
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit dedicated to learning guitar. Post lessons, ask questions, and get feedback on your playing on Feedback Fridays. The community is open to all people of all styles!

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    The “riffs between the chords”

    I love playing stuff like thrash and death metal, and recently I’ve been trying to get into “improvising”/playing riffs on the fly, and something I’ve noticed in thrash metal is that there’s almost always some sort of “single note” sequence or lick between the palm muted 0s/chords.

    I found this video by Jason Stallworth (https://youtu.be/pUF1KGjSNJg?si=Yf7Qx57J_VVX1ksa) where he demonstrates this kind of riff, but he doesn’t explain why those are the notes he plays between the chords. My question is, how do I know which notes I can play between the power chords? I’d assume I have to find the key of the song and then play notes from that key’s scales?

    09:32 UTC


    Proud of that one!

    07:52 UTC


    Triad notes for each chord in each key - shortcut how to practice memorizing it.

    Was reading a book of a jazz course for guitar and one phrase catches my attention -"jazz player must know notes of all triad chords in all keys". And I thought do I know them? I practice daily triads, inversions, chords scales etc but can I really spell note names of all chords in all keys. This week I study key of B Major and though it was not lightning fast I could spell all triad note names without hesitation. Then I analyzed my thought process to take it to another keys and came up with this shortcut to memorize and recall all triad notes in all keys. It is not magic, you still have to memorize some stuff then derive note names from there. Final goal is just to know notes of all triads in all keys without going through the process I describe below.

    1. First thing to know is C Major scale without any accidentals - C D E F G A B. Here music theory postulates, that each scale has to have only one of each note letter. You can't have C and C# in same scale. After C there always will be some type of D - Db D or D# (at least spelled like it)
    2. Second thing to memorize is triads in C Major - CEG DFA EGB FAC GBD ACE BDF. In other keys it always will be same letters with or without some alteration, b or #. See the scale in mind's eye and see triads from each note as every other note on the line.
    3. Third thing to remember is what notes in each key have accidentals, b or #. Seems like hard stuff to remember. But after playing scales through circle of 4th as a regular workout, I just know it. Best result if you can clearly in mind's eye see major scale from any note as C scale above.
    4. Now equipped with this knowledge you can easily derive triads in any key. E.g. B Major scale - B C# D# E F# G# A#. B triad is always BDF, but here in scale we have D# and F#, so B Major triad is B D# F#. C triad is CEG, here it is C# minor triad C#EG#. Applying same logic we get D#F#A# - EG#B - F#A#C#- G#BD# - A#C#E triads in key of B Major.

    This theoretical brain gymnastics can be done while walking, visualizing notes on guitar will make it even more powerful. Also play and sing them on guitar to connect with ear.

    07:43 UTC


    Giving up guitar and making music

    I tried to learn guitar. But ultimately, I dont have the talent to translate my feelings into sounds well. It's just too technical for me to take a melody into chord progression idea, and make it feel like I am saying something. The words all come out wrong and simplistic, like a young child trying that can't speak properly.

    The resources are too scattered and messy for me to understand. If I look up theory stuff, I have to dig through 20 different websites to weave together the steps and concepts involved just to practice, let alone execute on them in a meaningful manner.

    Then I go on youtube, and see noname beatmakers creating crazy stuff like it's nothing. Trying to reverse engineer songs is just impossible because even if I can spend an hour sounding something out, i never can grasp why it sounds good, without further getting caught in the webs and feeling like I'm spinning my wheels.

    I've been trying to make music for 10 years and can't do it. Everytime I pick up the guitar, I get mad and hate myself for sucking and believing in myself.

    I wish I could learn. But some people just shouldn't try, because they can't and will always suck.

    **so. should I just sell all my crap and be done with this? or leave it hanging around to taunt myself with my failures as a reminder of the dangers of self indulgence?**

    06:35 UTC


    How to get the tone?


    This some Stevie ray Vaughn shit. 2:05

    Any tips?

    05:45 UTC


    I have to write 16 bars of solo with the minor harmonic in Gm

    That's my second year of learning guitar and I have to write 16 bars of solo with the minor harmonic in Gm for wednesday 💀.. I have 0 inspiration, no ideas of how I gonna write this fcking solo..

    So can you give me some references ( like a solo who is in the minor harmonic in Gm ) or If you are determined and you have time, write it for me ?

    I just want help pleaase

    Thank you

    05:33 UTC


    Is this action high?


    04:50 UTC


    Roy Ziv Speed Tutorials

    01:40 UTC


    Learn any major scale anywhere on the fretboard with one fingering

    I came up with a system that you can use to figure out the notes in any major key in any position by memorizing one pattern. I thought it was pretty cool and several of my students have been able to memorize a lot of scales quickly with this, so I decided to try and make a video explaining it. I'm curious what you think of it.


    01:15 UTC


    How to fingerpick this?

    This tab is from Playing God by Polyphia, and rather than hybrid picking it, I've fingerpicked the whole song so far with no issues until this section. How do I get this up to speed while fingerpicking?

    00:06 UTC


    Pick keeps slipping out of my fingers when hybrid picking. What's the most likely issue?

    I rarely ever hybrid pick, but I've recently been learning a song thats built around this style. Halfway through my pick keeps slipping and ruining my playing.

    I'm thinking either I hit the strings poorly or i just hold the pick wrong in general. Anyone who encountered this issue and found a fix for it? Would help me out a lot!

    I have a video of my playing on another sub but i'm not sure I can link to it considering the Feedback Friday rules?

