A harm reduction community centered around the responsible use of MDMA, otherwise known as molly, mandy, ecstasy, etc. NO sourcing/soliciting! Read the rules. Stay safe.
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Overview on MDMA dosage, interactions, and effects below:
How to Preload for best experience, and Postload to prevent hangover
The Nature of the MDMA Experience and Its Role in Healing, Psychotherapy, and Spiritual Practice
Harm Reduction
Staying hydrated is very important when dancing, drink water to prevent Heatstroke, and replenish your electrolytes with salty snacks!
http://rollsafe.org This is a GREAT website has a lot of info
MAOI Antidepressants should never be taken with MDMA, it can cause Serotonin syndrome. If you are on any of these, but not limited to, medications, it is wise to stop taking them for a few weeks before ingesting MDMA.
Know what it is you are ingesting!
Buy a test kit! - Check out this page filled with vendors, reviews and other testkit related help
Places with free (lab)testing! [NL]
MDMA Experiences
HPPD Subreddit - Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder
No talking about where or how to buy/sell MDMA or other illegal substances. This includes discussing specific markets, vendors or places or linking to them. Failure to follow this rule may result in a perm-ban.
No customer baiting. (eg; "I've got more. HMU if you're in my area", a picture of bulk product accompanied with the text "Trying to make some friends here" or something else that may indicate you are in possession of drugs and are looking to distribute it to /r/mdma subscribers. Failure to follow this rule may result in a perm-ban.
No talking about how to synthesize MDMA or other illegal substances. This includes but is not limited to talking about where to get precursors, recipes or lab equipment. Failure to follow this rule may result in a perm-ban.
MDMA Related Subreddits
MDMA Therapy - for everything about psychotherapy with MDMA
ReagentTesting - dedicated to providing accurate information about testing drugs
Olling - posts about/while enjoying rolling
So for my birthday a friend got me some molly from a friend he trusts which I’ve tested and everything. I’m a 5’5” (1.6m) and 130 lb (59 kg) woman and I’m wondering if anyone could tell me what a good first time dose would be. My plan is to take it to go dancing for a bit then probably go home and enjoy it with my partner who has rolled before. I’ve done a fair amount of LSD and shrooms in the past but stopped doing most substances a few years ago, aside from alcohol and the occasional bump of coke. My friend suggested 80 mg but I saw some people in other threads saying 100 mg would be underwhelming, although the OP weighed about 60 lbs more than i do and was a taller man. Will 80 mg be too little? Thank you!
MDMA seems to be the only thing that relieved my OCD. I have tried various psychedelics and prescription meds but MDMA seems to offer the only real relief. Anybody else have experience with this?
Typically I take 120mg and a 60mg booster but I’m wondering if by reducing this to 100mg and 50mg I would be sacrificing some of the duration of the roll.
I’m not talking about the intensity but rather how long the roll/ping lasts for.
I’ve rolled about 3 times in my life with 3-5 month gaps in between minimum I’ve never really got comedowns and I’m very thankful for that. But I rolled two days ago and I think I might be starting to get them I just feel lazy and unmotivated since I came down but I’m not sure if it’s the MDMA.
I can alway tell when I have a lack of dopamine in my brain because I’ve been on adhd meds and I know what it feels like to be off them and can pin the exact feeling, that’s pretty much what it feels like. No dysphoria or sadness just general lack of life I guess.
Was wondering when do most people start to get comedowns and can you avoid them, also what do they feel like? Or is it just inevitable that it will start causing comedowns every time no matter the break inbetween dosage?
Took some ecstacy pills at the weekend. Would definitely stick with MDMA crystal going forward if we do it again. Did it with my girlfriend and we both took a blue punisher pill split over 2 doses (2/3 followed by a third).
We both felt like it was coming in waves for us but never peaked. I was very tired and kept going into traces. We didn't really chat or feel that warm connection feeling. I think the trance part was probably weed but I'm wondering what else could have been in the tablet to not give us the usual feeling.
