
Photograph via snooOG

An otome game is a video game with a romance theme that targets the female audience (乙女ゲーム otome gēmu means Maiden Game). Here we discuss our favorites and least favorites, suggest other games for our fellow maidens, and help each other out when we get stuck on a certain route.

What are Otome Games?

An otome game is a video game with a romance theme that targets the female audience (乙女ゲーム otome gēmu means Maiden Game). Here we discuss our favorites and least favorites, suggest other games for our fellow maidens, and help each other out when we get stuck on a certain route.


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    Tengoku Struggle Play-Along - Yona Murakami

    In this third post we will discuss Yona Murakami and his route in Tengoku Struggle -Strayside-.

    You can tell us what your impressions of Yona are (before and after finishing his route), your favorite moments in his route, what you think of his relationship with Rin and the other characters, what your thoughts are on his route's plot and endings.

    Or you can just squee about him in the comments.

    This is not a spoiler-free discussion however please keep in mind that major spoilers and details of other routes and the fandisc will be outside the scope of the discussion and therefore will need to be spoiler tagged.
    >!spoiler text!< normal text

    !spoiler text!< normal text

    You don't have to be playing the game right now to participate, and if you're still waiting on your copy I hope you will join in after you start playing!

    Have a look at the megathread for links to previous discussions - you can still join in the discussion during the Play-Along.

    Next post will be a discussion of Sharaku Toushuusai's route!

    04:03 UTC


    [Hana Awase] Karakurenai..... had this imagine in my head for a while now

    01:46 UTC


    [Charade Maniacs] Can anyone spoil me by answering just yes or no? 🥺🤧

    So I just want to know if 1. >!will Akase die in Futami's route!<? 😭 2. or will anyone die in this route? 😭

    1. Also, will there be any deaths in any routes in this game? 😭 i just need to prepare my heart. but please do not specify what route, if there is.

    !Futami's route!< is my 5th route so far, and the other routes i finished were all chill and going well and always have a happy ending but then suddenly there's all those craziness with what's happening with >!Akase!< and my heart couldn't just take it, especially that i'd finished his route already 😭 i feel like crying seeing him in panic/manic state 😭

    it didn't even come to my mind that this will have possible deaths despite the obvious premise of the game, because of how there's always one ending per LI so far. and the first four routes i played were all nicely resolved 🥺 so i was majorly shocked with what's possibly happening on this route 😰🤯

    16:23 UTC


    Collar x Malice help

    I need some help- I’ve gotten to the end of chapter 3 where Hoshino ends up in the construction site ending, what do I do from here? Do I have to replay from the start to find another path or was there a choice I made to end up there? I’m just unsure how to proceed if anyone has any advice

    13:27 UTC


    Does stellaworth have a tax-free counter?

    15:09 UTC


    [Cupid Parasite] Shelby Snail was robbed

    Ahhhh the tragedy of best boi having a mediocre route. It started off so strongly…Their first dinner acting as husband and wife, the crack up silhouettes scene, Shelby’s awkward spluttering whenever Lynette touches him unexpectedly.

    Aaaaand then we slip into the cliche misunderstanding tropes which I personally believe Shelby would not be stupid enough to do. I give Lynette leeway on that because she’s not human but DUDE CMON. It’s like the writers came up with the idea for play acting husband and wife, wrote it, and realised it wasn’t nearly long enough and stuffed in a whole lot of filler instead of giving Shelby more development with his half assed backstory.

    And the endings? She ends up as his secretary…really? I get that it’s so that they can spend a lot of time together but it’s putting aside who Lynette is. The alternate ending where she becomes branch manager is more fitting in my opinion but it’s obviously not as satisfying overall as the best love ending.

    Even the ending where they remain platonic but have their ritual of kissing is so sweet; that could go places.

    It started off so good…he’s cemented himself as best boi despite the lows (Ive only finished Ryuki and Shelby so far, so no spoilers for the rest please) Shelby I mourn for thee and your stolen drunk kisses

    Does anyone know if his route in the fandisk is any better? Ive heard mixed reviews of the fandisk overall.

    12:41 UTC


    Anyone played Tsundere★S Otome -Sweet Sweet Sweet before?

    I can't find any screenshots of actual gameplay, only CGs. I'm confused on the guides provided, where there's an S, M and pure route. Then they mention "major events" and "capture character" moments?

    Can anyone who has played this game or one like it, explain "how" it is played? Is it an RPG? Or?

    12:37 UTC


    [Voltage Inc] VolFes 2024 Key Visual Reveal!

    And then, they were 12.


