Welcome to BFU, a DnD like RP subreddit. Create a character to engage in encounters. Shitposts are not tolerated and posts must be good quality. Overpowered or unbalanced characters will not be accepted.
This sub is for extending the universe of r/bossfight and any of the connected subs, and also for open ended posts involving RPG elements, roleplaying, and video game-centric ideas. Any posts that do not fit into r/bossfight can be posted here. This can include areas, boss specific lore, npc's, quests, ect.
Rule 1: All posts must contain an RPG element or be phrased in an RPG context or setting. This usually includes themes inspired by video games or classic role playing mediums, but feel free to be creative. Posts that do not fit the sub will be removed.
Rule 2: Please try to remain in focus while participating in role playing posts, in regards to the subject and presented lore. This is not a strict rule but an encouragement.
Rule 3: No personal attacks, harassment, or blatantly offensive posts or comments. This includes but is not limited to: racism, homophobia, transphobia. This is grounds for an immediate ban.
Rule 4: Posts deemed low quality or unfit for the subreddit will be removed.
See a submission or comment that breaks these rules? Hit that Report button and we'll look into it.
If your post is removed without a notification, you may message the moderators for clarification, but please check and see if your post violates one of the rules first.
Any user posting personal information (doxxing) will be immediately banned and reported to the admins as per reddit rules.
I have been trying to find who is it. But both are so tough to pick. I might need therapy after this Post.
Hello Everyone, here is my latest wrestling figure unboxing for anyone interested. Thank you for your consideration.
There are mostly echoes of an ancient time left here. It's full of old memories. And this place isn't even the oldest corpse around. Not for me.
There's also confused gravediggers around.
Take a look at the old stuff if you want. Sort around, type some random word. Nothing else to do here. r/bossfightuniversememe was also good.
It was a good time. Most have moved over to r/TheOakShack. And from reddit, they moved to discord. You can get the link by asking at the subreddit if you wanna join.
Here are some old Playlists and a video also.
A lot of untapped potential here. It has moved somewhere else. Just don't think I'll ever get it done. I'm alive now. And that's good. But I do still yearn for the draconic geese, the demonic Karens and the furries with guns.
Still working, never stopped working
Aden isnt the fastest or smartest but he makes up for that with pure raw strength and he doesn't use traditional weapons either he uses a log and sometimes even a whole tree making his reach in melee unbeatable him and his log are a force to reckon with on the battle field. He approaches you menacingly what do you do
This subreddits description says its an rping sub, so why are there only shitposts?
This man is strong until you get to his eyes
Race: robot Job: assassin Alliance: none Gender: unknown Created: 10 years before meeting Creator: unknown Other they are related to: not yet released Will attack when encountered but after defeating you may buy his services and can summon to help in fights.
He can stop time for 5 seconds at the least and can train it to get stronger with a max of half a minute. His bullets and allies can still move in time stop.
I'm a new (-ish) RP-er that wants to learn how RP stuff works in this subreddit! I've been into this sub a few years ago, and I don't remember much from then, and maybe stuff's changed since I left.
One day while walking around you notice a city in ruin and then you see a man laying down he waves at you.
One.day while walking a path you notice a house
I'm finding it a bit annoying no one has been participating or making Encounters and Quests. Like, seriously, it's been days.
You have found yourself in an underground prison like area, in what appears to be Minimum Security. Walking out of the opened cell door. You see Tier 1 "Standard Issue" Guards, better known as the Uniformers, dealing with a small prison Riot. Although this could shrink and fail within a few minutes, your significant presence could help people escape...
(As a quick note, I have gathered a group of friends to help RP with me. Said friends will act like NPC Bosses on each floor, and there are around 4-5 floors depending on your route you take. Good luck, and watch out for Warden Strelnikov.)
One day while walking around you see a town with a Singh it says
[0 days until the return
You walk in and see a huge dragon crushing parts of town yet people still calmly walk around.
You are imprisoned in a weird prison controlled by a warden who's resemblance closely looks as if she was animated. The Guards, armed in 5 tiers, patrol your cell as you wake up and begin your day. As you get out in the yard, you notice a Russian prisoner, appearing to be a medium danger class, fighting some of the "Uniformers", the term for Tier 1 officers. What do you decide to do?