
Photograph via snooOG

This subreddit is dedicated to Siberian huskies, anything related to the beautiful dog.

This subreddit is dedicated to Siberian huskies, anything related to the beautiful dog.

If you are looking for a University of Washington subreddit, there is one already here with over 50,000 subscribers. There is also a smaller community for University of Washington here.

Community Rules

1. Huskies and husky mixes only

Huskies and husky mix breed dogs only

2. No reposts

3. Be nice and civil

Be nice and civil. No shaming of OP in the comments, no name calling, racism, sexism etc. Don't threaten harm to any animal or person. Violations of this rule may get you banned.

4. No merch

No posts or comments selling anything of any kind.

5. No bots or karma farmers

Use this rule to report suspected bots and karma farmers.

6. No dead animals, gore or NSFW content

No images of dead animals, gory wounds or NSFW content, this is a SFW community

7. No GoFundMe or donations posts or comments

No GoFundMe or donations posts or comments

You can make GoFundMe requests in the r/GoFundMe community

8. Adopt/Foster shelter dog posts

Posts about rescue/shelter dogs in need are not allowed. There is a sticky thread for adoption, shelter, and rescue posts where comments about them can be put.

You are allowed to post about your own cute rescue dog 😊

Some other subreddits you may like:
Foo Bar
/r/siberianhusky/ /r/AlaskanMalamute/
/r/aww/ /r/dogs/
/r/puppies/ /r/puppy101/
/r/delightfullychubby/ /r/alaskankleekai/
/r/hipsterhuskies/ /r/BeachDogs

Discord server: /r/husky discord

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198,285 Subscribers


Dad, feed me !!

1 Comment
07:09 UTC


He can’t get enough

07:06 UTC


My Luna 🐾

05:30 UTC


My boys!

Ranger (Keeshond) Rex. (Husky) Jackson the cat!

05:06 UTC


My husky’s newest toy 😅😂😍

Our 5 year old Husky and our new 4 month old Pomeranian puppy :)

04:52 UTC


Husky Prey Behaviour (Detective Mode)

Today while out walking along a dyke offleash with my 5 year old husky, he ran off the trail near the river and trotted back VERY proud with a near dead rabbit in his mouth. This was the first time he has ever caught an animal. The weird thing was that the rabbit was soaking wet, and my dog was wet up to his belly. There would have been lots of places for the rabbit to run into bush so I don't think a rabbit would choose to escape towards the river.

I guess what I'm asking is do we think my dog drowned a rabbit? It that a behaviour anyone else has seen? The rabbit was not bleeding very much at all, I only found a small amount of blood on the snow nearby.

Super curious of anyone's thoughts!!

02:39 UTC


I wish I loved anything as much as these babies love snow and winter 💜❄️

02:11 UTC


Need advice or input on my puppies current schedule. Also a few questions, a big thank you to whoever can help 🙂

Hi everyone,

I have two 8 week old littermates and wondering if everything I am doing is fine & any advice or tips anyone would have for me.

6am- wake up, potty & play time (individual play time with me with one pup at a time)

7am- food & training for 10-15 minutes this is meal #1 & I’m training them on leash just recalling them and getting used to their name also doing this individually.

830-9am Potty time then crated.

1:00 potty time & playing together outside & inside (weather permitting)

2:00 feeding in crate

3:30 play time individually & light training

6:00 dinner time, crated for one hour, then potty & play time

730 they play together outside and usually they have been crazy doing zoomies everywhere, this tires them out for bed.

10:00 let out & then crated, I get up in the middle of the night no more than 4 hours and let them out for potty.

Anyone have any advice? Training advice? Anything I should change?

I am very aware of littermate syndrome - they are separated a lot of times during the day but they absolutely adore eachother. Anyone have any tips for this?

Bosco (black puppy) has been having diarrhea also today, is this something I should get checked out asap? They both aren’t fully vaccinated.

01:16 UTC


This came up on Facebook Memories today

I miss my Juno so much, I lost her to cancer and an abdominal bleed in October.

I hope you're chasing tons of groundhogs and squirrels at the Rainbow Bridge, June Bug.

22:50 UTC


Carts for husky to pull

I want to start training my husky to being used to pull carts when me and my wife go hiking, we wanna train him before we have our kid and he can help along. What would be the best way and equipment that would help train him?

22:43 UTC


Cold? Comfy?

He's all tight in a ball so we're trying to figure out if he's cold (since it seems unlikely for a husky) or maybe he's just comfortable? Little worried, we dunno what kinda mix he might be so we're not sure if he could have a different coat than other huskies.

22:41 UTC


Training advice

Hi everyone, my husky was set to go to board and train program today but upon reading some absolutely horrific reviews I want to cancel it but feel anxious as to messaging the people. Does anyone have any advice as to what I should say? I don’t feel comfortable these people taking my dog after the horrible reviews I’ve read- saying their dog was filthy, smelling of urine, dehydrated and had to be taken to the animal hospital, the trainers were abusive when asked to pick up the dog and threatened them with leaving their dog on the side of the road etc. I can’t leave my dog with them but I’m also the most agreeable human being and just need advice on what to say to cancel her stay thanks.

22:10 UTC


A yawn in 3 parts

1 Comment
21:48 UTC


2 huskies vs 1 golden 😂

21:30 UTC


Our handsome distinguished gentleman, Loki.

21:24 UTC


8 week old husky tips

We adopted this sweet girl roughly a week ago, she’s 8.5 weeks old and we’re working on getting her comfy and warmed up to us. My husband has owned a husky/wolf mix in the past and I had done tons of research so we were pretty confident in what we were getting ourselves into however what we didn’t expect is our pup had never been socialized to humans, never been inside, never eaten out of a bowl, etc. She was absolutely terrified of us at first and still is to an extent. She’s warmed up to us if we put her in our bed and has stopped cowering when being petted. She is too scared to use the bathroom outside and just hides and curls into a ball when out there no matter how long we stay outside with her.

An insane amount of treats and our pet cat Omen, who we now call her emotional support cat, have opened her up a ton compared to her first few days but we definitely still have tons of progress to make with her. We’re letting her take it at her own pace and just loving her along the way. Has anyone been through something similar with their pup and have any tips or tricks to help her out along the way? Obviously she’s still new to us and adjusting to that as well and we’re being patient I just want to make sure that there isn’t anything we’re missing or can improve on.

20:49 UTC


Those Eyes!

20:39 UTC


It's time to change my baby's hair ❤️

How do you deal with this? I have my whole house full of hair 😂

19:35 UTC


Breath easy now sweet baby girl

My heart is beyond shattered, yesterday we discovered my beautiful girl's lungs were filled with cancer. Today we said good bye. She was such a sweet beautiful gentle girl. I wish I could get her back so badly. She didn't deserve this. I miss her so much...

18:58 UTC

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