
Photograph via //r/comic_crits

The mission of /r/Comic_Crits is to provide holistic feedback to comic creators based on the understanding that a comic is not just 'writing plus art', but rather a unique combination of both, bound together with elements of graphic design, layout, timing, 'cinematography,' and more.

Remember: Don't downvote "bad" comics (they need feedback the most)


The mission of /r/Comic_Crits is to provide holistic feedback to comic creators based on the understanding that a comic is not just 'writing plus art', but rather a unique combination of both, bound together with elements of graphic design, layout, timing, 'cinematography,' and more.


  • Original sequential art that you would like feedback on (i.e. more than one panel unless that is the entire comic)

  • Original scripts for sequential art

  • Comic art with appropriate context (see rules)

  • Anything else related to making comics will be accepted in proportion to original work (e.g. tools, tutorials, blogs or discussion about making comics, etc.)


  • Be civil

  • Mark NSFW submissions and comments

  • Site-wide rules apply. This includes

  • Context is required for anything other than sequential art. This includes, but is not limited to: single panels, covers, character designs, pin-ups, etc. At minimum, 'Context' should include some information about the setting and genre of your story, and what role your character/technology/landscape/etc plays in the story. More information.

  • No spam-like behavior. Some posts tread the line between content and spam. For example, Kickstarters can be part of a legitimate comic project, but if you don't participate in the community, and you're just doing a drive-by to ask for money, that looks like spam. To prevent your post from getting removed, indicate in your post title that you are looking for feedback on your work.

  • Avoid aggressive posting. It is helpful to remember that this sub is populated by your peers. Although they may organically become your fans or followers, their role here is to provide constructive criticism as a fellow comic-creator. This is not the appropriate place to ask for "likes" or "follows", or to provide page-by-page updates to your fans. In general, please try to limit your posts to approximately once every two weeks. Reasonable exceptions, such as a second post to show a revised page based on feedback, are fine. More information.


    • Please don't downvote "bad" comics. They need feedback the most.

    • Remember that the purpose of this subreddit is to give constructive criticism, not just blind praise (or insults). Please endeavor to write top-level comments with at least 50-100 characters of content. More information.


    • Link directly to your comic. As opposed to your blog homepage or other site sections.

    • Link to what you want feedback on. The most recent page if you're most concerned with art, or the first page or start of the chapter if you want feedback on the whole story arc.

    • Respond to questions and comments. Even if you don't agree with the feedback you receive. It's an important courtesy to acknowledge the individuals who take time to review your work.

    • Provide feedback to other creators! Responding to feedback in your own thread is the bare minimum of effort expected. This community only functions if people are willing to give as well as receive feedback.


    • You can self-assign link flair after making your post.

    • You can self-assign basic user flair from the sidebar.

    • Use modmail to request custom creator flair.


    • You may be caught in the spam filter. Use modmail to get rescued from the filter.


    Visit the Wiki for resources on making and publishing comics. Pages include:

    • Books and Articles: includes links to resources on how to make comics, how to draw, how to publish online, how to print DIY, where to find fonts, etc.

    • Website Design Tips: includes advice on how to design your own website or customize a pre-packaged solution.

    • Writing Tips: includes advice on how to assess your own writing, punch up your jokes, and find your "voice."

    • Comic Design & Layout: includes advice on how to layout your scenes so that the reader can follow them clearly.

    • Publishing and Business Plans: includes advice on how to decide on web vs. print and whether to run a Kickstarter.

    • Understanding of "Comics": includes definitions of "Comics" by Scott McCloud & Will Eisner.

    • How to Critique: includes tips on how to develop and write a critique (mainly focused on critiquing writing).



    Related subreddits:


    By /u/Redfoxyboy (www.winstongambro.com)


    10,334 Subscribers


    Cover for a comic I am working on. First 7 pages currently out. Feedback is welcomed

    00:30 UTC


    I need some feedback on this page: how to make it look more pro less amateur

    Even though I think I got the manga design right and there's nothing particularly wrong with the drawing, this page seems (to me at least) very amateur and lacks that something that pro works have. But I can't figure out what that is... :S

    Any help and feedback and criticism is much much appreciated!


    10:56 UTC


    Writing buddy! You there?

    Let’s re-write each other’s work! Mine is a comedy about a group of kids in a small southern town. They go an adventures through the day and shenanigans at night through the power of dreams! Their bodies never leave their beds as they explore dreamland. Full of colorful creatures and home to their imaginary friends! It’s 18+ so need my buddy to be as well!





    • Genre/s: comedy/horror/drama/fantasy
    • Goals/expectations/commitment: check in once a week.
    • Writing/experience level: newbie
    • Meeting place: Discord
    1 Comment
    21:55 UTC


    A short novella — largely unread

    Hi. I wrote this short story a while back, but it ended up being put away and pretty much unread by anybody. Now I’ve decided to just dust it off and try putting it out there to see what people think.

    It’s been quite a while, so I know what flaws I see in it with hindsight. But I don’t know how others might see it. I hope at the very least people find it interesting.

    So here it is, in all its overwhelmingly purple glory.

    (Had to split it into two posts.)

    Part 1:


    Part 2:


    11:04 UTC


    I’m going to add dialogue to but I’m curious as to what you think is happening on this page?

    Sequential art is SUPER new to me. I’ve been reading comic books my entire life but I’ve never actually put pen to paper to make a story so I just want to see if I’m conveying what I trying to visually.

