A subreddit for everything open source related (for this context, we go off the definition of open source here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source)
A subreddit for everything open source related.
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It's a pretty widely accepted fact that peer-review leads to higher quality ideas / code, but as a solo developer / maintainer being able to get such feedback is hard.
There are all kinds of reasons for this including:
From a code quality point of view this isn't neccesarily a problem - code formatters, linters, type checkers, etc all help in producing reasonmable quality code.
The bigger issue I've found is preventing dumb designs / ideas from being pushed.
So how do/would you go about getting feedback as a solo developer/maintainer?
(I'll add some of my own ideas below so they can be upvoted/downvoted based on what people like)
Edit: formatting
AI extensions greatly assist me in my daily life, especially with tasks like managing emails. I'm currently looking for an AI assistant that can help me efficiently navigate tasks while using Google Chrome.
Hi everyone,
I’ve created a utility that automates the documentation process for Python projects. I have a lot of scripts all over the place, so needed a way to automate README.md generation and project / script understanding.
It performs directory-level analysis, identifies main scripts, counts tokens for cost estimation, extracts dependencies, and generates a structured README file. It also extracts and creates `requirements.txt` file as well.
This tool aims to enhance consistency and efficiency in documenting Python software.
Needs some more work, so feedback and contributions are welcome!
Hey yall
Looking for a web-based (preferably self hosted) program to host a sales leaderboard. This is for a sales contest. Would like for the participants to be able to add sales and have them show up on leaderboard.
What I’ve tried:
Knack: Users cannot delete records with knack so I didn’t go with them. No option to use custom domain unless you pay extra. No option to self host.
LeaderboardHQ: Unable to track dollar amount sold and its hard for users to add data.
Open to any and all suggestions - open source/fre/freemium preferred but am willing to pay for a program as well.
Thank you in advance
Hey guys I officially have released V2 of vueframe its been completely rebuilt from the ground up with major performance improvements, with a brand new mascot.
a star would be amazing + I would luv your feedback :)
As a developer who wasn't very focused on contributing on opensource projects, where can I find projects that are ready to be started but needing developers to form the full team?
I think this is the right discussion topic to be discussed for developers who are ready to join this type of "industry".
I (and few devs) are planning to start an opensource project but we couldn't decide whether to use a framework or start from scratch.
Is building from scratch always better? I'm talking specifically for the back end (PHP)?
side question: Is PHP really the best language for opensource projects that people can use the project on shared hosting?
Hi Guys!
I've developed a web-app Streamsphere which helps download from yt-dlp and manages/server your media; it's fully self-hostable. Its super easy to setup with docker compose which is available on github!
The technology stack is Angular + Golang. The effort is to have as low resource utilization as possible. https://github.com/rs-anantmishra/streamsphere
I've published a pre-release v0.1.10, check it out on my github page! I'd like to have the feedback of this awesome community on it! :-)
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4DIt8AI
Greetings! First of all, I'm sorry it I'm asking in a wrong place. I'm also sorry for clumsy language, English is not my native tongue. And finally, I'm new to opensource contribution, and pretty much just cargo cult-ing it from our lead programmer, so my questions might be a bit off; please let that slide.
I'm part of a group of friends with a dream of making a fork (private at first, then public once we have enough to show to attract more contributors) of a particular open-source project. The original project is hosted on Github, along with most forks we know of (though long ago, ancient versions used to be hosted on Sourceforge, I think). However, with the recent worldwide events, we discovered that Github no longer allows our lead programmer full use of its functionality, based on their location. They tried a couple workarounds, but they impeded the workflow too much.
— The platform can be accessed from Windows. Not all of us use open-source OS.
— Allows for merging and reverting commits, creating and merging in branches, comparing file differences, screening contributions from out-of-team contributors, all that stuff that I hope is baseline functionality for Github-like repositories.
— Accessible from any country in the world, no politics-based bans.
— Allows for media files (graphical assets) to be included alongside the source code.
— Allows for starting a project as private, then changing it to public. We do hope to eventually attract outside contributors, and strive to make them feel welcome.
— Does not limit/charge for the amount of end users who are going to download the project, or for the amount of contributors to work on it.
— Preferably easy to learn, to access, and to work with. (Having a GUI would be great, though I understand if that's a pipe dream.)
— Not too difficult to import/upload a pretty large pre-existing project from Github (though again, I'll understand if that's a request in poor taste.)
