The Reddit home for neofolk, folk-noir, apocalyptic folk and other post-industrial genres from the underground!
This is a community devoted to the proliferation of the neofolk genre of music. We want a healthy dialog here! Things we encourage posting:
1 - Links to songs, but please leave a comment on why you're posting the song. Facebook has enough neofolk groups whose only activity is simply pasting songs. We want dialog here! If you don't post a comment, your video will simply be deleted.
2 - Links to reviews
3 - Links to shows and concerts
4 - Try to only downvote if the dialog or the links don't contribute to the dialog or the subreddit. The neofolk scene is quite opinionated, and all opinions are welcome to be broadcasted here, so long as it helps a healthy dialog.
Related subreddits:
Der richtige Glaube
Looking forward to this gig at the Black Heart in Camden tonight with Jaye Jayle. If you can make it, see you there!
Ultimacy Compilation (2011)
hello, i am trying to understand the lyrics of time is thee enemy pt.3.
i recently started listening to Der Blutharsch and i was surprised to find italian lyrics in that song.
i tried to write down what he was singing but couldn't fully understand it. if there are any italian speakers help would be welcome in writing down the full lyrics.
....fuoco mentre attorno(?) il sole muore
ne è nata un'altra guerra che il pensiero si commuove (?)
si innalzano i vessilli dell'arroganza eterna
figli dello sciacallo e baroni della terra
le striscie su cui volano un nuovo ordine salutano (?)
Le stelle ci bombardano verso il nulla ci conducono
si schiantan le certezze su questo mio presente
e intanto un nuovo sole brucia il mondo d'occidente
Si spegne ogni certezza e infusa(?) nella memoria
vivono di rendita i mercanti della storia
non cederanno gli uomini al sol della paura (?)
resterà solo da vivere un vita più dura
volano le bandiere, cadono le frontiere
e intanto fuori il mondo brucia mentre il Sole muore
non illumina più noi!
Can anyone help me with the strumming to runes and men?
Posting here because yes, and also because I'm searching for the chords of this song. Any perfect pitch here?
I’d like to put together a neo/apocalyptic folk Christmas compilation. Do you have any suggestions? Rosa Mundi and Crowleymass are already included.
I used to listen to the Aural Apocalypse back in the day and enjoyed it immensely- anyone else enjoy it? When I listen to Neofolk, I immediately recall the days of bootleg CDs, Wordpress downloads and LJ file share communities.
I found with the bootlegging, exception of NADA! and All Pigs Must Die, I prefer DI6 live.
Please don't boot me. I don't know how low the low effort bar goes.
Could we potentially remove the ai slop icon 😭I mean it could even go against the “low effort”, just putting this out there. theres so many better images out there to use and or artists to commission instead of this.
First, I'd like to extend an apology because I and the other moderators have stepped away from this subreddit for a very long time.
Next, I am going through the moderation queue and there are over 200 items. Again sorry. I am reading trough all of the 'reported' post reasons and getting a feel of who posts what, and what needs to go.
I have added some rules and guidelines to the side bar. Please have a look. Moving forward, whenever a post is removed, either a rule or reason will be cited.
If you make a post and it does not appear or it disappears, it was likely auto-moderated by Reddit. In the coming days I will be reviewing the auto-moderation filters to make them hopefully more efficient in the communities favor.
Thank you.
23 tracks, released today, November 23, 2024.
All proceeds will be donated to Médecins Sans Frontières.
Hey there!
I am searching for more music like the one in the title, by which I mean: trance-like drums, hypnotic vocals and perhaps a violin accompanying it all (though not necessary). Something pagan or folkish in nature.
If anyone has recs, I'll love to hear them! Thanks in advance.
Hi! I found the song "Das treiben von Wölkam" of Haberfeld on album "Wilde Jaeger", which was released on Percht label in 2007. This album is a compilation of songs of different german neofolk artists. Almost all songs on this release interesting, but this one is a true masterpiece. It was done really soulful, its instrumental on one side is simple, sometimes sounds uncorrect, but on another side it is familar and unfamilar at one time and gives some memories about other my favorite songs. It has really cathcy parts. The composition of "Das treiben von Wölkam" is made kinda professional, perfect use of "the hit-formula".
So, I am searching of other songs of Haberfeld. This atrist has besides only a tribute on Allerseelen "Olle Lust Wut Ewigkeit", which is average in compare to original and to "Das treiben von Wölkam".
Internet gives nothing but this two. There are no information about this artist/band(?), only name. The problem is also that other artists have this pseudonym. "Haberfeld" is a town, a surname and brand of wodka,
It's been a while and i tried to find all of them with no success, did Douglas compose them or something?
I have seen multiple sources which point to Boyd being a regular at Diddy's parties. Is this true? Is it true that he performed at the freak-offs?
recording/live i assume is the same. looking to get the di6 sound