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    I am avoiding... Hide me! I don't want to know of its existence.

    I am avoiding myself, Hiding. I want to know if I exist.

    It's time to reflect.

    https://www.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/s/MAFfpA6VO1 https://www.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/s/nuRkl1BXXp

    1 Comment
    23:17 UTC


    Inhuman (again)

    I miss you not only extensively, but inhumanly.
    Not only how you miss a human, but also how you'd miss a lung.
    Yes, I miss your presence - your smile, voice, and wit, your hands and their meter. (Plenty of poems to import for these, plenty of persons I've missed.)
    But worse, I inhale and it doesn't fill me.

    I waft around shadow-limbed, cropped neuron firings I don't know what to do with.
    Suddenly, sometimes, I am only a shock-pulse, an ache.
    Sometimes my heart razes bearings and my skin raises flagpoles, and I'm certain we're looking down the same line, somewhere, towards each other.

    The coffee, usually cold now - is it my tongue, or do I sit longer frozen, not-holding your hand?
    When my mind is elsewhere, when your name is nowhere, still you are a shape in my instincts.
    A notch in the clock cycle, profound syncopation.
    You comprise me so deeply, half my movements are yours.

    It's true that when we said goodbye, I cried like a child (a human, conscious in grief).
    But more than that, I felt firmware not-update
    to this relapse in the lack of you (congenital condition).
    My body, too adapted to the miracle cure -
    unable to stop pinging.

    Too heafed for rewiring, too known to forget
    a body un-bounded, in-human bones set.

    (Posted again since I made a mistake with comment links before)



    21:51 UTC



    Inside-out all day, meeting ends. Ashamed
    of feeling full, but looking to the forest.
    Fantasizing about walking among tall trees
    that see far.

    One and Two

    21:37 UTC


    The Amalgamation

    I felt a void, first in my throat. It slithered down to a more comfortable spot ridged in my chest. A little to the left,

    There, that’s better.

    It might fit perfectly there

    right, won’t it?

    Isn’t that what the past has taught you? Isn’t that what the path has taught you? The journey you’re on kid can be shaped just as unique and rare as you are.

    In your chest is where it sits now. The same feeling- now rests in your stomach where it can expand and encompass and engulf your every fiber and survive the acid that craves to decay into something of your own volition.

    But it’s as unique as you are. If we are unique, is our pain not just as unique? Have I gone too far into this? This pain that engulfs my stomach. Chronic.

    Ironic how the pain enraptures your soul when it subsides. Multiple times a day or for a day and then another and then another. Repeatedly so, until it careers itself back into the void that ridges itself in your chest and fits so perfectly just at the top of your throat.

    As unique as you are. Your pain is as unique as you are.

    Man, if this phantom were only physical. How regretful this would be, and so there would be no blame scattered across these pages.

    Instead, it sits and contorts and contours into the amalgamation in my fibers. Into the every strand of wilderness, like a forest of misbehavior, weaving my figure and framework,

    the void, the pain, the amalgamation of my heart. Let beauty come from pain, if it can live in the blame of these words.

    Link1 : https://www.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/s/HrZXIUWSEE

    Link 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/s/dJgtuJ2lic

    1 Comment
    21:11 UTC


    Many lives

    I once was a spider, Now I’m an ant. I want to spin webs, But now I can’t.

    One grain of sugar. A piece of a leaf. Two more legs, Would be a relief.

    I live in a hill, With all of my kin. I miss my web, The flies stuck within.

    I used to climb better, And scare housewives. Maybe next I’ll be a scorpion, In these many lives.



    19:34 UTC


    Back with a revision, title is called, "Self Preservation

    ribbed texture goes a long way when counting each line down the arm of the sofa,

    almost 175 but will have to try again,

    not sure if I was right to begin with.

    It's not that I'm not interested in listening,

    but you have told me this twice before hand,

    I advised you plenty so I hear you,

    no judgment but can't repeat myself.

