
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for everything open source related (for this context, we go off the definition of open source here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source)

A subreddit for everything open source related.

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    "It's perfectly fine to be a redditor with a website, it's not okay to be a website with a reddit account."

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    220,380 Subscribers


    Minecraft Utilities - A simple and easy to use Minecraft API

    Minecraft Utilities offers you many endpoints to get information about a minecraft server or a player. We offer you a simple and easy to use API.

    If you have any suggestions or questions, you can message me on Discord @ fascinated7

    Website: https://mcutils.xyz

    API: https://api.mcutils.xyz

    Documentation: https://api.mcutils.xyz/swagger-ui/index.html

    Source: https://github.com/RealFascinated/minecraft-helper / https://git.fascinated.cc/MinecraftUtilities

    17:44 UTC


    Open-source server builder

    Scriptables is a self-hosted open-source orchestration tool that helps you build Ubuntu servers fast for your PHP and Laravel applications.

    I commonly see a ton of new platforms like Vercel or Planetscale, which are both great offerings but if you are a small business or freelancer, these can become very expensive.

    Why not build your own VPS? it's not that complicated and Scriptables will do all the heavy lifting for you including setting up the Firewall, SSH hardening, and managing of CRONS via an easy-to-use GUI.

    While Scriptables is optimized for Laravel, it's still usable for other application types, you can deploy a standard server and then build upon as per your application needs.


    16:27 UTC


    Schema Based Fake data generator

    Hello guys,

    In my personal projects I've frequently caught myself in need of data to make to use as placeholder in my application. Sometimes for filling a database with dummy data or creating UI elements with React or React Native.

    Last year I found about Zod and its API was used as inspiration to my Blueprint project I've built on top of FakerJS, a very popular fake data generator.

    I'm currently trying to remove the Faker dependency and implement the fake data generators on demand to make it ensure it's comfortable to use with Blueprint's API.

    Give it a try.


    import { Blueprint as Bp } from '@cicerotcv/blueprint'
    // you can describe schemas
    const dateSchema = Bp.date
      .between("2000-01-01", "2022-12-31")
      .transform((date) => date.toISOString());
    const idSchema = Bp.datatype.uuid();
    const emailSchema = Bp.internet.email()
    // join them together in a ObjectSchema
    const userSchema = Bp.object({
      id: idSchema,
      createdAt: dateSchema,
      email: emailSchema,
    // create an array of items of same kind
    const userCollection = Bp.array({
      minLength: 1,
      maxLength: 4,
      schema: userSchema,
    // and run .compile() to generate all the items
    14:47 UTC


    Open-Source Lightweight PDF Reader


    I hate Adobe Reader! It's slow and unnecessarily large, and it's Adobe. However, I read a lot of PDFs and annotate them, and would love to have the same library with the same annotations on every device. Only Adobe Reader offers that.


    So: I created a small (~1MB!) open-source web app for that! Currently there's no (running) backend service for syncing, but I have the code for it already. If anyone is interested in cooperating on this or has feedback, please reach out!

    GitHub - Demo

    20:24 UTC


    bridge — automatic infrastructure for Django


    The Problem

    We built bridge to solve the most frustrating part of any new project — infrastructure. Whenever you spin up a new Django project, you usually have to manually configure Postgres, background workers, a task queue, and more. The problem is amplified when you go to deploy your application — hosting providers don’t understand anything about what you’ve configured already, so you have to run through an even more complicated process to set up the same infrastructure in a deployed environment.

    The Fix

    bridge is a pip-installable package that spins up all of the infrastructure you need, and automatically connects it to your Django project. By adding a single line to your Django project's settings.py file, bridge configures everything for you — this means you don’t need to mess with DATABASES, BROKER_URL, or other environment variables to connect to these services.

    bridge also gives you the access you need to manage these services, including a database and Redis shell, as well as a Flower instance for monitoring background tasks.

    When you’re ready to deploy, bridge can handle that as well. By running bridge init render, bridge will write all of the configuration necessary to deploy your application on Render, including a button to trigger deploys straight from your README.

    If you don’t want all of these services, (say you already have a database, and just want to add background workers) bridge supports that too! It can automate everything you need and nothing you don’t.

    How it Works

    bridge is built on top of Docker, so you get fully isolated and up-to-date versions of Postgres and Redis from the beginning. Celery and Flower need to run on top of your app code, so we hook into runserver to spin these up as background processes. If you need to spin things down, bridge stop will conveniently shut down all services that it’s started.

    Coming Soon

    In the future, we want to add support for more services (jupyter, mail/mailhog etc), more hosting providers (Heroku, Railway, etc.), and more configuration (env vars, optional dependencies, etc).

    bridge is and always will be fully open source. Please give it a try and we’d love any feedback!




