
Photograph via snooOG


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18,146 Subscribers


Key Trinity Heroine Hangout

1 Comment
14:43 UTC


Is anyone else irritated by how Clannad is described in this article?

This is about anime which get too much hate:


But….it says Clannad gets flack because it shows two timelines. It completely misses the whole point about the illusory world, Tomoya earning orbs for his good deeds, Kotomi’s explanation, etc, etc. The multiple timelines IS the story of Clannad — otherwise you might as well just fast forward through any scenes of the girl and the robot!

Key’s best storytelling has multiple layers of understanding, be it Clannad, Little Busters, or Summer Pockets. Am I just expecting too much from viewers?

02:39 UTC


Went to my first anime convention in years hoping to find Clannad stuff, found these two. Just thought I'd share lol.

02:06 UTC


dango daikazoku cat meow cover

1 Comment
15:05 UTC


My personal take on the illusory world as an anime only

This may be a whoooole lot of yapping for no reason but I'm taking a stab at it.

So the anime doesn't really answer what the illusory world is EXACTLY and (apparently) neither does the VN and my take isn't exactly the same as everyone elses

My take on it is this:

Firstly: wishes in the world of Clannad is super duper important. The town is 100% a "magical place", that when someone wishes hard enough, those wishes become real (seen with Akio, Misae and the cat).

Secondly: the story itself exists in a loop of sorts. This explains Nagisa and Tomoya's memories of the illusory world, and is not a sign of dimension hopping

Third: the "science" does talk about worlds within worlds and something like parrallel worlds HOWEVER I believe this is less like a multiverse and more that each world exists TOGETHER and not parallel (the science dude explains when the world was created there was a "smaller" world at least in the eng dub)

Fourth: the illusory world transcends time and space (which I think most people know at this point)

Ushios wish when she dies is to live in a world with both Nagisa and tomoya, but obviously she couldn't since nagisa is dead. When she wishes for nagisa to come back (in ep 20/21) she couldn't do it on her own. Hence "I couldn't do it on my own". What her wish COULD do instead was create a pocket dimension of sorts (which we know these kinds of dimensions exist according to that one science dude). Then when Tomoya goes unconscious by Ushios body, he wishes to be with her sending himself into this pocket dimension. It's important to note a single ball of light that grants wishes aren't symbolic a persons entire wish, it's all of em together. Thus why Tomoya is required to recreate the world. Both ushio and tomoya are needed

Now why I call it a loop of sorts is because in order for Ushio to be born she has to have Nagisa and tomoya marry and that's the first timeline. However because the illusory world exists beyond our understanding of time and space the real world still effects the illusory one even though the illusory one only exists by virtue of ushios wish. This is why the ushio in the illusory world was gonna die and how she knew she would. Furthermore it's why nagisa and tomoya has memories of this place, because it existed and effects the real world regardless of when it was created.

Ushio essentially required the plot of Clannad to unfold as it did in order to create and get tomoya into the illusory world to help her complete the wish. The best example of this "existing outside of time" yet still being connected thing is from a different film called Suzume where we see this in action, where the mc meets her younger self in a world connected to the real world yet its not really time travel or dimension hopping, just being this self contained causal loop that makes no real sense by conventional understandings of time.

Why tomoya and nagisa have memories of the place is due to multiple factors. One, tomoya actually visited there, and while it's in his future, that place itself exists outside of time. Additionally Nagisa and tomoya are deeply connected to that place and that's also why nagisa has memories of it without strictly being there.

So what do you guys think? This is the first time I've voiced this so I imagine it comes off alot more convoluted than it should be. Also I don't believe the illness of Nagisa and Ushio are emblematic of the other world (despite its suspicious timing with Ushio in the real world)

And for my final takeaway:

Sanae and Akio are the best parents in fiction period

23:13 UTC


Happy Furukawa Friday

14:00 UTC


Kanon finally coming to steam, for the first time officially translated in english after 25 years!