    My turn, trying to tell you all of my own woes,

    the attention of your energy always changing, no longer engaging,

    scrolling on your phone, nothing important no beckoning call to connect,

    and the most reasonable thing to do is accept.

    Never been a half life kind of person,

    my first house rules in murky Scorpio water,

    I'll take your secrets to the grave, sit with you when you wallow,

    intense compassion for others, need to learn how to mother

    my feelings, hopeful for balance, your friendship uncovers all I find fault

    with my spirit, you can't reciprocate,

    It's alright, but needing more than that tonight.

    Dear to me, your laughter contagious,

    you're happiness appreciated, a lesson in all or nothing,

    I do not know anyway else how,

    think I gotta leave now.



    1 Comment
    19:28 UTC


    Death’s Portrait On A Mirror

    I illustrated deaths face upon a mirror;
    condensation was my paint;

    I bid farewell to my paragon and subsequently, I showered in bitterly cold water, and as it chilled me to the marrow, I let it drip into my soul.

    Wrapped in a tough towel too tight,
    I felt the water evaporate off my soul;

    I teetered back to the mirror, the condensation was gone and so, my paragon was in absentia;
    although paradoxically, death was still peeking back at me.

    I only very recently have gotten into poetry; please critique as i’m trying something new with this one.

    Feedback I left: 1. https://www.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/comments/1cseqwl/comment/l4clgnv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

    1. https://www.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/comments/1cry5os/comment/l4ckmty/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
    19:26 UTC


    Active shooter

    Did you hear that? It sounds far away. It’s getting closer. Closer everyday.

    Someone screaming. Can’t happen to me. Get under the table. Get up and flee.

    Everyone’s nightmare. Someone’s bad day.
    Off of the meds. Social decay.

    It will happen to you. Someone you know. Just play the odds. The winds gonna blow.



    19:06 UTC


    Tears in Gaza

    Tears in Gaza

    The wives wail for their fallen husbands' embrace, The children's tears fall on their mothers' lifeless face, Men beg for mercy from soldiers in the fray, I weep, powerless to save them from this dismay.

    Displaced and far from home, Amidst the rubble, they're forced to roam. Decaying remains of neighbors near, A haunting sight that fills hearts with fear.

    It's not just recovery they seek, But survival, amidst chaos and bleak. Innocent children’s bones, a painful sight, Desperate pleas for bread, day and night.

    The children of olive trees weep, pleading the world for aid, Their cries echo until they are silenced at last. How many lives must be lost before we call it what it truly is, I ask Not a conflict, but a genocide that’s paid.

    The indigenous of the land nourish the earth with their tears Their innocence shattered, dreams consumed by fears. The planes fly above them, with terror in their eyes One last breath until their light dies

    The Arab nations, their laughter echoing from afar, We watched fantasy films, cheering for the resistance star. But when confronted with reality, we're labeled as siding with terror, A narrative that seeks to silence and undermine, an unjust error.

    Let the world hear their cries, their pain, and their plea, To end the genocide, to set Palestine free. May justice prevail, and peace be restored, In Gaza, where tears flow, their spirits soar.

    • Julia Sawatzky



    1 Comment
    18:37 UTC


    The Crush

    I was walking down to the cliff
    And when I reached it
    I started falling

    I grabbed at rocks and branches
    But did not pull myself up
    I didn't want to
    I kept falling

    When fear of the crash outgrew the adrenaline
    I pulled myself up
    But did not leave
    I didn't want to

    I got closer and closer
    Now, I'm holding onto the ledge

    When I get back up, will I be able to sit?
    Legs dangling off the ledge
    Enjoing the view without struggle?

    Do I still want to?



    18:09 UTC


    A Bridge in London

    An empty bus plods along 
    With somewhere else to be.
    Over a belt of stone on silken water
    Fed twice from source and sea.

    Street lights dim and glow
    In a dance with night and day.
    Against a persisting presence
    when backdrops fall away.

    An accordian of cars
    Convene then sparse.
    So their rumbling fades
    Like ripples disperse.

