/r/logo catalogs and discusses reddit's many custom logos.
Welcome to /r/logo, an archive of reddit's custom logos.
Should any new custom logos appear, you can post them here, with a few rules:
If you expect the logo is only to be used for a certain day, format your submissions like this: (YYYY-MM-DD) MOUSEOVER TEXT OR EXPLANATION AS APPROPRIATE
Host the image on reddit, and put any useful links/info in the comments.
If the logo was only used by a certain subreddit, make that clear in your title, e.g. (2009-02-12) /r/science pays tribute to darwin day.
Logo design in general can be found at /r/logodesign.
Requesting a reddit logo for your subreddit is possible via /r/redditlogos.
Submitting a reddit logo for the homepage once was done via /r/logos, where the admins would pick their favorites.