
Photograph via snooOG

Elite: Dangerous - Li Yong-Rui and SiriusGov

Li Yong Rui - Sirius Government

The Sirius Government welcomes both members and visitors to our subreddit. Any discussion about the corporation, its activities, or its members is welcome.

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Current cycle objectives

Greetings CMDRs!

Here is the current list of activities for Cycle 484 (3310-09-05..3310-09-11):

  • Maintain at least R2 (rank 2)
  • Vote for consolidation
  • Haul Sirius Franchise Packages from Betel to LTT 2513
  • Do not prepare any other system
  • Join SiriusGov discord if you want to support LYR and receive additional objectives.

SiriusGov supports only LIVE mode.


16:13 UTC


So is powerplay dead?

So apparently in several days fortifying HR 1254 (in critical state) made zero progress. I searched for communities for Li-Yong Rui, found this reddit... but it's all but abandoned. Is no one bothering with powerplay besides mandatory "deliver 750 bills in last week before module unlock"?

16:36 UTC


Mbambiva undermining

Sirius supporters, Mbambiva is currently being undermined and is left unfortified.

20:40 UTC


Merit questions

So, for context, I'm trying to get the Sirius permit. Returning from North American Nebula with a crap ton of data. Everything I've seen says to sell this at Davy Dock to get credit with Sirius Corp. I'm assuming if I sell at Lembava I will get credit with Li. But he's the CEO of Sirius Corp. Would selling at Lembava help me get the Sirius permit?

18:41 UTC


is there any discord rooms for Li?

inara one seems to be expired

12:11 UTC


Where Should I go to take down enemy agents?

Hello commanders. Looking to earn some powerplay merits through some combat. I've heard I could do some harm to the overall powerplay if I end up choosing the wrong system. How do I identify the right system to go do some hunting?

15:23 UTC


New player wanting to get packhounds and learn how powerplay works.

I am new wanting to learn as much about powerplay that can be taught. and get the packhounds as they look like the missle weapons i want to use for the most part.

00:25 UTC


Is discord online? Seem to be getting a timeout on invites?!

Tried a few of the invites and all are not working. Server still operational

00:51 UTC


New at powerplay, looking to git gud

Can I please get an invite to the discord server? I'm grinding prep and I don't want to foul up anyone's plans by supporting the wrong systems.

1 Comment
18:44 UTC


New here!

Just popping in to see where I can help! I'm here for pack-hounds, but I figured I can help out for the next 4 weeks! This is also the first time I've tried doing to power play, so any tips are appreciated!

02:05 UTC


Hello I'm new here. :)

Figured I'd give powerplay a try again, and want those pack-hounds, so here I am! I see y'all are fortifying pretty hard so I've been making runs to systems needing help. Just ran a few hundred units to Lalande 4268 while making trading runs, so I'd like to think I'm doing my part. I'll follow along with the objectives thread as much as I can! Let me know if there's anything else I can be or should be up to.

Happy trails! o7

22:39 UTC


Could LYR expand to the Pleiades?

Hi folks,

We have no powers at all in the Pleiades. LYR has control over the edge of the bubble nearest the Pleiades. Have you folks considered a push into the Pleiades? What's the maximum expansion radius for PowerPlay?

I know we can't do it from a BGS point of view as the expansion sphere sputters out at roughly Delphi, as both Pleiades Sector OI-T c3-7 and 42 n Persei are too far away for a BGS expansion attempt.

There's a station roughly every 30-60 ly between the bubble and the Pleiades. Pleiades Sector OI-T c3-7 is considered the very outer edge of the Pleiades "pubble", but for BGS folks, it would be Delphi, as expansion is not possible from Delphi to c3-7 as it's 45 ly. From c3-7, the pathway would likely be from Veleda to Delphi. A rough route might be:

Delphi -> HIP 17044 (41.53 ly) -> Pleiades Sector JC-V d2-62 (37.28 ly) -> 42 n Persei -> Arietis Sector XE-Z b4 -> San -> Arietis Sector WK-M a8-0 ? -> Veleda

Most of these gaps are less than 50 ly, but if the PowerPlay expansion radius is the same as BGS (about 30 ly in practical terms), then it's not going to work. Obvious San is the Sirius Incorporated HQ, and most of the stations along the way are theirs as well, so if it is possible, it would have to be with their consent. I have not discussed this with them.

15:28 UTC


Little help? Where can I farm merits?

I've been with Sirius a few weeks now and I'd like dem pack hounds. Is there someplace I can wreck some Federation couriers to farm merits?

Also I'm being spammed to help Li Yong Rui. What can I do to chip in?

1 Comment
07:26 UTC


Is this Channel still active?

Have been looking to join the community for supporting Li Yong Rui, but the channel doesnt seem to have posts anymore. Is there a discord link that's still used?

10:35 UTC


Discord invite not working.

Title. The invite link on the spreadsheet or in the stickied post don't seem to be working. Not only would I like an invite to the discord, but you should probably change it so that it's accessible to the community again.

20:51 UTC


Who do I have to kill and where?

