A community dedicated to discovering, discussing and sharing Florida history.
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I've done a lot of research because I descend from a Native American woman with a Spanish name which means she was likely indigenous. I also descend from Francisco Xavier Sanchez who had kids with a half-African woman before he had kids with my maternal ancestor. Unfortunately, I don't think I have the talent to write historical fiction, but I'm certain I can help.
Hello, I wonder whether anyone here can recommend good non-fiction or fiction books about Florida history.
Some of my favourites include The Orchid Thief by Susan Orlean and the Shadow Country series by Peter Matthiessen, to give you an idea.
Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
My very favorite place on earth as a child was Crystal Springs (to be distinguished from Crystal River), near Zephyrhills.
I understand it’s now an educational center, but in the 1960s/early 1970s it was my favorite swimmin’ hole, and you could camp there. Arrowhead hunting always yielded treasures.
If anyone has any photos of that fantastical bygone era, I’d sure love to see them.
And/or, I’d love to hear your stories 🙂
What are your must-read non-fiction Florida books? It can be about anything Florida history related. For example, directly about Florida, it's native population, the Spanish colonial period, British colonial period, certain cities, and more.
How many generations has your family been in Florida? Share your story here!
Hey community! Just a small update.
You can now search for content via flairs in the search menu. Now that we have some great posts, we can start filtering feeds to find what we need based on interests.
This is also a reminder to please use flairs for posts. It’s a rule in the community and will lead to possible post removals.
Thank you!!!
As someone who grew up in Daytona Beach, I had no idea about Batista and his connection to the city.
Share your favorite histories! Links to more info would be great too.
Scanlon logging camp Taylor County Florida