
Photograph via snooOG

This is a community that discusses militarism and warfare. Since the US is the world's leader in wars, military spending, arms sales and militarism, we specifically focus on American policies and actions that promote what the Pentagon calls the "long war" -- the unending Global War on Terror (GWOT). We include articles that show the politics behind the Endless War, the spending involved and the toll in human suffering and lives.

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Charitable Organizations Serving the Victims of War

"No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare." - James Madison

"War is a Racket." - Gen. Smedley Butler

"Kings had always been involving and impoverishing their people in wars, pretending generally, if not always, that the good of the people was the object. This, our Convention understood to be the most oppressive of all Kingly oppressions; and they resolved to so frame the Constitution that no one man should hold the power of bringing this oppression upon us. " - Abraham Lincoln

"We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do." - Karl Rove

This is a community that should discuss American policies and actions that promote what the Pentagon calls the "long war". It should include articles that show the politics behind the Endless War, the spending involved and the toll in human suffering and lives.

In order to maintain this subreddit's focus, please keep submissions on the forum's topics. This is not a forum for general political submissions or memes. Respectful discussion is encouraged. Comments are welcome. Please refrain from abusive or spamming comments. All nationalities are welcome here but please be courteous and comment in English. Deliberate trolling and sockpuppet abuse, when detected, will result in banning.

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Geopolitical Instability Index (GII)

I am working on creating this Index Framework to counter the Global Peace Index based on how much Chaos and Instability a country has caused Globally, what are your thoughts and what do you think the end results will look like?

The Geopolitical Instability Index (GII) is a comprehensive global metric designed to rank and evaluate the historical and ongoing patterns of conflict initiation by sovereign states. This index highlights the degree to which nations have engaged in aggressive or destabilizing actions beyond self-defense, providing an analytical framework for assessing global security dynamics and patterns of conflict initiation since the formation of modern states.

Purpose and Mission:

The GII aims to provide policymakers, analysts, and the public with a data-driven assessment of global conflict behavior, emphasizing accountability and transparency. By spotlighting trends in unprovoked aggression and destabilizing activities, the GII promotes global awareness, diplomatic accountability, and the pursuit of long-term stability.

Core Factors Assessed:

The GII considers four primary factors to measure a nation's involvement in conflict initiation and destabilization:

  1. Unprovoked Military Aggressions:

Direct military invasions or attacks on sovereign states without justifiable self-defense.

Occupation and annexation of territories without international legal backing.

  1. Resource-Driven Conflicts:

Wars initiated to gain control of critical resources (e.g., oil, minerals, opium).

Exploitation of resource-rich regions leading to prolonged conflict.

  1. Proxy Wars & Covert Operations:

Sponsorship or orchestration of armed conflict through non-state actors.

Covert interference aimed at destabilizing sovereign nations or overthrowing governments.

  1. Frequency of Conflict Initiation:

The historical consistency of a nation initiating conflicts, ranked by both total conflicts and conflict density over time.

Repeated patterns of engagement in war and conflict compared to defensive actions.

Ranking and Scoring System:

Each country is assigned a GII Score based on historical and modern conflict patterns, with a weighted scoring system for each factor:

Severe Instigator (90-100): Consistently engages in conflict with aggressive intent.

High Instability (70-89): Repeated involvement in destabilizing actions.

Moderate Instability (50-69): Some involvement in historical conflicts but reduced aggression in modern times.

Low Instability (30-49): Minimal history of unprovoked aggression.

Stable (0-29): Defensive or peace-focused history with minimal aggression.


The GII will feature interactive data visualizations, including:

Global Heat Maps: Highlighting conflict intensity by region.

Time-Lapse Conflict Maps: Showing the evolution of conflicts since the late 18th century.

Bar Graphs & Line Charts: For comparative historical analysis.

Scope of Historical Coverage:

The GII tracks conflicts starting from 1776, the year the U.S. was founded, allowing for a detailed historical perspective of modern nation-state conflicts. This timeline enables the index to cover:

Colonial expansions and imperialist wars.

Modern world wars and post-colonial conflicts.

Post-WWII Cold War conflicts and proxy wars.

Contemporary conflicts post-9/11 and beyond.

Applications and Use Cases:

Defense & Security Analysis: To evaluate historical trends in global instability.

Policy Development: Assisting diplomats and global organizations in conflict prevention strategies.

Education & Awareness: Providing the public with a factual, unbiased perspective on global conflicts.

Resource for Think Tanks & NGOs: For conflict resolution and peace-building initiatives.

Transparency and Data Sources:

The GII relies on verified historical records and datasets, including:

United Nations Security Council Resolutions.

International Court of Justice (ICJ) case rulings.

Archival war records and defense reports.

Independent human rights organizations and scholarly publications.


The Geopolitical Instability Index (GII) stands as a powerful tool for historical accountability and global awareness. By shedding light on patterns of unprovoked conflict initiation, the GII aims to encourage diplomacy, de-escalation, and a more secure global future.

22:43 UTC


Cold War II❄️ A New Hundred Years' War?⚔️⏳ The Defense Of Vremivka Has Collapsed🔥MS For 📜16.01.2025📅

19:40 UTC


Berletic analysis on the state of the American Empire expansion.

Haiphong and Berletic discuss current events.

  • The US Empire has been defeated in Ukraine.
  • European citizens are beginning to recognize how they've been betrayed
  • Russia leaving Syria was the only option. It was a conflict they could not win.
  • Turkiye is looking to expand to Jerusalem, oh oh.
  • An EU investigation confirmed that Georgia attacked the Russians in 2008 beginning that conflict.
  • The NED/CIA were responsible for the conflict in Chechnya
  • Russia is now responding to US asymmetrical warfare with its own operations
  • The American Oligarchy has realized that it is losing dominance over the world and it may prefer to turning over the "game board" rather than losing outright.
  • China is building up its military very quickly. The West has no way of going head to head against Russia and China militarily.

Much, much more

These policies have been promulgated by "think tanks" decades ago. The papers are available on the internet, but they are dry and boring and often conflict with one another but in the end, what they propose becomes the policies America pursues no matter who is president.

The need to protect a nation's "information space" is important. That is why the US has banned TikTok.

The US was using Facebook to spur on terrorism by the ETIM in Xinjiang province which the NED then sponsored the World Uyghur Congress to accuse China of genocide.

16:21 UTC


"Well, then, it's ok that Israel murdered those kids". Not only did Jack think this, he wrote it down, it passed through the editors, and then they fucking published it. Zionism is utterly irredeemable.

15:18 UTC


Biden's Legacy

11:58 UTC

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