
Photograph via //r/foreskin_restoration

A place to proactively and positively discuss Foreskin Restoration. Newcomers please visit our Wiki (in the Menu tab on mobile) and do some research before introducing yourself in a post.


/r/Foreskin_Restoration is meant to be a place to proactively and positively discuss foreskin restoration.



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Don’t post anything overly sexual. Don't submit content that is overly sexual in nature. While we're sure you're enjoying your restoration experience, that doesn't mean there's a need to share your overly graphic experience.
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Warning: NSFW images in some of these links

Coverage Index Chart

Wikipedia: Foreskin Restoration


39,341 Subscribers


CAR1 Sizing


I'm on the line between the 30 and 35mm measurement for the CAR-1. Would you guys advise I go smaller or larger? I'm leaning towards smaller, thinking it would have a tighter grip?

Thank you!

1 Comment
16:14 UTC


No erectile dysfunction??

Hello, I have a question about restoration. Use a translator. Is there anyone who has experienced a reduction in the size of the penis or erectile dysfunction before or after restoration or during restoration? I am worried about this because it is pressing on the genitals. Also, where can I buy an o ring?

안녕하세요 복원 관련 질문이 있습니다. 번역기를 사용합니다.

복원 후나 중간에 발기 전 성기크기의 축소나 발기부전을 경험하신분은 없을까요? 성기를 누르는것이기 때문에 이것이 걱정됩니다,또 o ring은 어디서 사야할까요?

16:09 UTC


When you restore does your pleasure and sensitivity increase significantly when you are at the c9-c10 scale?

14:47 UTC


Mantor DS V Car-1 Speed


Which device do you guys think will cause the skin/restore to grow the fastest?

I own both and tho k they are both great devices and have started one week on one week off.

Just wondering what you all think?

Also does doing manuals alongside using the maw devices actually make a difference/speed up the process?

I was thinking of adding MM3 for 2/5 mins 4 times a day?

14:44 UTC


Inflation length

So I've been pretty consistently restoring for a year and have made some good progress! I took a month off to heal after a vasectomy and am just starting back up. I'm using the CAR-1, love it, but really wanting to get the most out of it and the fastest results I can. I just started tracking how long I'm actually inflating and yesterday I was at 15.5 hours minus bathroom breaks. There was some skin fatigue but after using a collagen peptide serum and retaining overnight, that was gone. Do you think that's too long to inflate each day or how long do you think it would take to really grow to a CI-10? I'm just about over the hump on flacid coverage.

14:10 UTC


Meeting - Video chat.


Looking to restore yourself or have questions about getting started?

Join our weekly Zoom meeting this Sunday, November 11 th. at 8:00 PM EST. This is a great opportunity to connect with other men on the path to restoration, share experiences, and learn from each other.

Meeting Details:

  • Topic: Open discussion (Success stories, restoration techniques, communication tips, and more)
  • Time: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST - Till ?
  • Format: Discussion followed by open forum

What to expect:

  • A supportive and encouraging environment
  • Discussion on a variety of topics related to restoration
  • A chance to connect with other men who understand your journey
  • Video cameras are optional, but encouraged for a more personal connection

Ground Rules:

  • Please be respectful and maintain a civil tone during discussions.
  • This is a safe space for open conversations, but nudity is strictly prohibited.
  • You must be 18 years or older to participate.

Join us on Zoom:

We look forward to seeing you there!


Ok_Brother aka James

12:24 UTC


How would you rate the pleasure of cut, uncut and restored on a scale or 1-10?

09:54 UTC


I want my order(CAR-1)from USA to arrive in my country in 10 days or less by Airplane.

Hello I ordered from chrisonlinestore But after 40 days my order did not arrive in my country Chris has returned my money

But I want to order again And I want my order to arrive in less than 10 days Are there other stores to buy Car-1???? I want fast air freight.by Airplane

07:37 UTC


The Hump

So now that I am at the hump, I have a question about it. Does the hump take longer to get past than other CI levels? Or is it just harder to gauge progress?