07:59 UTC


Tomoyo Thursday #304 - Light colours piano covers (more in the comments)

18:52 UTC


Is it worth watching the anime if my SO knows this spoiler?

I played the VN and my SO caught some parts of it. She knows that Nagisa dies but nothing really else.

I finished the VN months ago so perhaps if I wait more she'll forget that spoiler...

06:52 UTC


Just Finished an Orchestral Version of Clannad’s 'Roaring Tides' – Would Love Your Feedback!

16:05 UTC


Favorite part of the story?

What's your favorite part of the Clannad story, and who is your best girl?

Kotomis arc is my fav in the first season. It hits me every time. Especially when she reveals how she knew Tomoya all along.

Also when cleaning Kotomi's yard, Tomoya mentions that he has a part time job. Is this ever explained in the anime, or was he making money from the Furukawa bakery that early in the series?





22:09 UTC


Tomoyo Tuesday #303

20:48 UTC


Happy birthday Kotomi Ichinose

14:49 UTC


Happy mother's day Sanae Furukawa !

17:53 UTC


Ushio and Nagisa pixel animation (by 随枫而去~附窗子)

1 Comment
15:12 UTC


Happy Mother’s Day to Nagisa and Sanae

13:19 UTC


I made an AMV video that reminds me why Clannad is deeply sad to me... 🥹

08:48 UTC


Clannad is too good of an anime - I need reccomendations

So, when I was in high school, I'm now in my mid 20s now, I was very into anime. Clannad is and probably forever will be my favourite. I really had an urge to rewatch Clannad and my partner said he would give it ago, he's the same age as me and he had never watched anime before.

WELL, he LOVED it! He loved the humour of the first season and was actually crying with laughter and the second season he was well just crying, as you should at clannad. He nearly refused to watch anymore when the big incident happened because he couldn't cope with it but I basically begged him to keep watching without telling him the ending - he was obviously happy to have seen the whole thing but now he compares every anime to clannad and thinks its not as good 😂 Which is fair because Clannad is amazing but I'm worried I maybe introduced him to god-tier level anime too soon.

Now he wants to see more anime like clannad, I did get him to watch Chobits and he also really liked that, I think the humour was the same. He likes attractive art styles, he likes chobits art because he likes old cartoons and appreciates the art.

But I can only reccomend anime that I've watched and I'd like us to watch new stuff together. We tried watching buddy daddies but I didn't really get hooked and I didn't get hooked on jujutsu kaisen. It wasn't that it was bad or anything I've just seen so many demon fighting animes now that I didn't find it as thrilling as him, whereas he found it earth shattering amazing because obviously its nothing like our western shows.

Are there any new-ish animes that you could recommend that remind you of clannad in some way? Also he only wants to watch subs and cannot stand dubs. Maybe something without loooooads of seasons as I like to binge watch!

We've also watched almost all of the studio Ghibli films (apart from boy and heron were waiting eagerly for it to come out to buy). We've also watched makoto shinkai films and are slowly making our way through his films as they are amazing.

We have crunchyroll, netflix, prime and disney+ and we're UK based


06:07 UTC


They're in full bloom!

I'm on a study abroad in Japan and finally get to see the Yokohama Nanohara, the sacred place. Absolutely beautiful.

00:40 UTC


Happy Furukawa Friday

1 Comment
13:34 UTC


Dribble... Shoot! [Clannad Episode 16]

13:47 UTC


Question about this bundle on steam

Will this include the manga and the artbook of Clannad, little busters game and dlcs, harmonica dlcs of plantarian HD, summer pockets support illustration collection and the rewrite+ game with the dlcs

02:45 UTC


"Nagisa, use Ahoge Whip!"

12:54 UTC


Anyone else get a little emotional even if it's been months after finishing?

It's been months since I finished the VN and loved the OST. Every now and then I decide to listen to The Palm of a Tiny Hand as well as other tracks and I immediately get hit with a wave of emotions.

I didn't cry when Nagisa died (maybe because it was obvious) but I did cry when Tomoya was talking about Nagisa to Ushio and all the memories started flashing on screen.

