An intersection of Islam, Muslim life, and anime memes.
An intersection of Islam and Muslim life and anime memes.
1. Be civil. Avoid using foul language and heated debates. Please be respectful when discussing Islam.
2. Must be related to Islam or Muslim life. Make sure that your meme is applicable to Muslims in general rather than specific cultures.
3. Must be an anime/manga meme. The post has to use an anime or manga meme format/template or have something to do with anime or manga. For general Islamic and Muslim life memes, try r/izlam.
4. Flair posts. Flair posts with the title(s) of the anime or manga used in the meme. If the meme does not involve specific anime or manga please use the "Misc" flair.
5. Translate to English. Translate the titles and the contents of memes to English if they are in another language.
6. No reposts. Reposting content already crossposted or originally posted here is not allowed.
7. No NSFW/NSFL content. No nudity, gore, or anything else that would get an NSFW/NSFL tag (according to Islamic standards). Intentional violations of this rule will result in removal or a permanent ban. (updated: 6/6/2020)
8. No blasphemy. In efforts to remain a halal form of humor, we are not allowing blasphemy on this sub. No posts should have some facetious remarks regarding God (SWT), His Prophets (may peace and blessing be upon them), His religion, or anything that would be anti-Islam. We also remove posts attempting to label the unseen as a caricature in a meme, be it shaytan, angels, or jinn. (updated: 06/10/2020)
9. No brigading. Do not link to subreddits and encourage mass upvoting, downvoting, commenting, etc.
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Wanted to deny it,but it might just be true, especially the comment talking about the steins gate opening where at the end she says-"there is no God welcome to the new world" astagfirullah
sauce if anyone is interested ☺️