I want to get the pack hounds but I need to get merits where do i go to blow some stuff up

1 Comment
19:55 UTC


So how alive is Sirius gov ?

anyone still active in s.gov powerplay

08:24 UTC


Question about the level 5 exploration data bonus

Hi Guys,

Can anyone tell me if the "200% increase on exploration data sale" perk for level 5 pledges equals a total of 300% of the normal amount or is it just 200%?


1 Comment
09:35 UTC


Who's here? Roll Call.

Cmdr. Michael Kane, here.

This place seems to be a bit of a ghost town. Shame, that. If you feel the same, say so.

04:30 UTC


Don't prep Ariatia! It's a terrible expansion, so VOTE CONSOLIDATION.

Ariatia's going to cost 49CC each week to maintain, and push us further towards Turmoil, where we'll risk losing a lot of good systems. Please take this opportunity to vote for consolidation, and to join us for more tactical discussions on the SiriusGove discord server via the link in the sidebar.


08:35 UTC


Dear Li

Hi there,

Just wondering what you were planning to do about your highly weaponised expansion this cycle.

Youtr pal,


1 Comment
21:15 UTC


uhh Kalak is at 65000 of 5000 fortification units needed

Surely should change the current target?

21:09 UTC


Need Guidance on Where to Sell Exploration Data

o7 CMDRs! I’m coming in from an exploration tour and I have a ton of data ($300+) to sell tomorrow morning. Before I dump it all at my home system (LHS 20), anyone with any tips on specific systems I should sell to? And also, is it a good idea to spread the wealth around and keep it to less than $10 mil per system?

04:27 UTC


New Temp Worker Here!

Hi everyone! I'll be honest here: I'm sitting on over $200 Mil in exploration data and I'm just making a dash-grind to Rank 5 so I can be richie rich. That being said, I'm trying to stick to the plan: I'm focusing my efforts on fortifying 64 Ceti, I started at 20% and I've got it now to over 40%. I should have it completed within the next few hours, after which I'll look at what else needs fortifying. :) See you all in the black. o7

20:15 UTC


Explorer out in the black, how can I help?

Basically like the title says. I'm pledged but out from the bubble scanning for systems and seeing the sights. Anything I can do to help, or am I pretty useless at this point? Also, fairly new to powerplay.

1 Comment
17:36 UTC


Vote Consolidation!!! Kotigeni is a bad expansion

1 Comment
12:15 UTC



1 Comment
02:03 UTC


Ongoing apologies from a however-small division in Utopia...

the following, (after the dashes below ---- ) is some text i posted today in the Utopian reddit pages,..

no need to look it up, but i thought i could post it here in a kind of gesture, to show that not all of Utopia has forgotten what happened those months ago, before the recent conflict between us.


it was not long after the Thargoids arrived, that i noticed that you might get squeezed from an outside force, in addition to the federation and empire and does the alliance pressure you too?

whichever regularly do, the point being that they(the major powers) could add additional pressure back then when they appeared(the thargoids) ,

and i realised that some might try to use the opportunity to cause you control-system losses, so as to use the opportunity to snatch a few before the others do / in opportunity generally, if the thargoids might be the straw that broke the camel's back soto speak.



THEREFORE, at that time, before our recent conflict, it seemed a good idea to offer and advocate support FOR you, within Utopia, a kind of temporary assistance offer, should you need it - a contingency.


i did get some reception for the idea at the time, but then that DOUBLE-BLINDED ARGUMENT HAPPENED over a response to a response to a accident,..

...something that the individual Utopian at the time, ADMITTED TO ME PRIVATELY, that he was to blame for.

NOT OF DELIBERATE ACTS, please understand - but in misunderstanding, OF INTENT. Read on, i explain...



its been months, and i honestly can't remember who it was, i could probably look it up... but regardless of exactly-who...


THE POINT, being, that i STILL acknowledge this, and STILL OFFER the acknowledgement, on behalf of all FAIR minded / honourable Utopians , especially those who noticed how it started, and who are not represented in the main pages / aggro-defensive rooms in our main pages, as well as those who tried to, but did not HAVE A CONTROLLING-POSITION , in what gets put into the main pages every week, nor for which language gets used about other powers**.**


and i wish we could SET ASIDE the cautions we have , for however-long we might need to, for common-interest / common-security.



this is not a agreed-upon proposition being brought by-me, at all... its just what seems like a good idea, considering the circumstances ;

1 the Thargoids proximity, especially to your outer worlds

2 the essentially accidental start, to the conflict that was in no way (i assume) planned or schemed over...


the pilot admitted he should not have attacked a LYR agent INSIDE your space,..

i think i quoted-posted, what he said in full, on your page, at the time - that he got a bit lost, and forgot where he was exactly...


something like that if i remember correctly.

essentially having not been ...paying attention..., and assuming he was still WITHIN, Utopia.

personally, i don't kill Sirius corp agents unless they've a significant bounty on their heads ALL the time, regardless of where...



but its understandable, if he simply got lost.


that,.. is something that is honest enough, and accidental enough, that i think we can ALL agree on, was not deliberate,.. was not premeditated on the part of Utopia, or at least that is what he claimed. there was no active, OPEN, plans against you, at the time, that's for sure ( i checked what was going on between us at the time) ...

this particular conflict happened AFTER his infringement, GOT DESCRIBED, as something OF, Utopia.


