We'll bond over some delicious tea! (´ω`)っ旦~~
/u/DrJamesFox wrote up an incredible essay regarding "K-ON!". It's a lengthy read, but well worth looking into if you're interested in starting the series, or if you just want to read about the anime!
Here's the first and the second part.
We'll bond over some delicious tea! (´ω`)っ旦~~
Posts must be about K-ON! (Merch, music video edits, references, discussions, etc.)
Be kind and respectful to each other! Basically follow rule 1 of reddit. Racism and other derogatory/discriminatory terms won't be tolerated and will result in a ban.
Make an effort to post the source of the artwork (no AI allowed) in the comments, and if you can't find it then the artist page will be fine! Use reverse image search engines such as SauceNAO, IQDB, and Tineye to help you find the source. Ask for help in the comments if you still can't find it!
No meme/shitposts, those belong on our meme subreddit /r/UnexpectedYui!
No reposting content within 180 days, or anything that's reach 1000+ karma. Use Repostsleuth to check!
Don't link or mention places to pirate tea time material. It makes Mio sad.
No politics, porn, gore, or other NSFW content. Posts/comments shouldn't focus on fanservice or lewd the characters. Just don't be weird about it, please. If you need to ask if something is NSFW, refrain from posting it. This is a lighthearted slice of life show meant for music, tea, and fun things so lets keep the subreddit the same. Multiple infractions will result in a temporary/permanent ban.
Don't spam the subreddit with multiple posts within a short period of time. If posts are similar, use albums instead of individual submissions.
No selling merchandise. You can show off your haul and the like, but please don't sell or advertise your merch here!
Where can I watch the series?
HiDive has the entire series including the OVAs for both seasons and the movie. Ura-On is not streamed anywhere legally.
What is Famikeion?
Famikeion is a game developed by one of our community members, /u/cubehero!
It's a fun platformer that can be played on mobile and on computers! It can be found here!
User flairs by: /u/kism3, /u/LibraryNerdOne and /u/The_Kuroi_Kenshi
Subreddit themes by: /u/LibraryNerdOne, /u/UltimateEpicFailz, /u/The_Kuroi_Kenshi
Hi everyone, are there any locals who know if Toyosato elementary school will be open on January 4th 2024? I read that they are closed on a tourist website for the first couple of days in January, but am hopeful the 4th will be open for my Japan visit.
We have been blessed by Mio’s daily picture posts. How about her best friend, Ritsu ☺️
Good Friday, /r/k_on!
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