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/r/Foreskin_Restoration is meant to be a place to proactively and positively discuss foreskin restoration.



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Warning: NSFW images in some of these links

Coverage Index Chart

Wikipedia: Foreskin Restoration


39,119 Subscribers


Dark line appearing?

So in the past few days a dark line has appeared in my skin a bit bellow the scar line, it doesn’t go all around if only a certain spot. That spot is where the gripper is holding the tightest but I’m not sure what the line is? It’s not because of lack of blood right? what I wear has always been comfortable and never caused any pain, or is it some mechanism of the body to protect itself? I have found a post from the restoring dick sub, only difference is that my line is way thinner and only on the top 1/3 is of the skin (I’m not sure if I can link the post because this sub is supposed to be sfw) its also bumpy and a bit like a callous. It’s brown but not as dark as my scar line.

11:44 UTC


Where is the outer skin growth occurring? The entire shaft length, or just the areas near the scarline?

I’ve just recently seen a video of an intact guy’s gliding motion, and recalled the same motion for someone fully restored. What area of skin is responsible for both this and full/flacid coverage for both intact guys and those of us restoring? Are they different?

If it’s relevant, I’d like to point out some things I’ve noticed: when I do manual stretch that pulls the skin past the glans, I feel a stretch in the base or lower parts of my shaft skin, too, especially at diagonal angles. When I try to glide my skin up and down, it looks like the entire shaft skin is gliding

08:53 UTC


Monthly Restoration Progress Thread - November 2024

Now that we've rolled over into a new month, feel free to check in or otherwise chronicle your journey in our Monthly Progress threads!

  • Did you notice any progress or subtle changes?
  • Are you staying on track?
04:00 UTC


Packer method?

I’m thinking about trying to do the packer/retainer method, but I’m not sure how to actually put the retainers on. Do I roll the skin, cause that seems like it wouldn’t grow skin? Or do I attempt to pull the skin and try to keep it in place before putting the gripper down?

This makes the most sense but it seems incredibly hard to actually accomplish as I’d need to keep the pulled skin in place while simultaneously pulling more skin. What little experience I have with my mantor (that I can’t use due to a very small flaccid size), is that doing that is virtually impossible. At least if I’m doing that correctly.

I’m also not sure how this method even works. Like do I put on a longer retainer than I need? If so, then I probably can’t put it on in the first place. Does that grow the skin? All explanations I’ve found seem to assume the reader has a base level of knowledge that I lack.

Sorry if these are stupid questions I’m just very confused and manuals are difficult to be consistent with and I haven’t seen much progress if any with them. I’d like something that I can just set, then I can use my manual time to do PE stretches too.

03:14 UTC


Absolute newbie to the world of restoration. I’m after some clarity and have questions:

Firstly, PLEASE treat me as a total dummy and try and refrain from slang/ jargon if you can because I’ll have so many follow up questions.

Background: I have been circumcised since I was around 6/7 years old. I am now 24. I’ve always had some issues with sexual pleasure and now I think I’ve finally realised why. I’ve lost a lot of sensitivity.

1- What is the difference between retaining vs restoring?

2- does finally gaining your ‘foreskin’ back just mean it hangs loosely and flops around OR does it tightly sit over the head like an uncircumcised cock?

3- what is the actual goal of restoring a foreskin if we’ve had it removed?

4- does sensitivity really return?

5- if I wear a device that covers the glands, will that restore sensitivity and will it make oral/ sex/ JO feel more pleasurable?

6- are there any risks involved with trying to restore/ retain a foreskin?

7- if anyone has the time, what would be an easy step by step as a total newbie. Ie, retain for X amount of months, then do X,Y, and Z for X amount of months etc.

02:21 UTC


Just reinforced my sisters decision not to circumcise her son

She just had a baby boy not long ago. Honestly I don’t know why I didn’t talk to her before I guess because I see it as none of my business. She decided not to circumcise her son because the father is intact and she wanted to leave it up to him. However she’s had several men and women approach her telling her to circumcise him.

