
Photograph via snooOG

The ham radio sub-reddit!


76,107 Subscribers


Just a question. Lincoln.

I have just been listening to your session. And I did not come in because I do not have my call sign yet. But I was wondering. I am at module 3 of my foundation exam. Do I need to present myself in person to sit the exam? Or is it all online. That's it. Thanks for your help. Adam.

20:09 UTC


Is there an antenna in my dad's, well now my, house?

Is this enough of an antenna or should I look in the attic for more? I should probably look in the attic anyway but it's more likely to happen if I have a reason.

Also, thank you to this community for the support after my Dad passed. I'm going to get into ham slowly since I already have the gear and I'm going to try and get my son into it too so he can request my dad's call sign since they have the same initials.

20:03 UTC


Best introductory tool for learning circuitry

So I'm taking a HAM course but I am still having trouble understanding stuff like how capacitors, inductors, resisters, etc. all work. Electronics was never my strong suit.

I'm just wondering if there is some very dumbed-down project-style tool out there that could make this clear in a practical way. Like a circuit board device made for children, kind of like those oldschool microscope and chemical sets we had back in the 80/90s. Something I could buy from Amazon or whatever. That would really help me out.

18:06 UTC


Can I scan for digital EMS/fire channels

So I would like to get into ham for scanner reasons but in my county we use digital frequency can I still pick them up on a basic handheld

17:41 UTC


Ham radio Mobile App?

Has anyone seen the recent YouTube video by KV4P? He shows off a Ham radio module that plugs into a cell phone and in conjunction with an app can transmit and receive on 2m freqencies. It looks like a really interesting idea but he didn't explain where to buy it. Has anyone tried it or know where to buy it?

16:47 UTC


Question about antenna tuners

I understand (or at least I think I understand) that an antenna tuner uses voodoo and black magic to vary the capacitance, reactance, and probably some other stuff that I don't understand, this lowering the SWR seen by the transmitter and allowing the transmitter to operate at peak efficiency. Correct so far?

But that doesn't actually affect the characteristics of the feed line/antenna combination, right? So any incorrect impedance or other mismatches in that system still remain in place, just hidden from the transmitter.

Does that mean that the RF power radiated by the antenna is less than it would be if those mismatches were corrected? Is the excess RF energy dissipated as heat?

I presume the answer is the same regardless of whether we're talking about an internal tuner or a separate stand-alone tuner.

Are stand-alone tuners capable of addressing a wider range of mismatches? Or are they superfluous with a modern HF rig with a built-in tuner?

16:27 UTC

10:33 UTC


Boat anchor hybrids.

Hi, newish general level here. What are you thoughts taking older tube transmitters and using them as an amplifier for a moden qrp rig? Is it possible/ feasible, for example to integrate a (tr)usdx into a drake transmitter and use it as a linear amp?

I know it's easier and cheaper to buy a newer used transceiver, but that's not as much fun.

08:27 UTC


Ham things to do that aren't ragchewing at home. Foxhunting, local clubs, antenna building etc?

Hi all, I got a U.S. General license a couple years back but never ended up doing anything with it. I've never found the idea of building a home rig and chatting on repeaters/HF super compelling.

I have a Baofeng with the stock duck antenna but I have nothing else, and to be honest I don't feel like setting up a rig in this cramped apartment.

Yes, I could get into Echolink or another VoIP system, but I tend to enjoy things more with in-person meetups rather than just making contacts at home. (I recognize that's a bit ironic for a ham, lol.) I'm thinking of dropping in on a local club and seeing what activities they run.

So far I would like to try a foxhunt soon, and definitely the next Field Day in January. I also find the idea of building custom equipment interesting, like tape-measure Yagis and homebrew RC car transmitters and such. I'm much more of a builder/tinkerer than a ragchewer.

Any other suggestions for fun ham activities that don't involve home rigs?