    23:25 UTC


    If I wanted to get better at vibrato when I'm bending, what should I do?

    I'm trying to learn Shine on You Crazy Diamond, and I don't have a whammy bar. My bends end up sounding like cartoon sound effects. I can't move the string fast enough to give it a good sound.

    21:41 UTC


    Songs on Guitar Tuna app

    Hey everyone. I learnt how to play some basic chords from Andy Guitar and the Fender learning app. I see that Guitar Tuna has a lot of songs available with basic chords and lyrics! I am having trouble understanding what should be the strumming pattern while playing those songs and trying to sing along. Can anyone help me understand? Thank you!

    20:56 UTC


    Help identify this note!!

    20:39 UTC


    Why does my first string sound like a vibration? It sounds really bad and it's annoying


    1 Comment
    19:15 UTC


    How do you go about muting the unplayed, in-between strings (marked below) when you have a finger picking pattern like this?

    Been learning Hozier's Alone With You, and like a lot of blues-y songs, it has the thumb on the low E string keeping the beat, but I'm having a hard time muting unwanted string noise.

    Usually I use the palm of my hand to mute all strings lower than what I'm playing, but I can't do that with this. Tips?

    18:56 UTC


    Why does it show the chords in this G major scale backing track?

    18:55 UTC


    Chord Progression to Poison by Allen Stone

    I've been looking all over the Internet for the chord Progression to this song but I cannot seem to find it anywhere, even tried to play it by ear but It doesn't sound the same. Could someone please help me?

    1 Comment
    17:19 UTC


    Finally learned my first song by ear

    The song is Airhead by Honey Revenge. I know it's super simple but for me, complaining a few weeks ago that I can't recognise anything, to be able to learn a song by ear is a major feat.

    I also get better day by day when doing my interval training, I am using tonedear and I have all intervals selected except the 6 and 9s and I can get them with a 90% success rate. I can also almost always recognise the root note with not much trouble.

    Just wanted to share :)

    17:15 UTC


    Ek Pyar Ka Nagama Hain/Guitar Playing Hindi Song /Lata Mangeshkar Hit

    17:15 UTC


    My jam track Improv #2


    Feed back on my jam track imrpov solo thing please.

    It's my second attempt on a track. I'm exploring more songs and trying to take licks and tricks from them but applying in real time is still a struggle. I think I'm hitting some chord tones so it's sounding OK in my mind.

    I feel like as my rhythm develops I'll improve too as I'll figure out ways to place things

    16:59 UTC


    Trouble playing in the day

    Might try here but I’m having trouble with hand sync and this is going to sound crazy but only in light or daytime… my sync seems better in darkness or completely dark and I cant seem to get that same sync when in light. I can do it under a blanket but when I’m in darkness like that my relxation my sync rhtym are all right. When I’m in the light the sync is gone and I feel tense and one or both hands feel fasterryan the other y

    16:54 UTC


    I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues - Acoustic Guitar - Elton John - Original Vocal Track - Chords

    16:18 UTC


    How to play Dreamboat Annie?

    I am a beginner acoustic guitarist. Like, super new: 2 weeks in. (I can only play the dumbed down versions of Ain't No Sunshine and Stand By Me, also I know the basic 7 open chords.) About how long do you guys think it would take me to learn Dreamboat Annie by Heart? Its my absolute favorite song, and it means so much to me. I know its difficult, Nancy is a BEAST when it comes to playing, but with hard work and practice how long should it take me? A few months? A year? Thank you for reading !!!! Edit: Do you guys happen to know any tutorials on this song that teach you the finger picking? Just figured out I don't exactly have that.... 😅

    16:00 UTC


    Effectiveness of Rocksmith game

    Hi, I saw that Rocksmith+ is coming out soon and I was just wondering about the effectiveness of learning using Rocksmith (or any other guitar learning game).

    I have heard of the older version of Rocksmith previously but I was not into playing the guitar back then so I'm not really sure of it's effectiveness in learning, so I'm just wondering what are anyone's experience learning through the game or what do seasoned players think of it?

    15:54 UTC


    Should fret hand fingers always be parallel with fret wires (thus perpendicular to the strings)?

    Hey, complete beginner here so sorry if this is a stupid question lol. Basically I'm at the point of being able to play the A major and D major and now practicing the changing between them. One thing I'm a bit confused about it angle one should keep their fret hand fingers in relation to the fret wires. On one hand I've seen people online saying the "proper" technique to stick to is to always keep them parallel when playing chords. However I've noticed that in the vids I've been watching (like Justin) people keep them at an angle when playing those two chords (fingertips toward the body).

    And even I have noticed angling them like that makes it more comfortable, especially in the xo213o shape that Justin teaches makes it easier and less painful to get the middle finger down there closer to the fret. Picture of what I mean below


    Is that a bad habit to fall into tho?

    15:38 UTC


    When do i change my strings?

    Ive had my guitar for 3 years, im not a religious player i hit spurs where i play a lot then stop for a month but ive never changed the strings on it. How do i know when to, is it with time or based on use? How can i tell?

    15:12 UTC


    Finger Placement when Chord Fretting

    Hi, beginner here. I am having difficulty placing all fingers at once when fretting a chord. When I change chords, I struggle by placing 1 finger at a time to make the chord shape. I am trying to get rid of this habit with practice (about 2hrs per day), but its becoming very hard to shake eapecially with barre chords.

    Does anyone have any suggestions to correct this?

    14:51 UTC

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