I told her how I had repeated infections in the 90s which prompted my circumcision as a 3 year old. Her reaction was “what? You too? I’ve had 4 other guys tell me that happened to them as teenagers and they all told me to circumcise him as a baby.” To which I responded “oh my god no! I think you made the right choice! Those men would have been in pain and likely didn’t know about alternatives to circumcision. Just because they had a negative experience doesn’t mean you need to have body altering surgery on your kid.”

So then I proceeded to prattle on about my knowledge of the history of circumcision with Kellogg trying to prevent boys from masturbating, the low odds of her son getting an infection, how to avoid it getting infected/don’t retract the foreskin before it’s ready and what will happen if you do, and also alternatives to circumcision should all of that fail, the anatomy of the foreskin the types of nerves that are in it, the foreskins purpose for the glans, and how most circumcisions happen because nobody really thinks about how unnecessary it is.

I’m really kicking myself for not talking to her about it sooner, I had no idea so many people had a vested interest in other peoples kids genitals. So while I didn’t prevent a circumcision at least I have reinforced her decision and told her not to let shitty doctors buffalo her into ever doing one in the future.

It’s oddly cathartic knowing that circumcision dies in my family with me.

Side note: her friend who’s a nurse told her she has to wash old men as part of her job and washing between old peoples foreskin is horrible so she suggested circumcising him. I’ve never heard that one before but I’d say a child’s body integrity is a bit more important than the job quality of someone whose job also involves washing other peoples asses lol.

00:35 UTC


My number one device : Foreskinned Air

I am writing this post to talk about my number one device that I love : Foreskinned Air. I have already written posts about my progress and I also have two before/after photos on restoringdick. View my profile and click on "My Progress" post. I bought different devices to have my own opinion on different ways of doing things and I abandoned them all to keep only the Foreskinned Air. I had fears about inflation because, like others, I feared that my skin becomes something shapely and horrible. Aesthetics is my first wish in front of all the other advantages of restoration, and they are numerous and no less valid, I want them all. What I like about inflation is that the position of the penis in my underwear is free. It can be folded, up, down, side or (add your own way of doing it here). The Foreskinned Air allows me to manage the tension myself in a very simple way and to have all the available tension without changing an accessory to do so. I can change from one hour to the next by only having the inflator in a pocket. I have a rather favorable progression and I don't know the cause of this evolution that I define as fast (CI3/4 to CI-7 since July 14 2024), but I have maybe one in mind : the pleasure of wearing this device. Doing something constrained is generally not successful but, I must say, I take daily pleasure in wearing my Foreskinned Air. Do you also enjoy wearing your device?

I wear it every day for several hours. About 8 hours but sometimes more, sometimes less. I wear it to work because then I don't have other more intimate projects. It is discreet that no one has ever noticed.

My fear of having deformed skin has disappeared because I see the results on myself. I find them nice but everyone will have their own opinion. I enjoy using my Foreskinned Air so I ordered and received additional supplements today such as the workhorse adapter and the weight adapter. I will try these new accessories and I will write you my opinion about it in a while. Good luck to all for your progress guys.

23:30 UTC


Stretching once daily

Is stretching for 30 minutes to 1 hour in one session enough to grow outer foreskin? I know that cyclic stretching throughout the day would be best.

23:49 UTC


Questions about manual method 2

I just had a couple questions about how exactly I should be doing manual method 2. For starters, should I be gripping my dominant hand at the scar or just under the glans? I've been doing the latter so far, but I just wanted to check and make sure I'm not doing it wrong. My second question is, how much force exactly should I be using? I don't know how it is for other people, but for me it's kinda hard to tell how much force I'm using, so what level of force do you guys find most effective?

1 Comment
22:24 UTC


Is the Coverage Index Based More On Erect Length or Soft Length?

My penis seems to match CI-1 when erect (scrotal webbing) but CI-2 when soft (some loose skin behind the sulcus) so which should I consider myself? CI-1.5?

