A home for hydroponic gardeners, from hobbyist to commercial growers. Post grow journals, questions, and discussions!
A home for hydroponic gardeners, from hobbyist to commercial growers. Post grow journals, questions, and discussions!
*Important: While we aren't against growing marijuana, this subreddit is for those who want to grow plants that are universally legall. Please refrain from posting marijuana grows. If you are interested in that, please check out r/microgrowery. *
Epic Gardening Homemade Hydroponics (Spanish) Have a blog? Tell us!
Just switch them from a smaller tent 60x60x160 to a 120x120x200 currently starting week 5 tomorrow I have 6 but two are two weeks behind and using a Omega Black 720watt led light
Sorry about the rubbish photo it’s via my camera on the app
I had a male and female Sweeties plant that I set up in a tent on their own specifically intended to create a bx1 backcross and get a nice seed stock. How do I know when to harvest for mature seeds. I know this will be different than harvesting for flower to smoke. I normally harvest at 8 weeks 56 days but I took a beach at that and the seeds were still immature. Is there a way to know they are ready?
Hi all! I’m interested in getting into hydroponics without making much investment until I’ve at least got the basics down (I’m known to kill cacti). I’m a little confused about how I go from the seed to the sample part where I can actually plant it in the bottle and how I can do that as DIY as possible (saw something like this that I could use instead of a net pot - https://www.instructables.com/Simple-DIY-Hydroponics-net-potbasket-from-recycle). But what stage does a seed/sapling/plant need to be at for me to put it in there? I started sprouting some lentils and figured I can easily try that even though it’ll be really small; would that work? I want to avoid dirt as much as possible.
Also, I drink a lot of bud light platinums which come in this dark blue bottle - do you think that would be enough protection against sunlight, or would it still need a cover?
Glue 31
I live in an area that uses chloramine, has a ph between 8.4 and 10, and an EC of 0.50.
I'd like to get an RO filter that has a carbon pre-filter because apparently the chloramine will eat the membrane of the RO filter otherwise.
I'd also like one that has economical filter replacement. How standard are filters?
It'd be nice to have the clear canisters to be able to see how dirty they are.
I don't need a bladder tank because I'll probably run it to a float valve and then shut it off if I'm not around.
Anyone have good recommendations of what has worked for them?
Hey I was hoping someone can give me advice on what to do for my hydro grow. My sprouting is already looking like it’s dying and I’m not sure what I should do. Any tips or advice by any chance anything will help. This is the 9th day of veg
I've used garden hose because I tend to find plenty of it on bulk pickup days or trash day. I'd been using $2 harbor freight hose ends. It's not really flexible and even with elbows and such I move things around and redesign a lot. I've seen the 1/4" water lines that RO filters and refrigerators use, but that seems kind of small since it's very low pressure. Are there any other materials for this I should consider? Vinyl tubing seems possible but I don't know how I'd connect that to a barrel. What does everyone use for their random water plumbing around their hydro setups? Any random inputs or suggestions welcome.
So I think about this a lot but I am always interested in a dining food in a small space and I wonder what other people think. Would the folks in this sub be interested in a completion of sorts of standard foot print sizes and maximizing food production. Mixed media, minimize cost, use available products etc.
The thought is if you have a 6x6 closet how much food could you produce? Kinda like a freedom garden/prepper in a box idea.