
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for everything open source related (for this context, we go off the definition of open source here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source)

A subreddit for everything open source related.

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    "It's perfectly fine to be a redditor with a website, it's not okay to be a website with a reddit account."

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    227,084 Subscribers


    What if FSF bankrupt?

    What will become of the open source movement if the FSF runs out of money? Inflation and rising salaries could pose a serious threat to them.


    09:10 UTC


    Created an open-source AI agent that helps with troubleshooting incidents

    Hey guys, we’re excited to introduce to you what we’ve been working on for the past few months. We are two co-founders and we’ve both experienced on-call shifts where we felt unprepared, the relevant people weren’t around to help or we were left in the middle of the night trying to figure out what went wrong.

    Merlinn is an open-source AI on-call developer that lives in Slack. It can help you alleviate some of the pains mentioned above by connecting to your favorite tools and pair with you to triage the incident. We also have a pro version that we host on our cloud.

    Our goal is to help companies reduce MTTR, keep your SLAs in check and improve the on-call experience If you’re interested in what we’re doing, you can join our slack community. Visit our repo to learn more.

    That's it! If you have any questions/feedback/thoughts, we'd love to hear them :)

    05:39 UTC


    How do Uninstaller like Iobit work?

    I think it plays with Hard Uninstall System Command but I don't know it entirely

    04:03 UTC


    Docmost - an open-source collaborative wiki and documentation software

    Hi all, I hope you are having a great weekend.

    Docmost is an open-source collaborative wiki and documentation software. It is an open-source alternative to Confluence and Notion.

    I have been working on it for the past 12 months. This is the first public release (beta).

    The rich-text editor has support for real-time collaboration, LaTex, inline comments, tables, and callouts to name a few.

    Collaborative real-time editor
    Spaces (Teamspace)
    User permissions
    Page history
    Nested pages
    File attachments

    You can find screenshots of the product on the website.

    Github: https://github.com/docmost/docmost Documentation: https://docmost.com/docs
    Website: https://docmost.com

    I would love to hear your feedback. Thank you.

    03:51 UTC


    App for Neuroinformatics Experiment in Python

    This app is Baseline for EEG experiments prepared for data acquisition using BrainAccess devices. It's easy to change it for your needs, and it already has basic EDA, Grid Search Machine Learning algorithms and Data preprocessing using ICA.

    Maybe someone will need that eventually. I did it in spare time from projects in my neuroinformatics research club at my uni,


    16:10 UTC


    Do what you want with put pixel - A graphics library that's too simple

    I wanted something like HTML Canvas outside the browser. I wanted a simple buffer with just three features.

    1. Get a flat RGB buffer
    2. A 'put pixel' function which can put color pixels in the buffer
    3. Save the buffer to a file so that I can see the buffer.

    The target audience are students or people who just want to play graphics algorithms and do not want anything complex.

    Here is the GitHub repo: https://github.com/coderarjob/ppm-graphics

    You would be amazed what you can do with just put_pixel(). Enjoy!

    15:27 UTC


    Recommend Open-source eBook Reader for Windows.

    I was searching for a good FOSS ebook reader for windows to read epub, mobi files but couldn't find any.
    I love foliate but it's not available for windows.
    Recommend something like foliate for windows.

    04:13 UTC


    Any open source audio/vocal separator

    Bonus points if it is written in python or nodejs(ik highly unlikely) but still

    00:56 UTC


    Developed a WhatsApp application building SDK in typescript

    I recently developed this SDK for Node.js written in Typescript, which can be used to develop the WhatsApp API based application super easy. Do check it out here on the github and the documentation is here.

    Looking forward to some beta users and feedback, and people interested to contribute if they want to.

    20:28 UTC


    AGPL Database with non-OSS Website

    I've been developing FOSS apps and libraries for a while, but right now I'm building a website that I don't really want to publish the source of (a photography portfolio for my brother). To host images, I'm considering using MinIO (as a Docker container in a Compose stack which would have containers for the webserver itself, MinIO and Postgres), but I noticed that it's AGPL licensed. I've licensed my own software under AGPL before, but I must confess I have no idea whether or not using AGPL licensed software (unmodified) as one of the backend services of a closed source website is allowed. Advice would be appreciated! Thank you in advance.

    Edit: I'm not clear on why this was downvoted but I've received a lot of helpful advice. Thanks to everyone who has helped out.

    20:00 UTC


    Inhooks: Incoming Webhooks Gateway built with Go

    Inhooks aims to be a lightweight incoming webhooks gateway solution. Written in Go and runnable as a single binary or docker container. Only requires a redis database for storage/queueing.


    • Receive HTTP Webhooks and save them to a Redis database
    • Fanout messages to multiple HTTP targets
    • Fast, concurrent processing
    • Supports delayed processing
    • Supports retries on failure with configurable number of attempts, interval and constant or exponential backoff
    • Supports different HTTP payloads types: JSON, x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
    • Supports message transformation using JavaScript ECMAScript 5.1
    • ... more features planned
    1 Comment
    15:48 UTC


    Add collaborative editing to a text editor

    Hey everyone

    I have built a TUI text editor using Python and curses and was wondering if i could add collaborative editing like functionality [just like google docs] to it.

    I have done some research and have found a tool called automerge but it is available only for web applications.

    If anyone has any ideas please feel free to share them.

