A place to post screenshots or gifs of people acting like a piece of shit. The worst of the worst, people who you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy.
A place to post social media screenshots or gifs of people acting like a piece of shit. The worst of the worst, people who you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy.
Do not encourage, glorify, or incite violence.
For example: "Kill yourself", "It wouldn't be so bad if we killed all the pedophiles", "This guy needs to die", "I hope this guy gets stabbed to death with a rusty screwdriver", etc. Don't even joke about it, as "I was kidding" will not be taken as an excuse.
Must be a total piece of shit
A total piece of shit is someone who is intentionally harming people or animals. Bad parking, annoying but harmless things, memes & image macros, trophy hunters, people who put down their pets humanely, short & unoriginal comments, overly political/partisan posts, screenshots of someone's Reddit profile, petty arguments, fights/simple revenge, and common/unoriginal crimes do not belong here. Anti-vaxxer posts rarely belong here.
If your post isn't shitty enough, it'll be removed. It is very rare for anything featured on reddit, comment or post, to be shitty enough to be featured here. Do not post reddit screenshots.
If you post a picture with the backstory in the title or comments, no story in the image, or just the face of a public figure, you will be banned. This isn't punchablefaces.
Avoid reposting. If you see a repost, report it, preferably with a link to the previous post.
No news articles. Images, screenshots & gifs only. Reddit's native hosting and https://imgur.com/upload are preferred. Please take a screenshot of the article, preferably the title plus a paragraph or two, or link the video through imgur or v.redd.it. Screenshots of the headline only will be removed. This is because no one reads articles, even in article subreddits; articles rarely get more than 50 upvotes here, and articles inherently include personal info for somebody, which is not allowed in any form about any person.
No posts featuring gore, animal or child abuse. Posts featuring gore/child/animal abuse are not allowed here.
No screenshots of subreddits, reddit profiles, reddit posts, reddit comments, or reddit direct messages. Not even if you hide usernames. If you submit anything related to something happening on reddit you will be banned. This is to prevent harassment. Don't bring your reddit drama here.
No racism/hate speech/bigotry/idiotic race baiting No racism, homophobia, transphobia, or other bigotry. If they're a piece of shit, you don't need to bring their whole demographic into it.
Do not report users through modmail, use the report button with a custom reason. The only exception is for reporting people who are actually doxxing or other immediate threats. Do not report people for being mean to you, arguing, or making comments which you disagree with. If you abuse the report button or modmail, you will be banned. If you ask for someone who follows the rules to be banned, you may be banned.
Posts with bad titles will be automatically removed, you can then resubmit with a better title. No, you cannot edit your post title or image once it's been created, and neither can the mods.
Check out these other subreddits:
CSS by /u/mandjob
Dave Rubin films himself walking pass a group of "Fighting Age males" (Teenage Girls btw) In NYC
Obviously this pair doesn't walk much, so I guess he didn't expect the dog would shit while out for a walk. Why be prepared to clean up after your pet? /s
Hey folks! Hope you're all doing well. We're currently looking for post approval mods!
What is a post approval mod?
Well, to start off iaatpos is a curated sub. Basically, that means almost no posts get through until a moderator reviews and approves it.
This happens because this sub breaks the site's rules too much. Putting that aside, enough people will use the sub as a weapon to send angry strangers after innocent people. Adding onto that, a larger amount of people will also use it to push agendas.
A post approval mod is someone that is familiar with what reddit allows on the site, is passionate about sharing content, and is willing to work with us to post or approve content that fits this sub's criteria.
I will train you for around a month and ensure you feel comfortable doing this, and am always available on Discord to help. There is a team of other mods that are willing to help you, too! And we have hundreds of cat GIFs on demand just waiting for you.
Here is the app, if you want to post that you applied here as well, that helps me find your account. We do require Discord. https://forms.gle/ffi2VLp4KTT2zB2a6
sorry, obviously important. the ask is about 15-30m of work a week. At the moment we have about 3-4 post approvers, we are looking for about 3-5 more. It would entail scrolling through a small queue and watching a few videos or reading posts, and then approving 1-3 a day. You don't have to do anything else, that's literally it. We have folks for modmail, comments, and all the other non-sense.
Alternatively, you can post your own content if it fits and there's not very many good things in the queue, too. Your posts usually will get about 500k-2m views if they're good. If you're a power-user (someone that posts frequently and has viral posts), you're welcome and even encouraged to apply as long as you can work with us on how we need to have titles and content formatted, and info censored.
Mistakes happen, it's okay. What matters is the willingness to fix it and work with us. We're very easy going.