
Photograph via snooOG

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This is an unofficial place for people to discuss the University of Colorado Boulder, ask questions about the university, meet other Buffalo, stay informed about relevant campus issues, and post anything you think Buffs might appreciate or need to know.


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Math 1112

Hi! I’m currently taking Math 1112 in the online section and am struggling a bit. I feel like the lecture videos don’t really explain how to set up the Excel Sheet properly.

Is anyone else taking it online? What resources do you use to make your Excel Sheet? And is there a GroupMe or anything, or any helpful YouTube Videos?

08:31 UTC


Imagine thinking

Imagine thinking your tuition goes to paying coach primes salary.

Imagine complaining about athletes making money, while you a broke person, doesn’t work to increase their societal value.

You all cry, without doing research, wanting to be so right.

Classic CU Boulder students. Brainless, thinking they are doing good, when I’m reality you are doing the opposite.

PS. Palestinians should go back home to Syria Egypt and Jordan. Also we should increase fracking and off shore oil drilling.

If you don’t support oil you support deforestation and mass whale killing.

05:32 UTC


Can I live off-campus as a freshman transfer student?

Hi, I’m a freshman, and I’ll be transferring from another school to CU in spring ‘25. I am looking at off-campus housing, but I have heard that all freshman have to live on campus. Is this true for transfer students as well?

23:37 UTC


Looking for someone in need of housing Spring 2025!

Need somewhere to live this spring? I need to sublease my apartment this spring, so hit me up if you’re interested! Beautiful apartment literally right next to campus, beautiful spacious unit with a great kitchen, parking garage, and great roommates!

Details: The Lotus Apartments Rent: ~$1700 (most utilities included except electric, which only ends up being around $20)

Let me know if you’re interested or if you have any questions!

20:51 UTC


Will I get into CU Boulder with these stats? (Mechanical/Computer Engineering)

Hi everyone, I'm a senior in Georgia and I'm getting worried whether or not I'm gonna get into CU Boulder. My main concern comes because of my SAT. I'm gonna take my second SAT on Nov 2nd(was gonna take it this saturday but it got canceled bc of the biolab explosion) and I've taken 2 practice tests so far and my scores have been between 1050-1150 in those two. I'm not a good test taker as you can see. My first real sat score was a 1010(awful i know). I'm going to try my best this Saturday but if i dont get at least close to like a 1200, i think i might just do test optional for the application.

I have a 3.7 weighted GPA and 3.6 unweighted. I'm taking 5 AP classes right now and by the time i graduate, that'd be 11 total ap classes taken in high school. Tbh I've scored mostly 2's in the tests I've taken so far but i have hopes I'll do better in these 5. I'm a first generation student. I'm puerto rican and i moved to the states in 2017 after hurricane maria without knowing any english. Now people can barely tell english isnt my first language. I speak both spanish and english fluently. I've done varsity soccer my freshman year and this year i'm doing jv/varsity wrestling full time. I've been involved in FFA, FBLA, TSA, HOPE, spanish and math club throughout high school (not at the same time obv). I've been A/B Honor Roll all three years so far and i believe i can all A's Honor roll if i keep my grade in ap calc as it is now.

If anyone could give me their full honest opinion about my situation I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

20:40 UTC


looking for bassist for band

as the title says, my band is looking for a bassist to play with us, and hopefully in future shows too. the music we play is just originals for now, and they’re midwest emo inspired/punk genre. it’s a band of three 20 yr olds, a drummer and two guitarist with one singing. we are hoping to play a small house show on halloween weekend, and would love to also just in general add a bassist to the band. please dm if interested or if you know anyone interested! were in the northish boulder area.

06:01 UTC


Housing in Boulder as a sophomore.

Hey, I’m a freshman this year at cu Boulder and my friends and others in my hall are talking about housing next year like it’s scarce. So I’m curious how much housing is available for sophomores on campus and if sharing with friends would it be cheaper to rent a house or apartment off campus.

01:29 UTC


How do i find people to go skiing with?

So basically this is it, i just don't have any friends who ski, not to mention that i don't have friends here at all, but i rlly want to go skiing this winter so what do i do 😕

23:43 UTC


Russian Lit Book Club!


A friend and I have recently started a Russian Lit. Book club that meets every couple of weeks here in Boulder!

I thought this might be a good place to find a few more members! All experience levels are welcome!

Join the Whatsapp below if you are interested! https://chat.whatsapp.com/GFkW8etKQIIEfXxyXZL5gI

20:32 UTC


Anywhere I can actually take a nap?

Sometimes I just need a nap in the middle of the day cause I stayed up all night studying, but I so far have not found an acceptable spot to actually lay down and sleep uninterrupted.

And tips? I am sleepy.

19:07 UTC


Admission chances?

Im a junior in high school and I've decided I probably want to go to boulder. I have a 3.7 gpa heading into this year and I'm taking 3 APs this year (calc, lang, cs) and 3-4 next year (psych, es, stats, maybe one more). For extracurriculars, I play soccer at a recreational level (we've made state semi finals the last 2 years but it's rec so it doesn't mean much) and I'm going to get a job either later this year or over the summer. How many more extracurriculars do you think I need and how helpful would national honors society be?

01:30 UTC


Recording of Panel Discussion on Student AI Use at CU

18:52 UTC



Hello, I am interested in getting a PHD in HCI and was wondering how much of a coding/engineering experience I needed to have in order to apply to ATLAS? I have been working as a graphic designer (what I studied in B.A. as well).