It tested a strong reaction for MDMA (instant colour change) and was negative for fentanyl.
I'm on concerta and she is on SSRI but we both stopped for about 3 or 4 days beforehand
Any ideas?
I am pretty sure this is still illegal outside of studies? I contacted them to find out more and am waiting to hear back, but I'm so confused. Is anyone else seeing a practitioner who offers this?
So I've IV'd Crys MDMA just curious..... can you safely IV like pressed X pills? They've been tested!!!
Please don’t comment if you don’t know what ceremonial cacao is.
My line of thinking is that, since ceremonial cacao has phenethylamines and also releases serotonin it theoretically could cause me to feel mdma less if I took it soon after, no?
Please correct me if I’m wrong
What are your toughts about taking l-tryptofan before a roll? Rolling on the weekend so need answers. Thank you all.
Would love to hear about your results from doing this.
Long story short. They the 3 of them him, my gf and a girl friend of them are friends for years. He is taking MD like once a month at techno parties etc. Last night he was talking about how he is rolling in the events and that he has rolled with the other girl at events but wants all 3 of them to roll one time. I didn’t ask anything further just changed subject.
My gf isn’t onto any drugs or techno events and I trust him that he won’t force her to take without knowing.
It felt weird to be honest . Can this be non-sexual / friendly desire from his side?
TO CLARIFY My Gf is not into any drug and is not interested to try any. This guy just mentioned this to me and I just wanted to understand his intentions, because I use coke regularly but do not understand how MDMA affects you
My wife and I are trying to conceive our first child. We use mdma every 3-6 months together. For her next ovulation window we are getting a hotel room with spa day massages dinners ect. That also happens to be the weekend that makes it 3 months since our last roll. Haven’t been able to find much data online about mdmas impact on fertility. Wondering if any medical experts here knew if her being on mdma would impact chances on conception. I’m hoping we can take it since after pregnancy it’ll be a while before we roll together again. But of course I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize health of unborn child
We are both in our 20s healthy and active (she competes in bikini bodybuilding myself in boxing) no alcohol or other drugs other than cannabis. I’m taking hcg and injectable L carnitine to increase my fertility
I used everyday last week up until Sunday. I have a drug test on Friday. How long would it stay in my system? It says 3-5 days after one dose. I am wondering if it will be longer? Can I flush it out of my system?
Is there some kind of “softener” of the come up like gradual release in course of 1 hour? I am into mdma therapy and I’d like to somehow dampen this brutal increase in serotonin causing I’d pass or this heavy lightheadness or waves of chill/tingling or vertigo. Yes I know it belongs to experience for some ppl, but for therapy purposes is it rather not needed. Now it is like “hey user, here is ton of serotonin at once and you handle this. Sincerely your MDMA”
Tried on full stomach, it just hits after one hour instead of 45 minutes.
Or are there capsules with delayed decomposition?
Since I have dexamphetamine coupled with lysine, I’d prefer this. There is even this compound called lis-mdma, is covered by patent held by shire, but no one produces it for obvious reasons.
Is it safe?
I'm wondering if a low dose, near micro dose territory like 25ug of lsd or at most 50ug (Accurately dosed from DNM) could enhance my next rolling experience. If there's any benefit to doing so. I am not looking to trip out fully where I am rolling as I likely won't be comfortable doing that (Mardi gras).
I mean I'm sure on MDMA I would be comfortable in a way but after the MDMA high wears off and the acid is still lingering but slowly wearing off - In general when I've done LSD I've hated the comedown, bad dissociation, can't feel comfortable, not sociable or capable of socializing at all etc. I think combining this with an MDMA comedown is not a good idea although I have never experienced a negative comedown on MDMA (yet) unlike LSD.
So thoughts on doing this?
Also what is the longest you can make an MDMA high last and how to do so? I was thinking 125mg dose, 75mg redose 2 hours into rolling
I took 120mg +60 mg mdma, some weed here and there. Not that much but I smoke only a coupe of time/year and at T+ 6 I did a small line of Ketamine. (Didn’t weight it but like 1mm X 10mm). Small line.
