
Photograph via snooOG

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Beer recipes

I’ve managed to find the equipment I need, and now I’m looking for some simple beer recipes without add-ons to get started. I would like one recipe for an IPA and one for a lager. It would be helpful if some of the hops, malts, or yeast are the same for both (IPA and lager) so I can order them together.

09:44 UTC


Beer carbonated in the primary—is it still okay to bottle?

I’m not exactly sure what's happened here, but after checking the gravity of this beer to make sure it was actually fermenting, it seems like it may have carbonated quite a lot in the primary.

At first, I wasn't sure it was fermenting at all. The krausen took 2-3 days to appear and after that I never saw the airlock bubble once. I thought the yeast might have gone and died, but after a week I took a gravity reading and it seems all the sugar has been eaten. When pouring the little sample to test, it was super carbonated.

I’m wondering how dangerous bottling this batch might be if it's already quite cabonated--I don't want to end up with a slab of IEDs. Any ideas what's gone on with my fermenter to start with and if this brew is safe to bottle?

This is also my first batch in a long long time, so it might be something obvious that I've missed.

08:13 UTC


Free-For-All Friday!

The once a week thread where (just about) anything goes! Post pictures, stories, nonsense, or whatever you can come up with. Surely folks have a lot to talk about today. If you want to get some ideas you can always check out a [past Free-For-All Friday](http://www.reddit.com/r/Homebrewing/search?q=Free+For+All+Friday+flair%3AWeekly%2BThread&restrict\_sr=on&sort=new&t=all).

1 Comment
06:00 UTC


Daily Q & A! - July 26, 2024

Welcome to the Daily Q&A!

Are you a new Brewer? Please check out one of the following articles before posting your question:

Or if any of those answers don't help you please consider visiting the /r/Homebrewing Wiki for answers to a lot of your questions! Another option is searching the subreddit, someone may have asked the same question before!

However no question is too "noob" for this thread. No picture is too tomato to be evaluated for infection! Even though the Wiki exists, you can still post any question you want an answer to.

Also, be sure to vote on answers in this thread. Upvote a reply that you know works from experience and don't feel the need to throw out "thanks for answering!" upvotes. That will help distinguish community trusted advice from hearsay... at least somewhat!

05:07 UTC


Free stuff, kegging equipment, one more time (DMV)

I have a couple of modified soda kegs, a regulator, a small CO2 canister (empty), a bottle filler, some carboys, some yeast starter jusgs, and a bunch of other random stuff.

All you need to do is come to Washington, DC to pick it up (no shipping). I'm moving, so if no one takes it, I'll unfortunately have to pitch it all.

I don't seem to be able to post pics (the button is disabled), but I have them. Let me know if you are interested. Don't be shy 😂



02:01 UTC


Fermentation Fridge/Chamber

Looking to set up a temp controlled fermentation chamber. Currently using a cooler with a bit of water circulating and wrapping the carboy in a towel. I’m tired of swapping water bottles every few hours. Snagged a Magic Chef slim mini fridge off marketplace for $25. Is Ink Bird the way to go? Do I necessarily need the heat pad? If you’ve got some photos of your setup, please share. Thanks 🍻

01:01 UTC


I ferment in a corny keg, it is, relative to other fermenters, long and skinny. If I take a sample to test the gravity is it possible I could get a different result if the sample is taken from the top or bottom of the fermenter?

My sample is come from the bottom, just something I was thinking about today.

23:49 UTC


If I mix food grade ethanol with distilled water and some flavouring will I get vodka?

If this would work what flavouring would I use and why isn’t it more popular considering how much cheaper it would be to buying vodka from a local shop.

Thanks all sorry in advance if this is a stupid question.

23:06 UTC


Whats The Oldest Liquid Yeast you were able to bring back to life?

I'm attempting to resurrect an Omega Stary Party from July 2023 sitting in the back of my fridge. Has anyone had success in bringing yeast back from the dead?

19:41 UTC


Is added c vitamin in juice a problem?

I want to make apple cider and have heard that preservatives will ruin it, it says on the carton 100 procent juice with added c vitamin, is that a problem?

19:19 UTC


Floating dip tube in half barrel question

I have a half barrel keg and a MoreBeer ball lock tri clamp coupler for the top. Problem is, neither of the stainless spheres I have fit through the keg opening. They are 1/4” too big in diameter. I considered using a fishing bobber to keep it floating, but felt like there was no way to keep that sanitary. The diameter of the opening is 1.75”

Can you guys help me think of a sanitary way to use a floating dip tube in this thing?

18:40 UTC


Weizen beer


Recently I made my first beer weizen from old good recipe i got and after 2 weeks since the beer was bottled, it taste sour and has little to none gas in it. While shaking it in closed bottle i can see gas but after opening it's just like sour water.