1 Comment
18:21 UTC


Online classes

I am a freshman trying to plan out my spring semester. Is it worth taking an online class? I heard that you have to pay additional tuition for these classes, is that true?

05:35 UTC


What is that smell?

Stinky everywhere in boulder today

21:19 UTC


Freshman Off Campus Living

After a bit of research it seems like CU Boulder is strict on freshman living off campus. I'll hopefully be starting fall '25 at 18, and my gf transferring from a separate college going into sophmore year. Does anyone know how best to go abt this? How can we get permission from the school to live off campus?

20:10 UTC


Cu Transfer Admissions Counselor


I’m a prospective spring 2025 transfer student. I applied to Cu 3 weeks ago and recently a notification got added to my checklist saying contact your admissions counselor. So I did but the appointment is over 2 weeks away. I will not get a decision until after this meeting. This is somewhat stressing me out in reaching out on here to see if anyone had to have this mandatory meeting and what it was about?

18:42 UTC


Will I get in to Leeds ?

I have recently become really interested in CU boulder. I specifically want to study business. I understand Leeds has become quite competitive. I would like everyone’s opinion on whether I have a chance to get in or not. Here is what I will submit with

  1. 3.9 weighted
  2. DECA and FBLA throughout high school
  3. Part time jobs all of high school
  4. I started a sustainable clothing business
  5. Test optional
  6. Honors and AP throughout high school
  7. Track and field
  8. Legacy student

I know the gpa average is much higher than what I have here. What do you all think?

15:37 UTC


Halloweekend question

My GF and I are not from Boulder and her best friend is in school there. They have been planning for us to go visit for Halloweekend but she is not sure when everyone is celebrating. We are all older and her friend is in grad school so parties are not our speed. When is everyone going out to bars and dressing up? Is it the weekend before or after? Thanks!!!

06:42 UTC


2nd year engineering student seeking advice

I am currently in my sophomore year of aerospace engineering here at CU, and as stated in the title, I could use some help. After completing my freshman year here, I realized just how streamlined the aerospace department is for defense-contracting work, which is something I really wish to avoid. I know that there are non-defense jobs in aero, but I seem to mostly only hear of people finding success in government contracting. I could really see myself having passion within the mechanical engineering program here, and I think my current credits would transfer nicely, but I’m a bit hesitant to swap majors given just how good the aerospace department is here. Has anybody been in a similar position here? Would it be worth it to try and double major Aero and Mechanical, or should I fully swap majors? Thanks to any and all who respond

01:26 UTC


How is EE here?

I’m wondering on if I should go here for college for electrical engineering. I’m from Texas and think it’s a really nice place. Also considering Texas a&m

01:15 UTC


One Credit or Quarter Courses at CU Boulder

I'm looking to transfer out in the spring, but realized I'm one credit behind. Does anyone know of any one-credit courses or quarter long courses I could get into? Alternatively, is there a way for me to get into any classes this late in the semester? Any advice is so appreciated. Thank you!!

22:12 UTC


Biological vs. Biomedical Engineering Grad Program

Hi, CU! I'm looking for application advice, as the emails I sent to both departments a couple weeks ago have sadly gone unanswered.

I am interested in joining a tissue engineering lab, and thus I would like to apply to both programs. Any of y'all have experience with this? I am curious if I actually need to submit two applications. Professors in regenerative biology labs at the BioFrontiers Institute seem to fall on both sides. Thx!

21:30 UTC


To the one who fcking took my Amazon package

If the said person reads this, I hope karma will hit u like ur dad u never have. Please return it back. God knows who did it, and will punish u for doing so.

04:15 UTC


CU beats UCF 48-21

00:12 UTC


How to meet people

Hello yall. What’s the best way to meet people and get out if not in Greek life. It’s been hard so far so just looking for some opinions.

23:00 UTC


Who do you email to switch rooms/file a roommate complaint?

One of my long term friends lives in bear creek will vill and their roommate is absolutely vile. It has gone on too long and reached a breaking point of disgust that I dare not utter for the more squeamish people who may read this (bodily fluids/waste), but the point is, the roommate is a legitimate health hazard on top of being disgusting at this point and I want to help my friend know who to email about this problem in order to switch rooms.

Obviously the RA should be emailed, but who else? Is there any chance they wouldn’t be able to switch rooms after this? How do I ensure I can get my friend out of this environment? Any help is appreciated

20:43 UTC


Meeting with admissions counselor

I checked my admissions checklist this morning and it said I needed to contact my admissions counselor because they are seeking additional information. Has anyone had this before? If so how do I prepare?

17:13 UTC


What to expect as an incoming (not so smart) first year student

Hello everyone, I am a senior that lives in Kansas (17M) who is interested in the architecture majors and programs. I plan to apply to many scholarships and I already have my college essay finished. I have a 2.9 GPA but my grades are good this year and i'm anxious for the new semester GPA updates. I'm taking 4 AP classes, all of which I have decent grades in. I am aware my GPA is poor but I plan to study hard for the ACT test along with continuing to maintain good grades.

I feel pressured to apply now to get everything done but I want to get my grades and test scores up first. I am somewhat concerned about it, what should my strategy be? I am also keeping in touch with my counselor about any concerns that I have.

(I also have participated in advanced orchestra and music related activities for all 4 years of highschool, how effective will this be on my transcript?)

00:38 UTC


CU Denver Walking Tour

00:34 UTC

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