When r/AskOuija or ouija related subreddits churn out the exact answer you would expect.
-All posts must be from r/Ouija or other real ouija reddits. No reposts from other ouija category subreddits, for instance r/jesuschristouija. -All posts must have a screenshot of the post, including what the spirits said at the top of the post, or including all relevant letters in the screenshot. If it's supposed to say "Cockatoo" but it cuts off at "cocka", take a new screenshot or try again. -No politics, sexism/racism in the comments. If the spirits say nasty things, they say nasty things. Just don't make it the discussion around the picture. Pretty basic rules, all I have to say aside from that is don't be a dick.
Until there comes a point where the subreddit blows up and we need more mods, here’s the current squad:
Second-in-command: u/Madkingmatt1. I know him IRL. Admins: u/Seaweed-Chan and u/awportune. First applicants, best jobs. Mods: u/Kortemann, u/Voldemort57 and u/Friedfreedoms!
I hope you accept