    In this snow globe
    where seasons settle and shake.
    There’s an overarching presence
    A solemn scene of one take.



    15:47 UTC


    What Cide Are You On?

    I’ve had it easy
    And I’ve been blessed
    To only suffer the feeling
    For those with less
    And those with more
    Of the carnage of war
    That pounds unwelcome at their door
    That brings down the roof
    And scars the youth
    Of tens of thousands
    Who are used to playing
    Going to school
    And maybe just losing their first front tooth
    And now a hand
    And now a leg
    And now a parent
    And now a friend
    And now a family
    And now a future
    And now the vividness of sense
    Vanishing with their view
    And what happens then, I cannot say
    I only see pictures of their pain
    This I’ve understood
    That I have had it good
    Though I’m trained to think that I’m in need
    By the vulturous advertiser’s greed
    And my problems have all been imagined ones
    Internal battles with my own demons
    The battles of one’s own existence
    The persistence of my own resistance
    To such inevitabilities of life:
    Universal failures, strivings, strife
    That distract all us living from our dying
    But again there are the very many
    Whose peace must come among with plenty
    of things not other than agonies
    Nothing other than tragedies,
    And not of chance but travesty
    The contortions of humanity
    The results of the depravity
    Of those hearts that are but a cavity
    And callous to the gravity
    Of a single person multiplied
    By the millions more amplified
    By the screaming of each and all
    The loudness of unanswered calls
    The desperate wails that overcome
    The visions of the tons and tons
    Of bodies piling in the sun
    The former loved and loving ones
    No longer…
    looking like…
    For evil ideologues there are calculations:
    Who can we trick into taking our side?
    Who can we get to fund our supplies?
    When can we erase them and begin renovations?
    What can we gain from this mass starvation?
    And this is what the killers think
    That flesh and blood
    And beings that breathe
    Have no value guaranteed
    Not to mention the truths perceived
    In years and years of life elapsed
    In the children’s futures and elders’ pasts
    No different than buildings collapsed
    And we all can see
    Though some deny
    And others turn away their eyes
    We all can think
    And know the lies
    Forget for a second our piece of the pie
    We all can hear
    The babies’ cries
    How many more are going to die?
    If you have the power it’s time to decide


    14:11 UTC


    Lights from the North

    Millions of sighs
    millions of cries
    by millions of clicks
    millions of shares
    and behind them
    there is hope
    a million eyes glimmer.

    Review 1
    Review 2

    10:32 UTC



    My eyes, scale this record 
    Spin of never-ending 
    Truth of us all
    Why does it feel so serene?
    Forward I only see the anthropoid 
    Sight that tells stories 
    The mouth that grudges 
    Fear, hate; it creates
    The ridges of simplicity  
    Fluttering vespoid

    Revolving, I stare again 
    The lines tell confidence of a smile 
    Passion spreads 
    Love, strength; it sings
    Isn't this repetition?

    The spin; grips 
    Over and over 
    Blowing the Candles 
    Another Passes



    08:19 UTC


    Nothing Left Inside of Me

    numb to my own emotions
    but constantly caught in the tidal wave
    of everyone else's broken
    dragged under into a sea of glass
    pierced by the turbulence
    of their ever changing emotions
    treading shards just to stay afloat
    words of consolement and sympathy
    slipping out amongst the gasping breaths
    frigid arms outstretched
    endlessly seeking the shoreline
    but engulfed by the undertow
    pulled beneath the oceans depth
    crushed by the waves of their emotions

    This is the first poem I have written since I was a teenager. Capitalization and punctuation felt weird, so I left it out. I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed by the emotions and needs of those around me, and wanted to put into words the daunting feeling of managing their emotions and my own.

