
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to r/femalehairadvice! We are a community focused on hair advice for women, non-binary, trans, and gender non-confirming individuals. We have a zero tolerance policy for hateful, negative content, and hair fetishism.

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Inspired by /r/malehairadvice, I present you /r/femalehairadvice. A place for girls to ask for advice on all matters hair-related. All readers welcome.

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  • Product reviews are allowed as long as they are in a self post.

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  • Please do not downvote posts unless they are spam or blatantly rude. This is a subreddit for advice only-- if you want to rate people on their looks, there is a subreddit for that.

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  • Wiki is now up and going - but needs some love so anybody interested in adding links/information feel free to let us know.



542,011 Subscribers


Curly or straight hair down with this dress??

19:14 UTC


What about pumpkin seed oil and Clary sage oil?

I've seen a lot of reviews online about each of them (pumpkin seed oil and Clary sage oil) separate but I haven't seen anything about using them together. Nothing about whether it'd be a good mix or bad. Any thoughts, advice or reviews? Experience with the two seperate or mixed?

1 Comment
18:17 UTC


How much is appropriate to tip on extensions + color?

I have a new hair gal that works for herself and will be giving me new hair extensions and color.

Total is going to be $1700 with $980 of that being the actual hair + install.

Considering some of that is the hair itself, how ,much wuild be appropriate to tip? Shes expecting 3 hours for this

18:01 UTC


i don't get how they messed up bangs

this was a few weeks ago but i got bangs cut at a salon, and CHAT IS THIS EVEN? 😭 it's grown out a bit now, thankfully, but holy cow.

05:05 UTC


Hairdresser put toner over my natural roots?

Hi all, I went to the hairdresser yesterday to get the lengths of my dyed hair lightened to match my natural hair colour which I had spent the last 9 months growing out.

Basically my hair had a bad reaction to the bleach and they ended up toning the bleached pieces to a similar dark brown shade it was before. Except, he applied the toner to my natural hair also which I had specifically asked to remain untreated completely. I don’t know much about hair colourings or treatments so I assumed he knew what he was doing but I did tell him I was concerned it would colour my natural hair which is a dark blonde. He said it won’t show up on my natural hair??? but when I later asked about how long the toner would last on the mid-end lengths of my hair he said it likely won’t fade much. Of course my natural hair is now dark brown, I have since washed it 3 times hoping to fade it but it hasn’t budged yet.

I am absolutely gutted, I spent almost a year growing my natural hair out and now I’m back at a shade I don’t even like or asked for, what are the chances my roots will fade completely to my original colour? :(

13:56 UTC


Hairstyles for a square-ish face and small forehead?

I’ve also got pretty thick eyebrows. I don’t believe that I’ve found a single style thus far that has actually suited me 🥲

1 Comment
12:20 UTC


Need hair advice

This is how my hair typically looks. It’s normally fairly frizzy, sometimes the waves really pop out naturally and other times it just looks a complete mess (most of the time). It’s wavy but 99% of the time, it looks really bad. I don’t really know how to care for it. Every time I try to figure it out, I get really overwhelmed because I typically don’t do anything aside from wash/conditioner and let it air dry so doing a bunch of styling and products overwhelms me. I’d really like to make it look better and healthier but idk where to begin and how to not get overwhelmed by putting products in and styling it. It’s also oily at my scalp but the rest of my hair is on the dry side, making things even more difficult.

I’m not really sure what to do because I’ve never really been satisfied with how it looks.

TIA for any advice!

1 Comment
11:40 UTC


dyed my hair black again... does it fit?

09:54 UTC


Buzzcut Advice

Hello friends! I am about to buzz my hair for the first time and would love any tips, tricks, and/or general advice from any of my (soon-to-be) fellow buzzed babes. Basically, what do you wish you knew prior to going through with it? Any tips? What surprised you the most?

For context: I have had alternative haircuts for about a decade now- fully shaved side, short pixie, long pixie, undercut pixie, pixie mullet, etc. and I never intend on growing my hair fully out again. I also present alternatively with tattoos and piercings, so I feel like I’m prepared for the unwanted looks or comments. I would love just any input that anyone who either has a shaved head or has had one may have.

22:46 UTC


is the paul mitchell skinny serum safe to use BEFORE flat ironing?

1 Comment
01:32 UTC


What to do when all the glow up like lashes, hair, nails etc destroy my natural beauty

Hi I need help. I really want to get ready everyday and make myself pretty, but at the same time I’m scared that if I do my hair everyday my hair will get destroyed as it is thin and dry. My nails are horrible after every set of gel or acrylic and are to thin and brittle for polish. If I do lash extensions my own lashes get so extremely short. Please help me get out of my worry, should I just keep getting ready and do all of these thing anyway and not worry too much?

22:25 UTC


Have I ruined my hair?

I have fine thin hair, I'm white and American Indian, so I tend to produce more oil in my scalp. My entire life I was taught to wash my hair every day. I still do it, and if I even miss a day my hair will look wet because it produces so much oil. Plus it burns and itches! I use the Hairitage Gentle Daily shampoo too, and I use a conditioner from the same brand. I think I have dandruff 😬. But I feel dirty if I don't wash my hair everyday. I try to just wash my scalp and condition the end of my hair, is there something I could do to help with the dandruff besides not washing my hair for a few days? Am I too far gone? 😩

23:55 UTC


Trans girl looking for ideas and suggestions for restyle that would suit me

1 Comment
19:12 UTC


i would like some advice or tips

Hi! Does anyone know how to tame these? Which products or like special care can help hair to look tamed, silky, healthy and moisturised? I have also flyaways on top of my head (hair growth i assume) and my hair isn’t coloured :) I have straight hair. Thank u all!

18:00 UTC


lovely waves go flat

when i get out of the shower/ my hair is wet, it has these beautiful waves and small curls but as soon as it dries most of it loses the waves, especially in the front. my hair is almost 3 ft long so i don’t know if it’s the weight or just something i’m not doing to preserve them. any suggestions.

17:27 UTC

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