
Photograph via snooOG

A place to discuss the miniature/hobby line of Kingdom Death alongside the game Kingdom Death: Monster!

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KDS Frogdog not showing up

Just bought this in the store but it's not showing up in the dwelling. No new box to unpack. Even after I resetted the room and delivery boxes. Anyone know why?

22:46 UTC


Transfers Save from one person to another.

Is it possible to move the campaign with in the simulator to another player and have them host?

22:40 UTC


Forget glasses?

Just a weird question… I‘ve built the survivors from the Killennium vignette and. Read wondering about Forget’s glasses. On the website and build page they seem modeled, but the actual model does not have them, is it correct? I’m just wondering because on the web I see painted figures with and without glasses (or are they just painted on very well…)

12:51 UTC


What does your average campaign playthrough look like? What bosses do you use, what restriction do you impose, if any?

I'm mostly curious, as a newer player, how other people play the game.

It didn't take me long to discover a few things that I found abusive in regard to gameplay. These things were Survival of the Fittest, Ageless, Clinging Mists, and Gloom Cream.

My first few interactions with the game had me under the impression that KDM is a game about legacy and death. It's a game about survivors who have an expiration date, who will die, and who will be replaced by other survivors that take up the mantle and push the settlement toward victory. But then I realized that the optimal method of play is to create four heroes that you can, quite easily, turn into demigods by sending them backwards in time. This can be made certain by using SotF rerolls to ensure it happens, too, which is why I mention SotF.

The SotF lifetime rerolls apply to other methods of defying death too, of course, where the outcome of fate can be rejected when it most matters. The demigods you are building up would otherwise die, but thanks to a reroll, they live. And then you get something like Infinite Lives, and now you can keep resetting their rerolls to ensure only the worst luck can ever possibly threaten their rise to godhood.

If it's not clear, I don't really love that approach to the game. It doesn't feel in the spirit of the game to me, but it makes me wonder - is that how most people play?

The more I play, the more I start recognizing optimization paths. So far, that's centered around ensuring your characters get ageless, by taking SotF every time to ensure you reroll important things, most specifically Clinging Mists to restart settlements. This has such a massive impact on the difficulty of the game to the point where I would be genuinely extremely impressed with anyone who completes a run of the base game set all the way to killing the GSK without going back in time once, and without using SotF to get ageless on their characters.

Speaking of optimization, I've heard a lot of people say that the Flower Knight makes the game too easy, but nobody ever really says the same about the Dung Beetle Knight. While I know his level 4 form is considered the hardest fight in the game, it's also optional. Meanwhile, he for some reason gives more rewards than any other boss for defeating. He also has a special event that can result in permanent stat growth and access to the singular best item in the game (in my opinion, anyway).

The set he crafts is also insanely good, as none of the pieces properly count as armor, and they're all overstatted. Popping on a pair of calcified shoulder guards onto any character seems like a no brainer, but in addition to that, it means this armor set stacks in absurd ways with other effects that otherwise require you to "not be wearing armor" like acanthus doctor, or the White Secret that gives you +3 evasion for not wearing armor, or Crystal Skin, the cult speaker knife, etc. A campaign with the Flower Knight and no DBK would be harder than a campaign with the DBK and no Flower Knight, that's for sure.

Anyway, I didn't mean to rant. What I want to do is ask a few questions that I hope you won't mind answering. My curiosity stems from wanting to contextualize how everyone talks about the game, especially in regard to difficulty, weapon balance, optimization, and things like that.

What bosses do you usually include? Are there some you include almost every time?

What campaign do you typically like to play?

What bosses do you typically focus on doing? Gorm early, and then Dung Beetle/Flower Knight? Or something else?

Do you pick survival of the fittest nearly every time?

How many times do you typically start a new settlement per game, via clinging mist, phoenix, or otherwise?

Does your game typically revolve around the same 4 characters most of the game, kept from retiring by things like gloom cream, ageless, etc?

Finally, as a question just for fun, what's your favorite weapon to use?

