The mission of /r/Comic_Crits is to provide holistic feedback to comic creators based on the understanding that a comic is not just 'writing plus art', but rather a unique combination of both, bound together with elements of graphic design, layout, timing, 'cinematography,' and more.
The mission of /r/Comic_Crits is to provide holistic feedback to comic creators based on the understanding that a comic is not just 'writing plus art', but rather a unique combination of both, bound together with elements of graphic design, layout, timing, 'cinematography,' and more.
Original sequential art that you would like feedback on (i.e. more than one panel unless that is the entire comic)
Original scripts for sequential art
Comic art with appropriate context (see rules)
Anything else related to making comics will be accepted in proportion to original work (e.g. tools, tutorials, blogs or discussion about making comics, etc.)
Be civil
Mark NSFW submissions and comments
Site-wide rules apply. This includes
Context is required for anything other than sequential art. This includes, but is not limited to: single panels, covers, character designs, pin-ups, etc. At minimum, 'Context' should include some information about the setting and genre of your story, and what role your character/technology/landscape/etc plays in the story. More information.
No spam-like behavior. Some posts tread the line between content and spam. For example, Kickstarters can be part of a legitimate comic project, but if you don't participate in the community, and you're just doing a drive-by to ask for money, that looks like spam. To prevent your post from getting removed, indicate in your post title that you are looking for feedback on your work.
Avoid aggressive posting. It is helpful to remember that this sub is populated by your peers. Although they may organically become your fans or followers, their role here is to provide constructive criticism as a fellow comic-creator. This is not the appropriate place to ask for "likes" or "follows", or to provide page-by-page updates to your fans. In general, please try to limit your posts to approximately once every two weeks. Reasonable exceptions, such as a second post to show a revised page based on feedback, are fine. More information.
Please don't downvote "bad" comics. They need feedback the most.
Remember that the purpose of this subreddit is to give constructive criticism, not just blind praise (or insults). Please endeavor to write top-level comments with at least 50-100 characters of content. More information.
Link directly to your comic. As opposed to your blog homepage or other site sections.
Link to what you want feedback on. The most recent page if you're most concerned with art, or the first page or start of the chapter if you want feedback on the whole story arc.
Respond to questions and comments. Even if you don't agree with the feedback you receive. It's an important courtesy to acknowledge the individuals who take time to review your work.
Provide feedback to other creators! Responding to feedback in your own thread is the bare minimum of effort expected. This community only functions if people are willing to give as well as receive feedback.
You can self-assign link flair after making your post.
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Use modmail to request custom creator flair.
Visit the Wiki for resources on making and publishing comics. Pages include:
Books and Articles: includes links to resources on how to make comics, how to draw, how to publish online, how to print DIY, where to find fonts, etc.
Website Design Tips: includes advice on how to design your own website or customize a pre-packaged solution.
Writing Tips: includes advice on how to assess your own writing, punch up your jokes, and find your "voice."
Comic Design & Layout: includes advice on how to layout your scenes so that the reader can follow them clearly.
Publishing and Business Plans: includes advice on how to decide on web vs. print and whether to run a Kickstarter.
Understanding of "Comics": includes definitions of "Comics" by Scott McCloud & Will Eisner.
How to Critique: includes tips on how to develop and write a critique (mainly focused on critiquing writing).
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By /u/Redfoxyboy (www.winstongambro.com)
Hi everyone! My friend and I have started a web comic and we're kind of lost on how to promote it. For the comic itself, we've done everything right...or at least we have processes in place that work for us. We have characters, plot direction, several weeks worth of back up comics, schedule, etc. The problem is we have no idea how to promote it.
Our comic is about a Sasquatch and a Loch Ness monster who are best friends and have wholesome adventures. We also post original and cute art of other cryptids and have little comics of them as well. Our comic is whimsical, silly, goofy, cute, and wholesome. From what I've seen, that's not exactly the type of comic regularly posted on Webtoon or Tapas, so I don't believe our audience is there.
Right now we are posting on Instagram and Threads, getting low engagement, and BlueSky, getting NO engagement. Neither of us are super social media savvy, but I really want this comic to be successful, I really believe in it, so I'm trying to learn and figure this out.
Does anyone have any tips on how to find our readership, where to post, and how to get engagement? Thanks so much in advance!