It was a sad but beautiful and heartwarming story. So glad I got to experience it.

06:45 UTC


Clannad question. My friend keeps judging me on my preferences in Anime, Manga and Games, all because I like Clannad. What should I do?

This is gonna be kind of a rant. Just warning everyone in advance. So this one friend told me they were watching One Piece. And they can not take anyones recommendations until they finish One Piece. I told them that Anime is too long. And nobody can finish it. Even the creator Echiro Oda said that he one day in the future, he wants an AI bot to continue his Anime for him, so it never has to end. So I recommended this friend to just start watching Clannad because they like some Romance Animes. They wanted to say how Clannad has a generic and ugly art style. And how One Piece has a beautiful and silly cartoony art style. I'm all like you must be blind. Judging an Anime based on art style alone. And she said to me Anime don't make me cry." I'm too tough to cry over Japanese shows. Or anything in general.

This so-called friend wanted to say how Nagisa Furukawa is ugly. And Urashima from One Piece is beautiful looking. I'm all like you're just blind. If you're gonna just judge a show based on art style alone, then you missed everything a show has to offer. It's like a good storyline that can get emotional at times. It's hard to talk about Anime with this one friend because she just judges based upon what she thinks makes the show generic or good. And she likes to call ugly animation beautiful. And beautiful animation generic.

Some people don't make any sense. And it seems like all they wanna watch is just mainstream Animes only. When I asked this person what other Animes they know and picked to watch, it just another mainstream Anime. She knows some non mainstream media based Animes but would rather watch a mainstream one. And then judge other Animes based upon what she thinks the Anime, Manga and games will be like.

I honestly can't stand people who judge something without trying it. And just assumes what the Anime will be like without even trying it first. I have a different friend who judges art style alone. And don't wanna watch something based upon that. Then he claims both art style and storyline have to be good, but the friend's actions don't match up to what he says. And then people like that end up missing out on good Animes. At least the guy friend likes a lot of different types of Animes, Clannad included. The female friend claims to be picky on her Anime choices. KyoAni, Kyoto Animation Studios Anime, Manga and Video Games.

P.S. I ended up losing a friend over this. She's basically this type of person. Before she blocked me on Facebook Messenger, and stopped talking to me in person, she told me she started watching Dragon Ball Z despite hating the art style, all because her boyfriend was sad over Akira Toriyama. I said back to her I thought you couldn't take any Anime recommendations because your binge watching One Piece. And wanna get caught up with it? She said to me, well my boyfriend comes first in my life. You're just Second at that. And you're Anime and game suggestions I might not like them. I might hate them. I'm just being realistic is all. I'm all like you can't judge someone's suggestions and recommendations without trying them first. She just wanted to argue with me. Whenever I mention Anime to this girl, it's always one big fight and argument with her. She eventually she blocked me on Facebook Messenger. And she stopped talking to me in person. The friendship didn't seem like it was gonna last anyways. I'd try to get along with her, but she always wanted to make fun of me, argue with me. And tell me how I'm wrong on my Anime preferences. Even when I'm not judging her for anything you know. This girl just wants to be rude towards me all the time. I can't stand when people like that way.


Only Watches Naruto, One Piece, Dragon Ball & other common anime shows

Likes anime because it's trendy

Will join the anime fandom for the sake of policing others in the community

Berates you for liking something they don't like

Thinks fanservice is sexist, and drawings equate to real-life issues.

05:40 UTC


Tomoyo Tuesday #301

21:45 UTC


Clannad 20th Anniversary Kyou!

15:19 UTC


Re-watching the anime & am confused about something (minor spoiler?)

In Clannad, why does Tomoya think Fuko’s last name is Isogai? I know that Fuko tells Nagisa’s parents that’s her last name because they don’t want them to know who she actually is & it’s the first last name she sees next to Nagisa’s house to use, but then when Tomoya is talking with Sunohara, he suddenly thinks her last name is Isugai & not Ibuki. Why is that? Is it cause he was already starting to forget who she was?

11:18 UTC

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