Any clues what to do next? Maybe wait more like 4 weeks?

18:06 UTC

18:02 UTC


Bottle condition vs counter pressure

I've committed to brewing 30 gallons for my brother's wedding in November. Only problem is that I don't have that many kegs, and even if I did he won't have a way to serve it so I need to bottle. I went straight to kegging when I started brewing so I've never bottle conditioned a beer. I do have a counter pressure bottle filler that I can use to bottle from a keg, but using it to fill around 100 bottles at a time (10 gallon batches) does not sound fun. Even so, that's where I'm leaning since it's what I know and I don't want to screw something up with it being for a wedding and all. What would you do?

17:50 UTC


Analog controller?

I have an option to purchase one. What exactly does it do?

16:26 UTC


Sourvisiae assistance

Hey guys first time poster. I started my brew journey with meads and wines and decided to try my hand at beers. My current beer I started with is a gose. After boiling and topping off to 5 gallons, my original gravity was 1.036. I decided to use sourvisiae to make my sour, and the fact that it can do it in 5 days sealed the deal.

My problem is this, after 5 days I seem to have stopped fermenting. My gravity has not changed the last three days. It seems to have finished at 1.022.

I guess my question is, will this yeast drop the ph so much it kills itself? I don’t want my beer to be at a lowly 1.5%. Should I try pitching another ale yeast?

My recipe is as follows 3lbs wheat dme 3 lbs pale Pilsner dme .5 oz hallertau hops .5 oz coriander .5 oz sea salt 1 oz dextrose And one packer of sour yeast

Any help would be appreciated

13:00 UTC


Replacing carbon filter with RO?

Hey all! I live in a location with a lot of TDS and would love to have cleaner water to start from so I've been looking into replacing my 3-stage carbon filter with a direct flow RO one. However, i have one major concern: we currently use the carbon filter for everything else (drinking water, coffee, etc) and I'm a bit worried we're going to miss the flavor of our water, or specifically my wife might. Has anyone else with high TDS gone over to RO and then used it for general drinking water?

09:21 UTC


Burst Carbing at high PSI - foam issues

Hey all, I’ve started burst carbing at high PSI.. say 35 PSI for 48 hours at 3 Celsius to get to about 2.4 volumes of co2 in a keg. Generally works well and I get a good level of carbonation, but I’m also getting a lot of foam when I then pour at 11PSI which is my normal pouring setting. I am letting pressure out of the keg a couple of times after burst carbing.

Any one else using the high PSI burst carb and running into foam issues? And if so how do you manage..?

06:37 UTC


Daily Q & A! - July 25, 2024

Welcome to the Daily Q&A!

Are you a new Brewer? Please check out one of the following articles before posting your question:

Or if any of those answers don't help you please consider visiting the /r/Homebrewing Wiki for answers to a lot of your questions! Another option is searching the subreddit, someone may have asked the same question before!

However no question is too "noob" for this thread. No picture is too tomato to be evaluated for infection! Even though the Wiki exists, you can still post any question you want an answer to.

Also, be sure to vote on answers in this thread. Upvote a reply that you know works from experience and don't feel the need to throw out "thanks for answering!" upvotes. That will help distinguish community trusted advice from hearsay... at least somewhat!

05:07 UTC


Flaunt your Rig

Welcome to our weekly flaunt your rig thread, if you want to show off your brewing setups this is the place to do it!

05:00 UTC


Tripel: FG went all the way to 1.000 after 3 months

So, end of April I brewed a Belgian tripel as follows (about 12L) :

  • 2.6kg pilsner 2 Row
  • 370g Oat malt
  • 150g flaked wheat
  • 280g flaked barley
  • 500g pale wheat malt
  • 360g clear candi sugar

Yeast is mangrove's jack M41 Belgian Ale

OG was 1.081 It fermented all the way down to 1.009 in about 4 days, and took a couple readings after that, it was stable at 1.009. Now fast forward to yesterday, about 3 months later, it has been sitting in the primary fermenter (bucket with airlock still intact and bubbly if I pressed on the lid), at room temperature. I finally went to bottle/keg the batch (half/half), and out of curiosity, I decided to take another reading, and to my surprised it showed 1.000 (so now supposedly at 10.6 abv)... Now I've tasted it, and despite it being room temperature and not carbonated, it tasted great and strong, no foul smell or odor.

So my point is, I don't think there's been contamination, but I can't figure out what happened...

Has this ever happened to anyone ?

21:47 UTC


Anyone using iTap to fill bottles? Time per bottle?

Hello, Anyone using the iTap system to fill beer bottles on counter pressure?

How much time do you take to fill a bottle?

Let’s say you have 300 bottles to fill, how much time would it take to?