    17:33 UTC


    [New, Open-source] Chrome extension to automatically scrape website tables/lists

    Rows.com open-sourced RowsX, a Chrome extension web scraper.
    It is under the MIT License so that anyone can fork and contribute, including to their open bounties program.
    Repo: https://github.com/rows/X

    15:53 UTC


    A Threaded Filename Sanitizer for Linux in Pure C with No Dependencies

    It's a very minimal program under 200 SLOC. It has no dependencies except Linux and Glibc.

    Sanitization is done according to UNIX and URL standards:

    • Nothing but lowercased alphanumeric English.
    • Spaces, dots, and dashes --> underscores.
    • No consecutive, trailing, leading underscores.
    • Keep the extensions intact (if it's a file, not a directory).
    • You will have resulting names such as: example_folder/spreadsheet_file.ods

    Detailed justifications can be found on the repo.

    On newer machines with a lot of threads, It can even rename more than a million entries in seconds. Most human sized filesystems will be renamed instantly (0.000s).

    It has lots of safety features (skips dotfiles; skips system files and the files the user doesn't own; can't be run as root, can't override files). So you can directly run this with sanitizefs /home command to rename simply everything on your system.

    It also has a dry running flag, so you can test things without actually renaming anything.

    It doesn't use mv or any other external command so it can't override anything. It uses the lower level renameat2() function directly from the Linux kernel. So it can only rename; fast and safe.

    It can be easily integrated into TUI File Managers such as Yazi, LF, Ranger, NNN, vifm for even more automated, easier usage.

    Instant Filename Sanitizer: Threaded & Recursive & Lightweight

    14:24 UTC


    New to LocalSend

    I was notified today that HP Quickdrop is to be discontinued by the end of May. I discovered LocalSend but am having trouble sharing files between Windows and my Samsung phone. The wifi in my hostel allows only one connection per user account so I cannot have both devices share the same wifi. How do I share files using LocalSend? Or is there some alternative to LocalSend?

    14:12 UTC


    GameScripter.JS: Compile JavaScript games to tiny executables for Windows / Mac / Linux

    GameScripter.JS is a Sciter based game engine that compiles your game to desktop apps for Windows, Mac, or Linux.

    It's very similar to DragonRuby — in fact, inspired by it — and the scripting language is JavaScript, with some Sciter specific APIs.


    13:16 UTC


    Looking for OSS firewall/Netlimiter alternative for Windows

    Hello everyone,
    I've been a long-time Netlimiter user, but I'm not keen on the subscription model. I'm in search of alternatives that are either free or require just a one-time purchase. My requirements are pretty straightforward:
    - I want to be prompted for internet access permission by an app, with the option to remember my decision either temporarily or permanently.
    - A GUI alert when an application attempts to connect to the internet.

    Any recommendations would be appreciated. Just bear in mind, the on-the-fly decision-making capability and per-computer control are what I find most appealing about Netlimiter. A similar dynamic feature would be ideal.

    Thanks a lot! <3

    01:38 UTC


    Announcing Paige (by Team HERMES), a cross-platform rich text display/edit engine in C

    Team HERMES is proud to reïntroduce Paige, a time-tested, cross-platform, professional-grade solution for building apps featuring long-form styled-text viewing and manipulation capabilities. This is a very loosely circumscribed problem (encompassing everything from e-mail message composition to HTML authoring); this library, therefore, is incredibly full-featured. Moreover, meticulous care has been taken to document each of these features in the official, 841-page OpenPaige User's Guide.

    Paige came to us through an I.P. acquisition that was undertaken as part of the industry-typical "yak shaving" for an unrelated project; personnel considerations grapple with the possibility of its further development, and the wisdom or not of moving qualified staff from an application to a mere library, no matter how widely used, is debatably justified.

    In hopeful obviation of the difficult questions that would ensue either way, we have embarked upon a third course of action: releasing the complete C source code under the GNU Lesser General Public License, making it free as in speech and free as in beer. In fact, if you have pertinent knowledge and are conversant with Git, we'd welcome your contributions.

    The project is hosted on Github at https://github.com/nmatavka/HERMES-Paige and on SourceForge at https://sourceforge.net/p/hermes-paige

    23:07 UTC



    Hello everyone! I've just released a new Python package, notion2pandas, which allows you to import a Notion database into a pandas dataframe with just one line of code, and to update a Notion database from a pandas dataframe also with just one line of code.
    Whether you're a data scientist, a data engineer, a Python enthusiast, or just curious, 'pip install notion2pandas' from the terminal, follow the tutorial in the README, and happy coding!


    20:09 UTC


    Privacy friendly 'shared' spreadsheet ?

    1. Excel - Shared Workbook https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/troubleshoot/excel/use-shared-workbook
    2. Google - Collaborate in Sheets - https://support.google.com/docs/answer/9331169
    3. Multi User editing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGHRn-eRSxE

    What I trying to do ?

