Once the infamous witch, Charlotte, she has returned from the depths of despair with only one desire...
... To eat as much cheese as possible.
Let us wish for the unimaginably charming and adorable Momoe Nagisa to have that desire and any other fulfilled for she deserves infinite happiness and cheese.
Other Stuff:
/r/MadokaMagica for the series in general
/r/MagiaRecord for the mobile game Magia Record
/r/Homura: for any and all versions of Homura
/r/ClaraDolls: for Homura's dolls
/r/HomuHomu: for Homura and Homura together
/r/SayaHomu and /r/HomuSaya: for Sayaka and Homura together (one subreddit wasn't enough for their love).
/r/HomuMado for Homura and Madoka together
/r/KyouHomu: for Kyôko and Homura together.
r/Sayaka for Homura, Madoka and Kyôko's bride
/r/Madoka for Homura, Sayaka and Kyôko's bride
/r/SakuraKyouko for Sayaka and Madoka's bride and Homura's best friend.
/r/KyoMado for Kyôko and Madoka together.
/r/MadoSaya for Madoka and Sayaka together
/r/KyouSaya for Sayaka and Kyôko together
/r/Mami and /r/MamiTomoe for Chee- ... for Nagisa's ____ (Friend? Crush? Maid? Pet? Onee-sama? All of the above? IDK)
/r/Cheese/ for Mam- ...Cheese