    And should I keep or remove the speed lines on his little run? He’s not the Flash lol

    08:56 UTC


    Looking for crits and feedback, Millennial Scarlet

    Hey all, I'm Shane and I just figured I'd post my webtoon here and see what kind of critiques I can get. I'm new to the webtoon space and while I've done a few comics before this I'm always looking to improve. I handle the art side and the writing is done by a talented fellow named Alexander Wales.

    I keep the updates as quick as I can, so it's 2 'parts' a week, which basically works out to 2 long normal sized comic pages a week. Trying to strike that balance of constant updates with decent quality as I post on Patreon as well as a bunch of comic sites. Let me know what you guys think though and what you'd suggest!



    19:15 UTC


    Seeking Feedback For My Webcomic

    Soooo, phew, where do I even start. Uh, i've been a artist pretty much all my life, long as I can remember. I suppse ive been trying to make summin of it more the last decade at the very least. I dunno how anything gets noticed but I suppose the main thing is DRAW.

    Seems it'd be a good idea to get some feedback on my works also. Any tips on self promotion would also be good. I certainly could use support in the form of patrons

    I know my earlier art isent as good so ^^' But I also know its improved a lot since the first chapter.

    The idea of this series is like those old saturday morning cartoons.


    1 Comment
    11:38 UTC


    Could someone cirque my 2 comics?

    https://www.webtoons.com/creator/_2bm4h (There's my profile link) Hello! I'm a new webcomic artist and I have two comics up on webtoon "Actor Club" and "I fell in love with a siren" if anyone could read them and perhaps critique? (I want Mostly critiques for the story)

    1 Comment
    23:09 UTC


    Practice Script Feedback - Cyber Ninja

    I’d love feedback on this 24 page first issue script I wrote up. For a whole bunch of reasons this isn’t a book I expect to ever get made; I did it for fun and practice. The link below is the whole issue.


    24 pages is a lot, so I also have just the opening beats you can check out the next link.


    I’m pretty much brand new to this, so any feedback would be great. Specific look-fors:

    1. How’s the pacing feel?
    2. What do artists think about the amount/type of detail in there?
    3. What common pitfalls am I falling into?


    Mirai Ninja (called Cyber Ninja in the US) is a video game adaptation movie from 1988 about a robot ninja deserting the evil cyborgs and rescuing a princess from being a human sacrifice that will bring back the demonic Dark Overlord. It has this odd mashup of Feudal era Japanese and futuristic aesthetics, such as the bad guys having a vehicle that’s like a wooden shack on AT-ST legs. There’s a lot of magic and myth mixed into the sci-fi.

    It’s a pretty flawed and messy movie with elements that I thought were cool and had potential. I found myself wanting to read a long-running comic that expands and reworks the story from the movie and game, but that doesn’t exist and probably won’t ever exist, so I wrote this script to get some of those ideas out.

    I started with Dark Horse’s script formatting guidelines (that's a PDF download), but made some of my own changes, especially after discovering that their sample script (another PDF download) didn’t follow those guidelines. It also has been shared with friends not in the comic creation space, so that’s why some of the explanation comments are in there.


    20:17 UTC


    What do you think of my artstyle? How can I improve it?

    21:46 UTC


    Where should I upload my weekly graphic novel?

    Okay so I've got a weekly releasing graphic I'm planning to upload, but I'm not sure where the best place to publish is? I want to have a nice interface, but I also want good traffic for people to come and view my story.

    20:57 UTC


    I’m thinking of making my boyfriend a comic for Christmas and was wondering if anybody has any advice, tips or ideas :)

    I’m thinking of making a comic for my boyfriend for Christmas and want to get a head start. I know he enjoys comics and one artist he’s followed on Instagram he really likes and has even gotten me into is pet_foolery. I thought it could be a cool idea and that he’d like it. However, my only experience with this sort of thing is I used to make short comics using stick figures in junior high. I love art, though and have done lots of art the old-fashioned way and digitally. I was wondering if anybody has any tips when it comes to making comics for beginners. I probably will do it digitally but am hoping not to spend a ton of money on software.

    I'm still in the very early planning stages but currently, my two main ideas are doing mini-stories from our relationship or making up a story starring both of our dogs and our bird.

    Any advice, tips, ideas for the story, feedback or literally anything is greatly appreciated! :)

    17:46 UTC


    Any crits before I work on it more tomorrow?

    04:38 UTC


    Masks: A superhero and mental health story could receive some feedback.

    Hey everyone,

    Name is Carlos, I am a psychologist and comic book author. Last year I started working on this project; a superhero story called Masks focusing on mental health, personal growth & development.

    Through Masks we accompany Danielle, a former superhero who retired after failing to save her sister; now, 10 years later, she is struggling to move on and find her way in life.

    This story combines action, adventure, drama, and slice of life. I'd love to receive some feedback (we always take it to heart), to see what we can do better. Below are the links to where the comic is published for free.

    Webtoon and Tapas.

    We are planning on working on a crowdfunding campaign for Zoop, so that we can share the story with a wider public, plus having a physical copy of the comic can feel more personal.

    1 Comment
    02:24 UTC


    Giveaway! Win my 150+ page Graphic Novel

    21:36 UTC


    Mr. Pill Poppers Penguins

    1 Comment
    00:03 UTC

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