21:23 UTC


Camlock on the Fermzilla Lid?

I recently received a 55L Gen 3.2 Fermzilla as a gift and I'm in reseerch mode working on setting up my first brew on it. I want to use some sort of quick connect on the lid to transfer from my kettle to the fermenter using my brew pump. I have stainless steel cam locks and 3/4" OD silicone tubing now and was wondering if I could somehow attach a male camlock to the gas port when filling the fermenter. The troubles that I can't find another stainess steel male camlock that would accept a PET bottle style fitting. I could simply drop the tube though the port, which is what I do today with my Speidel 60L but was thinking a fitting would be nice to hold it securely.

Are you all doing anything like this to transfer to your Fermzilla using an electric pump?

20:44 UTC


Dry hopped 2 days ago. Are these hop particles clinging to the side of my bucket?

Pic here: https://imgur.com/a/JBiLfVv

Pitched my beer in a primary fermenter almost 4 weeks ago. I'm following a recipe kit from Northern Brewer that just said to transfer and pitch on primary for 2 weeks, then transfer to secondary after 2 weeks. However, I don't have a secondary fermenter suitable enough, so I just left it in the primary as the instruction stated.

This is a citrus IPA. I dry hopped it 2 days ago on Sunday and plan to bottle this coming Monday. After dry hopping I'm seeing these particles on the side of my bucket. I've only ever brewed once before and that batch went well, but I've never dry hopped and I've never seen this before. I tasted it right before I dry hopped and the beer tasted fine. Like it wasn't obviously infected or anything.

What am I looking at here? Hop particles? Hoping someone can recognize because I thought the hops would just rest on top.

19:43 UTC


Elderflower ‘champagne,’ bottling and such qs

Hello, I made a batch of elderflower with champagne yeast, OG was 1.056. I left it it in an open container and after 5-6 days put it in a demijohn. Two to three weeks later the SG is 0.996 (7.8 odd%). It is very light and the alcohol taste is strong but there is a bit of a yeasty flavour. Should I bottle it as it is and leave it for a week or so or add any sugar to the bottles for carbonation purposes. Or is there another option to improve the flavour etc that might be advised. Thanks for any help!

19:02 UTC


Overnight mash question

I've been seeing a few comments about overnight mashing (mainly by parents with limited time, like myself)

I'd be keen to give this a try, but I'm not sure how to translate my usual step-mash into an overnight, ie. Do I extend the alpha and beta rest and then raise to mash-out for the normal amount of time right when I get up?

I have a brewzilla gen 4 with a Bluetooth thermometer so ist should be easy to maintain the right temps and control steps.

My other question is what effect does the long mash have on body? I'd rather all my beers don't turn out super thin!

Thanks in advance!

18:40 UTC


How to find clubs?

Hi, I'm looking for suggestions on connecting with clubs in the Boston area. I've tried looking through the AMA registry but haven't had any luck finding clubs that look active. I've tried reaching out via email to a few of them anyway and have never heard back. Any ideas?

17:46 UTC


Charles Bamforth + Glen Fox will be live on Monday for Info Session @ UC Davis

16:59 UTC


Question about the Brewferm kits and the negatives of adding more water to the brew

So I'm about to buy a Brewferm Pilsner kit and it states on the item listing page that you can make 12 to 20 liters with the option of purchasing 1,2 or 3kg brewing sugar with it. It states that the resulting beer will have an ABV of 4.5 percent but I assume that ABV level can only be achieved if you make 12 liters specifically?

I like the idea of making as much beer as possible so I wanted to make 20 liters but now I'm worried that both the alcoholic content and taste will be affected significantly if I decide to make 20 liters as opposed to 12 liters.

I'm wondering if I do make 20 liters instead can I retain the 4.5 percent ABV by simply adding more sugar than what's stated in the instructions to compensate for the extra 8 liters of water?

16:10 UTC


F.H. Steinbarts in Portland Oregon

F.H. Steinbarts is the oldest (est 1918) homebrew supply store in the US. They just sent their customers this email, announcing reduced hours:


|| || |New Store Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 9:00a - 5:30p Closed Sundays & Mondays   Due to declining sales in the homebrew industry, we have had to reduce our staff size so that we are able to stay in business. In order to maintain the same level of help and expertise we have been known for over the last 105 years, we are also reducing our hours so that are remaining staff can manage the store without experiencing burnout and excessive stress.  Thank you for your continued support and consideration, and our apologies for any inconvenience this may provide.|

I had no idea this was their situation -- I know of a number of homebrew shops that have closed in recent years, but if we lost Steinbarts, that would be devastating. Shop your local homebrew store, or if you don't have one, consider Steinbarts! https://fhsteinbart.com/

15:57 UTC

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