23:01 UTC


Introduction and a note on devices

First off, I apologize for any grammatical errors, as I'm using voice to transcribe this. For years I wondered what it would be like to experience intact foreskin , and I had no idea that it would be possible. What actually sparked my recent interest into this endeavor was an unexpected conversation with some young ladies who used to go to church with, which I would never expect to be having a conversation about penises with. But I was there more so as a non-participant in the conversation until the girl talking was searching for a word and I piped in. She was describing how she really appreciated her pediatrician, who honestly told her there's no medical reason for him to suggest circumcision, and that it was a more of a cultural practice. (Cultural was The word she was searching for). On that recommendation from her pediatrician, she decided to leave her son intact. I just think that's awesome. This got me thinking, perhaps there were some type of surgery or something where I could regain what I had lost as an infant. As I began to research it didn't take long to discover this forum, and i was really excited to find that guys were experiencing real results from non-surgical methods. From what I understand surgery etc comes with more risks. I am only about a week and to this endeavor, have been consistently tugging with manual methods every chance I get and I have been using this silicone ring I found out the house to act as a retainer of some sort. I've checked with another couple of users, who think I am probably ready to use devices, as I have starting out at perhaps a ci3. Soon, if the admins allow, I wanted to share a pic on the other page to get another opinion of what CI I might be at add to document where I'm starting from.

I'm a little unsure of what device I want to go with, and I realize everybody has a different opinion and experiences, but I wanted to put it all on one page here, and glean the experience of other users.

these are the devices I think I've narrowed it down to, based on perusing other posts. But would appreciate if anyone wanted to share a ranking for any that they have used, or list any pros or cons. I'm also unsure of if I need multiple items, as I realize these are not all one-to-one devices, but or some of these claim to be devices that can be used for more than one purpose, so I welcome any opinions as to what would be a good "starter pack."

  1. Car-1
  2. Dtr
  3. Cat II q
  4. Stealth retainer
  5. Restore in comfort Packers (still not entirely quite sure what a packer is)
  6. Foregestalt
  7. Fmd (skin mitosis device) this one seems to be a little less known, but it seems like might be good product)

Couple of notes: it seems a little sketchy to me to have a rod pushing onto my urethra/glans or to be pumping air into your penis, but it seems like people have been using these methods for a number of years without any issue. Is that the case?

It also seems like a lot of these items have a ton of pieces and components. I'm trying to avoid having to explain to my wife why I want to do this, she would probably be more skeptical about all these dick contraptions. I'm a little worried about being able to discreetly Carry / use/store/clean these items without her noticing. It also seems like some of the items would make a big bulge in your pants / shorts. While I realize it's my choice, and I'm sure she would come around if I explained all of the benefits having a foreskin provides, I would rather just avoid that conversation until I have some noticeable foreskin that sounds like she could benefit from as well 😊

I appreciate it, gents, and I'm glad to be here.

21:06 UTC


Ashamed of my body

Hello all, first off, I want to say thank you all for even existing. Ever since I learned that I can restore my foreskin, it's all that's ever been on my mind. I finally feel like eventually I'll be comfortable in my body.

However, since it's always been on my mind. I can't helped but feel ashamed. I know it wasn't my decision at birth, but I just feel that sort of resent toward my parents for doing it. I know they probably had my best interests in mind, but now I feel inferior. I feel so inferior for a piece of fucking skin. I will never get the true sensation, I will never get it back to how It should be. It'll never be able to pull back. It's gotten to the point where I feel like im useless without it, as stupid as that sounds.

I will say, even though I had no faith in mm2, it's already given me a start for mm3 even at ci-0. Im. Already greatful for this. I see the success stories and I get both motivated and demotivated because of the time it's gonna take. I want a device but I can't afford one, and I can read all the tutorials I want on t-tape but I just can't bring myself to try it. I've been manually tugging whenever and as long as I can, and I don't know if it's just my mind playing tricks on me but I think I'm finding it easier and easier for mm3... That's the only thing giving me hope, because at least with mm3 it sort of looks like I'm getting there...

Lastly, I wanted to thank you all again. I'm finally going to get something back that was taken from me. I know it'll be a while, but with something that's on me all the time, I know I can remember to do it.

I just wish I didn't have to do this in the first place, which is another reason I feel ashamed. Thank you all so much for existing. I'll lurk here probably.

20:59 UTC


Does the CAR-1 target outter skin rather than inner skin?

