
Photograph via //r/French

Bienvenue sur /r/French ! We're an inclusive community for those learning the French language. Read the sidebar before posting!

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Meet our mods

  • u/Orikrin1998 (they/any) — I'm Eowyn, a 1998-born autistic creature from France. I'm into learning languages, conlanging, mapmaking, and making music. I have a blog about linguistics, I love writing, linguistics, sociology, cats, and online communities moderation and management! Yeah, I'm a bit all over the place. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

  • u/Deeb4905 (she/her) — I'm Deeb, a French hermit & language lover. I'm also a Computer Science student, and that's a pretty much exhaustive description of me I think? When I'm not doing those things, I'm either watching random shows/streamers, sleeping or staring at a wall.

  • u/loveableRogue07 (he/him) — Bonjour-hi, everyone. My name is Jeremy. I am a proud Francophile who has had the pleasure of living in France and Senegal. I hope to do more future travel in the Francophonie. My favorite sports are 🏈 and 🏒.

  • u/YummyTerror8259 (he/him) — I'm Evan, aka YummyTerror8259. It was my randomly generated name from Xbox, and I liked it so I still use it. I'm a married man with 3 small kids, and am a full time piano technician. I'm fascinated by language, especially French and German, due to my strong Swiss and German heritage. I'm excited to be part of the growing community of r/French, and I also mod at r/KidsAreFuckingStupid and r/memesforparents.


233,551 Subscribers


What's the difference between "pour quand est" and just "quand" ?

I recently heard "pour quand est la fin du monde ?" How is this different that "quand est-ce que la fin du monde ?" ?

12:35 UTC


What to do beyond duo lingo?

Pretty much the topic sums it up. I am also looking for a way to stream Les mis 2012 in French …

12:07 UTC


Does anyone have a good resource or rule of thumb on how/when to decide which “that/which” connector word to use, I.e. “que”, “qui”, “dont” laquel”, etc.

I find this horribly confusing and I almost never get it right.

1 Comment
10:31 UTC


Une question de soleil

Hi, this is my first Reddit post, so I hope I get it right, here goes.

We were having a discussion in my Wednesday language class about how to translate "it's sunny"/"die Sonne scheint" into French. There was no specific context, we currently covering weather and climate change. Surprisingly, this generated much heated debate, which started up again today in our course whatsapp group! So I thought I would ask the wise people of Reddit: What would be the most natural way to say it? I don't really want to specify what the options were so that I don't sway your opinions :)

Just for background, I am English-native living in Germany so the teaching language for my course is German.

Je vous remercie d'avance!

08:56 UTC


What new words or phrases have you learned?

Let us know the latest stuff you've put in your brain!

1 Comment
07:00 UTC


the word “bakery” in french

Recently I heard that “boulangerie” is a protected name that only certain bakeries can use. Is this true? Can any bakeries that make their own bread in-store technically use this term? Is it considered prestigious to have this name? What might bakeries that don’t make their own bread call themselves?

06:57 UTC


Recommend French Fashion/art YouTubers?

I am interested in following anyone with a focus on these topics whether they are stylists, designers, influencers, artists etc as long as they teach their topic in an engaging way for example I watched one video by fashion quiche which was great. Something opinionated, engaging and well explained, I get bored super easily and the usual recs I never really see fashion and art accounts recommended

06:18 UTC


"Des" in an elision to "de" in an elision to "d'"?

I've come across a weird use case I wanna see if I can mentalise correctly.

Base assumption: 'De des' is elided to 'de' if I understand correctly. Then it should be able to be contracted to "d'" preceding a vowel.

If you consider "tree thief", you could write this as

  1. Voleur d'arbres, or
  2. Voleur des arbres

What is the difference between these? Is 1 a thief of something out of the group of trees (i.e. not all trees) and is 2 a thief of the whole set of trees? If you want to specify your thief you want to say a "thief of [something]". Un voleur du tableau. So is 2 "Un voleur de les arbres" (of all the trees) and is 1 "Un voleur de des arbres" (indefinite article, which means it's been double elided)?

Hope my question is clear out of all my ramblings!