For reference, I continued my restoration as a new CI-4 about a month ago. My flaccid size range is 2.5 inches to 4 inches, and rollover lasts at sizes up to 2.9 inches usually and sometimes up to 3.2 inches. Does this mean I’m about a CI-4.33 to CI-4.4 or so, or is it not that simple?

04:55 UTC


T-Taping Pulling Direction

Does it matter or make a difference in restoration which way your strap is pulling the t-tape? For me, it’s most comfortable to pull around the waist or use a hanging weight on the strap while I’m working at home. Overtime, will maintaining one direction of pulling have any consequences?

04:37 UTC



Does manhood (the little bag that you put on your penis) touch your glans or your tip when wearing it? If so, how often and how can this be avoided?

00:34 UTC


New guy

Restoring for a few years, just looking for support and ideas from other similar men.

20:18 UTC


For those restored, what do you tell your doctor if they notice changes?

For context, I have a foreskin and medical fetish so I’ve been wondering if any of you have fully restored, or even partially restored, and had your doctor notice and ask questions. My goal is to reach full restoration and for my doctor to notice (I’ve had the same doctor for over 5 years) and ask questions. Thoughts?

23:51 UTC


Next (bi)weekly zoom! Sun @ 2:30pm-3:30pm EST (Link in Bio!) All Genders Are Welcomed!!☮️

1 Comment
23:08 UTC



Does anyone else have this happen with the CAR or DTR? I’ll wear the device for awhile with no problem. I’ll leave the house and out of nowhere I get a pinching pain and I have to take it off IMMEDIATELY because the pain is so bad. Even when I remove it, it hurts like hell. For some reason this only happens when I am in public and cannot readily adjust it discretely (usually driving with my family in the car). The price we pay to restore, I guess 🫠

18:08 UTC


Question about the foreskins effect on relaxation/tension in sexual situations

i always had my muscles tense up involuntary and have a such a hard time relaxing into it that i felt that it just cant happen, that was until yesterday where after 2 years of trying i got lucky and was relaxed while feeling the wave flow into my brain (Dry orgasm), this shit is like drugs but sadly it was a fluke since i cant replicate the experience again no matter how i try, body keeps tensing up no matter how much i try to relax, thats when i remembered reading that having foreskin helps with relaxing into the experience so i thought "hey, maybe its not supposed to be this difficult, maybe your dick is just not working correctly", so my question is, Does having foreskin help with relaxing into the experience? i took a look around the sub and i couldn't find an answer, all i found is "its just more comfortable to glide the skin" which doesn't address my issue of involuntary muscle tensions (especially in the pelvic floor)

14:46 UTC


Glans like Glass

Something interesting happened today. I was doing some manual tugging and got hard. I pulled my skin back and my glans was so shiny it literally looked like it was made from glass or something, or glazed and perfectly smooth. I'm dekeratinised already and it's usually shiny and moist, but today was next level. Even my inner skin was glass like. Anyone else experience this before?

10:37 UTC


Is forced erect coverage the only surefire way to measure gains?

Flaccid coverage for many, myself included, changes so much at any given time of day... but when you're fully erect and try to force the skin over the glans,, isn't that the most accurate and consistent way to measure progress? Or can that somehow change too?

06:50 UTC


How Long to Wait After Experiencing a Tear?

I was using my Mantor device today and I noticed I got a small tear in my skin. How long should I wait until I start tugging again? Just until it closes up or longer?

05:51 UTC


Any restorers here in Boston?

05:03 UTC


How do I target specifically the hairless outer skin with a device?

Before my main question, a preliminary question: will mitosis of the outer skin that has hair, grow more hair follicles in the new skin too?

Main question: I'm not sure if it's because I just don't have enough skin yet to get very specific with what I'm tensioning, but I can't seem to figure out how to tension the outer skin with no hair follicles, right below the scar line. I want to be certain that I'm not simply growing more hairy shaft skin. Is there a specific way to apply devices to assist in this? Do you have to use tape or a ring of some kind to keep the hairy skin back?

Thanks in advance.

21:34 UTC


Tight foreskin & Short frenulum

When doing foreskin restoration exercises, should i refrain from sexual intercourse and if not, how can i carry on with my sex life without further tearing my frenulum. Also, will sex or masturbation hinder my progress?

