Images of handsome men cuddling with adorable animals.
Images of handsome men cuddling with adorable animals!
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Feel free to post photos of your favorite celebrity, your best friends, or yourself.
Images must contain animals! Images not containing animals will be removed.
Images should show a males face. Bodies are welcome, but the face and the animal should be the primary focus. We are here to look at attractive men, not just hot bodies.
Rule of Thumb:
We don't care why you post or if your aunt's sister's cousin twice removed told you to post here. We just want you to post, so please don't put in the title "I was told to post here." Saying [insert animals name] and me cuddling is totally sufficient.
My 7 month old cane corso puppy is the best snuggler when he wants to be. Couldn’t love this guy any more.
Before heading out to Christmas dinner, I had to get cuddles from my favorite little princess.