A place for learners and lovers of the Hungarian language. / Egy hely a magyar nyelv tanulói és kedvelői számára.
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Welcome to /r/hungarian! This subreddit deals with everything related to the Hungarian language. Whether you're learning the language or a native speaker, we're glad you're here and hope you enjoy it. Feel free to submit links to anything relating to the Hungarian language, or perhaps post questions or helpful suggestions to those learning it. Use this space to practice! Content in Hungarian and in English is welcome.
Flairs are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. (NA is for native speakers.) Set yours in the sidebar.
Üdvözlünk a /r/hungarian-on! Ez az alreddit minden olyan dologgal foglalkozik, ami a magyar nyelvvel kapcsolatos! Akár nyelvet tanulsz, akár anyanyelvi szinten beszéled, örülünk, hogy itt vagy és reméljük, hogy jól érzed magad! Küldj be bátran a magyar nyelvhez kapcsolódó linkeket, esetleg tegyél fel kérdéseket vagy küldj be hasznos tanácsokat azoknak, akik magyarul tanulnak. Használd ezt a helyet arra, hogy gyakorolj! Angol és magyar tartalmakat is szívesen látunk!
A flair-ek a Közös Európai Referenciakereten alapulnak. Add meg a sajátod az oldalsávon! (A "NA" az anyanyelvi szinten beszélők jele.)
A a, Á á, B b, C c, Cs cs, D d, Dz dz
Dzs dzs, E e, É é, F f, G g, Gy gy, H h
I i, Í í, J j, K k, L l, Ly ly, M m, N n
Ny ny, O o, Ó ó, Ö ö, Ő ő, P p, Q q
R r, S s, Sz sz, T t, Ty ty, U u, Ú ú
Ü ü, Ű ű, V v, W w, X x, Y y, Z z, Zs zs
Link flair meanings:
(You don't need to write your flair in the title, these will be added by our moderators as soon as they approve your post.)
Hi all,
I'm looking for any source of free Hungarian streaming in which I can see films and series.
I think can download subtitles if needed so also without subtitles would be ok.
Also any Hungarian Horror film recommendation would be also great,
Sziasztok! I've come across some lyrics in a Hungarian song I like, and while I (think I) understand the meaning based on the words in these two lines, I'm not sure what's going on grammatically. The two lines are:
Ha kell, az életed elveszem
Kitépem szívem
I believe the first line means "I will take your life if needed" and the second line means "I tear out my heart", but why are életed and szívem in the nominative case here? Is this just because it's a song so it doesn't matter if the grammar is off a bit, or is something else happening? Köszönöm szépen!
Jövőre tervezem elkezdeni a fodrasz tanfolyamot es ket iskola kozott vacillalok. Az egyik a Clips a masik a Haute couture. Akinek van barmilyekkel kapcsolatban relevans infoja, tapasztalata az megosztana velem? Egy ilyen egy eves tanfolyam utan mennyire valik valakibol onalloan dolgozni tudo fodrasz?
I met someone hungarian and we've been learning each other some things of each others language -im dutch- and this one time she said "az kom gec". She said she couldn't really translate it well so it left me wondering what it actually entails and when to use it. I found a post somewhere explaining it as "that's neat" but from her explanation and context it didn't really sound right.
Hello friends, I need to ask u. I found out that my grandma has surname Keszeli, im very curious what does it mean. Bcs I dont speak Hungarian, but i want to. Will u help me please ? Thank u. 🖤
Sziasztok! 😊
Ha keresel egy barátságos, támogató közösséget, akkor jó helyen jársz! Most indítottam egy új Discord szervert, ahol bármilyen érdeklődési körrel rendelkező embereket szeretettel várunk. 🎮💬
Miért érdemes csatlakozni?
How would you guys say this in English? Not necessarily in literal translation but with the same meaning/idea.
I'd like to learn hungarian as I'm marrying my hungarian fiancé soon. But I want to learn from just the lessons.
I'd like to do 3 lessons of 90-120 minutes each week. But I don't want any additional homework, and when I searched for hungarian language schools or tutors most of them require homework. I realize homework is very useful but I rather focus on my job and life during my time away from learning Hungarian. I would be happy to do passive learning though (such as practicing in shops when buying stuff, or watching shows in hungarian with English subtitles, etc). I just don't want actual homework where I need to focus.
Any place or person I could do this with?
I just started learning Hungarian about a week or two ago. I want to say "My dog is named Spot. She is white and black. She is a small dog." I don't have an answer key or anything like that. Some online translators said this is "A kutyám neve Spot. Fehér és fekete. Kicsi kutya."
I know that personal pronouns are often omitted and that "van" is often left out with "ő", but I wanted to ask whether the latter two sentences are correct. They just sound incomplete to me, since there's no verb or personal pronoun.
If you say "I understand English" I'm confused because I have heard two different versions:
"Értem angol" and "Értek angol"
So which one is right when I want to say that I know and understand English language.
I know it means miss you, but when should I use this? Is it too personal between casual friends?
hiya! i'm planning on buying an item in a game i like, but a previous owner named it "Gabozsvár", which i understand is hungarian. would anyone be able to help translate? i've checked a number of dictionaries and found nothing, but i have seen it used online in hungarian spaces.
