A place for stuff that was supposed to be funny, but isn't
Stuff that was intended to be humorous, but...isn't.
Rule | Description |
Rule 1: Posts Must Fit The Subreddit | All submissions must fit the subreddit and actually be "Stuff that was intended to be humorous, but... isn't.". If it's actually humorous, then it doesn't fit. |
Rule 2: No Advice Animals/Image Macros/Minions. | We define this as an image of a common r/AdviceAnimals character with Impact font. No Minions either. |
Rule 3: No Intentionally Bad Jokes | No posts that feature an intentionally bad joke. This includes "deep fried" images or r/bonehurtingjuice content. The Moderators reserve the right to remove any post we think is intentionally bad. |
Rule 4: No Politics/Social Issues | Submissions that are primarily political or related to social issues are not allowed on r/ComedyCemetery. This includes discussions, news, articles, memes, and any other content that is focused on political or social issues. |
Rule 5: No reposts | No media that has been posted here within 3 months or is in our top 50 posts of all time. Please check the "new" section before posting. |
Rule 6: Ensure Your Post Isn't Off-Topic | A post that is off-topic due to no attempt at humor. This includes political cartoons with no joke, and posting your own jokes. |
Rule 7: Stay Civil | This should go without saying, but have some basic respect for human beings. |
Rule 8: No Memes That Violate A Moratorium | Sometimes we have to instate moratoriums on particular types of memes or creators if they are becoming saturated. This means that we will have a blanket ban on that particular type of meme for a week or possibly more. |
Rule 9: No Content Policy Violations | TOS violations get a lot of negative attention from Reddit and get subs quarantined. Don't do it here. |
Rule 10: Moderator Discretion | The moderators reserve the right to remove any post or comment at our discretion even if it does not break the above rules. |
Important Links | Description |
Official discord | For all kinds of dialogue, oye hoye |
karmadecay.com | Check if your post here has been posted before. |
Our "Be Lyk Bro Wiki" | A wikia page that the community has created that documents the memes of weedbro, and takes it as "lore". |
The way these people tweet is so painfully unfunny
The poor cropping came with the original post. I assume it read as "A person who kills your ills with pills, and later with bills."