5-10 min later things started to be weird. I was strongly in my head, vibe a bit like a light nightmare. Nothing that bad, but really weird. I could feel, no see, but really fell like a déjà-vu, like what i could feel when i was 5 year old.
I received some emotion the way I felt them when i was a kid.
There were image in my head that didn’t visually make any sense, like dark pattern, but I could related them anyway to a emotion, a feeling from my past.
I was (barely) able to start the recording of my phone to describe what I saw seeing. I was like that for about 30 min. Felt 1 hour.
I was still mostly aware of my environment but at the same time felt pretty fuckup.
Also, I felt that I already did the same weird trip before, even if in fact it was the first time I really felt this way in my life.
Drug are powerfull. Mind is obscure. I’ll wait a bit for dmt!!
Rolled on Friday and man was it amazing. I'm not a super talkative guy but when the m kicked in, I couldn't stop. My wife couldn't stop either after she got over the nausea from the come up. We did karaoke and talked about how much we loved each other. Then we had the best sex ever. Feel asleep and woke up feeling good
What do yall think, ill tale it oral.
Currently rolling right now on 1 pill, feeling good. If I take another pill will it be worth the inevitable comedown?
I’ve never taken over a half / full pill but something is telling me to.
Hello, everyone. I had gotten some xtc pills. they were the smallest he had at 220mg. I tested and came out to be true and free from fentanyl.
I was over 6 months since I last used. I decided to use it at an excision show in SF on jan 31 for my birthday.
the pill hit so hard. the lights and music were way too intense. I was feeling really overheated and thankfully I borrowed a fan from those around me. towards the end of the show. the lights and show were too fast and too intense. thankfully my sister and her boyfriend were there and we left early. this was my first time using that I had a bad experience. I think it was a combo of it being way too strong and the show too intense.
thought I would share, please be careful out there.
Would love to hear your results and tips.
Did 280 mg and was sweating a lot and jaw clenched but didn’t feel much of anything. Definitely wasn’t worth it. I don’t get MDMA hangovers so I’ve been using it much too frequently. I’d really like to do it in 5.5 weeks when I’m in town with my girlfriend. I don’t need to “get the magic back” or “feel incredible” I’d just like to feel a lot of sensory enhancement and music enhancement, don’t need euphoria. After that I could take 3-5 months off no problem. In 5.5 weeks will my tolerance have LIKELY gone down enough to feel ~150 mg? What about 250? Also, AFTER that, how long of a break would I need to get back to feeling euphoria and really amazing ? Would a year be sufficient? Multiple years?
Some notes:
i’m not sure if they’ll let me edit this post when i do my lil trip report tonight, but i’ll add to the comments if not.
ANYWAYS IM ROLLINGGGG suggest me songs to listen to or shows to watch or literally just anything that you guys like doing while you’re tripping!
UPDATE: thank you for all the song suggestions omg i listened to a good chunk of them and they’re all masterpieces. i sat on my ass with a good friend of mine who was also rolling, and we got subway and watched rick and morty all day 😎 it was such a good DAY!!
I ruined the roll there is nothing would be dangerous to take another pill, does the X that I took still count as if I took just no effects? idk if anyone understands what I mean
I know I’m stupid it’s my first time trying to do molly and I took 2 pills last night at 8pm. It’s now 11am the next day I have not slept at all I’m not tired and I’m so scared my heart is beating fast and I just want this feeling to go away. Should I go to the hospital or something?? Like I’m actually so concerned I have to work tomorrow and I just want to sleep and stop feeling like this!!!
EDIT: for everyone saying that’s what Molly is supposed to feel like and I’m overreacting , I just got home from work and picked up a drug test from CVS. It was negative for everything besides methamphetamine and amphetatime. There was no MDMA
Took a good hit of my bag, didn't feel it after 1,5h... Took another big hit, 10 min later the first one hits like a truck. Feeling the other hit slowly come up too and it might be too much... I should not have redosed but nothing I can do about it now...