Title. Magical slice of life set in a circus/carnival setting. I have this idea of a bigger cast, but centered around an interesting “main girl.” However, I can’t decide if the story should be from her POV (e.g., Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland, Chainsaw Man), or from the POV of a more normal everyman that meets her (e.g. Komi Can’t Communicate, Scott Pilgrim, Sherlock Holmes). I don’t want her to come off as a Mary Sue, but I also want to wrap my mind around writing the story from the POV of who I feel would be a plainer, and, in a way, more boring, character. I guess ideally, Kakegurui comes to mind, in which people often flat-out completely forget about the “narrator” in favor of the characters he comes across like Jabami and most everyone else.
IDK, any way to reconcile all of that? How did you approach it?
Air-Hawk: Everything every critic has ever said about me is true. I’m just someone pretending to be a superhero.
Emilia: People don’t care if you’re pretending.
Air-Hawk: What?
Emilia: It doesn’t matter if you think you’re pretending to be a superhero or you actually feel like one. Either way, people feel safe when you come around. Maybe we’re all new to this, but people don’t care about that. What matters is how we make people feel..
Amir: She’s right. I’ve spent a long time feeling anxious in my own skin. Feeling like I don’t belong. But when we were all fighting together, everything just felt right for a little moment. I felt like I mattered and that we were doing something special.
I know it might be tough to give feedback without context, but I just wanted to see what people thought. This is supposed to be a motivational speech that drives the team for the rest of the story. I just don't feel great about some of the phrasing if anyone else has other ideas
In my comic, I have an idea for a superhero character to give his best friend a watch that he can hail said superhero character with. I know it's the same thing that Superman and Jimmy Olsen have, but I really love the concept and was hoping to use it in my comic as well. I know it's unoriginal, but is it plagiarism?
Basically it takes so much time for this project and I'm not an experienced writer nor practiced a lot before. I want your thoughts on this as I aim for at least a decent plot, any suggestions is okay!
*Note: welp English is my second language so some dialogues might be a bit wonky
This is Bibby! She is a Mariana Trench sailfish, the deepest of all fish.
Story Context: In this universe of Manimalia, animals and humans once were able to speak to each other and animals and humans could switch between humanoid and feral forms. Over time, humans started to see themselves above nature, and started to see animals as just dumb monsters, and so humans lost the ability to be equal with animals. They saw themselves as wise and so permanently humanoid, and animals an lesser beings, so permanently feral. The reason behind all this animal speaking, is Galvani. Galvani is what connects all animals including humans to the first animal and each other. With great mental effort, humans lost the power to use Galvani. (Galvani is named after the founder Galvanism, the outdated idea animals had a special electricity separate from normal electricity that gave them life)
In this lore the animal rumored by all others to have the most Galvani and how to return it to greedy humans in the snail fish. They are called “sea angel” not to be confused with the real animal also called a sea angel. As the main party travels down to the depths for answers to reconnect humans with animals they travel to the bottom of the sea to meet the snail fishes. It turns out, Bibby informs the group that snail fish don’t have special answers or gifts with Galvani, and the only reason this idea spread was because the snail fishes are so physically isolated from the rest of animal kind that the animals above never truly talked to them or knew them.
NOTE: this is concept art so it looks a bit crude and is not fully rendered.
Bibby is named after the internet joke of calling snail fish “Bibby”. This is also to convey a sense of silliness, not the a graceful, supernatural being that we’re rumored to be. They are super tall as humanoids compared to most animals their feral size, as this is a way to show them being angel-like along with their wings and robe. The pink (mainly the heart) is a reference to the jellyfish-like real life animal named the sea angel along with also giving color variety and helping the focal point be on the face with the extra pink, white, and black compared to the mostly all blue white body. The heart is also used to convey a cute innocent little friendly snail fish. Bibby speaks with a higher pitched, bright tone that’s not childlike but conveys a less graceful and more casual tone. She uses a lot of round shapes to convey a sense of being cute and less serious than what you’d expect from a rumored wise and graceful angel. The wing shape reflects the ruffed and spiny fins of a real snail fish and so does the rib like-things around the edges of her chest. Her hands are paw like to convey puppy dog cuteness.
Give me any feedback you can on how I can improve how I convey this character as, cute and silly to contrast the graceful, poised being the main characters thought they would encounter.
Slime concepts for a series of comics I'm working on and hope to publish in the near future
i have been primarily working in firealpaca for going on 8 years now, but i recently discovered that it messes with the colors of my exported images quite badly. it's a mac-specific issue and none of the fixes i've tried work. i've found a workaround that involves photoshop, but it is very inconvenient and i can't fix animated pages.
i'm trying to move to krita, but i am... not a huge fan so far. my current plan is to do lines and lettering in FA and colors in krita, but i would love being able to take care of everything in one program. so, what programs do you guys recommend? preferably stuff that's free or a one-time purchase.
