
Photograph via snooOG

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This is a place for fans and players of the game to make connections, discuss lore, formulate strategies, share ideas and generally just enjoy each other's company.


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14,999 Subscribers


What’s the current best method of grinding the new currency?

I’m working on early grind strategy for currency grind and the best way of getting the money I have found is to go visit the monks and take in the architecture.

If anyone has any suggestions, I’m all ears.

11:36 UTC


First City Coins

I need some of them(around 60). If someone has plenty of them, and has no need for them, I would be pleased to take them away. :) The names Den Silver

05:48 UTC


A world inhibited by timers

I love this game! The writing and world building is exquisite and I am deeply upset by how little of it I will be exposed to!

I have criticism with this world! Namely that everything is behind timers... screw that star wars game, I would proudly pay $130 for an open world fallen london game...

There are so many details, from the devil-hunts to the secrets of rubbery men... I spent countless evenings running with the fisher kings taking in every word.

But it's not enough... I am stuck grinding to progress and I am forced to see the same few screens every time for literal weeks trying to advance in the world! (Trying to get a boat of my own is literally taken over a year [but then thats probably user error as well])

Other than that, no complaints! The only reason I'm not subscribed is due to losing my job. I genuinely want to support these writers!

Apologies for terrible grammar, I am currently inebriated.

04:39 UTC


Vanity, all is vanity! (A Hellworm Post)


Got myself a Hellworm now. I have a name for her, I just need to get to appending it once I worm (nyuck nyuck nyuck) my way through some Chapter 1 of roofward madness. I shall name her Rappaccini's Daughter.

02:26 UTC


A novel, utterly unhinged Firmament theory which has some textual support

There is a second Bazaar

The Stuiver is an explicit counterpart to the Echo, and the Numismatrix already comments this implies a Mint on the Roof. I'll go a step further and posit there's a whole-ass Bazaar up there, dropping (lifting?) cities, and with a coterie of indentured servants like the Masters.

Firmament seems to be dealing with alternate history. I posit the point of divergence is the Bazaar's entry to the Neath.

The Vulgate is a Counter-Master

I've heard the Vulgate is a Scrivener from Sunless Skies, which I've not played enough to encounter. My ignorance on this matter is absolutely no obstacle to declaring, with extreme confidence, that the Counter-Bazaar uses Scriveners the way our Bazaar uses Curators. So it delegates to a group of a dozen-ish runaway degenerates who broke the rules of their own society.

The Vulgate is a parallel to either Mr Pages, on account of stowing away false histories, or Mr Stones, as its actions count as hoarding.

The Zenith is still counterpart to the Nadir

Sure. Why not. The Counter-Bazaar settled up right close to it or something.

The Last Duchess is from the Counter-Fifth City

She mentions that she saw her city get disappeared. If it wasn't where the Eye was gonna open up, then I'm going to say that what she saw was G---- getting sold to the Counter-Bazaar.

Something about the House of Orange

The Counter-Bazaar's history must be all kinds of different compared to ours. And there's gotta be some reason that Stuivers have a Dutch name.

17:43 UTC


How does Ecdysis determine what choices you get?

There are the easy ones, like the Dreaded/MA/KT check where you should have a reasonable amount of them. Then there is the SA check where 10SA = 10% chance. Obviously I want the former not the latter, I see what qualities they check, am I not checking deeply enough? What about how the initial choice determine the later choices?

15:35 UTC


Zenith and Nadir

After playing through the first chapter of Firmament today, I got to thinking and then to speculating. So let's do some collaborative speculation.

The word Zenith pops up in several places during the events in the Gullet. It's mostly spoken about by the Vulgate as a place that it has some sort of position of authority in. However, it is also mentioned by the Forlorn Shepherd at least once, when talking to him after coming back to the airship:

"Captain. My apologies for my lapse of memory earlier. I believe all that you say happened, happened. I just don't remember a moment of it." He furrows his brows. "Awful to imagine memory can just be lost. Perhaps the scribes of Zenith are right to lock so much away..."

So, given that zenith is the opposite of nadir on the celestial sphere, maybe the Zenith is opposite of the Nadir in the Neath. Not only in name, but seemingly also in position as it seems to be above the roof in the same way that the Nadir is below London or the floor of the Neath. Finally, what if it also is opposite of the Nadir in function? If the Nadir erases memory, then Zenith would record or store memory as the Shepherd hints at.

Now, allow me some wild speculation. Given that Zenith stores memory, and that the Gullet is an instance of the stalactite that fell on London last summer that never fell, what if Zenith stores not only memories of what has happened but also memories of what might have happened. This could have som interesting implications for the Last Duchess who seem to remember, or perhaps be a part of, a history that never happened.