20:29 UTC


Reminder: GALDEF webinar screening of CUT on November 9

This is a friendly reminder that there's still time to purchase your ticket for GALDEF’s special educational/fundraising global webinar featuring film CUT: Slicing through the myths of circumcision, followed by a live panel Q&A featuring the filmmaker and film participants. The online event is scheduled for Saturday, November 9 at 1pm/Pacific (4pm/Eastern) and other time zones. To learn more and to buy your ticket, please visit this link.

Please also feel free to share this link with friends, family and social network, and post this to your social media accounts.

19:53 UTC


Mantor or DTR ? which one do you prefer?

After some research i realized that DTR and Mantor are the two GOATs. Which one do you prefer and why?

17:01 UTC


CI 8.5 wanting more motivation to get to CI-10

Hey everybody. I’m a long time restorer. I had the endurance to get up to about CI-8.5 ish. I’m wanting more but over the years I’ve don’t have the commitment lately. Whats funny is that I hell others and coach others to KOT.

I’m looking for device recommendations, General advice to get past this late stage jump.

I think for me I guess I’ve gotten comfortable being at where I’m at after years of tugging, and inflating.

But there is always room for more. For those of you who’ve made it toward this late stage what have you done to keep yourself motivated.

Historical devices used: Earlier years: TLC Packer Mid years: TLCx Late years: Fit v2


15:09 UTC


Stealth retainer sizing

I bought a SR from Mr. S leather (their new more commercial retailer) and splurged on the stainless steel version as I had a 20% off discount code. But after following the stealth retainer guidelines for sizing I ended up with a size that’s too small. Anyone else have any experience with this? Any chance on sending it back to SR for a larger one?

(Just to vent, the SR sizing guide is quite bizarre. Instead of just labeling each size you have to pick the size to left of the size that’s smaller than the size that’s too big. It’s fucking confusing. BUT I did do exactly what the guideline said so I’m a little pissed) I guess I should be fair and say, the device does seem very impressive other wise. I’m excited to see how it helps my progress, but I can already tell the size issue is going to cause comfort issues.

15:04 UTC



I know this comes up but I’m trying to visualize the mechanics of how inflation targets inner skin. Is it that the internal pressure pulls the mucosa towards the base of the shaft? Or does it get gathered into the region below the scar line and into the inflation zone?

13:57 UTC


Pusher pad size for buy mantor classic

I have the width of the glans measured 4.5cm is available in size?

13:49 UTC



Hey! So I was thinking if the scarline faded once you were done restoring? Is it to the extent that It's almost invisible? How long into the journey did you start noticing it fading? Any special techniques?

11:19 UTC


Sufficently long foreskin but Short frenulum. What do to do?

Short frenulum prevents me from pulling foreskin back when penis is erect. The foreskin covers the entire head but when it moves back and forth during maturbation, the foreskin doesn't go far enough to reveal the entire head. Now I can do the cleaning nd all when it's flaccid (as i can reveal the entire hesd then) so there hasn't been any issue yet. And masturation doesn't cause any difficulty either. But I am afraid of what'd happen during sex. Could the pressure during sex pull the foreskin back too much and tear the frenulum??

Again I can reveal the head when it's flaccid but not when it's erect

07:25 UTC


How much progress is realistically possible with just doing manuals a few minutes a day?

I intend on doing t-tape at some point but for the time being am just doing manuals. Has anyone seen actual growth after a few weeks/months of just doing manuals a few minutes a day?

04:44 UTC


FMD is a game changer

I had seen some people mention the foreskin mitosis device… I saw claims it was comfortable and is similar to T Tape. For me I felt setting up t tape was a hassle and that worked against my potential for progress. That said I can’t argue that T tape is a very good method of restoration. I decided to order the fmd and it arrived very quickly, (in like 3 or 4 days) I am blown away, I feel like I am getting solid even tension for inner and outer skin, and it is SO comfortable. I can ease tension if needed and this can easily be worn around the clock! I can even sleep with this on, as (much like t tape) it seems to handle erections! It is also the easiest device to put on that I have used. If you haven’t gotten one yet, I highly recommend the fmd.

00:42 UTC


Worn under jeans?

I am not sure if this has been asked before....but, here goes.

