Martial Industrial, also known as martial music, is a music genre originating in late 20th century Europe. It often borrows musically from classical music, neofolk, neoclassical, traditional European marches and from elements of industrial and dark ambient.
I’m looking for industrial music that has a more heavy feel to it like Division Omega. Preferably not natsoc but it’s not a big deal if it is. Thanks.
Upload of Sunday night's Total War broadcast featuring martial industrial and neofolk.
Hi, I'm not too familiar with Martial Industrial. Being a fan of Neofolk, I see a lot of parallels in the song structures and the aesthetics, and because of that, I'd like to dive deeper into the genre. I'm familiar with Dernière Volonté and Wappenbund, but that's it. Do you guys have any suggestions? What are your favourite artists and albums?
Thank you.