01:44 UTC


glans is dry after bath

The glans looks dry after bathing. It will return to normal after a few minutes, is this okay?

01:43 UTC


Beginner Restorer

I definitely want to do this. Have had foreskin envy for years (was circumcised when I was old enough to have over a decade's worth of life experience as a foreskin-haver, but still too young to understand what was being taken from me--it was for medical reasons). I have very little idea where to start. What products work. How to order stuff online. Etc. Any advice would be appreciated.

01:26 UTC


Does anyone know of a silicone condom sheath that could be used as a retaining device for sleeping?

00:25 UTC


Unable to fully expose the glans during erection

Until two years ago, i was able to fully expose my glans. so i used my foreskin to fap. However, since i washed my penis for the first time in a year in april last year, i have been unable to fully expose my glans. (The glans can be completely exposed when not erect) And when i get an erection and masturbate, the skin doesn't move smoothly, which is causing masturbation problems. Since then, i have had foreskinitis several times. When i looked into it,i learned that my foreskin had become hard due to foreskin inflammation, making it less elastic. Or maybe i had adhesive foreskinitis. How can i get my glans exposed during erection like before? i want to know how to cure it without going to the hospital.

23:37 UTC


Poll: Conservative or Liberal? (International participation allowed)

In conversations with people restoring, I've found that it crosses the political divide. I'm curious if being against involuntary circumcision and working on restoring could be something that unites us across the political spectrum. Please vote only if you oppose circumcision and you're eligible to vote in elections in your country.

View Poll

23:34 UTC


Skin bridges - Urologist Appt

Hi All. I have two skin bridges on the shaft of my penis that have been there since I was circumcised. They don't necessarily hurt when I masturbate or have sex. I've gotten to the point with restoring that I've grown enough loose skin that they don't make anything too tight.

The issue is that they're inhibiting me being able to restore past where I'm at right now, they've recently started hurting when I have any sort of tension on the skin (using a DTR).

I've sorta gotten the run around with who to go to get them removed. I thought I'd ask in my annual dermatologist appt last month, who said to talk to a urologist, who then said to talk with my PCP, who then referred me back to a urologist.

I have an appt next week with the urologist and I'm wondering how to frame it that I'd like them to be removed, but can't show or prove they're causing pain, other than when I'm restoring. I'm a little worried that telling him that I'm restoring won't go well. Any thoughts or suggestions?

21:54 UTC


IPL Device?

I have been thinkinb about getting an IPL device, more for my face than down there, but could try it down there too. Was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for a good brand, and if it was permanent or more like longer term hair removal?

21:49 UTC


My Experiences at a Recent Art Festival

I am always glad to meet other folks who are into foreskin restoration. I was at an art festival a several weeks ago, took off my TLC tugger because it was pinching me and, unfortunately, lost it. I returned to the camp where I thought I had dropped the tugger and the very first fellow I asked not only knew what a tugger was, but was actively tugging. We had a nice chat about foreskin restoration, our progress so far, and foreskin restoration workshops. Unfortunately he hadn’t seen my TLC.

The next day I was back at my camp wearing my spare tugger, a Hope Air, and, since it was sunny and warm afternoon, nothing else. A fellow passing by noticed me even though I was in the back of the canopied area. He came over and politely asked me if I was restoring my foreskin. The result was another intriguing conversation. His story was interesting. As an adolescent, he had painful erections and, in particular, his ventral skin was so tight that his erect penis would point downward. He discovered Andre’s method online and, with diligent application, after a couple of years his erections were comfortable and with no downward curvature. He did buy a tugging device but disliked it and now it was some years since he’d actively tugged.

He wasn’t aware of inflation as a restoring technique, and was intrigued enough by the Hope Air to try it on. He agreed that inflating the skin tube is a strange and novel sensation.

I find these serendipitous encounters gratifying. I would like to think that foreskin restoration is becoming more widely known, but a more likely explanation is that these particular sort of events attract folks who are, in general, more sexually savvy.

19:42 UTC

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