Hi! Could someone please explain to me, what is the difference between majd and azután (aztán), because my hungarian speaking friend told me that both mean AFTER but forgot to tell me the difference. :)
Szia! I'm going to Hungary in a few weeks and I'll be staying with a friend and their mum, who doesn't speak English. My hungarian is admittedly not the best but I'd really like to get a card for their mum to thank her for letting me stay. I was wondering if any native speakers could translate a message for me?
Sziasztok! What does it mean verb kibogarászni? I didn't find any valuable translation, according to chat gpt it's like make research or scan (data), and according to google translate it's bugger (weird translation).
Köszönöm a felvilágosítást.
A cím. Mindkétféleképp láttam már, az egyiktöl feláll a ször a hátamon, de nem írom le, melyiktöl, mert félek a lepontozástól 😅 Van itt olyan nyelvész, aki tudja, melyik a helyes(ebb) magyarul?
Lehet, hogy ez nem tipikus kérdés egy tanulótól, de kérek egy kis türelmet.
Próbálom beazonosítani a dalokat, amelyek a lenti dalcsokrokban szövegüket hallgatva, de nem tudok felismerni eleget bennük ahhoz, hogy megállapítsem a címeket a Google segítségével.
Az "Ecseri lakodalmas" című számban csak a második dalt tudom azonosítani. Ez egy népszerű népdal variációja, amely így kezdődik: "Az ecseri kertek alatt, jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj, Folyik a szerelem-patak jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj, Aki abból sokat iszik, jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj, A babájától elbúcsúzik, jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj-jaj".
A dalok 0:00, 1:04, 6:08, 7:20, 11:15, és 12:20-nál.
Az "Este a fonóban" című számban az első (0:00) és az ötödik (6:26) dalt tudom azonosítani. Ezek "Kinyílt a rózsa, hajlík az ága", illetve "Nem vagyok én senkinek sem adósa, adósa".
A dalok 0:00, 2:02, 4:32, 5:26, 6:26, és 7:07-nél.
Köszönöm a figyelmet és minden segítséget!
hey guys are there any good online apps or Youtube videos I can use to learn Hungarian? I would like to move there to study next year and thought it might be helpful to know the foundational stuff and basic phrases to get by. any help would be sooo appreciated!!🌺
p.s. I’m from Southern Africa if that helps put my situation into perspective
Bad title I know (headache) but basically something like the hungarian side of r/2visegrad4you
Generally language taught in a class is formal. But I like learning the online terms more, since that's what brings people together.
Any good hungarian creators on tiktok/reels/shorts that are good for learning online hungarian?
Hi everyone. I’ve been working on this app for the last few months and would love to get people’s thoughts on it. It’s called issen, which is a personal, voice-driven conversational AI language tutor. It remembers who you are and naturally adapts the chats and lessons to your particular learning style and goals.
The idea came from my experience trying to learn French. I’ve spent years at it going through many online tutors. I like the experience of a dedicated teacher a lot, but on top of being expensive and often a bit awkward, I move around a lot, so an in-person teacher is extremely hard for me to manage. I tried a bunch of language learning apps (Babbel, Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, etc.), but none of them really compared to having an actual teacher.
The idea for issen is for it to be that actual conversational teacher, accessible directly from your phone at any time.
You can check out the app at issen.com (Hungarian is very much supported!). Please let me know what you think, if you have any questions or feedback, or want to talk about language learning in general!
Hi can someone help me,
How to say : “ Say hello from me”
for example: say hello to your mom from me, non formal way of saying?
Thank you!
I'm trying to understand when to use "az" over "ez". I've heard that you can typically use "az" in place of "that" in English while you can use "ez" in place of "this" in English.
Is that actually the case?
What explicitly separates "az" and "ez" in Hungarian?
I have this issue for Japanese, as subject omission is common. The problem stems from how AI translation works, as it's modeled mainly for SVO languages (while Japanese is an SOV one.) Another hurdle is that Japanese is logographic (despite having kana) since they use kanji while English alongside European languages are alphabetical, which poses difficulties in translation.
In terms of Japanese, I have a sentence where pronouns like "I am", "My" or "We" are omitted since the context is already established:
(I) took (my) wallet out of (my) bag and paid for expensive jewelry for the girl whom (I) liked.
[Kivettem a pénztárcámat a táskámból, és drága ékszereket fizettem a lánynak, aki tetszett nekem.]
But google translate from EN > JP lists it as:
I mean, is Hungarian also a pro-drop language like Japanese? Just how different is their grammar and sentence structure in comparison to English? Since HU is Uralic while EN is Germanic, does that play an impact on how translations work out?
ChatGPT told me that they mean the same thing, but "sokáig" is more formal than "soká", and also that "sokáig" focuses more on the "lasting in time" aspect. However, on a frequency list I found, that "soká" is drastically (10x) less often used than "sokáig". It may be that they mean different things in different contexts, in which case I'd like to find out how they're different. Otherwise, I want to hear from real hungarians which word they use more often in regular speech.
Az évek alatt összegyűlt néhány szó amit hangulat festésként kitalálgattam, de néhányat volt, hogy már használtam normálisan is. Nektek van ilyen új szavatok, amiket kitaláltatok direkt vagy véletlen?
Pl: -Holcsoda: Ezt csak így használom "Kicsoda micsoda holcsoda?"
-Mindjó: Minden jó -> Mindjó Ezt már használom mindennap