    From left to right:

    Kazuki Shizuku (Anidol Colors), Kirigakure Hotaru (KoiRan Tsuki no Sho/SLBP: Shadow), Hirose Ryoichi (Seduced in the Sleepless City), Joseph Remi (MiraPuri/Princess in the Mirror), Katsu Kaishu (Bakumatsu Ishin Amakakeru Koi [BakuTen]), Tachibana Shunichiro (Irresistible Mistakes), Kirigakure Saizo (KoiRan Hana no Sho/SLBP: Radiance), Shido Kazuomi (Masquerade Kiss), Fenn Modea/Luxure (MakaNai/Court of Darkness), Kuon Himuro (Ouji-sama no Propose/Be My Princess), Kikushima Tamaki (My Forged Wedding), Yuri Toichiro (Ayakashi: Romance Reborn)

    Some of my guesses ending up being right (Fenn and Hotaru being part of this cast), some were totally wrong (BakuTen's, Ouji's, MiraPuri's rep guesses were way off), but I guess the biggest surprise for me was Saizo.

    Guess Voltage thought to bring out the biggest "gun" (and most popular character) for this year, since they went with Kirigakure Saizo, as well as his equally popular younger brother, Hotaru.

    My friend, whose oshi (faves) are Joseph and Saizo, is not happy at the reveal, as she knows that she needs to get both of her faves' Top 2 prizes (Prize A and Prize B)...

    I predict a Day 1 merch bloodbath.

    11:47 UTC


    Anyone know if you can play Court of Darkness on a browser?

    I don't wanna mess with APKs and my phone doesn't have enough storage.

    1 Comment
    10:33 UTC


    [Cupid Parasite: Sweet and Spicy Darling] Just a reminder Preorder on 4/25 at 9:00AM PDT!

    11:21 UTC


    Physical games to pick up in Tokyo?


    I'm going to be in Tokyo during July, and I was wondering what English language Japan-only physical copies for the switch to grab.

    Also if anyone knows any pop up stores or big release events to visit!

    11:11 UTC


    [Brothers Conflict] Drew my boi Tsubaki 💓🌸

    1 Comment
    09:38 UTC


    Ikemen villains daily reset

    Does anyone know if the 5 tickets disappear each day or will they stack up as long as you log in?

    1 Comment
    08:25 UTC


    Which Love 365 Voltage guy do you feel is underrated? 🤔

    Some that immediately spring to mind for me are:

    • Rhion Hatter -(Mad Hatter) - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
    • Kei Soejima - Masquerade Kiss
    • Yukihisa Maki - Irresistible Mistakes

    All these 3 have such depth & complexity within their character. Kei & Rhion in particular are the most complex, beautifully written characters on the voltage app imo, there is no other guys as unique as them. And Yukihisa imo is the most interesting, complex character in IM. I can’t believe they’ve abandoned his route entirely! 🤬😫 I feel all these 3 guys i mentioned don’t get enough love! Imo all 3 of these guys are amazing 💯

    Also super underrated are:

    Sosuke Kikuchi - Finally in Love Again

    • He has such a caring, respectful demeanour to MC & a beautiful personality - he absolutely dotes on her, he’s a sweetheart - def voltage husband material.

    Kaisei Kuon - Kings of Paradise

    • He has such a quirky, eccentric personality; almost childlike & innocent in a really adorable, endearing sweet way & he has such a lovely heart.

    Toru Kurosawa - Her Love in the Force

    • He hides so much pain behind that cheerful, smile & upbeat exterior he shows everyone; & also as with Kaisei, he’s adorable & has a childlike innocence in a really sweet & endearing way.
    01:53 UTC


    Need help finding old games

    I'm not too familiar with reddit so I apologize in advance for any weird formatting or typos.

    I've been trying to find some old otome games I had played when i was younger, and I thought I'd be able to find them on my own since I'd gotten lucky finding Undead Lovers (rip), but ultimately I've had no luck. There are three I've been wanting to find, the first one was about an mc who I'm pretty sure was living with her aunt. They ran a magic shop of sorts that had a concealment spell I think, and for some reason these men (three?) had to live with them for a while. One of them was a giant, blonde I'm pretty sure, the other a redheaded werewolf, and a white-haired vampire. I don't remember much of the plot except for the werewolf they went up to a hill and were chased by what I think was the antagonist, and the werewolf had to defend them and the MC "brought him back to his senses".

