It is obvious at this point that memes are becoming an artform. Just look at r/Surrealmemes. So I thought this would be the only logical next step.
RULE 1 - MEMES MUST BE MINIMALISTIC - Your memes can't be super wordy, (verbose memes) or have pictures that have a lot going on (Some expanding brain memes). This is not to say you can't use the examples giving, as long as they're minimalistic in some way.
RULE 2 - DO NOT REPOST - You can post other people's content, but make sure it hasn't been posted here before.
RULE 3 - NO UPVOTE BEGGING - This includes making promises of any kind if people upvote. Even if it's ironic.
RULE 4 - DON'T BE A POOPHEAD - This is a meme subreddit. Treat it as one. If someone breaks a rule, report them. If someone makes an unfunny meme, downvote them or explain to them in a civil manner why it's not funny. Or just ignore it. Just don't be too mean to them.
Check these subs out, they're quite neat.
r/coaxedintoasnafu r/surrealmemes r/deepfriedmemes r/nukedmemes