04:44 UTC


Uv-17m/ uv-5rh

Hey everyone im not very knowledgeable around these radios, i usually just copy and past the old programs from my uv-5r to my new ones using chirp. I recently got a uv-17m and a uv-5rh and did the same thing just use the old programs, i can scroll through the channels but i cant seem to transmit on the channels the light doesn't even come on. Any one have any idea what's going on

01:46 UTC


Ham radio

I’m really interested in getting a ham radio license any leads on where to start?

01:31 UTC



1 Comment
00:10 UTC


MAYLAWN radio, picking up transmissions from radio using DCS tone

ok, sorry if this is a noob question.
I have a few different radios. some set up for work!
I have Retevis RT5R (my own personal radio) & retevis RT24 for work colleagues.
I have programmed them to use a DCS tone, to keep our conversations private.
when I programmed they worked as should the radios not programmed couldn't pick the transmissions up from the programmed ones.

However, the issue is with the MAYLAWN radio, no matter what DCS tone, or CTCS I use it will pick up the transmission clearly and hear whatever is said.
when transmitting from the MAYLAWN the DCS works again and the work radios cant pick up the transmission from the MAYLAWN radio.

why is this? am I doing something wrong? or is the MAYLAWN, somehow just able to pick up all frequencies regardless of DCS & CTCS TONE?

(Maylawn picks signal and plays audio, work radios will only pick up signal but will not be able to play audio)

00:02 UTC


This ***hole on SARNET needs to be investigated by the FCC! Fined or jail time.

23:52 UTC


Need advice: What products and licenses do I need for my purpose? Please put me on the map.

I am interested in getting into ham radio. My reasons and requirements are the following:

  1. I would like a method of receiving and sending information that is not dependent on satellites. I think this would be useful in the event of disaster

  2. I am curious as to who is out there and would like to make contact with distant peoples. The wider range; the better.

  3. I’m looking for a hobby and have some money to spare.

  4. I have done a little preliminary research, but not much, so anyone potentially offering advice, assume I know nothing.


  1. What sort of device do I need to maximize my range in terms of distance and capability?

  2. Which level of license do I need and can I do it online.

  3. I live in upstate NY, about 30 mins from albany(nearest big city). Do I need an antenna? What sort? How big? How much do I spend? Where do I put it?

Thanks in advance.

23:23 UTC


PSA Unlicensed People can transmit for help in an emergency

As said by S2 Underground “To all the hams out there who are so absolutely obsessed with that license. I would pose a question for you. How thirsty and how hungry does a child have to be for a disaster to be declared and for somebody to key this mic. How much blood do I have to lose before I can click this mic like this.”

If you plan on interfering with emergency transmissions please feel free to give out your call sign. We’ll see how long you have your license after interfering with a person trying to save their life.

21:59 UTC


Can anyone identify this wire?

It’s labeled ‘Canada 1976’. It’s sheathed in copper, with 6-14ish gauge copper wires inside. Found it with a lot of other ham radio equipment but can’t find any info about what kind of wire this is called.

21:17 UTC


Trying to find a way to listen to ham chatter in Florida

Hello everyone. I have family in the the St Pete / Tampa area and I am trying to find a website similar to the NA5B SDR receiver we have here that covers the Washington DC area to listen to skywarn there. I thought I had found one through my Google searching, but in my haste I didn't bookmark it and I can't find it in my history. Any assistance is appreciated.

20:26 UTC


Getting Started

Hey y’all.

I’m from southwest Virginia and, like many, the recent hurricane has me evaluating how prepared my family and I are. Right now we look pretty good but one glaring gap is comms.

I don’t know the first thing about radios, or how/when to use them, but I’m a quick study.

What are your recommendations for resources? Starting equipment? Books? YouTube channels?

Hit me with any and all recs. TIA

20:10 UTC


Alinco DR-610T - Worth it today? Not a CB, right?

For better or worse I’m currently winning a goodwill auction for one of these radios. They have it listed as a CB and I don’t think that’s true? Or at least not exclusively true?

Should I keep praying that someone beats me? I looked up that it’s not compatible with chirp, and that if the coin cell on the board is dead then maybe the whole radio is no good without some upgrade.

