Mae'r is-reddit yma i'r Cymry, ond mae croeso i bobl eraill ymweld a postio! / This subreddit is for the Welsh, but other people are welcome to view and post!
[Feel free to post in English if you have any questions about learning Welsh, if you wish to learn a Welsh phrase etc. Otherwise please keep this subreddit to Welsh]
Ydych chi'n chwilio am sgyrsiau Cymraeg?
Ydych chi eisiau rhywle i ymarfer?
Ydych chi am ddysgu'r iaith?
Tanysgrifwch i /r/cymru a siaradwch â ni!
Gwybodaeth Gyffredinol / General Information :
Am fwy o Reddit Cymraeg, ewch i /r/Wales (am sgyrsiau Saesneg).
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Am wyddoniadur Cymraeg, ewch i Wicipedia.
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Am ysbrydoliaeth ar iaith greadigol, ewch i Y Rhegiadur [AAYG]
Wefan 'adloniant', Y Celwyddionadur
(Os oes gennych unrhyw argymhellion, anfonwch e-bost i'r safonwr.)
Defnyddiwch y talfyriad [AAYG] (Anaddas Am Y Gweithle) am bostiau 'cryf', os gwelwch yn dda.
Hello All!
So, I have been tracing my family tree and have hit some Welsh lines waaaaay back, whether it's accurate or not who knows but it's fun looking at the names!
I've come across some very strange names like Arddyn "The Wing Headed" Benasgel.
I have others which I can imagine what it means white shanks for instance sounds as though he either had very white legs or wore white trousers but I can't imagine what wing headed could even mean?!
Is there some sort of colloquialism I am missing? Does it mean something else in Welsh?
Fel Cymraes ifanc, dwi'n chwilio am ryw fath o gyngor i wneud hefo sut i ddelio hefo sefyllfa Cymru heddiw a teimlo fel does 'na ddim gobaith iddo fo wella. Wnes i ddarllen llyfr yn ddiweddar am hanesion merchaid o'r 70au yn protestio arwyddion uniaith Saesneg(a pethau eraill oedd yn digwydd yr un pryd) ac roeddent yn sôn ei fod o'n deimlad unig i fod yn genedlaetholwr. Roeddwn i'n gweld o'n od ond cysurus fy mod i'n cysylltu hefo'r ffordd roedden nhw'n teimlo ar y pryd. Dwi hefo gymaint o angerdd tuag at y pwnc ac mae'n effeithio pob dim yn fy mywyd. Dwi wastad wedi teimlo pethau yn ddyfn ac wedi dysgu am hanes Cymru ers yn ifanc iawn- Mae 'na gymaint o anghyfiawnder, mae'n achosi lot o deimladau cymhleth ac weithiau'n crio dros y peth. Yn fy ardal i, mae'n Gymreigaidd iawn ond os rydw i'n mynd i'r ardal drws nesaf, mae'n Seisneigaidd uffernol ac yn teimlo fel sioc diwylliannol pob tro. Dwi'n gweld o'n anheg bod pobl Cymraeg sydd wedi tyfu heb yr iaith yn beio pobl Cymraeg am isio achub yr iaith a'r diwylliant, etc. Ydw i'n edrych i fewn i'r sefyllfa yn ormodol? Gweld pob dim yn anheg ac isio sefyllfa gwell i bobl Cymraeg ond methu neud ddim byd amdano fo. Rhywun yn teimlo'n debyg neu'n gallu rhoi cyngor sut i ddelio hefo fo?
TLDR: Adventure Park Snowdonia in Dolgarrog has always had a softplay (which was arguably the most successful part of the business..). It's new owners, Global Shred Ventures Limited, have decided to rip that out as they turn the site into a "Snowtunnel". The softplay was one of the few things the site offered to locals and there's no real reason it couldn't be continued. Sign the linked petition to support keeping it!
Mae'n ddrwg gen i am dim sgwenni yn Gymraeg. Dw i dal yn ddysgu!
I'm getting a D&D related gift for my bf and I want to get an inscription on it.
His family has welsh heritage and he likes using welsh names/words in things. I want to inscribe "<His name> the Dungeon Master" in it, but want to get the translation correct (since I can't edit it later realistically).
I currently have "<His name< y Meistr Dwnsiwn" (which is what comes out of google translate). I've also seen "daeargell" for dungeon. I'm also not 100% if that's how you structure an honorific (I tried looking at people with famous honorifics like Vlad the Impaler and Richard the Lionheart, but couldn't find anything useful).
Any help is appreciated!