Banner by u/DefiantPosition. Memes about mythology and mythological events.
All posts must be memes & related to mythology or religious text. - It can be hard to define what is and isn’t a meme. In an effort to give some guidance I will say that “A meme is a joke wearing another joke as a hat.” So if there’s a question as to whether something is a meme that’s what we’ll use. - AI generated content is not a meme. - Christian memes are a little bit of a gray area as there are existing subreddits dedicated to this type of meme. You can report if you feel that the post doesn’t belong in the sub. Titles don't count towards it being a meme.
If you suspect a reposted meme, please comment "u/repostsleuthbot" on the post & then report it.
Crop excessive blank space off of your images.
The post itself must be a meme. Titles are not taken into consideration.
AI generated images and text are not a meme. You can use an AI image as an ingredient in a meme, but "I gave AI a mythology prompt" is not a meme on its own. AI text alone is not a meme, if the post is mostly AI text it's probably not a meme even if you added some visuals.
If you FOUND it, we've probably already seen it: Zeus being a fuckboi, Odysseus using "nobody" as a name, anything about the speed at which lobsters die, Pandora Unboxing. If you have made something original on one of those topics, someone probably already beat you to it unless you are referencing a very recent news event in your OC. So before you post anything on those topics, be very sure you're not breaking Rule 2, no reposts.
No Karma Farming Bots.
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