    1. Share To-Do list with family. To Do list with many columns
    2. Only some columns can be edit by non-owner but All members can add rows (tasks)
    3. Edit history
    4. Privately - IP-to-IP, Self Hosted, or NextCloud like private solution
    5. Should work on Android and Web or Windows

    Is Spreadsheet the best option ?

    16:39 UTC


    I made a GPL Minecraft launcher!!

    i made a GUI for the opensource CLI launcher picomc for ease of use and i think it runs great, i would love to someone to test it!

    its called picodulce in honor of an argentinean candy and also because it's the most "sweetend" way of using a picomc


    12:55 UTC


    Open Source Laravel 10 Admin Template - Sneat

    10:44 UTC


    NothingOS SDK for Unity Engine

    Hi, guys. I’ve been so exited about purchased Nothing Phone 2a, and I think that Glyphs could be pretty much fun thing in action-based games. It might be used as a reloading, any kinds of timers and flash-bang indicators.

    So I decide to bring this feature in Unity-based games via free & open-sourced package:



    • glyph-based progress bars

    • custom glyph animations

    • supports all range of distributed devices (Phone 1, Phone 2, Phone 2a)

    What’s inside?

    • .NET wrapper for Unity Engine
    • native Glyph Developer Kit .jar library

    Contribution in any form is very welcome. Bugs, feature requests or feedback can be reported in form of Issues.

    06:37 UTC


    Make reactive and interesting videos/3D scenes from your audio!

    A group of friends and I started an open source project to make meaningful and reactive visuals to go along with music and system audio.

    Disclaimer: we have started this project but we are not finished, not all features have been implemented yet. (Especially stuff involving Librosa)

    What it does

    • Take in music and system audio
    • Extract meaningful information from audio
      • Amplitude, frequency information, musical analysis
    • Represent this meaningful information in a visual way

    Intended end product

    Multiple scenes with different visual interpretations of audio Output stream intended to be used for Wallpaper engine, iCue, or home lights.

    For you

    If you're interested, please visit our website and GitHub.

    Contributors welcome!

    Feel free to comment below or message us in Discord if you have more questions!

    Our Website

    Our GitHub

    Our Discord

    1 Comment
    06:18 UTC


    I created a quick OSS web game as a side project this weekend!

    Honestly couldn't remember the last time I built anything that wasn't work-related, so I decided to spend some time, hacking on a fun side project this weekend instead!

    Goal: Landing page/in-app bugs are bad, but they're also far too common. So I built a 1-minute game, where your goal is to find as many bugs as possible in this fake, 'todo list app' (there's a leaderboard too).

    Come check it out here! https://detailoriented.app
    Open-source repo here: https://github.com/kevjin/are-you-detail-oriented

    01:32 UTC


    For Students in Tech

    Hello everyone I have recently created this website for listing all the opportunities be it an student programs , mentorships fellowships and programs for women only.

    I have added 16 such programs as for now, trying to add more everyday. The data will be updated every week based on what programs are going on. i am actively researching more such programs for students

    Any feedback is welcomed, please let me know if my data is wrong or anything as such

    if you like it please check out the footer for the GitHub and star it for me

    Please check out : https://www.stacksaway.tech/

    also quick question : how do we get this website to reach more people so some contribute to it?

    19:34 UTC


    Almost 40 Stars - Open Source Electronics Part Management: PartPilot

    Hey everyone :) It's been an awesome past month building and building PartPilot. Okay, not only building... There was quite a bunch of fixing - thanks to your feedback, which has been awesome.

    PartPilot is almost approaching 40 stars con GitHub. I am really proud of it. Not only because it's my first open source project, but also because there are awesome people showing their support and helping build PartPilot. So many thanks to you guys!

    If you want to help: it would mean a lot if you left a star (https://github.com/PartPilotLab/PartPilot) :)

    18:34 UTC


    Application/Software Suggestion for Limit Smartphone use

    Ever Heard of blockit or Keep Me Out, application. These take admin permission and lock your device for specific time that you ask for. Are there any open source alternative for these?

    1 Comment
    12:45 UTC


    Looking for an open source project to contribute to as a UX/UI designer

    Title basically

    05:46 UTC


    Sentinel - A digital forensics tool built in Python

    Hey everyone! I am currently working on a tool called Sentinel. Originally meant to be part of a renowned forensics operating system, I have decided to continue the project as currently its sole developer.
    Sentinel is an all-in-one encompassing tool for investigations assistance, from API leveraging to compiling data. It is still a work in progress, but feel free to check out the GitHub page here. Sentinel has many features, ranging from IP tracking to Virustotal scans, all from your terminal!

    Check out Sentinel here!

    04:25 UTC

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