Generation X was born, by broadest definition, between 1961 and 1981, the greatest anti-child cycle in modern history. Nevertheless, we grew up to become the world's most devoted parents: the "workhorse of America." This sub welcomes links, photos,
graphics, memoirs, commentaries, stories, etc., for and about Gen-Xers, the 13th Generation of Americans. GenX also translates to many other parts of the world.
We are Generation X.
Generation X refers to adults born (by broadest definition) between 1961 and 1981.
Help build this community by posting links or stories relevant to the Generation X age cohort. Boomers and Millennials are also welcome to post here as long as the content is relevant to Generation X.
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For some context I am not sitting here feeling old. I recently turned 45 and it is a big age but I still do plenty of things. Even with that though I did sit back and go “wow, I can’t believe I am here at this age”. I have built a lot so it’s been a decent trip to this point. Now saying all that I am looking at trying pickleball and that might make me feel old.
Not me. $65 was a fuck ton of money in 1980. But I wanted one.
I love the soundtrack from this horror classic
Just always wonder who else had these words and her short hair burned into their memory.
Anything before 9:30 pm was the safe zone.
Just noticed that the place I work at has a "Seniors" discount. For people 55 and older.
Like the title says is MTV the music video era uniquely Gen X? Is it the most iconic thing of our generation? Baby boomers had the Civil Rights and anti war movements, is MTV are thing?
We were married in 1985 and my wife promised to love, honor, and obey just because that's what the script said. We didn't even talk about including "obey", really. There was no conflict over it or anything. It was just part of ritual.
Looking back now, it seems crazy that was part of anyone's wedding vows, let alone ours. I would no sooner expect my wife to obey me than I would expect her to flap her arms and fly away. It's not gonna happen and I wouldn't want it.
When did the "obey" get phased out?
Yeah, I’m a chick
When I was in college in the very early 90’s, I loved a tape I found of a group. I have no clue what type of music, but if I had to guess, I’d say alternative. There was at least one female singer and I believe they were Irish or Scottish. The thing I most remember is either the group name has a flower in it, or the song I’m thinking of has a flower in it. Any suggestions would help jog my memory. Thanks!
How Gen X is that?? Trying to keep up with latest trends to be relevant with my kids ages and I hurt myself in the process because I’m old and out of shape
One for all and all for one.
I have always had bad vision-extremely nearsighted with astigmatism. Three years ago, I took a chance a got LASIK. It's one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have enjoyed being eyeglass free and only use drugstore cheaters for close up work. I even got the corrective lenses restriction removed from my license! I had a routine eye exam yesterday just to make sure the eyes were still in good shape. That's when I got smacked in the face with my age. The optometrist said I have the beginning of cataracts. And that it was normal for "someone my age" and I "shouldn't have any problems for the next 10-15 years." Look, I may be chronologically 50, but in my heart, I'm 17 and planning the next concert I'm going to attend. This is some bullshit.
Kids got some in the Halloween candy and I snagged them. Haven't had a Gusher in about 25 years, maybe more.
They taste the same and I literally went back in time. Holy hell I love memories.
The Crypt Keeper is back.. Please tell me this is true
For GenX, the mall was basically Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok rolled into one... just with more bad hair.
Status Updates? Walking laps to make sure everyone saw you.
Friend Requests? Hanging at the food court waiting for someone to notice you.
Like Button? Actually spotting your crush and them maybe nodding back.
No phones, no apps – just soft pretzels, arcade tokens, and questionable fashion. The mall was OG of social networking.
Remember when women smokers would have little purses just big enough to hold their pack of smokes, and often with a little holder for their lighter?
r/80sMusic_LifeB4mp3s Our time. Our music. 1975-1990 Basically, all genres posted. You can post your favorites too.
I couldn’t believe it was there at the end of it all, waiting for me
So my Mom told me that I would go through stages of life where my friends would get married. Then have kids. Then get divorced. Then have grandkids. Then the people around you will start dying. I've been to three funerals in two weeks. Am I really there? Shit!!!
I've been feeling a great urge lately to make mix tapes for all of my friends, and for all the friends that I've grown apart from since we graduated high school & lived separate lives. Then my rational brain goes "ok but how are they supposed to play them? You know nobody has a tape deck these days." And yet I'm still on amazon looking for a dual cassette boombox that doesn't cost an arm & a leg! (Hard to find. Might have to buy vintage off of ebay.)
When I'm not wearing hiking footwear, I'm loving my Sketchers sneakers. I've been wearing them for years. But the quality has degraded so badly that I'm lucky if a pair of sneakers only lasts me, with the use of super glue, maybe 6 months! Sneakers are so much uglier than when we were growing up.
Give me some ideas of some nice looking brands that are also good quality!