    Feedback 1 | 2

    07:39 UTC



    All of it

    All of it

    She screams

    Trapped in a hell we never chose

    Your fire kept burning

    It was the smoke that clouded your vision

    You cried and fought and kept looking

    Searching for that hope of finding the light

    But my eyes rotted from their sockets

    Apathy had paralyzed me as they left my skull

    Rolling down my face as my last teardrops

    Mourning the sunlight I felt

    But could no longer see



    07:06 UTC


    My best work

    《2 Snot and tears》 Alexander's final letter to God after his observation of Jude's much worsening condition. Alexander and Jude, the first humans on earth placed by God for the sake of repopulating it, Alexander explains his situation to God as he cannot bear the anguish of losing her.

    How unfortunate, One is, to inhabit this.

    Truly, To lose My beloved Jude!! And if that were to happen

    Sparingly, In regard for me, Unalive me, Spare me by taking my soul away That would be in my own benefit I do not wish to breathe anymore No more bickering No chatter Once My beloved passes I might as well, Follow her, so, I need not fear her passing anymore And surely i won't cry:) Like before.

    You see, It comes a stage One can no longer scream Out of despair Too many headaches MIGRANES And that's far past agony Complaining is just childplay. Wicked silly

    As advised I should accept it, "Suck it up!" And make it a routine Reciting "God bless her soul" In remembrance for Jude Once she has passed. Madlad! Perse, she is to die It's only natural I should as well.

    We should! alongside one another In solidarity As we did in everything else Dust to dust.

    《3 Resignation》 Alexander has resigned from his trust and belief in this his creator, he no longer wishes Jude should stay alive, he has resigned entirely from the human nature of wanting and holding hope. He is fully prepared on following Jude, wherever her soul may go.

    If this God does exist, he has crafted one's nightmares

    Life is a struggle, this much is evident in every ecosystem in every corner of this world.

    Life is a constant, ever-changing battle royale between predator and prey, disease and response, disaster and recovery.

    Food chains are ruthless, multifaceted cycles of death from which no animal ever wins, only hopes to reproduce so they can pass the baton to the next generation.

    There is equal part beauty and wonder as there is cruelty and destruction.

    What kind of creator would want this, outside of one who wants to see death?

    One could argue that the cycle is a necessary part of the miracle of life, but why make it so cruel?

    Why make animals cannibalize, rape and cull just to survive?

    Why make sweeping calamities that wipe out entire swathes of ecosystem at random?

    If one is to believe, that God personally crafted life as we know it, and didn't just kickstart existence and let it develop on its own, then why would they make such a horrific world?



    05:21 UTC


    my heart was already yours..

    Today my mind
    Feels empty
    And there is
    A gaping hole
    In my chest
    You took me
    By surprise
    When you slammed
    Your hand
    Into my ribcage
    And pulled out
    The piece of me
    That I would have given
    To you



    02:39 UTC


    What is Due to the Wind - (feedback appreciated)

    1; 2

    I've been getting into writing and art making lately and really wanting to work with poetry (why's it so hard - ugh! lol).
    This is my latest attempt at a poem (free verse). I think it shows progress but I'm really looking for critical feedback on what I can work on going forward and how this one can be improved. It's meant to reflect a complicated/complex relationship - IDK how well that comes across.
    Thanks for reading.

    My mother is the wind

    (which is to say, she is
    air in natural motion, relative
    to the earth's surface);

    She moves invisible;
    I see her dance with fallen
    cherry blossom petals in May;

    (Men have tried to map her contours,
    as if knowing her shape and velocity
    will bring them closer.)

    She can not be held, but I feel her
    – always –
    (blowing with whatever degree
    of gentleness or violence);

    Knowing she is
    can relieve a fever
    in sweltering July;

    She has touched every speck
    of dust in this place
    without ever knowing why;

    She is
    why I am
    to the water; I am
    a long wave rolling in from the ocean;

    she finds me like a piece of prized sea glass —

    the coolest blue-green
    (in bony fidgeting hands);

    When I breathe, my lungs fill
    as a gust of love;

    She is
    than half
    of my
    favorite photograph: My mom and I
    at the shore of the bay,
    taking in the sea air
    at peace,

    where water meets land
    and the wind kisses my face.

    On a perfect day, I go outside;
    I sway from my father's branches,
    and watch
    a little girl flying
    a paper kite in the park
    and I feel my mother's smile.