OF, our decision making.


So a little blame is also to goto whoever described it AS, deliberate, also.

If you guys can acknowledge that, then im sure we can formally acknowledge that the first mis-deed was 'ours'.




if you assume similar to what some of Utopia assumed , when some of you responded to his attack, and did a bit of undermining at the time...

and if we continue to assume similar, of what you assumed of what his mistake was,..



we'll keep going around in circles, CONTINUING to 'know' , that the other is wrong.

whereas from where im standing, as the person who has, and should continue to speak FOR, this mistake maker...


you'd / we'd BOTH be wrong... LYR,.. AND, Utopia.


and yes, i say that as a part of it!


so ... *sigh* ... lets get beyond this temporary both-ways assumption fuck-up, yeah?

as in, the-situation-is-a- ... not,.. you-caused-a-


so i suggest a preliminary agreement between LYR leaders and Utopia's , even though, as i said, i am not representing some internal group.




as the person who RECEIVED, the admission, of my fellow Utopian, whoever it was...


i cannot stay silent on this until we are resolved, until we can realise that we have more in common working together than against, considering the powers around us.

Cannot just accept our Utopian leaders' ongoing turning a blind eye to the real cause of it, when i had made it clear to them, as well.

Not ALL their fault... don't get too self-righteous... heh heh. you guys did some damage too, eh?

not saying it wasn't in retaliation, eventually, but its still damage done, from a ; leadership-responding-to-attacks, sort of perspective. can't blame Utopian leadership for seeing the damage done as something to be concerned about.



there's been enough justifications of acts... its time to REALISE it was started by an accidental-spark,

not a slash and burn organised plan.





[11:57] Vurrath: are we still undermining LYR ? as in... is this still needed?

[11:57] Vurrath: " Top Secret:

...to defend against LYR's mad weaponised expansion antics.

...or to take it to the next level of naughtiness if the fancy takes us. "


[11:57] Vurrath: fancy?

[11:58] Vurrath: responding to attacks, especially if they're counter-attacks, is NOT , something of fancy, and nor should we dissmiss things that get in the way of one of our best if not the best, indipendent of the major powers neighbour.

[11:59] Vurrath: i can understand / appreciate the encouragement for the response, but one of the things about knowing that to say " but he started it" , is that if you THINK ... they did, then you can end up adding to the snowball or bandwagon, instead of stopping it

[12:02] Vurrath: as i remember it, a individual UTOPIAN, not LYR, pilot, was responsible for the initial aggression, after choosing to undermine LYR control systems, after being killed for attacking / interdicting a LYR AGENT - ie, seqeunce of events ; #1# they attacked/interdicted a LYR agent, in LYR space,.. got killed by a player because of it... #2# ... they decided, completely against Utopian policy / dictation/instruction / norms of hot-tos of relationships... decided to start undermining one of their CSyss... and then FROM there ... #3# ... we started pig-ignorantly, started calling their RESPONSE, to the individual member, aggression.

[12:02] Vurrath: well it might've been organised, but that was because we had had a loose cannon, WHICH WE APOLOGISED FOR, and admitted fault, from

[12:02] Vurrath: we did not deny the claim, AT THE TIME.

[12:03] Vurrath: why has this become CALLING their punishment to us, "aggression"

[12:03] Vurrath: it might be disproportionate to the size and cause, i would not defend it absolutely, not say they did not do TOO MUCH, in reply...

[12:03] Vurrath: but to call it aggression, is a bit of a simplification -

[12:04] Vurrath: we should still be apologetic for the initial acts of the SINGLE Utopian pilot, and STILL, be emphasising , that it was not of any planned action

[12:04] Vurrath: ...

[12:04] Vurrath: ...

[12:04] Vurrath: how do i know all this?


[12:04] Vurrath: the Utopian pilot, i mean

[12:04] Vurrath: :angry:

[12:04] Vurrath: who has done this?

[12:05] Vurrath: the name-calling of LYR, i mean. NOT happy.

[12:05] Vurrath: who makes this page?

[12:05] Vurrath: memories are short.

08:45 UTC


Signing on with Sirius

Newer player here, I signed on with LYR earlier this afternoon. In Sirius @ Patterson with an A class Chieftain, & a Diamondback Explorer, as well as a decked trading Python at my disposal. All unengineered thus far, sadly. Never messed with PP before now. On Xbox One.

1 Comment
06:00 UTC


Sirius Corp Announces Expansion

23 MAR 3304

The Sirius Corporation has announced that it will be expanding its presence at two locations just outside the core systems.

A spokesperson for Sirius made this statement:

“For some time now, the amount of traffic passing through both the Ceos and Sothis systems has been steadily increasing. Naturally, we are keen to ensure that all pilots have access to essential services.”

“To this end, we are in the process of building several new starports and settlements in these systems, as well as several megaships. These will support Ceos and Sothis’s residents and visitors, and provide pilots with the high standard of services that they have come to expect from Sirius Corp.”


10:26 UTC

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