
Photograph via snooOG


Please preface your submission title with "MMW:"

Think an artist is going to get popular? Think a movie is going to flop?

/r/MarkMyWords - For when you've "called it" you'll have something to point to for proof.

Try and be specific - general and obvious predictions might be tagged as "Weak". Also, try to avoid posting long-term predictions (2+ years) though they aren't currently against the rules.

Did your "MMW" become true? Post it in /r/CalledIt!"


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MMW - horrible moderation will pummel this sub down to a kindergarten level of uselessness.

But it’s Reddit so why expect anything else.

00:04 UTC


MMW: Elon Musk will be the next GOP candidate

Regardless of the results this cycle, Elon Musk will be the next presidential candidate. He is the perfect successor - billionaire, celebrity, former Dem, etc. He is laying the groundwork this election by using his clout on twitter to lure GOP supporters.

23:32 UTC


MMW: Merriam Webster will add a new entry in their dictionary

MAGA: Bats in their belfries.

23:11 UTC


MMW: The success of the video game Concord is going to bring big changes to the gaming industry in a positive way.

1 Comment
22:07 UTC


MMW - Our inability to accept facts, even when they oppose our opinions, will be our downfall. Not AI.

We have become so fragile that we can’t even accept simple facts if it opposes our viewpoint. We don’t and will not accept the difference between actual information and our biased opinions. That is gonna end us. Not AI. AI will use it but we will only have ourselves to blame.

21:01 UTC


MMW: A bombshell case of this British nurse is about to reach you in the coming weeks

Netflix and other productions are working on the case of a neonatal nurse. She was scapegoated into serial killing infants. But it turned out to be a miscarriage of justice. Her initials are L. L.

21:01 UTC


MMW: Elon Musk will run for president in 2032.

He is essentially transforming into Trump 2.0. The same ego-driven, conspiratorial, insecure, victim energy drives Elon Musk. JD Vance is called the heir apparent to Trumpism, but it’s really Elon.

Musk/Trump have essentially the same platform.

21:00 UTC


MMW: Within 10 years, we’ll see a big grassroots push to eliminate tax exemptions from religious groups and organizations and make them start paying taxes.

Especially Televangelists.

I’d personally love to see a rule that if your church or organization has any sort of sex crimes criminal activity or fraud discovered or they try to cover up, it means an instant revoking of their tax exempt status.

19:57 UTC


MMW: Mongolia will dissolve as a country within 10/20 years.

Apart from the whole not arresting Putin thing, when the hell have you heard anything from Mongolia without looking for it? A resource poor Nation with a non-existent Military stuffed right between two nations with, lets say not the nicest reputations. I don't see how Mongolia will survive the coming decades.

15:56 UTC


MMW: DC’s new Superman movie won’t revitalize their movie universe.

15:53 UTC


MMW Chappell Roan will be the next “Lady Gaga”

Zoomer Gaga? Is that being generationalistic tho?

06:16 UTC


MMW US Supreme Court will grant personhood to fertilized eggs.

Therefore abortion cannot be permitted. If a fertilized egg is deemed to be a human being with full rights that a person who is already born has, then abortion will be illegal.

But it's more than that. By granting a fertilized egg personhood some forms of birth control will become illegal as well. IUDs and hormonal birth control create a hostile environment for implantation. Therefore occasionally a fertilized egg will be unable to attach to the uterus.

04:42 UTC


MMW On Election Day many people are going to find out they have been purged from the voter rolls and they cannot vote.

Even if they had registered only a few months or weeks before.

04:14 UTC


MMW - We Are Entering A Labor Revolution Not Seen Since Before 1920.

The top is too heavy, and people are starting to wake up to the reality that corporate media has a vested interest in keeping the United States divided along social issues, instead of focusing on the real problem - wages.

03:53 UTC


MMW: Rounds of layoffs are going to become more and more common in every industry.

We are already seeing it in quite a few industries, though it seemed to start in tech.

But even as interest rates go down and the economy stabalizes, the practice will continue to become more common. A few slap on the wrist type fees and a couple weeks of bad press won't stop companies when the money made from stock buybacks and the money saved from keeping wages down is so much more.