Any thoughts and prayers?

Just passed my General recently and trying to find a cheapish way to reach local repeaters since my baofeng is just out of range.

Edit: side question- what’s the difference between this sub and r amateurradio?

Edit2: I lost the auction thank god. Hope one of you got a good deal. Last time I shop while Hurricane drinking.

19:50 UTC


Antenna for mobile

Today is prime day and I'm considering a radio for my truck. There's plenty of info here to chew on a far as the radio goes. I'm obviously going to need an antenna.
I have a 3/4 ton truck and was curious what kind of antenna you would recommend. I don't want something that is going to slap birds out of the sky, I would like something fairly rigid and compact. (3 to 5 foot) the radio I'm looking at is 60 watts. Is there an obvious winner? I tow a large 5th wheel and don't have metal mirror brackets, so it'll have to mount on the front bumper, the cab, or the hood. Sorry if this has been asked over and over. I used the search function and there's quite a bit about Radios, and I'm not knowledgeable enough to keep up on the antenna part info. Hoping to get a few suggestions, and read up on those and pick the one that will best suit my needs.
I don't plan on using it for anything other than listening, and having for an emergency. I currently have 4 handhelds for the same purpose, but want something that will get out there a bit further. Thank you in advance. I'm currently at work so I won't be able to interact for another 5 hours. I'm not ignoring you.

18:46 UTC


There is NO rule permitting unlicensed operation during an emergency!

The emergency rule ONLY applies to licensed amateur radio operators! This allows any licensed amateur radio operator to use any amateur frequency, regardless of license class in an emergency. You will notice that rule is in Part 97, which only applies to licensed amateur radio operators! There has been a lot of discussion on this. Most of it is total fiction.

NO private citizen can use any radio frequency in an Emergency! ONLY licensed hams can do this to operate outside of the frequency limits imposed by license class restrictions WITHIN Amateur radio bands .Part 97 ONLY covers licensed amateur radio operators.

§ 97.403 Safety of life and protection of property. No provision of these rules prevents the use by an amateur station of any means of radiocommunication at its disposal to provide essential communication needs in connection with the immediate safety of human life and immediate protection of property when normal communication systems are not available.

It also looks like Part 90 Commercial LICENSEES also have this rule within part 90 services:

§ 90.417 Interstation communication. (a) Any station licensed under this part may communicate with any other station without restriction as to type, service, or licensee when the communications involved relate directly to the imminent safety-of-life or property. (b) Any station licensed under this part may communicate with any other station licensed under this part, with U.S. Government stations, and with foreign stations, in connection with mutual activities, provided that where the communication involves foreign stations prior approval of the Commission must be obtained, and such communication must be permitted by the government that authorizes the foreign station. Communications by Public Safety Pool eligibles with foreign stations will be approved only to be conducted in accordance with Article 5 of the Inter-American Radio Agreement, Washington, DC, 1949, the provisions of which are set forth in § 90.20(b).

As you see, these are the ONLY provisions for emergency communications. NO private citizen my operate unless they are licensed under the above rules.

Other Services: Licensees in other services, must conduct communications within the scope of their specific service regulations. For example, on the CB radio service, "Channel 9" is designed for emergency communications only.

Here is definitive evidence, in another rule part: §2.405 Operation during emergency. The licensee of any station (except amateur, standard broadcast, FM broadcast, noncommercial educational FM broadcast, or television broadcast) may, during a period of emergency in which normal communication facilities are disrupted as a result of hurricane, flood, earthquake, or similar disaster, utilize such station for emergency communication service in communicating in a manner other than that specified in the instrument of authorization: Provided: (a) That as soon as possible after the beginning of such emergency use, notice be sent to the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau of the Commission at Washington, D.C., stating the nature of the emergency and the use to which the station is being put, and (b) That the emergency use of the station shall be discontinued as soon as substantially normal communication facilities are again available, and (c) That the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau of the Commission at Washington, D.C., shall be notified immediately when such special use of the station is terminated: Provided further, ****** Read this: (d) That in no event shall any station engage in emergency transmission on frequencies other than, or with power in excess of, that specified in the instrument of authorization or as otherwise expressly provided by the Commission, or by law: And provided further, *******(e) That any such emergency communication undertaken under this section shall terminate upon order of the Commission.