    12:41 UTC


    Created an open-source AI agent to help you during your on-call shifts

    Hey guys, we’re excited to introduce to you what we’ve been working on for the past few months. We are two co-founders and we’ve both experienced on-call shifts where we felt unprepared, the relevant people weren’t around to help or we were left in the middle of the night trying to figure out what went wrong.

    Merlinn is an open-source AI on-call developer that lives in Slack. It can help you alleviate some of the pains mentioned above by connecting to your favorite tools and pair with you to triage the incident.

    Our goal is to help companies reduce MTTR, keep your SLAs in check and improve the on-call experience If you’re interested in what we’re doing, you can join our slack community. Visit our repo to learn 🚀

    11:08 UTC


    What is the Best FOSS Notes Taking App for Android 14?

    Hello all! I was wondering if anyone could suggest the best actually free notes application for Android 14. I found NotesNook which is almost exactly what I wanted, but is locked behind paywalls. I don't need it to have server syncing or an application for every platform. My only ideal features I will list below. Thank you all in advance for your help and time!

    FeatureRequirement Level
    No LoginNecessary
    On Device StorageNecessary
    On Device EncryptionPreferable
    On Device BackupsPreferable
    Notebook Creation for Organising NotesPreferable
    Individual Note/Notebook Biometric/Password LockingRequired
    Application Biometric/Password LockingPreferable
    Reminder NotificationsRequired (or FOSS Reminder app suggestion)
    Image AttachingRequired
    Handwriting (Stylus)Preferable
    Bullet/Number ListsPreferable
    Note PinningRequired
    01:33 UTC


    Open Source Twitter

    I want to create an open source data hub social media platform that integrates all other social media. X, IG, Rumble, Youtube, GTTR, Truth.

    A free speech platform, no games, owned by everyone and no one.

    People can post on the platform of their choice in the media of their choice and have is consolidate on their feed.

    22:00 UTC


    How to find GitHub opensource repo based on country

    Hi everyone, I was trying to find opensource project from different countries, specially Dubai. I have seen many opensource project and startup from many countries. But it's really hard to find opensource project or startup based on any specific country. And it's specifically hard to find a working legitimate opensource project or startup.

    Let me know if you came accross any platform where I can find project or startup Based on country. And if you know someone about any opensource project from Dubai that would be a great help 👍

    19:45 UTC


    Does your project need UX help?

    A while back I asked this and now I'd like to follow up on it.

    I lead a not-for-profit organization that helps facilitate Product/Tech projects so people can learn, grow, and connect with others.

    We're currently turning to the open source community to see if maintainers/project owners would want assistance from a team of UXers.

    If yes or if you're curious/have questions, send me a DM and we can take it from there!

    16:22 UTC


    Yet another react framework

    Hi everybody.

    In the past two months I've been working on a react framework but with the server side written in rust (with working SSR) - here the project.

    The main project's goal is to enable multi-threading server side rendering while still working on the frontend with React to achieve super fast response time in production leveraging a great development experience.

    The project is still missing a ton of features but I'd love to know your thoughts on that - I'm looking for contributors.

    There is also a tutorial here to get started with it!

    Thanks all

    15:42 UTC


    Open source online tool

    Hi Reddit!

    I hope you're all doing well. I'm excited to share a project I've been working on, and I'd love to get some contributors to help take it to the next level.

    Project: Omni-Tools

    Tech stack: ReactJs, Typescript

    Description: Omni-Tools is an all-in-one utility suite designed to provide various handy tools for developers and everyday users alike. Whether you need a quick file converter, a regex tester, or a simple calculator, Omni-Tools aims to have it all in one convenient place.

    Looking for Contributors: I'm looking for contributors to help with:

    • Adding new tools and utilities
    • Improving the UI/UX
    • Testing and bug fixing
    • Providing ideas and feedback

    If you're interested, feel free to leave a comment here or directly open a PR on GitHub. Any level of contribution is welcome.
    And please star the repo

    15:37 UTC


    Any good lesser known open source tools for graphic/audio design?

    I am looking for some smaller tools for graphic design and audio design. I know of inkscape and audacity, but if people know of other such things then I would be quite interested. Thank you!

    12:51 UTC


    Receiving dozen fake stars everyday on github since last week


    I've a fairly sucessful project on github (https://github.com/f3d-app/f3d/). We usually get 2 stars a day from legitimate users.

    Starting on last monday, we are receiving dozen of stars each day from new accounts, probably bots.

    Does anyone else see this ? Anything we should do ?

    Example accounts:

    11:43 UTC


    Build Your Own GitHub Copilot with SuperDuperDB: Live Workshop

    Hey Reddit!

    Just wanted to give you all a heads up about a cool live workshop we're hosting tonight. We'll be showing how to build an AI-powered tool similar to GitHub Copilot using SuperDuperDB's latest release (v0.2). 🚀

    🎥 Today (27/06/2024) at 9 PM CET
    🔗 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgavM6QDmxQ

    What to Expect:

    • AI and Databases: How to integrate AI models directly with your database.
    • Vector Search & Model Chaining: Learn about vector search and setting up workflows by chaining models and APIs.
    • Real-time AI Outputs: Implementing real-time AI outputs as new data arrives.

    If you're into AI, databases, or just curious about how it all works, this session is for you.

    Feel free to drop any questions or comments below. Excited to see what you all think!

    1 Comment
    09:54 UTC

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