    The second one was in a resort hotel type setting, which I'm pretty sure was a family business? I only remember two love interests but I think there was one more. I remember most clearly a purple haired, dark skinned man, who was of high status and who the MC was in charge of during his stay. There was also the son of a politician of the city in the Island, and there was some sort of scandal in his route. From what I remember, there might have been a party the MC attended (masquerade?).

    This last one might be a bit older, and I considered the possibility that it might be Ninja Love but I both can't seem to find videos of the general route, but the layout doesn't seem like the game I played. This is the game I remember the least, but I know it started with a young MC with her parents, and people were breaking into the house. They seemingly had been prepared for it and hid the MC under the floorboards. In a timeskip, the MC is walking through alleyways and meets a man with a mask. I admittedly do not remember much beyond that, except a purple haired man, unless I'm mixing it up with the previous game. It was in an old japanese setting, and wore traditional clothing. I'm pretty sure it was similar to Hakouki, and the MC was looking for revenge. Otherwise, I only remember trivial scenes like some sort of marketplace trip.

    Sorry for the long post, please tell me if anyone is able to remember these!! Thank you!!

    05:05 UTC


    [general] my experience with basically every otome ever

    05:08 UTC


    [General] It's amazing what good romantic dialogue and some steamy CGs can make up for

    04:02 UTC


    [Cafe Enchanté] I love him a normal amount, I promise

    01:53 UTC


    Help finding an old otome game

    Hi! I need help finding an old otome game that I used to play probably around 2012/2013 maybe 2014. It was about "fake boyfriends" with different classes for each type of boyfriend, the best boyfriend being the "sugar" class I believe. It started with the best friend of the MC that is seen with a bf and she had to explain to MC that it's fake. That's how MC is introduced to all characters. If you could help... I've been trying to find it for so long but I can't seem to remember the name (it's not fake boyfriend or something I downloaded it and it's definitely not it).

    01:39 UTC


    CAFE ENCHANTE - dictionary help

    for some reason or another i am missing just one term ONE & it is driving me crazy cus i have no clue what it could be! its a term on the 2nd pg of the dictionary 3rd one down: after cafe mocha & before canus espada (1), if anyone could tell me what the term is & possibly how to get it that would be fantastic 🙇🙇🙇 please help

    1 Comment
    00:06 UTC


    [Utakata no Uchronia] My babies have finally made it home 😭🤧

    After multiple frustrating back and forth with my proxy, I FINALLY HAVE THE PHYSICAL COPIES FOR THIS GAME IN MY HANDS. But I'm an impatient hoe and also bought the digital version on its release day and PROCEEDED TO BINGE THE GAME LAST WEEK (NOT INTENTIONALLY)

    I know Uchro is getting mixed reviews but the other half of the mixed isn't even saying that it's bad, mostly that they expected more? I believe lots of people will enjoy it and its wonderful characters (and plethora of hot undatable side characters) plus art and music are 100000/10 superb 🥹🫶 I'M STILL HAVING MAJOR BRAINROT but now that the store benefits have finally arrived, I can hopefully cope by reading the booklets and listening to the drama CDs 🤧 ANYHOW IK IM SHAMELESSLY HYPING UP THIS GAME BUT PLS JUST PLAY SO WE CAN SIMP OVER YORI-SAMA TGT TYTY






    22:14 UTC


    [Virche Evermore] How to unlock salvation endings

    Quick question: In order to achieve the salvation endings do I have to get all despair ends or just the ones from Le salut?

    21:46 UTC


    Trying to find an old game

    There was a visual novel I played ages ago on my laptop, it's a horror visual novel about a brother who was a Demon I believe and his sister who was a witch, he was trying to find a way to save her once her head was cut off but she stayed alive, the art style is similar to Fata Morgana.. but I cant remember anything else about it except how much I loved it lol

    20:03 UTC


    What Are You Reading Wednesday - April 24, 2024

    Discuss what you have been reading this week in this post.

    There is no moratorium on spoilers on r/otomegames.

    Major or end game details will always need to be spoiler tagged, regardless of how popular or old a game is.

    Use spoiler tags liberally >!spoiler text!< normal text example : >!spoiler text!< normal text

    17:00 UTC


    [Cupid Parasite] What Ryuki’s route felt like

    15:15 UTC


    [Cupid Parasite] Rating the LIs Using Reaction Vids

    14:24 UTC


    Collar X Malice route order?

    So I’m starting to play collar x malice and I’ve been wondering what order I should play in. I originally started off with the order: Mineo-> Kei-> Sasazuka-> Shiraishi-> Yanagi

    However I’ve been seeing different things on the internet. Should I keep going through this route order or try another one? Any order recommendations?

    12:14 UTC

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