Porn + ASMR, ASMR + Porn.
Submit videos that give you ASMR but are inappropriate for the regular /r/ASMR. If your submission is safe for work, please submit it to /r/ASMR instead. This rule is enforced arbitrarily, don't lose too much sleep over it. If /r/ASMR removed your submission, bring it over here. If it was removed here, take it over there.
Videos too short to be considered genuinely content-focused will be considered promotional in nature. Videos breaking this rule will removed at moderator discretion.
Don't ask or offer stuff in private messages. If you want to share it, share it with everyone. If you don't want to, don't. This applies to trade offers as well.
Important: Random "sexy" BS from popular ASMRtists, such as photos, gifs, and non-ASMR video, is not what this sub is about. Take it elsewhere. If it doesn't give you ASMR, regardless of who made it, it doesn't belong here. Breaking this rule will probably get your banned.
Flair your own submissions!
Report broken links and spam, so they can be flaired and removed respectively.
See the sticky for the list of artists whose non-public (self-posted) content is completely banned from the subreddit.
Requests go in the weekly thread, stickied every Sunday.
This list is not complete. Expect arbitrary moderator decisions based on mood, weather, and BAC.
I'm not sure if this is the right place to discuss this, but I haven't seen it brought up anywhere else and thought this could be the best place to start questioning.
I have an insane theory that some of Amy Kay ASMR's videos are subtextually coded JOIs. While there's clearly nothing explicitly nsfw about them, when viewed under an erotic lens it seems like there are too many things that line up to be a coincidence. Certain phrases, motions, order of triggers, types of triggers, editing style, etc. can be systematically redefined as both sexual, and cohesive throughout her videos. I'm not sure whether this is the overactive imagination of a single gooner, or if other people have noticed the same thing.
I can provide examples and analysis, but since I'm not sure this is even where I should be discussing it, I'll save myself the immediate effort.
Hi everyone am a YouTube asmrist , use to have decent subscribers and great views on my channel but it got deleted now am forced to restart I wish to anyone remembers me (shyheavenasmr) I use and I still do gf or femdom mommy asmr roleplays
I tried searching her onlyfans seems to be deleted again and also her youtube channel is disappeared, anyone knows what happened to her?
Favorite asmr rp like f4m f4a f4f m4m m4f m4a..etc...
I guess it's 99 asmr or 99_99 asmr. He is a nsfw creator which used to upload on yt then maybe deleted his channel or got removed idk, but now he is/was uploading on soundgasm. But I saw somewhere he got into some controversy. Does anyone know about it?
(P.s. :- I am new into reddit and all the tagging stuff so i apologize in advance if any mistake in tagging or flairs.)
From now on to quell the number of requests that clutter the front page, we are asking everyone to make their requests here. We will be moderating this thread and we expect everyone to follow ALL the rules on the sidebar as per usual.
Rules for making requests.
If you have any questions, message the mods through modmail.
So I used to listen to a certain ✨spicy✨ asmr creator🌶️
I can't remember his creator name or if he's still in the game but he used to do boyfriend roleplays and some ..more risque roleplays.
I remember the word 'gaelic' was somewhere in the name. Hence he had a gaelic accent.
Does anybody know what I'm talking about? 😅🙏 sidenote: does anyone know if Auralescent (Matt) is still active and if not, what happened? By far my favorite but I only find his old stuff on Audiomack