conflicted and my cat goes into the “imma kill you”low to the ground defence crawl with her ears back.

Guys I’m not kidding Thank you all in advance

06:16 UTC


Dark tall hooded cloaked man in my dream.

This was a dream but it felt so real. I was getting ready to go to bed with my fiancé., we brush our teeth, turn off the light, talk to each other and cuddle up in bed. Well I see him look over my shoulder.. before I could turn to look .. he crawl slowly out of bed & looks terrified and starts screaming.. I turn to see wtf he’s reacting too and there is a 7 foot cloaked man, hood on, all dressed black and I can’t see his face. He’s just standing/hovering beside our bed. I actually woke up screaming.. when I went back to sleep I had a series of nightmares. 1.) flying off a mountains cliff in the car. 2) shark attack.. and I don’t remember the last one. What was this thing!?

05:46 UTC


Share experiences

What are some experiences you or a family member/friend have experienced?

05:45 UTC


One of the few things in my life I cannot explain.

Going to try to consolidate this story as the actual sequence of events was very short - but enough to scare my friend and I until this day.

My freshman year of high school, I was living in an area just outside of Austin TX. This area was somewhat suburb, someone rural. A strange mix of the two. One feature of this neighborhood I was living in that I remember distinctly was an old run down barn across the street from me that I could see from my bedroom window. Its roof was caved in and it was closed off by the city. It used to creep me out during my time there.

Anyway, there was a weekend that my parents were out of town and I had the house to myself. I had my best friend (we’ll call him Mike) over to keep me company and hang out for a night. The whole night went by pretty mundane. Just two teenagers hanging out, playing guitar and watching TV.

Mike and I were in the middle of a conversation upstairs in my room when suddenly he was cut off by what sounded like a LOUD belly laugh coming from down stairs. Not a creepy laugh, but like your grandfather was laughing at something genuinely funny. I remember Mike’s eyes widening in a way I’ve never seen. I immediately felt freezing cold with fear. Our initial thought was that somebody had broken in, maybe a homeless person who frequented that barn I mentioned earlier. We grabbed anything we could possibly use to defend ourselves and mustered up the courage to go downstairs. We were met with nothing. All the lights were off, all doors and windows closed. TV was off, no Bluetooth speakers or anything powered on.

What’s funny is that the fact that we found nothing scared us even more. Needless to say, we didn’t sleep well that night.

I never believed in the paranormal until that night. My question to you is: have any of you heard a spirit before? Not an EVP, I mean heard with your ears.

04:05 UTC


My toddler was staring at something in the dark corner

My son is turning 2 in July. He's very bright for his age and is getting the hang of communication very well. This evening he was acting frightful and kept staring at one of the corners of my room. He only gives these eyes when he's terrified of something. I ask him what do you see ? He said "mama" while pointing at the top corner of the room. At first I didn't think much of it. But he kept dwelling on it. His asked him " where's papa?" And he immediately pointed at his dad. Then he asked "where's mama?" And he pointed again to the dark top corner of the room and kind of gazed with a side eye to scared to look. I tried picking him up to comfort him but he absolutely refused my touch or careses. He just became so quiet for 30 minutes with us. It was so strange seeing his shift from hyper active playfulness to being silent and scared.

Recently, I would show my son pictues of my mother who has passed from cancer when I was 14 (I'm 28 now). I look nearly identical to her. Especially recently that have been letting my natural hair out more often. Anytime he sees a picture of her he acknowledge it as "mama".

I'm not sure the incident is related. It just didn't sit right with me... before bed I did a little prayer with him in hopes to comfort him.

His dad doesn't belive much in the paranormal but it did make him feel off afterwards and was a little frighten by it.

Could this be something paranormal? Any insight would be great 👍

03:59 UTC


A selfie my friend took back in 2018

Sorry for the low quality. The original photo has long been deleted since her family thought keeping it would be a bad omen. Fortunately it was saved in our group chat but it's just a screenshot.

And for those who can't see it, the figure looks like an old woman, well at least for us.

Anyone can explain this?

03:58 UTC


Inspired by another post, decided to share mine

To begin, I am a skeptic, I’ve had two real experiences in life that are completely inexplicable and this is one of them. Im also not a frequent poster but this post I ran into inspired me to do so lol.

For context I was six/seven years old at the time, so this is obviously a somewhat distorted memory by now, being that it was over twenty years ago. Anyways, I used to live in a trailer park (in Florida) that was heavily wooded behind the house, and I would frequently go out into the woods and explore/play mostly by myself. One day, I’m like almost positive that I had taken this pathway before, but this time it was different. I felt a presence almost as if I was being watched by something. While on the path I came to this clearing (that I’d never encountered before), where the tree line ended and it was a small open field. Leading to the field there were strange markings on the trees, and in the field there was what Ive always thought/remembered as almost a stone cottage, but really was maybe just a 10x10 square shaped pile of like cobble stones. When i saw it I froze with fear, and everything went completely silent. I immediately turned around and made it back to the tree I always used as a marker to make it back to my backyard area. While I did that, I saw/felt/kind of heard this shadow type thing fly over my head and I promptly ran the rest of the path way back to my house. I’ve always attributed this to it having been a witch and their home that I saw. I took the same path afterwards (because I still played in the woods after this happened) and never encountered this clearing ever again, nor the markings on the trees.

I just saw a post that I commented on with a somewhat similar story, and it brought up this memory that I hadn’t thought of in so many years.

If anyone sees this, and has any insight or similar experiences, please share.

1 Comment
02:48 UTC


Can someone give me a crash course on emotional pain and negativity making one susceptible to attachments?

Title says it. I’m curious about lore around this, what one might experience, how you know it’s happening, and what to do to stop it?

I’ve heard things like negative thinking or serious traumatic events can open one or make one susceptible to attachment from some kind of other worldly entity. This is what I’m curious about.

02:29 UTC


San Antonio Hotel with room completely walled over?

My partner was telling me about a hotel he visited in San Antonio that had a greusome murder in one of the rooms. After the murder the room was cleaned and utilized again for hotel guests. Apparently, so much paranormal activity occurred that they ended up completely blocking off the room and constructing the hallways walls to go over the door of the room so it could never be accessed again. People visit often to go to that level of the hotel and knock along the walls of the hallway until they hear the hollow sound of where the room is located behind the wall.

Does anyone know what the name of this hotel is? Or the murder? I wanted to read more about it but there are so many haunted hotels in San Antonio. My Google searches are doing nothing.

01:00 UTC


Shadow beings help.

I just had an experience last night, a shadow being with what appeared to be a evil grin sat on me or pinned me down in my dream an i couldn’t breathe i called out to god and as i was doing this i couldn’t get the words out but i could think it in my head as this thing is suffocating me. I woke up with a grunt that was fully audible for me to hear, im not a religious person really. But i heard calling out to god helps in those situations, I’ve felt like something has been watching me lately i thought it was just some paranoia from too many haunting and ghost documentaries. So when i told my gf about it, apparently shes been having this type of thing happen to her since before she met me? Im wondering if what is happening to her might be starting to affect me, I’ve experienced a haunting when i was younger but nothing like this. It really scared the shit out of me i hope this is a one off or an over active imagination. Anyone who might have had a similar experience or have researched this stuff have any advice for me?

00:55 UTC


Face in the left lower window at Castillo de San Marcos in Saint Augustine, Fl.

What’s your opinion? Took this a while ago at night while visiting and it still gives me the creeps.

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00:51 UTC

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