Im mostly making it for myself but now Im curious that if I ever wanted to self publish it, would it even ve allowed to use a comic made from an app? For example the example is taking real photos ive taken and comic effected it. Is that cheating? Do comics have to actually draw by ipad? Im totally new to this world.
hi everyone, I wrote my first ever one shot and was hoping to get some feedback. it is not a script or comic though. its more like a short story right now.
Makoto one shot
Makoto is enjoying her weekend taking a nice walk through the park. Everything seems to be great. Birds chirping, dogs playing with their owners and people having fun together. But not everything is what it seems to be Makoto notices something moving in the bushes on her left. She goes over to take a look and sees a person crawling around in excruciating pain. She wonders how he is still alive like that. But in the middle of her shock, he starts to make noise he wants to say something. “ohh save my daughter and wife from that cursed vile man” she is still confused he tries to say something else “kill the man, he who is known as Igor the shameless” just before his death. She doesn't understand him one bit but she does call an ambulance and police to let them know. She went right home to search up the name the man mentioned but finds nothing. As she plofs down on her couch in frustration. She starts to feel everything tremble and this portal appears in the middle of her room it sucks her in those winds are way too strong for her to resist and gets pulled in. The first thing she heard when she entered that wicked world consumed by evil and darkness was “Welcome Makoto to your end, you shall die here for you have heard my name there.” who is that? she screamed. She was never the patient type. And did not like to be taken as some kind of joke. Luckily for her she was smart enough to understand the voice came from the only building on the whole island and it was Igor. It was a huge lair and she didn't fear it one bit. She got her revolver on her trousers and her longsword in her hands. And wasted no time to get to the lair. As she got closer these vampires started to attack her. But they were no match for her she slashed them up without slowing down her sprint to the lair. And even in the lair she didn't slow down one bit. Once at the big doors Infront of Igor and his generals she kicked the door open. She saw 2 people in a cage probably the daughter and wife of that man. She said to release them. And she was so mad it made her tear up. Igor just laughed he said something. “My beloved brothers you have been great generals but her strength now is big, I order that you all die and give me your strength so I can take care of her.” they were outraged. “But brother we have done so much together and this is not what mom and dad would have done.” “I don't care about mom and dad they were weak, now don't make this any harder than it already is!” he screamed so loud he consumed their souls and turned in this gigantic powerful brute force of strength. He was beyond monster now. He charged at Makoto with his dual wielded great swords connected with chains “Come here girl, and die like everyone else should!” Makoto said nothing but her stare told him how done he was if he came closer. But he could not stop his charge anymore his face transformed to one with shame and fear. Makoto shot him in his leg twice. He fell over right Infront of Makoto. He asked “who are you?” Makoto said “You can call me Star.” right before he died of a heart attack. He never felt such fear before. she took the 2 people home with the use of her magic she could teleport back home and get them to a hospital. And she herself just wanted a relaxing bath to clear her mind. So, she did just that.
Introducing, THE ALLEGIANCE! For years, the world has been protected by the one and only AIR-HAWK. He fights crime, puts villains behind bars, saves cats stuck in trees, etc. But things begin changing when new super-powered characters mysteriously emerge within the twin metropolises of North and South City, expressing their disagreement with many of Air-Hawk’s actions. Will the new champions join Air-Hawk in his heroic journey or clash with him as everyone watches? And who is really pulling the strings of all of this? Questions will be answered, epic battles will ensue, and it all begins in Issue #1 of The Allegiance!
Looking for some feedback on this comic I made a while back. Most of the feedback I’ve gotten has been from people I know, so I would love to get some unbiased feedback from y’all. Feel free to critique anything from the art, to the dialogue, to the layout, anything. I’m currently working on the second book and I just want to make sure I’m improving.
Introducing, THE ALLEGIANCE! For years, the world has been protected by the one and only AIR-HAWK. He fights crime, puts villains behind bars, saves cats stuck in trees, etc. But things are about to change. New super-powered characters mysteriously emerge within the twin metropolises of North and South City, expressing their disagreement with many of Air-Hawk’s actions. Will the new champions join Air-Hawk in his heroic journey or clash with him as everyone watches? And who is really pulling the strings of all of this? Questions will be answered, epic battles will ensue, and it all begins in Issue #1 of The Allegiance!
The script is for 20 comic pages
I'm just looking for general notes. Positive and Constructive. Link in comments if you're interested.