A place to post your pictures, stories, and more about moths across the world.
A place to post pictures, stories, and more about moths across the world.
You must include the location in the title for all posts (meaning where in the world it was found, like what country, state, or town); or 'Captive' if it is not a wild moth. If you want a picture of a moth identified, this is essential.
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Check out these other subs for butterflies, caterpillars, and general insects:
Vancouver Island, BC Canada
At the black sea coast. It tickled!
They were at the school I worked, in the countryside of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Made moth costume for Halloween 😹💕
I found this little guy out in the middle of the street and decided I wanted to try to keep him safe till spring. I have kept a cuple of insects but I have no idea how to deal with moth pupae,where is the best place to keep him and how moist should it be,I think it's a privet hawk moth but confirmation would be great.
I live in the UK,any advice would be helpful.
Spotted in rural Northern Thailand, only about 1.5cm long. Kinda looks like a grinning face if you squint 😁. Anyone know the name?
i found this moth on the ground near my apartment. i picked it up (not by the wings) and carried it closer to my door. it started shaking its thorax, then its wings, then pooped(?) and flew off. what happened?
I found this little one under a rug on my porch. I’m not sure if it’s even alive, but I’m keeping it in a container for now. Anyone know what it is or if it’s alive?
I’ve been finding a few moths in my apartment. I think this is the third one. I did have my doors open last week and windows. I’m worried that they are eating my clothes. I bought some mothballs and they are pretty smelly and I would like to take them down if possible, do we think this moth came from outside or came from my winter clothes?
I live in Georgia and I really want a Regal moth but I don’t know where to look or if I can get them.