A little anime sub for big anime tiddies. High quality images of anime girls sporting Japan's gift to the world.
1. Posts must be about anime tiddies.
2. The tiddies must be big.
3. Posts must follow the NSFW policy and be no lewder than broadcast ecchi.
4. Posts must be of high quality, artistically and technically.
Images must be at least 480p (854 x 480) and animations 360p (640 x 360) in resolution.
Posts with heavy, visible compression or third-party watermarks (iFunny, JoyReactor, etc.) may be removed.
5. Posts must be sourced.
Official art requires at least the series and major character’s names.
Fan art requires at least the series, characters, and either the artist’s name or source link.
Original art requires either the artist’s name or source link.
If you and SauceNao can't source it, write Source Request somewhere in your post.
6. Host content on Catbox.moe, Redd.it, or other reputable hosts with direct links.
7. Limit yourself to a maximum of 3 posts an hour and 10 per 24 hour period.
8. Reposts within 4 months of their last posting will be removed.
9. Endorsement or promotion of disgusting flat chests (DFCs) is punishable by immediate ban.
10. Stay classy.
11. Crosspost Rule - Crossposting is welcome in our community, but we ask that members contribute to our subreddit before crossposting content from other subreddits. We encourage active participation and engagement with our community to ensure that crossposts are made with the intent of enriching the discussions here.
Please be aware that if you're posting here solely for the purpose of spamming or promoting your own subreddits, they may be subject to being blacklisted.
If you wish to have your subreddits included in the approved list, kindly contact our moderators. Your cooperation ensures a positive experience for all users by preventing spam and excessive self-promotion. We appreciate your understanding and support in maintaining the quality of our community.
12. No AI-generated Art