There will be no such thing as job security and with how much power the rich have over legislation, it will take a LOT of effort to curb this.

Happy Labor Day, everyone.

02:28 UTC


MMW Rivian will take most of Tesla’s market cap in coming years. Elon will nosedive Tesla faster than any other big company in modern history

02:18 UTC


MMW: We have reached peak Super Yacht

With the recent sinking of a super yacht and death of a billionaire plus the Chair of Morgan Stanley, the many collisions, and the government seizures, super yachts will fall out of favor for the ultra rich.

00:38 UTC


MMW: FoxNews will be dead in 10 years.

Boomers are dying. GenX and Millennials have the internet and GenZ is just fucking done. People will stop watching and companies will stop advertising.

18:53 UTC


MMW: This Ancient Roman Tomb Will Become 8th Wonder


Above is a picture of
Roman Tomb Depicting A Deceased Dog
Approaching a Table Set With Food Offerings - The Inscription Reads
"Behold the tomb of Aeolis, the cheerful little dog, whose loss to
fleeting fate pained me beyond measure".

Curator comments:

the choice of positioning of the words in the non verse in fact it
seems casual but dictated by a desire to emphasize the words key to the
text so as to arouse and draw the attention of the passer-by: see ad
example,the separate provision, at opposite edges of the hexameter, of
Aeolidis,proper noun expressed in the genitive case, and catellae, noun
to define the-little dog‖; the word tumulum, "burial, sepulcher", is
instead framed from the name indication and from the adjective festive
and attributed to the animal.The adjective festivus is not found in
other carmina5 and it is evident that it is here used to emphasize the
playful liveliness of the animal. The second hexameterit ends with the
noun fate, a term left deliberately isolated and centered in the last
line to give prominence and depth to the concept of the transience of
lifes object to the inevitability of the fatum6. The latter is also
characterizedfrom the adjective, in the ablative case,
praepes-etis,which gives the lexical binomialan almost epic solemnity
and gravity.The expression praepete fato does not occur elsewhere in the
carmina: itis preferred, albeit rarely, and in high diegetic contexts,
the equivalent formula properantia fata7.While the first verse focuses
onthe invitation to the viator (viathe imperative cerne) to look at the
sepulcher of the jubilant dog14(topos also intensely exploited
infunerary epigraphy) that it seems almost revived in the bas-relief,
the second verse is instead characterized by boundless pain of the
master for this death8. The choice of the verb dolēre(constructed with
the accusation of the thing for which one feels suffering, in this case
the relative pronoun quam), of the adverb in modice, and of the
participle raptam contribute, albeit with extreme synthesis, to
strengthen and enhance the deep sense of despair and helplessness that
assails the master of Aeolis9. Aan interesting aspect is also
constituted by the choice of the monumentum: it is in fact of a funerary
altar on whose side faces urceus and patera are sculpted.This support,
frequently usedto house sepulchral inscriptions intended for humans, is
used here for a little dog denoting inin the first place the economic
possibility and the cultural stature of the client,moreover anonymous,
and, secondly,what could be defined as the"Humanization process" that
involves theanimal both in life and in death. The symbolic and ritual
value linked to this choice therefore emerges with clarity and is
further corroborated by the relief on the forehead of the aretta
depicting the animal approaching a table set with food offerings. The
bas-relief seems to recall the funeral banquet, practical central to the
Roman funerary tradition. In fact, death and banquet are two strongly
interconnected aspects and full of concrete and symbolic values: to such
Aeolis, alittle dog, takes part in the meal and therefore does not seem
excluded from the ritual

1 Comment
15:52 UTC


MMW By Echoing/Continuing Bidens Gaza Policy Harris is Losing Momentum and Risks Losing the Elections

The polls are clear in American wanting a ceasefire and more even handed approach to the conflict. So far Harris is repeating the same talking points and is showing little indication she is not onboard with Biden's NeoCon policies.
Unfortunately this is going to erode support from the groups she needs to win the swing states, Students, Muslims, anti-war progressives.

14:34 UTC


MMW: We will look back at this age of early big Solar Power adaption and wonder why nobody thought about what to do with all the waste in 25-30 years.