    01:41 UTC



    Hi! Thank you for taking the time to read my poem, I appreciate it greatly. I started writing poetry about a month ago and have been consistent with writing everyday, this is the first one I wrote while taking poetry "serious" so it means a lot to me personally. I started writing as a form of self-expression and a way of coping with the things that happened to me. This particular piece is about a brutal breakup I recently went through as well as my struggles with mental health, particularly self-harming. Please leave feedback, I would love to know what you think so I can improve my future pieces!

    First comment

    Second comment

    Natalie, you were my drug

    When we were together I felt high

    But now I can't live

    Because you've fucked up my life


    I bet you didn't think

    That rolling up my sleeve

    Would show you my demons

    And make you want to leave


    You tore down my walls

    Like a hot knife through butter

    But now you don't want me

    Because you saw that I'm a cutter


    I wanted to love you

    To make you my wife

    But you lied through your teeth

    So I fell in love with the knife


    And if you wanted me back

    I'd put aside my doubts

    Just so I could get close enough

    To rip your fucking heart out


    I hope you look back one day

    And realize what you did

    That you gave me nothing

    But broken promises


    My hearts been passed around

    Like a stripper at a fraternity

    So If heartbreak was a drug

    I'd be high for all eternity


    I just can't stop crying

    Or get you out of my head

    So I think I'll save my tears

    And just drown myself instead


    What a beautiful scene

    I can hear the waves roar

    With you still in my arms

    As our bodies wash ashore


    I can't wait to see your face

    When you realize that you're dead

    As we're fucking at our funerals

    With matching halos overhead

    00:35 UTC


    Clouds of Doubt

    A myriad of possibilities weigh down my chest

    Pinned down at a crossroads at the foot of the mountains

    Held in place by arms of thick mud

    Tall, thick, fluffy clouds hide the mountains’ peaks

    Though I can feel their glare 

    And hear their urgent calls to ascend

    The unknown makes me wary

    Will my ascent be in vain?

    Will I hurt myself?

    My feet feel safely at home, rooted in the ground

    The grasp of the mud’s arms comforts me

    I’ve surrendered to the unknown

    And found solace in this stillness…

    A clap of thunder commands the heavy clouds to release their rain

    The mud’s arms melt away into a river

    The sun’s heat burns the clouds into steam

    Golden curtains of light fall from the sky

    The mountains’ peaks revealed, naked 

    It’s time for my ascent

    The strength in my legs has atrophied with time

    I am relegated to this lonely nest at the foot of the mountains

    Their beauty remains etched on the horizon, waiting for me


    Jules Grant - check out my site here for more work if you liked this one - would love to connect with you!


    Feedback 1

    Feedback 2

    23:11 UTC


    A very short poem about a foolish man.

    A foolish man once told me that I have no potential, and so I informed him;

    I do not blame a foolish man for not seeing my potential, as I do not blame a blind man for not seeing.





    4th poem I have written; I am trying different styles that is why this is short.

    Feedback I have left; https://www.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/comments/1cs3d26/comment/l47m5up/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


    20:46 UTC


    Another Trip.

    The song of a rhythm,

    has no meaning

    except movement...

    some crescendos,

    but mostly repetitive variations;

    building up though,

    as my strides take me higher,


    not speeding, but heavy

    with resonance.

    I am a climber,

    from the flats,

    to the valleys,

    and the ridges,

    and moving, unpaused.

    I feel like a bump,

    heavy, and sometimes painful,

    like a sore.

    Onward, upwards,

    onto the protruding earth.

    1, 2.

    1 Comment
    18:34 UTC


    An Anniversary

    It turns out,

    All the predictions were wrong,

    After a year,

    Of silence,

    Of loneliness,

    Of ghosts and memories,

    Of a life without,

    I don’t love you any less,

    And I’ll say it again,

    Next year.

    Comment A Comment B

    17:40 UTC



    I just started writing a few months ago and this is my first one ever. It's a bit long but I hope it's a decent read for everyone.