Thoughts? There was some great speculation in the "What the h___ happened in the Gullet" thread and I want more!

15:07 UTC


Future Roof ports

Hello,delicious friends. I've found seven possible Roof ports so far-New Newgate Prison,Travertine Spiral,Midnight Moon,Zenith,Thunder's Ribcage, the Mooncotes and the Flaw. Feel free to add your discoveries and thoughts.

14:26 UTC


Can anyone tell me if I understand the Roof correctly?

As the Firmament update has been released I have been thinking about the Roof and what had happened in the Gullet.

To my understanding Roof has a certain degree of flexibility as to the current reality background. Think Irem but not in terms of the future but in terms of the present where a number of realities based upon different historical outcomes are merged into one.

Can anyone tell me if I’m right?

14:03 UTC


The Last Duchess

I've been going down an absolute rabbit-hole of extinct European dukedoms, and today ended up on the Wiki page of Mary of Burgundy, the last Duchess of Burgundy. She's an interesting person with a lot of political significance, who died tragically young in 1485 after a hunting accident. And in one of her portraits she looks like this.

You could potentially do interesting alt-history things with her if, say, she married into the English royal family instead of marrying Maximilian of Austria.

11:51 UTC


Possible sunless skies link in Firmament

Did anybody else think all the descriptions of the vulgate sounded a lot like a Scrive-spinster? For those unaware...

The Scrive-Spinsters: They drift like manta rays through the mists. These are the survivors of the Pergamon Manse – a house of records, destroyed by treachery – and their gowns are stitched from the pages they managed to salvage. The Spinsters can pry locomotives apart with their bronzewood fingers. They harbour a particular hatred for devils.

Could be reaching, but a lot of the descriptive passages matched up.

07:55 UTC


The Naming of an Airship

Ever since I tragically lost my airship last summer, I knew what I would name the next one.


1 Comment
01:10 UTC


What to do after ambition?

Just finished my ambition and im looking for stuff to do. It seems all the late game stuff is super grindy so what do you guys recamend.


00:52 UTC


Have you sent word to the midnight moon?

18:50 UTC


Can someone explain to me what the hell happened in the Gullet?

This style of narrative after we met the Starved leaders was somewhat obscure and I couldn't understand most of it. Please, help me here.

What are the starved leaders worried about? What was the wind that caused us to fall? Why, after we climbed up, did the Gullet fall? Why did it stop falling? Who is the Vulgate? What did he even meant to say?

18:46 UTC


An outdated, inconvenient and useless Map

So, yeah, let's discuss it. Map of London now is absolutely broken. Half of the locations are useless, some of them are even visited 1-2 times AT ALL. Area-Diving in Spite? The Crowds of Spite? Really? The Temple Club, location that's visited only by invites smth like 1-2 from all your playthrough? The Clay Quarters that you visit... once at the beginning of the game to find the Heiress and once in Nemesis or LF Ambition? Concord Square, Mahogany Hall, The Medusa's Head and Concord Square that you visit at the start of the game and NEVER after?


But what about the Bone Market? One of the most visited end-game locations? Just to enter it you have to do 4 clicks. To enter the Lab you have to go to the University first, but the CONCORD SQUARE has got it's own shortcut, yeah, we all visit this place every week, sure. The Gamekeeper's Cottage, the Museum of Prelapsarian History, the Lab - don't they deserve more attention?

Why can't useless locations be grouped together? The map does not reflect the current London state and makes us play a matryoshka doll every time.


What do you think? Should the map be changed so it reflects the current situation or it's just fine as it is?

View Poll

15:50 UTC


What's Everyone Naming Their Airships?

The Ex-Disgraced Academic will be commanding an Obliterator-Class called Emphasis Mine. What names are everyone else thinking about? Affixing a reverent numeral II at the end of your Horticulture ship's name in memoriam? Do you have a bit of personal wordplay? Or perhaps you just want to show up Fires with The Better Industry?

I'm all ears (only metaphorically, until we reach the roof, at least)!

15:12 UTC


Best way to Grind Warm Amber

What is the best way to grind warm amber? It seems the best way to get all the roof gear presently.

14:38 UTC


Tracklayer's City locations

So, I built mine out by Burrow Infra Mump, for ... well, reasons I can't quite remember now.

I'm pondering moving it though. I think I tend to head to Jericho Locks a fair bit (cashing in favours) or Balmoral (for collecting bones).

Anyone else got suggestions on where there's a good place to 'park' the city?

(I do have a hellworm now, so 'popping out for milk' is a thing I do, so a location that's good to draw cards is also beneficial).

14:19 UTC

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