ListenToObscure is a meta-subreddit of /r/listentothis. All music submitted to listentothis (and many other subreddits) that is of a more obscure nature is automatically crossposted here by robots. This collects all of the obscure music submitted to reddit in one place for easy discovery.
Automated for your pleasure.
Nothing but highdef music from artists with less than 250k 200k listeners on last.fm!
Listen by popularity on radd.it: All
200-250k | 150-200k 100-150k | 50-100k | 10-50k | 0k-10k
Powered by radd.it data services.
You don't post links. The bot does.
You can post text posts. They need to be discussion: no using text posts as a way to plug your own stuff!
Be nice in the comments.
How does this work? Radd.it is watching all music submissions on reddit. Whenever it sees an artist that has less than 250k last.fm listeners (a good indicator of relative obscurity), it crossposts that submission here and sets a flair based on the number of listeners. This makes it easy to browse to based on your own obscurity preferences.
We're doing this because there are a lot of lost gems being submitted by unknown artists that will never reach the front page no matter how good they are. This subreddit helps us all keep track of these hidden gems in one convenient location.
For hardcore obscurity lovers, you should also visit /r/under10k.
If you have obscure music you want to share, submit it to /r/listentothis, /r/under10k, or to any of the music genre subreddits. Radd.it will find it eventually and crosspost it over here.
“This was multitracked on an analog deck using a Roland M-100 Modular Synthesizer. A Sequential 610 was used for background vocals and ambience.”