14:31 UTC


How to deal with late game monster toughness?

Sorry for the noob question that I'm sure has been discussed before. I've put a lot of hours into KDM over the last few weeks and really love the game. I have like 10 concurrent campaigns going, but none that are past ~lantern year 15.

The campaigns that ended up a bit longer ultimately have ended up hitting clinging mists and restarting a settlement, which has then made the next run so much smoother and the characters and settlement feel infinitely more powerful because of it.

I've tried to imagine doing a campaign without clinging mist, or without survival of the fittest, or both, and i'm having a hard time imagining the end game. I also feel like ageless is cheese, and so is gloom cream, or other methods of making characters essentially immortal. I want a campaign experience that focuses around legacy and using different characters as the starting cast dies or retires... is the game balanced for that experience, or does it expect you to use 4 characters that you find enough ways to cheese with to turn them into superheroes?

So far, the one build that I've found that seems like it will consistently be amazing into the end game is a black sword using character. 3/5/10 are amazing base stats, and at sword mastery you're looking at 4/4/31 which is insane. Family as an innovation makes it reasonable enough to breed a child that starts halfway there to mastery to ensure you'll consistently have a sword master to use this weapon, and it will always be online. Pretty straightforward and strong.

But I haven't seen any other weapons that seem to scale nearly as much. Is there something I'm missing in terms of weapon builds that can get really high strength for wounding other than the black sword? What other builds would you recommend thinking about if so?

03:19 UTC


Soo.. is this thirsty warhammmer fantasy orrr?

I love a good wargame. This sub randomly got recommended to me. Scrolling through recent hobby posts, it seems like the bulk of models are fairly top heavy. Am I just getting an awkward slice of KD or is this pretty indicative of the game as a whole? Absolutely no hate, just curious.

Cheers to all the hobbyist out there.

20:08 UTC


Still nothing

Hi, guys!

Nothing since Black friday, two months from moment from sending them money till now with nothing on my hands and without any updates on my buyings. And when i asked them about any news they need 10-15 days to gather some sort of info.

Is there anyone who can reach them and ask to answer me? :)

17:57 UTC


Storm armor pinup

Just finished my skin, pretty happy with how it came out. Thinking either purple or gold nmm armor cause I don't value my time.

16:40 UTC


how to buy the base game?

Hi, im looking into buying the core game, as it seems to be all I need for a LONG time, and i cant seem to find it, only with the expansions which doubles the cost, and not really what im looking into getting. Is there a way to just buy KDM?

01:11 UTC


Need help with early quarries.

Trying to find THE GNASHER & SPURKULES custom quarry rules/cards, Can anyone point me in the right direction?

00:02 UTC


Cast-metal(bronze) versions of the King's Coin, and the complete Master Dwelling Key set.

22:20 UTC


First kdm minis, and I wanna ask that….

How the F to paint iris and why all you guys are like really good at it?

19:06 UTC


Best source to get a fan monster 3d printed.

Wanted to ask if anyone had a solid source get CCG monsters printed. Specifically the Harvester.

I've found an alt that I can purchase outright and modifying to get close to the lore. But I figure I'd see what it would cost to get the official CCG harvester printed.

Thanks for any insight.

15:38 UTC


How to resolve damage from vibration damage of Smog Singers?

Vibration damage from Smog Singers is quite confusing. My question is: after using all of your armor and light/heavy injuries, do you have to roll on the severe injury table for every point of additional damage? Or just one roll for all remaining points of damage?

18:34 UTC


Kdm-manager GC

Does anyone know if there is going to be development with the gambler chest on kdm-manager? It's a fantastic manager for the 1.6 game! I love it. I understand it would be a massive undertaking given all of the changes with the GC.

18:26 UTC


Is there anywhere I can get updates regarding UK warehouse stock?

Hello Lantern Bearers,

Is there anywhere I can sign up to a mailing list, or something similar, to get updates about the availability of the 1.6 core game in the UK?

12:31 UTC

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