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
I've just discovered Rimusic and I'm impressed. I've been paying Spotify for years and Rimusic has nothing to envy Spotify. I don't understand how this is possible. Is there a hidden flaw? Is it legal? Do we risk seeing the application disappear one day?
What are some good open source projects, ideas, programs, tools, you would like to see being built ? To solve a daily problem or just use as an alternative to something
Hi all I'm after a very simple budgeting software really.
My idea is I want to be able to link my bank account then every transaction I can put into a 'project'
For example Transaction 1 - £100 - Project 1 Transaction 2 - £300 - project 1 Transaction 3 - £150 - Project 2
Then when I click on the project, I will see project 1 = £400 Project 2 = £150
Found a few project management software but they all seem overly complicated!
Anything available that anyone knows of?
Hi r/opensource
I've been working with a small team on this for the last couple of years, we recently released our 1.0 this year!
We've been working hard to try and build something that makes the lives of backend developers simpler, and we're always looking for more feedback and contribution, so if you like what we're doing come join our community :).
Looking for an airtag replica but open source, anyone knows a good one?
Hi, in struggling to understand something:
Im using a software with GPL V3 license. I'm planning on keeping all the software I develop under the same license. But I'm planning on developing my own hardware (PCBs, casings etc), and selling both the product and its installation. Thus I'm technically using that software for commercial use.. no? Am I breaking the terms of the license by doing so? In other words do software licenses transfer to non-software aspects of a final product?
If someone buys the assets of a company and the assets include GPL licensed software, do you think that should trigger the distribution clause of the GPL 2.0 license?
Hey everyone,
I’m a co-founder of OpenSign, an open-source alternative to DocuSign. I’m reaching out to share a concerning situation that’s unfolding in our project.
Recently, someone forked OpenSign and is actively trying to strip away all paid plan restrictions, replacing our project’s logos with their own. To make matters more complicated, they’ve even raised a pull request for these changes. While technically allowed under the AGPLv3 license, this feels like an ethical gray area.
The optional paid plans are a key part of how OpenSign sustains itself while still offering the core features for free. This fork directly jeopardizes our ability to fund development and grow the project further.
Open-source is all about collaboration and transparency, but this feels more like exploitation. Is this just "the price of being open-source"? Should there be unwritten moral/ethical rules or guidelines to prevent forks from harming the sustainability of parent projects?
I’d love to get your take on this, especially if you’ve faced similar situations in your own projects. What’s the best way to respond?
Hi opensource! I was looking to create something similar to https://voicewriter.io/app and being able to open the microphone and having the user speak and transcribe in real time! Are there any good open sources for this; i know for example, whisper isnt that good at streaming?
Hi everyone, so I’ve been working on an ebook reading app called uRead, and I’d love to share it with you. It’s designed to offer a straightforward and customizable reading experience for Android users.
Key Features:
And a lot more!
Why I Made uRead:
I’m a reader myself and wanted an app that’s simple to use but still flexible enough to adapt to different reading styles. uRead is free to use, Open source, with optional premium features for those who want a bit more customization.
If this sounds like something you’d find useful, you can check it out on the Google Play Store Here. I’d love to hear your thoughts, feedback, or suggestions for future updates.
You can also find the github Repo here
Thanks for taking a look! 😊
I have a program I have developed for decades. I have had it for sale and distribute it via mailed DVDs.
I am getting up in years and am interested in releasing the program to the public domain so it can live longer than I can.
What is the best way for me to distribute this software? Needs:
Closest I've found is github but my project is too large for that.
Any recommendations?
Is there an alternative for android emulation for app testing similar to how android studio does things that's open source?
Hey everyone,
I've been wanting to continue with my life journaling, but I'm struggling to find a good FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) application for it. I've had great experiences with apps like DayOne and Diarium, but they're not open source and come with a hefty price tag.
Does anyone know of any solid FOSS journaling apps with good features and usability? I'd love some recommendations!
I've been looking at a number of Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tools that supposedly scan and analyse components for open source licences and security among other compliance functions. However, from what I can tell, they are geared towards developers and dev houses since they scan their codebases for compliance.
What I'm looking for is a tool to scan the applications already running and give me a report of the tools in use and their licenses. I would think process flow is for me to give the installation folders and the tool does the rest.
Assume I'm running mysql DB for instance, it should be able to check the installation folders and report on that.
Is there such a tool? Or can the standard SCA tools so the same?