    Here I lay alone with this anvil on my chest

    up all night my body is screaming for some rest

    Smile on my face with a sickened soul

    Lost in the abyss, I see light but I feel so dull

    loves all around me but I continue to feel alone

    Solitude is me, I can only reach a Gray tone

    Inside I'm yelling, SCREAMING! but I stay silent

    no one can hear me as my voice lays dormant

    Im Lost in this sickness and not a soul can see

    The anvils holding me down, slowly drowning me

    The tunnel vision of suffication narrows my sight

    fighting to stay above, gasping, darkness takes the light

    My Blinders aide me in protraying that im strong

    Blocking the darkness, but im weak, internally I feel wrong

    This haze called life is making it difficult to see

    I don't know how to handle this I'm losing me

    Its as if im split in two, one watches as the others on the edge

    But the haze makes it difficult to see me on the ledge

    It looks like little hands, yes, little hands, my little angles

    Pushing me back from my inner demon entangles

    But I trip and fall as my feet drag and become tangled

    Once agian Ive become bruised, scratched, and mangled

    Im moving to fast, I need to slow in order to gain a footing

    But the anvil has me running from a feeling of foreboding

    I need a guide to help me, to help find my way

    But there's no one just me, can I find a better day?

    I've got noway out, trapped with a depressing attitude

    A Feeling of nothing better, I take who I am with gratitude

    So I bury my darkness six feet deep in myself, in a tomb

    But along with my demons I'm trapped in this room

    some days I give all I have and still more is taken

    Draining my soul feeling empty and black as a raven

    This allows my demons to seep through my inner walls

    While I'm still shackled screaming HELP! but it's an empty call

    Once again my demons place this anvil upon my chest

    Weighted down im imploding, I can't breath can't rest

    Everything is so difficult while bareing this weight

    Especially when I have to fake being in a happy state

    They say a frown takes more work then if you smile

    I know this is a lie, because when I smile I feel so vile

    My battery is draining, smiling over stretches my string

    Help! It's going to snap and the whip lash is going to sting

    The internal pain is becoming normal, I'm growing numb

    Broken in so many places im no longer whole only a crumb

    The anvils weight is centered on my chest, i feel dred, doom

    My breathing is forsaken, heart skips a beat, I feel gloom

    I'm inches from an outburst I'm going to scream!

    I Can't take it anymore my brain is dreaming the obscene!

    What I've been hiding for so long is about to be released

    The built up mixture of pain, sadness & anxiety is unleashed

    Tears begin to flow, then turn to sobs, but again I'm alone

    Locked in my room I need to be seen as if I'm hard as stone

    I can't show weakness although I barely drag my own weight

    I'm a man, I need to be the balance to everyone else's plate

    Its bred in me to be the one that holds up this boulder

    I need to carry the weight and be everyone's shoulder

    Help! I'm still alone with this anvil......

    https://www.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/s/lcaIunG8gv https://www.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/s/7BzLtYUJJm

    15:57 UTC


    Gautama was gruntled [daily word quatrain]

    Under the sacred bodhi tree,
    with Mara the trickster he rumbled.
    His soul escaped samsara’s wheel.
    Gautama, now Buddha, was gruntled.

    Just a little smth from a daily exercise I do where I take the "daily word" from worddaily com, in this case gruntled, and write a quatrain containing it in a sensibly used context. A great exercise for vocabulary, I think.


    14:54 UTC


    Where are you now?

    Lead-laden steps and

    Sympathetic stares

    Lead the way to you.

    A moment passes,

    Recognition delayed

    I struggle to see you.


    Pallid and Pale.

    Hints of

    Purple and blue.

    You look nothing like



    Lost is the lustre

    You once possessed.

    An empty shell.

    A home with

    No occupant.


    The room decays

    Until it’s just us.

    I stand frozen

    Contemplating how empty

    Our house will now be.


    I shouldn’t have let

    You leave.

    If I distracted you

    Or hidden the keys.


    If I held you longingly

    In a lasting embrace.

