A subreddit dedicated to Arc System Works crossover fighting game, BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle. Check here for all the latest news and discussions on the game!
Be civil and respect the other users. This means respecting opinions even if you may not agree with them, and refraining from any sort of "witch hunting" of other users.
Credit the authors of fanart that you post. Whether it be in the comments or through the post itself, just please make sure to link to the original creators of artwork when you can. We want to make sure they get the recognition they deserve!
Flair posts appropriately! We have a whole bunch of post flairs designed to make the subreddit easier to organize and navigate, so please assign your post a flair once you make it!
No Low Effort Wishlist Posts. Posts that are based around wishing for certain characters or stages to be in the game must elaborate on why the character/stage would be a good fit for BBTAG.
Alternatively, there's the General BBTAG Discord chat! This one's not tied to our subreddit, but we still recommend it if you wanna talk BBTAG!
Oh! And there's also the BBTAG Hashtags Server!
Event | Date/Time | Stream |
Events cancelled due to Covid-19 |
I was prepared to have Yang get KO'd to take out Yukiko, but I'll take the alternative.
It won't let me join
I don't need help but I am damn curious what made this happen
I been trying to find the hardest yosuke combos with high damage
I've looked through a number of docs that I've found through this subreddit as well as searching on my own and yet for a number of characters I just can't seem to find good matchup information.
Usually what happened was the host shuffle the bracket at least 3 times, follow by announcing the matches that will be on stream.
Everyone else would either A. Whisper or B. Contact their opponent in stream chat.
additionally players would close/pause stream before their matches start, so that they dont suck up bandwidth to cause problems during their matches.
Once their match was over, one of the players would enter the results on the website being used.
The most the host had to do was announced the matches being streamed and commentating if he/she doesn't have commentators.
I said all that to say this, you dont have to DQ someone for not wanting to join your discord server from a tournament.
Im sure all of you would bend the knee if punk, sonicfox or even Maximilian want to join the tour but not the discord because its a chance to gain views, followers and subscribers.
I understand most of you are looking to build a solid community but giving players an ultimatum like that isnt the way.
Building Communities requires A good personality (or being good at wearing mask), decent communication skills and an inviting environment. without those whats stopping the person from joining and leaving immediately after?
I wanna become a nu 13 main since her playstyle is one i really enjoy but can't find good info on who to pair her with, i don't really care for synergy much but if i ever play ranked matches then it kinda matters so any tips would be nice
It's not, send help 👹
I have peaked as akatsuki
I’ve been playing tag for a bit, my mains are Akatsuki and Adachi, and I want some tips for a couple extra characters like Yosuke, Heart, Ruby, Kanji, and Tager (and because I’m bored, why not add the FUCKIN TONK)
I’ve been playing tag for a bit, my mains are Akatsuki and Adachi, and I want some tips for a couple extra characters like Yosuke, Heart, Ruby, Kanji, and Tager (and because I’m bored, why not add the FUCKIN TONK)
Is anyone else's xbox series crashing when they activating Akatsuki's Asteal Heat? It happens everytime with me
I'm actually getting rather consistent with this