14:05 UTC


MMW: christopher nolan's next movie will be the prisoner.

christopher nolan's oppenheimer was one of last year's biggest movies. it earned critical acclaim and a ton of money, making it the highest grossing biopic and the highest grossing movie set during world war 2. at the 2024 academy awards, the film was nominated for 13 academy awards and ended up winning 7.

needless to say, many people are very excited to see what nolan will do next. his next movie is slated for release in july of 2026 and many have speculated about what it will be. well, i think that it will be a movie based on the prisoner.

the prisoner was a tv show from the late 60s that was created by and starred patrick mcgoohan. the show focuses on a secret agent(simply named number 6) who finds himself in a strange village. the series only lasted for 13 episodes but is widely considered to be a great series. it's influence is seen today in shows like twin peaks, the X files, and lost.

nolan has long said that he wants to make a movie based on the show. he has dropped some heavy hints that it'll be his next project. if that truly is the case, then it'll probably be amazing.

12:32 UTC


MMW: This current Israel/Hamad conflict will drag on so long, it'll cause Netenyahu's government to fall

11:01 UTC


MMW: Following the election Steven Cheung will release a "tell all" book about his political dealings while working for DJT and it will be a bestseller.

10:58 UTC


MMW: Quiznos will make a comeback before the decade is over.

03:16 UTC


MMW: Next season a lot of WNBA players/coaches/commentators/etc will be pulling the old "Who, me" bit. "Who said Caitlin Clark is overrated? ME!? No! I've always been team CC! I recognized her brilliance right away! I would NEVER say that she was WHAT'S THAT!!" * footsteps recede into the distance *

00:44 UTC


MMW: DJT will post AI generated smut of Kamala

Probably before the election, if not then DEFINITELY after the election. Everyone will act surprised, no one will actually be surprised, and it probably won't change very much at that point.

00:37 UTC


MMW: The first Monday in September will be a National Holiday in Israel! (tomorrow will be the first birthdate of this future holiday, because

Massive protests ongoing in Israel Tel Aviv. General strike to start tomorrow at 6AM demanding ceasefire.

00:28 UTC


MMW: As AI advances film/video tape cameras will have a big comeback for anyone wanting legal/archival/news documentation. At least until negatives can be reproduced or manipulated.

23:01 UTC


MMW: If DJT wins the 2024 elections, more likely the 2028 LA Olympics will be more disastrous than we hope for

The US under Biden and some of(?) its allies diplomatically boycotted the 2022 Beijing Olympics yet could not force athletes to boycott it.

Donald Trump has made false statements and rhetorics, especially during his term. If Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election, with potential loyalists in his administration, more likely Trump will do things that would hurt the US–Europe (or EU) relations, like potentially downscaling NATO to what NATO was in the pre-1994 era. Also, he would do sanctions that would also hurt the relations... and the EU's economy. Furthermore, the EU, especially France or Germany, seems to be more aligned with Russia and/or China and would do what either of them say. Neither Russia nor China has been friends with the US, obviously.

By 2028, whatever Trump would do under his foreign policy would prompt the whole EU to diplomatically boycott the third (2028) Los Angeles Olympics. Then African nations will follow suit. So would some other Asian and South American nations. Then nations of Oceania would make excuses without declaring diplomatic boycott. Thus, the delegates of the Trump administration would eventually meet Russian delegates (unless Russia would join the diplomatic boycott) and some other delegates from authoritarian nations that favor Trump's America (which may be nonexistent?).

If treatment of non-whites (or people of color/POC) worsens by then, then non-white/POC athletes would also boycott, and then non-US white athletes would also follow suit especially to distinct themselves from potentially racist American athletes and not associate themselves with them. Therefore, many team sports events, like flag football (yes, flag football!) and basketball, would be either cancelled or reduced to very few matches per sport. Of course, there are individual-oriented sports, but either of half of intended athletes or less than that appear, like the 1932 LA Olympics. Probably, like the 1904 St. Louis Olympics, bunch of American athletes would match each other most likely, and non-US athletes would be treated like non-white athletes poorly were back then.

Then the broadcasting and sponsorship revenues would be less than expected, especially for the LA organizers and the US. So would viewership worldwide and in the US.

22:54 UTC

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