This is a subreddit for anything about your favorite celebrities. You can post pictures, videos, news articles, interviews, etc.
1. Mark all Not Safe For Work submissions NSFW.
Any post featuring nudity or anything considered risqué should be marked NSFW.
2. Celebrities posted here must be 18 or older
All image or videos must be a celebrity who was 18 or older at the time it was taken.
3. Don't flood the sub with submissions
Please do not make more than three submissions per 24 hours.
4. Do not excessively editorialize your post titles
Most often just saying the celebrities name is good enough. Don't add anything weird to your title.
5. Approved domains only
Images, videos and gifs must be hosted on either reddit, imgur or redgifs. If you are submitting news it must be from one of the websites we've listed here. This has been done to eliminate spam. If you think we should add any other image hosts or news sites please message modmail.
6. No fake pictures or videos allowed
Do not post deepfakes or A.I. generated images. You could be banned if you do this frequently.
7. Posts must be actual celebrities
All posts here must be an actual celebrity. We do not allow random pornstars, onlyfans girls or tiktok/Instagram "influencers". A basic guideline is that people posted here should at least have one of the following: a Wikipedia page, a thorough IMDB page or more than 10 million followers on a single social media platform to be considered a celebrity.
"Who is this?" posts may be removed if they're excessive or off topic.
Anyone know how much she weighed in this movie? She was 22 years old at the time.