    Would you still be here,

    Life in your face.


    Questions asked

    From somewhere beyond

    But I barely hear them.

    I just wonder.


    Where are you?


    At least I can stand by

    Our last exchange.

    “I love you,

    I’ll see you soon.”




    14:45 UTC


    Love’s Inferno

    This one was inspired by a quote that was floating around and fairly popular I’m sure most of you have heard it.

    “When you grow up in a burning house, you think the world is also on fire.” Anyway, this is “Love’s Inferno” -REC …

    I have always known the burn of devotion. My mother’s molten hands made and raised me

    She kept me warm but on edge, never knowing when I would be burned. Her love is like living in an inescapable forest fire.

    She takes over my senses, her voice crackles in my ears, spilling her cigarette perfume as it fills my lungs and stings my eyes, and her touch sears my skin to the bone as she envelops me in a hazy hug.

    I am so used to the heat of love, feeling it on the backside of my hand through a closed door.

    I open the window for cool air, and he’s there,

    Pulling me out of my burning house and into his blazing world.

    A match to a wick, my pride ignites his ego, our souls melt together, waxy colors of red and blue drip from our lips.

    I yearn for the heat of home as his flamed fingers drag across my heart, scarring me forever.

    If our destiny is to catch and burn, that won't stop us from bathing together in gasoline and ballroom dancing in an indigo inferno.

    Burn blisters form on my hands, hips, and lips as he leads me further into destruction.

    When I'm burned and brokenhearted, I’ll crawl back home to sleep at the hearth. My mother waits for me at the door, after a long drag from her cigarette she says.

    “Daughters are destined to make the same mistakes as their mothers.”

    Smoke flutters from her mouth enticing me inside, I put my pride aside and give in to it as blue lips shiver and I ask for a hit, salivating for the buzz of home.

    1 2

    13:55 UTC


    Those Who Enjoy The Cold

    Notice those
    Who enjoy
    The cold

    It can mean
    Parts of them are dying
    Or have died
    Without human warmth
    They fetishise its loss
    To stay alive

    And then one day,
    They don’t
    They run a hose
    From a Holden’s exhaust pipe
    Into the passenger side
    Taped over their mouth and nose

    Lively and shivering

    I knew his name but I never saw him

    Until he was a mystery

    Unsolved, lifeless

    And thawing


    11:03 UTC


    An Ode to Motherhood

    As a woman,

    I see you standing there

    In your pretty frock

    And your feet bare;

    Running as fast as you can.

    As a woman,

    I see you in school,

    Ostracised and shoved,

    Waterboarded in the pool;

    Trying to think of an escape plan.

    As a woman,

    I see you at home,

    Too naive for the man you trusted

    Who wore you to the very bone;

    Left you looking for support in an empty land.

    As a woman,

    I cradle you gently,

    Resting you on my chest

    Caring for you intently,

    Promising to protect you for as long as I can.

    As a daughter,

    I stand there

    While you scream at me,

    As you say 'It's unfair!'

    Crying the way you never did.

    As a daughter,

    I stay quiet

    While you tell me how awful I am,

    How I am worse that you ever were

    Wondering if you every foresaw the person you became.

    As a daughter,

    I punish myself

    When you tell me how it's not enough,

    After I've sacrificed the last bit of my sanity

    Trying to achieve the ideal you have set.

    As a daughter,

    I hug myself

    Because I cannot let you do it.

    Not when your 'I love you's come out as empty as they do;

    Convincing myself that it's normal to feel this way.

    As a daughter,

    I wail and cry,

    Shielding my smarting pride

    As you call me a coward;

    Accepting that I am what you say I am.

    As a daughter,

    My eyes search for you

    When I am lost, when I am upset,

    But you claw out my tearful eyes

    Wearing them as jewels in your crown of Misery.

    A crown that I will never be a succesor to.

    1st feedback: https://www.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/s/Ycf4Swa469

    2nd feedback: https://www.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/s/gkkeH6RaKf

    07:06 UTC

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