specializes experts in the art of snafus
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Regular image macros generally belong in places like /r/shittyadviceanimals or /r/terriblefacebookmemes.
All posts must be drawn in some way. It doesn’t matter if it is drawn digitally, hand-drawn, etc... it just needs to be drawn. Posting screenshots of memes or subreddits does not qualify for a post on this subreddit.
Posts should be flaired with the name of the original meme This makes it easier to find posts and ensures that posts have proper context. Please use the name of the KnowYourMeme entry whenever possible.
During Low-Effort Weekends (Saturday 12 AM to Sunday 11:59 PM PST), some banned topics are free to be posted, as seen in the official rules. Check the rules while posting to be aware of what is and isn't banned.
No reposts, NSFW content or smuggies.
Be respectful to other users, and avoid posting or commenting anything that goes against Reddit guidelines.
Do not post Smuggies-like content. Refer to the rules for the full explanation.
Reddit threads and posts that complain about other subs belong on r/circlejerksnafu and you can crosspost stuff there.
Most importantly, have fun and don't take the shitposting too seriously!
Original poopenfarten was a great character.