05:47 UTC


Nuit de folie by Début de Soirée

Here is some French music for if anyone wishes to add a new song to their French playlist! 🥰🇫🇷🎶


GOOD JOB FRANCE! I discovered this song about three days ago and I immediately fell in love with this song! I love eurodisco and italodisco, even though I am a late 90’s baby! 😍🇫🇷🎶

Lots of love from an English Canadian! 🥰

I am trying to relearn French using Duolingo and also resources (shows / movies, songs, memes). I discontinued taking French in the mid 2010’s during highschool since I was doing college level (applied) grade 10 French, and I needed to have completed university level (academic) level grade 10 French to continue on for taking grade 11 French. I was in university (academic) level French in grade 9, but dropped to college (applied) level French halfway through grade 10 French since I was not obtaining good marks in university (academic) level French by the time midterms came around. 😭💔

I want to (re)learn French again though! I luckily live in the bilingual parts of Canada, where I can hopefully practice speaking to people in French, even if I sound like a baby at first (because of only using simple vocabulary). 🥲☺️

1 Comment
03:58 UTC


What is a “formule”?

Il y a une page dans mon livre didactique qui comporte une section d'exercices sur le contexte d'un restaurant, et dans le glossaire, il y a le mot « formule ». Qu'est-ce que cela signifie ? J'aimerais le savoir, car je n'ai jamais entendu parler de ce mot auparavant, je n'ai jamais fréquenté de restaurant français. Qu'est-ce que c'est et comment peut-il être utilisé ?

03:53 UTC


comment le mot «manche » est utilise dans un jeu télévisé

Bonjour à tous,

Je regarde un jeu télévisé qui s’appelle « une famille en or » qui est une copie de family feud. J’ai vu ce mot « manche » beaucoup et je l’ai traduit. il à été traduit en « sleeve ». j’ai demande comment ils sont connectés. J’suis désolé si je l’ai mal dit. Merci

03:12 UTC


Help parsing sentence from Le Monde

Une vidéo postée sur les réseaux sociaux avec pour seule légende « MERCI ». Kylian Mbappé a officialisé, vendredi 10 mai, à 20 heures, son départ du Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) en fin de saison, après sept ans passés sous les couleurs rouge et bleu.

I'm not sure what "avec pour seule légende « MERCI »" means exactly?

03:03 UTC


tenir à vs se soucier à

like i care about you would there be any difference in meaning from je tiens à toi vs je me soucie de toi

edit: made a mistake, should be se soucier de

02:01 UTC


Ça me dérange toujours autant que le mot “trophée” soit genré au masculin

Genre fallait voir au début comment je galérais à me rappeler que c’était au masculin, je compte plus le nombre de fois où je me suis ridiculisé en le genrant au féminin. Aujourd’hui ça va j’ai fini par m’y habituer mais je suis tjrs pas content. Il y en aurait pas un d’entre vous qui aurait le numéro/email de l’académie française ? Faut que je leur parle

Edit: les gars avant de me downvoter sachez que c’est du second degré 🙏

00:53 UTC


I'm really sorry if this get's asked too often but: What's y'all's favorite French rappers?

I know that rap may not be the best genre to learn a language with, but it's pretty much the only stuff I listen to. I wanna try.

I like Eminem, NWA, Jay Z, mobb deep..... That kinda stuff. But recently I've been listening to Nujaseb as well, although his music is completely different. Any recommendations?

23:21 UTC


In commands, why are both “Aide-moi” and “Aidez-moi” being used?

Here I’m talking about the different conjugation forms and not about the verb itself. I can replace “aider” with any other verbs.

Which version is more popular? I have seen them both in movies and duolingo. Is the latter more formal (i.e. you don’t know the other person)?

21:46 UTC


J'ai vu le loup et le renard danser

can someone pls explain what is happening grammatically here? i understand the meaning but why is danser in the infinitive?

19:42 UTC


Que pouvez-vous conseiller pour ameliorer la comprehension orale ( A2 - B1 )?

19:19 UTC


how to prep: DELF B2? tips, tricks, + anything

Hi, im gonna give the B2 in July, was wondering if there is any "syllabus requirements". Also, according to you, would it better my learning?

I hv been pretty stagnant at A2 for like the last year, and was really hoping to up my level as I need to give my French final boards in 2 yrs. Is this a short time frame to move up to C2? Or even at least C1? Have u faced this like point of no development kind of?