Note: Part 73 of this chapter contains provisions governing emergency operation of standard, FM, noncommercial educational FM, and television broadcast stations. Part 97 of this chapter contains such provisions for amateur stations. [28 FR 13785, Dec. 18, 1963, as amended at 80 FR 53749, Sept. 8, 2015] An "instrument of authorization" is a "license"

There is an abundance of certain groups that are just trying to make excuses for illegal operation. This endangers the structure of the radio communications services.

18:43 UTC



As a kid I was fascinated with listening to an old Panasonic receiver my dad had in the garage. I picked up broadcasts and people communicating all over the world, especially at night. What would you recommend as a portable receiver today?

14:49 UTC


Currently studying for my tech license

Due to situations like Helene and others in the past I and my wife are studying for my ham tech license so I can practice in normal times (ie with internet help lol) so that way in a event of a emergency I can competently use a ham radio, I’m not planning on doing this full time for now just getting some hand held units and the one Im looking at has a “good” (from what I can tell) range of channel frequency available, I know local frequency’s for first responders, military, fm and Am radio stuff I can’t broadcast on and I’m not getting it right right now until after I pass my ham exam but I was wondering what my limitations would be with the ranges of frequency’s with a tech license, im really only planning “push to talk” and maybe Morse code, the frequency’s listed are 144-148MHz 420-450MHz 76-174MHz 220-260MHz 350-390MHz 400-520MHz also what could my max range be as the radio is a 10W. Comes with a short and long antenna for each unit which the shorts specs being 8.3 inches long, gain 2.0 dBi, SWR <1.2, 136-174MHz/400-520MHz while long being 15.5, gain 2.15 dBi, SWR <1.2 144-430MHz (both 10w) So basically to reiterate what would my average range look like and what frequencies are usable for Morse and talking.

14:36 UTC


Hurricane help

Hi all, complete newbie here. I’m in Sarasota FL awaiting the arrival of Hurricane Milton. I know nothing about HAM. In a worst case situation, what frequencies could I use to communicate? I have a handheld HAM radios we use for aviation work.

12:11 UTC


About to buy my first ham

I’m looking at getting my first ham. I’m looking at either the uv5r (the 8w 2 pack on Amazon with bigger battery) or the gt5r pro (the 2 pack on Amazon). I know, these are cheap, but it’s what I can afford right now. Which would be the better option, or is there a better option than these 2 in the same price range? Thanks

11:46 UTC


Trucks Radio


Guys I don't know anything abouts radios. I want to know it this radio is good to have it in my car ?

11:41 UTC


Trying to connect to SARNET in Sarasota, Florida

KN6JSF here, and still green as you will see. I'm trying to connect to SARNet in Sarasota. I've successfully received from other repeaters, but can't receive from SARNet yet. I'm listening live here https://www.broadcastify.com/webPlayer/35392

The Sarasota repeater is listed on the SARNet site here: https://sarnetfl.org/uploads/6/1/7/0/61701057/20230910_sarnet_map.pdf

I interpret this chart to mean that Repeater's Tx is 444.800, and its Rx is 449.800. (So my Tx and Rx settings on the channel would be 449.800 and 444.800 respectively)

Regardless, after trying it both ways on a BaoFeng UV-10R, I couldn't receive a signal while conversations were ongoing on broadcastify.

Is this using a digital protocol or some other setting that I should be aware of? How can I determine the effective coverage/range of this repeater?

08:13 UTC


Wanting to start out beginning


I have recently joined this subreddit and I would love to learn more about ham.

My reason for saying is that I want to talk to people across the globe.

Is there any good starting course I could learn about ham?

Which receiver or equipment is great for newcomers and rookies?

Lmk in the comments of what y'all think!

Thank you,

02:48 UTC

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