This sub is dedicated to works of classical, academic art that depict daily life of (preferably common) people in previous ages. Artworks that make you feel as if you're looking into the past. Something like /r/TheWayWeWere in paintings. Art as a time-machine! For anyone who loves art AND history.
This sub is dedicated to classical and academic paintings that depict daily life of (preferably common) people in previous ages. Artworks that make you feel as if you're looking into the past. Something like /r/TheWayWeWere in paintings. Art as a time-machine! For anyone who loves art and history.
We are looking for Genre art, but certain portraits, still lifes, nudes, land- sea- or cityscapes may be appropriate too. Humans are portrayed or their buildings, wagons, ships, possessions, or landscaping that tells us which period we're looking at.
Genre art does not encompass religious or biblical scenes, allegories, mythical scenes, fantasy or anything else that heavily relies on imagination. Although these paintings may portray old settings, they do not portray daily life!
Only Genre Art. Refer to "What is Genre Art?," above, when in doubt.
Only single, static, high-res images. Submit static single images only in high resolution to allow us to zoom in on the interesting details.
Only reproductions of paintings and drawings. No sculpture, stained glass, objects, or figurines.
Only direct links to approved picture sites. Approved sites are i.reddit.com, imgur.com, and upload.wikimedia.org. No link shorteners.
Title should include artist name, title of work and date. Use either the format "Artist name - Title (Year)" or "Artist name (Born-Deceased) - Title." The year is all-important here, but month and day are omitted. In older paintings, the date may be uncertain, and you can use the convention "ca. or c." which is short for circa, followed by the accepted date range or even the century. Examples: "François-Auguste Biard - Seasickness at the Ball, on Board an English Corvette (c.1860s)" or "Charles Hermans (1839-1924) - At Dawn". If you feel ambitious, include the resolution at the end in the format [width x height], as this is appreciated by collectors.
Max. 4 submissions per user, per day. Allow the group time to properly digest your contribution.
No NSFW tags. They are not needed for classical, academic and museum art.
No reposts. Search the sub for artist name or title before posting. One exception to this rule allows you to post a higher quality version of a painting. If the photo derives from a newer, better camera, or the image has been fixed, rendered better, or repaired in some way, then it will be of interest to collectors.
Please behave. Treat others as you want others to treat you. Good manners are the key to every door in town.