Any and all help regarding this n B2 exam would be appreciated!

17:13 UTC


Nom masculin vs Nom Féminin

Salut les amis, is there any tricks to remember which words need to be « feminised » when speaking to a woman.

For example (j’suis un homme en parlant avec une femme):

J’suis fier(e) de toi. T’es ennuyeux(se?) Tu fais parti(e?) de notre groupe. T’es anglais(e)

I know the last one would be anglaise, but the rest I’m not sure

17:01 UTC


D'avoir vs avoir, ecrire vs d'ecrire etc

How do you know when to use d'avoir vs avoir? Is it something instinctive, or is there a rule for it, because I've been stuck on this when writing sentences for ages. It seems every time I write avoir, it should have been d'avoir, vis versa.

For example-> Je ne sais pas écrire- I don't know how to write

C'est dur d'écrire- it is hard to write

When you translate either one they both just mean to write. So how can I tell?

16:41 UTC


Will Québec follow France's spalling reforms?

15:56 UTC


Conversation partner?

Hey guys! I’ve been learning French for a year now but it’s kinda complicated. I started my studies in Brazil and it was okay but a bit slow, then I moved to the USA for university and I enrolled in French class and it was absurdly difficult: 6h per week and my professor had a hard accent for me to understand, so I went through foods/restaurants, passé composé and a bit of l’imparfait besides other stuff. Although I understand most of things in French when I read, I feel like I can’t elaborate good answers (it’s always very basic) or speak with confidence (but my pronunciation is fairly good). Considering my journey learning the other languages I can speak fluently, I noticed making foreigner friends that are native speakers helped me a lot! So I was hoping I could find someone here that I can talk on a daily basis and maybe become friends with? My interests include football (“soccer”), volleyball, ice hockey, jogging/walking, although I’m not very into anime I really like One Piece and I intend to be a research in the field of Physics. I would be glad to help you too if you’re learning Portuguese, Spanish, English or Japanese :) I (22F) would prefer another female (or non-binary) to be friends with.

15:45 UTC


<< Je n'ai vu personne >>, why the exception?

Normally, it'd ne << Je n'ai rien vu>> or << Je ne l'ai pas vu >>, so why the exception?

15:03 UTC


Test de vitesse de lecture que je viens de trouver

I stumbled upon a reading test because I was curious about my reading speed. I read the text at 131 wpm which seems to be half of a native reader's speed.


How about you guys? If you are native/passed a CEFR exam would you mind sharing that as well?

15:03 UTC


I can't seem to find it anywhere else, but what does cou-couche panier mean?

I've been listening to older French music for a while now, and one song in particular, Cou-couche Panier by Gillian Hills, doesn't seem to have a good translation anywhere that I could find. While I'm here I would also like to ask for a translation of "pa-patte." Thanks.

14:28 UTC


The word "pour" also means "in"?

It's interesting, after having studied French for so long, to go back to such simple words.

I'm curious about the lyric in the song « Oups j'aime pas l'anglais » that you can listen to here:


« Je suis douée pour toutes the matières »

I have never seen "pour" used in this way. I would have said "Moi je suis doué en toutes les matières".

Is that accurate? Are pour and en/dans synonyms sometimes?

May someone please explain using "pour" in this way?

14:23 UTC

14:06 UTC


Would you like to learn French ?

Hi everyone 👋🏼,

I am launching a mobile application to learn French, I start from the observation that applications like babbel do not work.

Who today, learns French and who would want to learn it?
Have fun and come discuss it with me whenever you want !

14:04 UTC


Comment dire "new starter" et "long server" dans le contexte d'un lieu de travail ?


Je ne trouve pas une traduction dans les dicos en-lignes... je voudrais savoir s'il existe un mot ou une phrase naturel pour décrire les "new starters" (personnes qui viennent de joindre la société récemment) et "long servers" (personnes avec beaucoup d'années de service dans la société).

Pour les new starters, je dirai "nouveaux arrivés".

Pour les long servers, aucune phrase vient à l'esprit - "anciens" peut-être, mais je veux pas les offenser en impliquant qu'ils sont vieux !

Dans mon cas, c'est pour intituler 2 colonnes Excel - une option la plus courte possible serait donc idéale, si possible !


12:50 UTC

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