Can you all recommend something that I can wear - am open to suggestions - with jeans - something that may not be that noticeable? I did t-taping for a while and that was ok- and I might even go that route again. However, I am looking for suggestions. I tried the TLC tugger but that was too noticeable and kept slipping off. Thanks in advance, the information in this group is amazing.

00:32 UTC


What we need to do more science, my dream lab setup

I've been thinking for a long while about what we need to make real progress on improving the speed of restoration. While genetic testing would be great to have and I'd love a grant to do it and study how it affects skin growth, some much easier and cheaper options would make a big difference. If there are makers out there who like to tinker, here's my wish list:

  1. We need an accurate, reliable way to measure skin growth, preferably some kind of inexpensive jig a person could use to measure the length of skin. A bonus would be separate numbers for inner and outer skin. When I went through cancer treatment, they put pinprick tattoos on my skin to align my body precisely for radiation treatment. Not everyone would want to do that, but a few might not mind a pinprick tattoo to mark the scar line for ongoing measurements since the scar often fades over time and makes it a poor way to measure progress. CI numbers don't cut it for figuring out if a given method is working. Right now, it can take over a year to figure out if something is working or not from the CI. If we could shorten that time to a month, it would accelerate our knowledge.

  2. A way to measure tension is another big win. When we apply tension, we don't know if it's consistent day to day or if we're using too little or too much except to check for injuries. There are cheap spring scales for fishermen, but they aren't convenient for wearing all day, just for a momentary check when setting up a device or tape. A small, wearable tension measurement device is what I want.

  3. Pressure measurement for inflation is another help. I go by feel, but don't know if it's cutting off circulation. Blood pressure gauges could be modified to inflate a device while reading the pressure off the gauge. Average blood pressure is around 120/60 mm Hg, so if a gauge measured higher than 120 mm Hg, that would be cutting off circulation. The exact number might be less, but clearly it's something we don't know now.

  4. A small camera that could be threaded inside a device could tell us a lot about what goes on inside of tuggers, dual-tension devices with a push plate, or inflation setups. It could tell us how to improve push plate designs, reduce pressure points on the glans, and how to increase tension or pressure while reducing the chances of skin injury.

Once we can measure all these things, progress photos & data from many restorers could be analyzed with AI to look for relationships we know little or nothing about right now.

If I were setting up a research lab, these would be the four things I'd want. I bet we could make strides with them.

23:51 UTC


CAR air pressure question

How much air is too much? I heard that too much pressure can cause cell death/nerves to die and ive been terrified of this happening to me because i always fill it as much as i can with air to get maximum pressure and then go to sleep with it inflated. If theres a such thing as too much pressure then what is the ideal amount of pressure/air for optimal growth?

22:16 UTC


Just hit 2k hours of tug time

Just checking in for my sanity! Been restoring for about 7 months, since April with an average of about 10 hours per day. I’ve tried packers and the CAR-1. For the past three months I’ve pretty much solely used the FMD with webbing kit. Progress has felt REALLY slow but I think much of that has to do with my flaccid size and a tight cut. I probably started around CI-1 to CI-2 and maybe I would say I’m floating more between CI-2 to CI-3 now, but my flaccid size changes a lot from moment to moment. Another thing I’m going to try to focus on is doing better with vitamins and supplementation and reducing alcohol intake (which gets up to around 15 drinks in a week currently).

I do finally think I’m seeing visual progress, and I’ve determined that I probably started with enough inner skin and can just focus on outer skin. Goal is flaccid coverage someday! One other improvement to note is that I couldn’t sleep with the Chris Retainer in the beginning and now I have no problem sleeping through the night. I’ve also noticed just a bit more skin movement during sex, especially when I’m not as hard (which helps!). Gotta relish the little victories!

22:01 UTC


Starting today

Just putting this on here so I don't lose my start date. Long journey ahead 😊

21:20 UTC


How long did it take people to get real roll over?

How long did it take people to get real roll over? I've been going strong since mid March, I've logged in about 1,244 hours using CAR-1, Mantor and manual since then. I feel that I have almost been getting roll over for the last 3 months, but it's still just all bunching up... I keep saying, next month, next month, next month. So I'm curious how long this stage took for others. I think I started at a c-1.The first picture is right when I started, the last picture was taken today.


19:39 UTC

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